38 research outputs found

    Planning effects on wetland vegetation (Spermatophyta) from Tetouan littoral (NW of Morocco)

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    Les remaniements des zones humides méditerranéennes, dus principalement à l’assèchement et à la pollution, menacent, entre autres, la diversité de la flore vasculaire hygrophile autochtone. La rupture de l’équilibre “ oued/mer ” ainsi que l’évacuation des déchets liquides et solides sans traitement représentent les principaux facteurs affectant la végétation hygrophile du littoral tétouanais (Tétouan, Nord-ouest du Maroc). Durant les années 1994-1997, des prospections de 20 stations le long de cette zone côtière nous ont permis d’identifier 121 espèces hygrophiles de Spermatophyta. L’impact du remaniement des zones humides sur la végétation hygrophile est évaluée en fonction des facteurs écologiques principales : submersion, salinité et pollution domestique. D’autres aspects de successions spatio-temporelles de la végétation hygrophile locale ont été commentés. Bien que la diversité des conditions écologiques des zones humides étudiées franchisse les 60 %, plusieurs espèces sont qualifiées d’assez rares ; d’autres sont en forte régression. Les divers remaniements des zones humides mis en évidence dans cette étude défavoriseraient à moyen ou long terme leurs rôles écologiques et socioéconomiques.Changes of Mediterranean wetlands, due mainly to draining and pollution, endanger the diversity of indigenous wetland flora. The littoral of the NW of Morocco is considered among the zones the most targeted by urbanisation and tourism planning. Rupture of river/sea balance and waste and wastewater evacuation represent the principal factors affecting wetland plant communities in the Tétouan littoral (NW of Morocco). During the 1994-1997 period, a study of 20 sites along this coastal zone allowed us to identify 121 wetland species of Spermatophyta, including 92 species inventoried in the lagoon-swamp complex of Smir-M’Diq. Gramineae, Cyperaceae, Polygonaceae, Compositae, Ranunculaceae, Juncaceae and Salicaceae are the most represented families. Wetland plant communities characterise particularly swamps and river mouths, while the riparian units are generally reduced to scraps or stalks insulated along the river beds. Assessment of effects of wetland changes on wetland Spermatophyta underlines the backwaters invasion by Ruppia maritima, Potamogeton nodosus and P. pectinatus. Arthrocnemum meadow replaces the Scirpus-Juncus beds, and the upstream Tamarix units are decaying because of soilsalinity increase. Sites receiving wastewater are occupied by Sparganium community to the detriment of Scirpus one. Other aspects of space-time successions of wetland plant communities are also discussed. Although the diversity of the wetlands studied attains 60 % of the ecological conditions, several species like Eryngium corniculatum, Iris pseudacorus, Juncus articulatus, J. subulatus, Carex trinervis, Cyperus laevigatus and Triglochin bulbosa become rarefied. Riparian species like Vitex agnus-castus and Fraxinus angustifolia regress strongly. The various wetland changes highlighted in this study would disadvantage the ecological and socio-economic roles of local wetlands: eco systemic diversity, paleobotanical interest, use values, etc

    Flore ("Pteridophyta" et "Spermatophyta") des zones humides du Maroc Méditérranéen: Inventaire et écologie

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    Despite the interest that one wears increasingly to wetlands through the world, few studies have been devoted to Moroccan wetland flora. After having prospected 45 sites, we have evaluated the specific diversity of wetland flora from 70 floristic inventories. Among 389 recognised species in this study, 175 are wetland species. Rare species or newly quoted have been underlined. On the other hand, the observed plant groupings have been classified according to the physiognomy and the specific composition. A particular attention has been devoted to the discussion of the main ecological factors affecting wetland plant groupings namely : the submersion, the salinity, the domestic organic loading, the local climate and the anthropic perturbations. Thereby, we have ranked dominant species in some ecological groups.Malgré l'intéret qu' on porte de plus en plus aux zones humides á travers le monde, peu d' etudes ont été consacrées á la flore hygrophile marocaine. Aprés avoir prospecté 45 stations, on a évalué la diversité spécifique des hygrophytes du Maroc méditerranéen á partir de 70 relevés floristiques. Sur les 389 espéces reconnues dans cette etude, 175 especes sont caractéristiques des zones humides. Les espéces rares ou nouvellement citées ont été soulignées. D'autre part, les phytocenoses observées ant été classées en fonction de la physionomie et de la composition spécifique. Une attention particuliere a été consacrée á la discussion des principaux facteurs écologiques influant sur les groupements hygrophiles á savoir : la submersion, la salinité, la charge organique domestique, le mésoclimat et les travaux d'aménagement. Ainsi, on a pu regrouper les espéces dominantes en classes écologiques

    NPK-contents of macrophytes from the Mediterranean Morocco

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    Cette étude présente une évaluation des teneurs en NPK (azote, phosphore et potassium) des principaux macrophytes. Lemna gibba, les feuilles de Salix purpurea et les parties reproductives de Tamarix africana présentent une teneur en azote élevée. Tandis que Lemna gibba, les parties souterraines de Sparganium erectum et les parties reproductives de Vitex agnus-castus ont une teneur élevée en phosphore.This work presents an assessment of NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) -contents of the main macrophytes from the Mediterranean Morocco. Lemna gibba,leaves of Salix purpurea and reproductive parts of Tamarix africana present a high nitrogen content; while Lemna gibba, underground parts of Sparganium erectum and reproductive parts of Vitex agnus-castus have a high phosphorus one

    Melliferous Flora And Apiculture In The Pre-Rif Of The Province Of Taza (North Of Morocco)

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    Para cuantificar los valores de diversidad de plantas en el Pre- Rif de la provincia de Taza (Norte de Marruecos), como un enfoque económico del medio ambiente, investigaciones y encuestas de campo han subrayado valores de la flora melífera local para la apicultura. La flora melífera, cuya población saca beneficio, se compone principalmente de 28 especies y interesa también a los apicultores itinerantes. Se estimó un promedio de 12,1±10,8 apicultores por asentamiento rural o “douar”, de los cuales 66,3% son itinerantes y el 33,7% son sedentarios, y un promedio de 36,3±30,4 colmenas por apicultor. Por otra parte, varios tipos de mieles se producen  ocalmente y se consume ampliamente como un alimento saludable. La producción de miel en la colmena depende de la especie forrajera: baja para Origanum spp., Thymus spp. y Arbutus unedo, y alta para Anthyllis cytisoides, Rosmarinus officinalis,AbstractTo quantify the plant diversity values in the Pre-Rif of the province of Taza (North of Morocco), as an environmental economic approach, investigations and field surveys have highlighted values of the local melliferous flora for apiculture. Honey flora, whose population pulls profit, consists mainly of 28 species and interests also itinerant beekeepers. We estimated an average of 12.1±10.8 beekeepers by rural settlement or “douar”, of which 66.3% are itinerant and 33.7% are sedentary, and an average of 36.3±30.4 hives by apiarist. Moreover, several types of honeys are produced locally and consumed extensively as a health food. The hive yield in honey is depending on the foraged species: low for Origanum spp., Thymus spp. and Arbutus unedo, and high for Anthyllis cytisoides, Rosmarinus officinalis, Ceratonia siliqua and Ziziphus lotus. The direct benefits of honey flora are assessed to 14,859 MAD.beekeeper-1.year-1.Para cuantificar los valores de diversidad de plantas en el Pre- Rif de la provincia de Taza (Norte de Marruecos), como un enfoque económico del medio ambiente, investigaciones y encuestas de campo han subrayado valores de la flora melífera local para la apicultura. La flora melífera, cuya población saca beneficio, se compone principalmente de 28 especies y interesa también a los apicultores itinerantes. Se estimó un promedio de 12,1±10,8 apicultores por asentamiento rural o “douar”, de los cuales 66,3% son itinerantes y el 33,7% son sedentarios, y un promedio de 36,3±30,4 colmenas por apicultor. Por otra parte, varios tipos de mieles se producen  ocalmente y se consume ampliamente como un alimento saludable. La producción de miel en la colmena depende de la especie forrajera: baja para Origanum spp., Thymus spp. y Arbutus unedo, y alta para Anthyllis cytisoides, Rosmarinus officinalis,AbstractTo quantify the plant diversity values in the Pre-Rif of the province of Taza (North of Morocco), as an environmental economic approach, investigations and field surveys have highlighted values of the local melliferous flora for apiculture. Honey flora, whose population pulls profit, consists mainly of 28 species and interests also itinerant beekeepers. We estimated an average of 12.1±10.8 beekeepers by rural settlement or “douar”, of which 66.3% are itinerant and 33.7% are sedentary, and an average of 36.3±30.4 hives by apiarist. Moreover, several types of honeys are produced locally and consumed extensively as a health food. The hive yield in honey is depending on the foraged species: low for Origanum spp., Thymus spp. and Arbutus unedo, and high for Anthyllis cytisoides, Rosmarinus officinalis, Ceratonia siliqua and Ziziphus lotus. The direct benefits of honey flora are assessed to 14,859 MAD.beekeeper-1.year-1

    Changes Evaluation of Reserve Substances and Degradation Enzymes after Exposure of Tomato Plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) to Alpha - Cypermethrin, Chlorpyriphos and Pyrimicarb

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    Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is one of the most important vegetables, whose production and consumption increased quite rapidly. The impact of three xenobiotics such as alpha-cypermethrin, chlorpyriphos and pyrimicarb on reserve substances (proteins, starch and lipids) and degradation enzymes (protease and alpha-amylase) was investigated. The effect of the insecticides was observed by using four dilutions of the normal concentration used in agriculture (100%, 75%, 50% and 25%) for germinating seeds, and only the recommended concentration in agriculture for growing plants. The results suggest that the tested insecticides induced an accumulation of proteins in both treated seeds, and treated plants leaves and roots. Moreover, the protease activity was reduced in treated seeds and plants. Also a great accumulation of starch in presence of the insecticides was registered in treated seeds, and leafs and roots of treated plants, whereas this accumulation is accompanied with an inhibition of alpha-amylase activity. Concerning lipids, a significant increase was observed in treated samples compared to the control ones

    Insecticidal activity of four medicinal plant extracts against Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)

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    Methanol extracts from four medicinal plants, Peganum harmala (Zygophyllaceae), Ajuga iva (Labiateae), Aristolochia baetica (Aristolochiaceae) and Raphanus raphanistrum (Brassicaceae) werestudied for their insecticidal effects on the stored grain pest Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). Response varied with plant species. Larvae growth was significantly inhibited when they were fed with extracts incorporated into the diet. Good insecticidal activity against T. castaneum larvae and adults wasachieved with extract of P. harmala seeds, followed by extract of A. iva, Ari. baetica and R. raphanistrum aerial parts. The extracts of the four plants disrupted the developmental cycle of the insect. Extracts of P. harmala, A. iva and Ari. baetica inhibited F1 progeny production. These naturally occurring plant extracts could be useful for managing populations of T. castaneu

    Socioeconomic interest and valorization of medicinal plants from the Rissani oasis (SE of Morocco).

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    La supervivencia y sustentabilidad de la humanidad depende en gran medida de las plantas. Estas satisfacen directamente el 87% de sus necesidades alimenticias y constituyen, en países en desarrollo, una fuente para el cuidado de salud. Basados en estudios y observaciones de campo realizadas en el oasis de Rissani (SE de Marruecos), hemos identificado las 109 especies de plantas más utilizadas que pertenecen a 45 familias y 102 géneros. La distribución por familia es: Lamiaceae (15.2%), Asteraceae (11.5%), Fabaceae (8.46%), Proaceae (8.12%) y Apiaceae (6.75%). Las especies utilizadas en medicina tradicional corresponden al 57.8%, en alimentación 28.5% y para usos múltiples 28.4%. De estas especies el 10.1% son cultivadas, naturalizadas, introducidas y/o corresponden a malezas. Subproductos del 48.8% de estas especies son importados de otras regiones de Marrueco para su comercialización. Muchas de las especies medicinales no son reconocidas por los habitantes del oasis y es necesario sensibilizarlos en relación a su utilización y conservación.The survival and sustenance of man depends largely on plants which generate directly 87% of its food needs and constitute a source of basic health care in developing countries. Based on socio-economic surveys and field observations led in the Rissani oasis (SE of Morocco), we have identified 109 species belonging to 45 botanical families and 102 genera. The distribution in families is: Lamiaceae (15.2%), Asteraceae (11.5%), Fabaceae (8.46 %), Poaceae (8.12%) and Apiaceae (6.75%). The species used in traditional medicine correspond to 57.8%, for food 10.1% and for other uses 28.4%. Of these species, 10.1% are cultivated, naturalized, introduced and/or weeds. Byproducts of 46.8% of these species are imported from other regions of Morocco and locally marketed. Many medicinal species from this area are not recognized by the inhabitants, and their sensitization towards the use and conservation of local plant diversity is needed