54 research outputs found

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    Wild-Type Drosophila melanogaster as a Model Host to Analyze Nitrogen Source Dependent Virulence of Candida albicans

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    The fungal pathogen Candida albicans is a common cause of opportunistic infections in humans. We report that wild-type Drosophila melanogaster (OrR) flies are susceptible to virulent C. albicans infections and have established experimental conditions that enable OrR flies to serve as model hosts for studying C. albicans virulence. After injection into the thorax, wild-type C. albicans cells disseminate and invade tissues throughout the fly, leading to lethality. Similar to results obtained monitoring systemic infections in mice, well-characterized cph1Δ efg1Δ and csh3Δ fungal mutants exhibit attenuated virulence in flies. Using the OrR fly host model, we assessed the virulence of C. albicans strains individually lacking functional components of the SPS sensing pathway. In response to extracellular amino acids, the plasma membrane localized SPS-sensor (Ssy1, Ptr3, and Ssy5) activates two transcription factors (Stp1 and Stp2) to differentially control two distinct modes of nitrogen acquisition (host protein catabolism and amino acid uptake, respectively). Our results indicate that a functional SPS-sensor and Stp1 controlled genes required for host protein catabolism and utilization, including the major secreted aspartyl protease SAP2, are required to establish virulent infections. By contrast, Stp2, which activates genes required for amino acid uptake, is dispensable for virulence. These results indicate that nutrient availability within infected hosts directly influences C. albicans virulence

    The Oct1 homolog Nubbin is a repressor of NF-ÎșB-dependent immune gene expression that increases the tolerance to gut microbiota

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    Background: Innate immune responses are evolutionarily conserved processes that provide crucial protection against invading organisms. Gene activation by potent NF-ÎșB transcription factors is essential both in mammals and Drosophila during infection and stress challenges. If not strictly controlled, this potent defense system can activate autoimmune and inflammatory stress reactions, with deleterious consequences for the organism. Negative regulation to prevent gene activation in healthy organisms, in the presence of the commensal gut flora, is however not well understood. Results: We show that the Drosophila homolog of mammalian Oct1/POU2F1 transcription factor, called Nubbin (Nub), is a repressor of NF-ÎșB/Relish-driven antimicrobial peptide gene expression in flies. In nub mutants, which lack Nub-PD protein, excessive expression of antimicrobial peptide genes occurs in the absence of infection, leading to a significant reduction of the numbers of cultivatable gut commensal bacteria. This aberrant immune gene expression was effectively blocked by expression of Nub from a transgene. We have identified an upstream regulatory region, containing a cluster of octamer sites, which is required for repression of antimicrobial peptide gene expression in healthy flies. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that Nub binds to octamer-containing promoter fragments of several immune genes. Gene expression profiling revealed that Drosophila Nub negatively regulates many genes that are involved in immune and stress responses, while it is a positive regulator of genes involved in differentiation and metabolism. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that a large number of genes that are activated by NF-ÎșB/Relish in response to infection are normally repressed by the evolutionarily conserved Oct/POU transcription factor Nub. This prevents uncontrolled gene activation and supports the existence of a normal gut flora. We suggest that Nub protein plays an ancient role, shared with mammalian Oct/POU transcription factors, to moderate responses to immune challenge, thereby increasing the tolerance to biotic stress

    Influence of Ocean Acidification on a Natural Winter-to-Summer Plankton Succession : First Insights from a Long-Term Mesocosm Study Draw Attention to Periods of Low Nutrient Concentrations

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    Every year, the oceans absorb about 30% of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) leading to a re-equilibration of the marine carbonate system and decreasing seawater pH. Today, there is increasing awareness that these changes-summarized by the term ocean acidification (OA)-could differentially affect the competitive ability of marine organisms, thereby provoking a restructuring of marine ecosystems and biogeochemical element cycles. In winter 2013, we deployed ten pelagic mesocosms in the Gullmar Fjord at the Swedish west coast in order to study the effect of OA on plankton ecology and biogeochemistry under close to natural conditions. Five of the ten mesocosms were left unperturbed and served as controls (similar to 380 mu atm pCO(2)), whereas the others were enriched with CO2-saturated water to simulate realistic end-of-the-century carbonate chemistry conditions (mu 760 mu atm pCO(2)). We ran the experiment for 113 days which allowed us to study the influence of high CO2 on an entire winter-to-summer plankton succession and to investigate the potential of some plankton organisms for evolutionary adaptation to OA in their natural environment. This paper is the first in a PLOS collection and provides a detailed overview on the experimental design, important events, and the key complexities of such a "long-term mesocosm" approach. Furthermore, we analyzed whether simulated end-of-the-century carbonate chemistry conditions could lead to a significant restructuring of the plankton community in the course of the succession. At the level of detail analyzed in this overview paper we found that CO2-induced differences in plankton community composition were non-detectable during most of the succession except for a period where a phytoplankton bloom was fueled by remineralized nutrients. These results indicate: (1) Long-term studies with pelagic ecosystems are necessary to uncover OA-sensitive stages of succession. (2) Plankton communities fueled by regenerated nutrients may be more responsive to changing carbonate chemistry than those having access to high inorganic nutrient concentrations and may deserve particular attention in future studies.Peer reviewe

    Intersection of phosphate transport, oxidative stress and TOR signalling in Candida albicans virulence

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    Phosphate is an essential macronutrient required for cell growth and division. Pho84 is the major high-affinity cell-surface phosphate importer of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and a crucial element in the phosphate homeostatic system of this model yeast. We found that loss of Candida albicans Pho84 attenuated virulence in Drosophila and murine oropharyngeal and disseminated models of invasive infection, and conferred hypersensitivity to neutrophil killing. Susceptibility of cells lacking Pho84 to neutrophil attack depended on reactive oxygen species (ROS): pho84-/- cells were no more susceptible than wild type C. albicans to neutrophils from a patient with chronic granulomatous disease, or to those whose oxidative burst was pharmacologically inhibited or neutralized. pho84-/- mutants hyperactivated oxidative stress signalling. They accumulated intracellular ROS in the absence of extrinsic oxidative stress, in high as well as low ambient phosphate conditions. ROS accumulation correlated with diminished levels of the unique superoxide dismutase Sod3 in pho84-/- cells, while SOD3 overexpression from a conditional promoter substantially restored these cells’ oxidative stress resistance in vitro. Repression of SOD3 expression sharply increased their oxidative stress hypersensitivity. Neither of these oxidative stress management effects of manipulating SOD3 transcription was observed in PHO84 wild type cells. Sod3 levels were not the only factor driving oxidative stress effects on pho84-/- cells, though, because overexpressing SOD3 did not ameliorate these cells’ hypersensitivity to neutrophil killing ex vivo, indicating Pho84 has further roles in oxidative stress resistance and virulence. Measurement of cellular metal concentrations demonstrated that diminished Sod3 expression was not due to decreased import of its metal cofactor manganese, as predicted from the function of S. cerevisiae Pho84 as a low-affinity manganese transporter. Instead of a role of Pho84 in metal transport, we found its role in TORC1 activation to impact oxidative stress management: overexpression of the TORC1-activating GTPase Gtr1 relieved the Sod3 deficit and ROS excess in pho84-/- null mutant cells, though it did not suppress their hypersensitivity to neutrophil killing or hyphal growth defect. Pharmacologic inhibition of Pho84 by small molecules including the FDA-approved drug foscarnet also induced ROS accumulation. Inhibiting Pho84 could hence support host defenses by sensitizing C. albicans to oxidative stress

    Flexibel assistent sökes : En sociologisk studie av sprÄket i platsannonser dÀr man söker efter personliga assistenter

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    Personlig assistans Àr ett nytt yrke. Lagen om stöd och service för vissa funktionshindrade (LSS) instiftades 1994. Tidigare bodde personer som var i behov av personlig assistans antingen pÄ institution eller i förÀldrahemmet. Meningen med den nya lagen var att ge dessa mÀnniskor ett sjÀligt liv och en möjlighet att kunna leva ett sÄ vanligt liv som möjligt. Denna uppsats handlar om sprÄket i platsannonser dÀr man söker efter personliga assistenter. Uppsatsen behandlar vilka ord som anvÀnds i beskrivningen av brukaren och assistenten sam hur relationen mellan brukare och assistent ser ut i annonserna.  Materialet Àr hÀmtat frÄn 13 platsannonser som fanns publicerade pÄ arbetsförmedlingens hemsida under oktober mÄnad 2011. Uppsatsen speglar Àven utgÄngspunkten som innebÀr att personlig assistans Àr en rÀttighet. InnehÄllet i annonserna Àr tolkat utifrÄn Ervin Goffmans begrepp frÀmre och bakre region samt Michel Foucaults relationella maktbegrepp. I uppsatsen innebÀr det att fokuset frÀmst har varit kring den bakre regionen dÄ en stor del av arbetet för en personlig assistent berör aktiviteter som placeras i den bakre regionen.  Slutsatsen i uppsatsen Àr att förstÄ brukarens roll i annonserna sÄ mÄste man förstÄ assistentens roll. Brukare och assistent Àr intimt förknippade i annonserna. Brukarens hjÀlpbehov beskrivs utifrÄn assistentens egenskaper. Det innebÀr att det Àr genom att lÀsa och förstÄ egenskaperna hos den tilltÀnkte assistenten sÄ fÄr man en bild av brukarens behov och personlighet. En annan slutsats Àr att platsannonsens syfte Àr att sÀlja brukaren som en trevlig arbetsgivare till den arbetssökande. DÀrför Àr bolagen noga med att framhÀva de positiva sidorna hos brukaren sÄ att den skall framstÄ som en attraktiv arbetsgivare. Med denna uppsats Àmnar jag att fördjupa kunskapen kring hur personlig assistans presenteras i platsannonser samt att analysera utformningen och innehÄllet i annonserna.

    Flexibel assistent sökes : En sociologisk studie av sprÄket i platsannonser dÀr man söker efter personliga assistenter

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    Personlig assistans Àr ett nytt yrke. Lagen om stöd och service för vissa funktionshindrade (LSS) instiftades 1994. Tidigare bodde personer som var i behov av personlig assistans antingen pÄ institution eller i förÀldrahemmet. Meningen med den nya lagen var att ge dessa mÀnniskor ett sjÀligt liv och en möjlighet att kunna leva ett sÄ vanligt liv som möjligt. Denna uppsats handlar om sprÄket i platsannonser dÀr man söker efter personliga assistenter. Uppsatsen behandlar vilka ord som anvÀnds i beskrivningen av brukaren och assistenten sam hur relationen mellan brukare och assistent ser ut i annonserna.  Materialet Àr hÀmtat frÄn 13 platsannonser som fanns publicerade pÄ arbetsförmedlingens hemsida under oktober mÄnad 2011. Uppsatsen speglar Àven utgÄngspunkten som innebÀr att personlig assistans Àr en rÀttighet. InnehÄllet i annonserna Àr tolkat utifrÄn Ervin Goffmans begrepp frÀmre och bakre region samt Michel Foucaults relationella maktbegrepp. I uppsatsen innebÀr det att fokuset frÀmst har varit kring den bakre regionen dÄ en stor del av arbetet för en personlig assistent berör aktiviteter som placeras i den bakre regionen.  Slutsatsen i uppsatsen Àr att förstÄ brukarens roll i annonserna sÄ mÄste man förstÄ assistentens roll. Brukare och assistent Àr intimt förknippade i annonserna. Brukarens hjÀlpbehov beskrivs utifrÄn assistentens egenskaper. Det innebÀr att det Àr genom att lÀsa och förstÄ egenskaperna hos den tilltÀnkte assistenten sÄ fÄr man en bild av brukarens behov och personlighet. En annan slutsats Àr att platsannonsens syfte Àr att sÀlja brukaren som en trevlig arbetsgivare till den arbetssökande. DÀrför Àr bolagen noga med att framhÀva de positiva sidorna hos brukaren sÄ att den skall framstÄ som en attraktiv arbetsgivare. Med denna uppsats Àmnar jag att fördjupa kunskapen kring hur personlig assistans presenteras i platsannonser samt att analysera utformningen och innehÄllet i annonserna.

    Flexibel assistent sökes : En sociologisk studie av sprÄket i platsannonser dÀr man söker efter personliga assistenter

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    Personlig assistans Àr ett nytt yrke. Lagen om stöd och service för vissa funktionshindrade (LSS) instiftades 1994. Tidigare bodde personer som var i behov av personlig assistans antingen pÄ institution eller i förÀldrahemmet. Meningen med den nya lagen var att ge dessa mÀnniskor ett sjÀligt liv och en möjlighet att kunna leva ett sÄ vanligt liv som möjligt. Denna uppsats handlar om sprÄket i platsannonser dÀr man söker efter personliga assistenter. Uppsatsen behandlar vilka ord som anvÀnds i beskrivningen av brukaren och assistenten sam hur relationen mellan brukare och assistent ser ut i annonserna.  Materialet Àr hÀmtat frÄn 13 platsannonser som fanns publicerade pÄ arbetsförmedlingens hemsida under oktober mÄnad 2011. Uppsatsen speglar Àven utgÄngspunkten som innebÀr att personlig assistans Àr en rÀttighet. InnehÄllet i annonserna Àr tolkat utifrÄn Ervin Goffmans begrepp frÀmre och bakre region samt Michel Foucaults relationella maktbegrepp. I uppsatsen innebÀr det att fokuset frÀmst har varit kring den bakre regionen dÄ en stor del av arbetet för en personlig assistent berör aktiviteter som placeras i den bakre regionen.  Slutsatsen i uppsatsen Àr att förstÄ brukarens roll i annonserna sÄ mÄste man förstÄ assistentens roll. Brukare och assistent Àr intimt förknippade i annonserna. Brukarens hjÀlpbehov beskrivs utifrÄn assistentens egenskaper. Det innebÀr att det Àr genom att lÀsa och förstÄ egenskaperna hos den tilltÀnkte assistenten sÄ fÄr man en bild av brukarens behov och personlighet. En annan slutsats Àr att platsannonsens syfte Àr att sÀlja brukaren som en trevlig arbetsgivare till den arbetssökande. DÀrför Àr bolagen noga med att framhÀva de positiva sidorna hos brukaren sÄ att den skall framstÄ som en attraktiv arbetsgivare. Med denna uppsats Àmnar jag att fördjupa kunskapen kring hur personlig assistans presenteras i platsannonser samt att analysera utformningen och innehÄllet i annonserna.

    Modern methods of construction : a solution for an industry characterised by uncertainty?

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    Modern methods of construction (MMC) are suggested to deal more effectively with uncertainties that construction commonly presents to clients and contractors, i.e. uncertainties inherent in traditional construction regarding e.g. time, defects, safety, environmental impact, costs, profits and lifecycle performance. But do MMC really reduce these uncertainties? Furthermore, MMC change stakeholders’ frames of references and they also carry their own inherent uncertainties from the previous century, e.g. poor quality and social exclusion. Perhaps MMC introduce more uncertainty than they reduce? These questions are addressed in this review that covers current research from the leading construction management journals as well as institutional reports from Sweden and UK. Uncertainties inherent in traditional construction are put in relation to the attributes offered by MMC, and the attributes are discussed with respect to their ability to reduce uncertainty, for clients and contractors respectively. Conclusions from the review are that the industrialized construction process, when fully implemented, does contribute to uncertainty reduction through its predictability regarding time schedules, costs, and improved working conditions. On the other hand, this implies standardized processes which also lead to a greater need for standardized components, early decision of the final design and a non-transparent production process that is hard to monitor for the client. These attributes of MMC challenge roles, responsibilities and put new demands on different stakeholders of the construction process, which contribute to uncertainty for both client and contractor.GodkĂ€nd; 2010; 20110505 (susanne)</p

    Functional Characterization of a Novel Promoter Element Required for an Innate Immune Response in Drosophila

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    Innate immune reactions are crucial processes of metazoans to protect the organism against overgrowth of faster replicating microorganisms. Drosophila melanogaster is a precious model for genetic and molecular studies of the innate immune system. In response to infection, the concerted action of a battery of antimicrobial peptides ensures efficient killing of the microbes. The induced gene expression relies on translocation of the Drosophila Rel transcription factors Relish, Dif, and Dorsal to the nucleus where they bind to ÎșB-like motifs in the promoters of the inducible genes. We have identified another putative promoter element, called region 1 (R1), in a number of antimicrobial peptide genes. Site-directed mutagenesis of the R1 site diminished Cecropin A1 (CecA1) expression in transgenic Drosophila larvae and flies. Infection of flies induced a nuclear R1-binding activity that was unrelated to the ÎșB-binding activity in the same extracts. Although the R1 motif was required for Rel protein-mediated CecA1 expression in cotransfection experiments, our data argue against it being a direct target for the Drosophila Rel proteins. We propose that the R1 and ÎșB motifs are targets for distinct regulatory complexes that act in concert to promote high levels of antimicrobial peptide gene expression in response to infection
