167 research outputs found

    A Confederação Nacional da Indústria e sua agenda legislativa : um estudo dos agentes políticos e de suas proposições.

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Paulo Roberto Neves CostaDissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Humanas, Letras e Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Ciência Política, Departamento de Ciências Sociais. Defesa: Curitiba, 20/02/2011Bibliografia: fls. 94-97Resumo: O que buscamos e problematizar, principalmente, tres questoes: a representacao concreta de interesses empresariais frente ao Estado, a acao coordenada do empresariado e a homogeneidade de preferencias. Sobre a primeira questao, o primeiro passo e entender a acao politica empresarial, apos temos que avaliar a questao da representacao, ou seja, analisar qual e a acao de determinados atores dentro da arena decisoria. A partir de 1988 se observou um grande deslocamento da acao de grupos de pressao, do meio empresarial, do Poder Executivo para o Poder Legislativo, justamente pela pluralidade de pessoas politicas, facilitando o contato entre grupos externos e o poder publico. Com essa mudanca de foco da acao empresarial, consideramos que a melhor abordagem para testar a representacao do empresariado frente ao Estado, e a de analisar a Camara dos Deputados e seus atores politicos. Nao podemos de saida aceitar a afirmacao corrente de que grupos de individuos com interesses comuns tenderiam, usualmente, a promover tais interesses, principalmente se fossem economicos. Para obter informacoes mensuraveis sobre a acao decisoria, procuramos analisar a \Agenda legislativa da industria. (ALI), documento anual elaborado pela Confederacao Nacional da Industria (CNI). Nossos achados demonstram que nao ha uma acao coordenada em prol dos interesses empresarias, pois estes muitas vezes sao fragmentados, entretanto ha determinados atributos comuns entre o grupo de representante desses interesses, nao chegando a se estabelecer uma elite dirigente empresarial, mas indicando determinadas trajetorias sociais comuns.Abstract: What we seek is to discuss mainly three issues: a concrete representation of business interests against the state, coordinated actions of business and the homogeneity of preferences. On the first issue, the first step is to understand the corporate political action, after which we assess the issue of representation, that is, analyze what is the action of certain actors within the decision-making arena. Since 1988 there has been a big shift from the action of pressure groups, the business of the Executive to the Legislature, just by the plurality of political persons, facilitating contact between outside groups and the government. With this shift in focus of the business, we believe that the best approach to test the representation of entrepreneurs from the state, is to analyze the Chamber of Deputies and its political actors. No output can accept the current affirmation that groups of individuals with common interests tend usually to promote these interests, especially if they were cheap. For information on the measurable action decisions, we examine "the legislative agenda of the industry" (ALI), an annual document prepared by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI). Our findings demonstrate that there is a coordinated action in support of business interests, as these are often fragmented, however there are certain commonalities among the group representing those interests, and did not establish a corporate elite, but by identifying certain social trajectories common


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    Self-similarity in a General Aggregation-Fragmentation Problem ; Application to Fitness Analysis

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    We consider the linear growth and fragmentation equation with general coefficients. Under suitable conditions, the first eigenvalue represents the asymptotic growth rate of solutions, also called \emph{fitness} or \emph{Malthus coefficient} in population dynamics ; it is of crucial importance to understand the long-time behaviour of the population. We investigate the dependency of the dominant eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector on the transport and fragmentation coefficients. We show how it behaves asymptotically as transport dominates fragmentation or \emph{vice versa}. For this purpose we perform suitable blow-up analysis of the eigenvalue problem in the limit of small/large growth coefficient (resp. fragmentation coefficient). We exhibit possible non-monotonic dependency on the parameters, conversely to what would have been conjectured on the basis of some simple cases

    Apresentação do Dossiê “Elites e Instituições”

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    Ozone gas as a benign sterilization treatment for PLGA nanofibre scaffolds

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    The use of electrospun nanofibres for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications is a growing trend as they provide improved support for cell proliferation and survival due, in part, to their morphology mimicking that of the extracellular matrix. Sterilization is a critical step in the fabrication process of implantable biomaterial scaffolds for clinical use, but many of the existing methods employed to date can negatively affect scaffold properties and performance. Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) has been widely used as a biodegradable polymer for 3D scaffolds, and can be significantly affected by current sterilization techniques. The aim of this study was to investigate pulsed ozone gas as an alternative method for sterilizing PLGA nanofibres. The morphology, mechanical properties, physicochemical properties, and response of cells to PLGA nanofibre scaffolds were assessed following different degrees of ozone gas sterilization. This treatment killed Geobacillus stearothermophilus spores, the most common biological indicator used for validation of sterilization processes. In addition, the method preserved all of the characteristics of non-sterilized PLGA nanofibres at all degrees of sterilization tested. These findings suggest that ozone gas can be applied as an alternative method for sterilizing electrospun PLGA nanofibre scaffolds without detrimental effects

    A mobilidade urbana como fonte de desenvolvimento sustentável: Reflexões sobre a cidade de Panambi/RS.

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    The mobility of cities did not keep pace with the rapid economic development of the country and, in a general way, the quality of life linked to this theme has been lacking in most of the regions of the country. The rapid urbanization of cities, these transformations from predominantly rural to mostly urban, was also a factor that weighed on the difficulty of mobility accompanying such development. For the sustainable scope, it is a theme that aims to incorporate economic, social, intellectual and physical factors of each individual. Going beyond the elementary aspect: the coming and going, but considering that there should be a planning for a set of transportation and circulation policies that aims at using non-motorized, collective forms of transportation and incorporating urban mobility for individuals who have Permanent or reduced physical difficulty. This is based on the city of Panambi, in the interior of the State of Rio Grande do Sul / RS, using it as a parameter for the reflection of the problem and bibliographical research pertinent to the central theme. And thus seeing how the quality of life of the population of a city is influenced by efficiency and quality when moving from one location to another

    Reliability of a goniometry application for mobile device (Android): Goniôapp

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    A goniometria é uma técnica utilizada para avaliar a amplitude de movimento (ADM) das articulações do corpo humano. O goniômetro universal (GU) é o instrumento mais utilizado pelos fisioterapeutas para avaliar a ADM. O aplicativo Goniôapp foi desenvolvido com a função de um goniômetro universal para avaliar a ADM. Objetivo: Avaliar a confiabilidade do aplicativo Goniôapp para aparelho móvel (Android) na avaliação da ADM de indivíduos saudáveis. Método: Estudo de validação de tecnologia com 44 alunos de fisioterapia da Ulbra Torres RS sendo 10 alunos do sexo masculino e 34 do sexo feminino. Foi avaliado a ADM da articulação glenoumeral do lado direito através da goniometria e do Goniôapp por três avaliadores previamente treinados com os instrumentos. Resultados: Foi verificado um nível de confiabilidade inter examinador moderado para extensão, flexão, abdução e rotação externa entre todos os avaliadores. Já na avaliação de confiabilidade intra examinador, o avaliador 1 e o 2 apresentaram um nível de confiabilidade alto para o movimento de extensão e os demais movimentos apresentaram nível moderado, porém, somente o avaliador 3 apresentou um nível alto para todos os movimentos. Conclusão: O aplicativo para dispositivo móvel (Android) Goniôapp apresenta nível de confiabilidade semelhantes a técnica do GU tanto intra quanto interavaliadores.Goniometry is a technique used to evaluate a range of motion (ROM) of the joints of the human body. The universal goniometer is the instrument most used by physiotherapists to evaluate an ROM. The Goniôapp application was developed with a function of a universal goniometer to evaluate an ROM. Objective: To evaluate whether the goniometry application for mobile devices (Android), Goniôapp, presents results for the universal goniometer in the evaluation of healthy WMD. Method: An applied research was conducted in the technology validation modality, in physiotherapy students of Ulbra Torres RS. Primeved was signed the TCLE, and collected the demographic data. After having done an assessment of the glenohumeral joint on the right side in 10 male students and 34 female, by three evaluators who evaluate as two measures measured, universal goniometer and Goniôapp. Results: A moderate inter-examiner reliability level was verified for extension, flexion, abduction and external rotation among all the evaluators. In the intra-examiner reliability assessment, the evaluator 1 and 2 presented a high level of reliability for the movement of extension and the other movements presented moderate level, however, only the evaluator 3 presented a high level for all the movements. Conclusion: At the end of the present research, a goniometry application for mobile device (Android) was concluded, Goniôapp presents results similar to the GU technique, both results had a moderate IC both intra and between evaluators

    Adjuvant Radiotherapy in Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity or Oropharynx and Solitary Ipsilateral Lymph Node Metastasis (pN1) : A Prospective Multicentric Cohort Study

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    (1) Background: Evaluation of impact of adjuvant radiation therapy (RT) in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity/oropharynx (OSCC) of up to 4 cm (pT1/pT2) and solitary ipsilateral lymph node metastasis (pN1). A non-irradiated group with clinical follow-up was chosen for control, and survival and quality of life (QL) were compared; (2) Methods: This prospective multicentric comprehensive cohort study included patients with resected OSCC (pT1/pT2, pN1, and cM0) who were allocated into adjuvant radiation therapy (RT) or observation. The primary endpoint was overall survival. Secondary endpoints were progression-free survival and QL after surgery; (3) Results: Out of 27 centers, 209 patients were enrolled with a median follow-up of 3.4 years. An amount of 137 patients were in the observation arm, and 72 received adjuvant irradiation. Overall survival did not differ between groups (hazard ratio (HR) 0.98 [0.55–1.73], p = 0.94). There were fewer neck metastases (HR 0.34 [0.15–0.77]; p = 0.01), as well as fewer local recurrences (HR 0.41 [0.19–0.89]; p = 0.02) under adjuvant RT. For QL, irradiated patients showed higher values for the symptom scale pain after 0.5, two, and three years (all p < 0.05). After six months and three years, irradiated patients reported higher symptom burdens (impaired swallowing, speech, as well as teeth-related problems (all p < 0.05)). Patients in the RT group had significantly more problems with mouth opening after six months, one, and two years (p < 0.05); (4) Conclusions: Adjuvant RT in patients with early SCC of the oral cavity and oropharynx does not seem to influence overall survival, but it positively affects progression-free survival. However, irradiated patients report a significantly decreased QL up to three years after therapy compared to the observation group