484 research outputs found

    Historical Trends in State-Level ADC/AFDC Benefits: Living on Less and Less

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    This paper, using government statistics, describes state-level variation in ADC/AFDC benefits from 1940-1995. The findings illustrate that the race to the bottom began in 1975, especially among higher paying states. The concomitant declines in benefit value relative to the poverty line places TANF-dependent recipients in serious jeopardy. Implications for education and advocacy are discussed

    Racial Inequities in the Delivery of Social Services

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    Data from a survey of registered social workers in Michigan indicate inequities in the delivery of social services. Providers serving non-whites tend to spend less time providing casework services and more time on providing welfare services than do providers serving whites. These interracial differences may be explained by income or employment auspice. The major racial inequity is apparent when providers serving primarily non-white clients are analyzed. White providers serving non-whites spend more time on welfare activities and less on casework services than do non-white providers serving non-whites. These differences cannot be explained by income or the providers\u27 education and experience. Such patterns of delivery raise issues for the profession and have implications for manpower needs, usage, and training. Research aimed at evaluating the consequences of these differences and programs to eliminate inequities should be of the highest priority

    A New Species of Zorotypus from Central Amazonia, Brazil (Zoraptera: Zorotypidae)

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    A new species of zorapteran (Polyneoptera: Zorotypidae: Zorotypus) is described and figured from alates and apterous individuals captured in Central Amazonia, Brazil. Zorotypus amazonensis Rafael and Engel, new species, is distinguished from related neotropical species by the setation of the male vertex, the peculiar development of the male cerci, female metafemoral ornamentation, female sternites, and presence of a true Cu vein in the hind wing base (permitting for the first time an accurate homologization of hind wing veins in Zoraptera). The Brazilian zorapteran fauna is briefly summarized and the homology and phylogenetic implications of cepahlic and wing venational traits are discussed. The Embiodea + Zoraptera clade is dubbed mirorder Mystroptera Engel

    AnĂĄlise de modelos de previsĂŁo do escoamento e do ruĂ­do acĂșstico de jatos subsĂŽnicos gerados por bocais serrilhados

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro TecnolĂłgico. Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em Engenharia MecĂąnica.O presente trabalho analisa mĂ©todos de previsĂŁo do escoamento e do ruĂ­do acĂșstico de jatos subsĂŽnicos (Re=1,38x106 e M=0,9). AlĂ©m disto, investigam-se tambĂ©m os efeitos de bocais serrilhados no desenvolvimento do jato e como mecanismo passivo de controle de ruĂ­do. A formulação hĂ­brida de simulação adotada consiste em se resolver primeiramente o campo do escoamento turbulento e, posteriormente, avaliar o ruĂ­do acĂșstico no campo distante. Dois modelos de turbulĂȘncia baseados no conceito de mĂ©dia de Reynolds foram testados para a solução do escoamento: o modelo k-e cĂșbico e o modelo de transporte do tensor de Reynolds. AlĂ©m disto, previsĂ”es do ruĂ­do foram realizadas com o emprego da analogia acĂșstica de Lighthill e da analogia acĂșstica de Ffowcs-Williams e Hawkings. ComparaçÔes entre resultados numĂ©ricos e experimentais de perfis de velocidade e tensĂ”es de Reynolds mostraram que os modelos de turbulĂȘncia supracitados sĂŁo capazes de prever o efeito do bocal serrilhado sobre o escoamento de forma satisfatĂłria. Por outro lado, os mĂ©todos de previsĂŁo de ruĂ­do acĂșstico implementados no cĂłdigo comercial CFD++/CAA++ se mostraram inadequados em todas as situaçÔes de escoamento investigadas.The present study considers an assessment of numerical methods to predict the fluid flow and the acoustic noise of subsonic jets (M = 0.9 and Re=1.38x106). Additionally, the roles of chevron nozzles on the flow development and as a passive noise control device are also investigated. The adopted hybrid simulation approach initially solves the turbulent field flow, which is then used as input data for estimates of far-field noise. Two turbulence models within the frame of the Reynolds averaging concept were tested for the field flow solution: the cubic k-e model and the Reynolds stress transport model. Moreover, predictions of acoustic noise were carried out through the Lighthill analogy and the Ffowcs-Williams and Hawkings analogy. Comparisons between numerical and experimental results for velocity and Reynolds stresses showed that the aforementioned turbulence models are capable of satisfactorily predict the effect of chevron nozzles on the field flow. On the other hand, the methods based on the two acoustic analogies implemented in the commercial software CFD++/CAA++ were seen to be inadequate for estimates of noise in all flow conditions

    We\u27re not the Enemy and We\u27re not Asking for the World : Low-wage Hospital Service Workers\u27 Advocacy for Fair Wages

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    A number of states and localities have increased the minimum wage beyond that set by the federal government in recognition of the material and health challenges faced by low-wage earners. Academics, economists, and activists have offered microeconomic, economic justice, and moral rationales to support increasing the minimum wage. These justifications can be understood from the vantage of claims-making, that is, the ways individuals and groups attempt to define and shape a social problem to influence policy. This paper examines the wage-related claims-making of low-wage hospital service workers. These workers (N=156) testified to a City Council-created Wage Review Committee, which posted the testimonies online. We qualitatively content analyzed these workers’ testimonies to identify their rationales for higher wages and fair wage rates. Hospital workers’ testimonies brought depth and new understanding to arguments for raising wages. Low-wage workers can be effective advocates for their own interests

    Empreendedorismo X intraempreendedorismo: uma investigação de competĂȘncias empreendedoras em gestores de micro e pequenas empresas

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    Diferentes formas de gestĂŁo dos negĂłcios sĂŁo necessĂĄrias atualmente a fim de garantir a prosperidade das empresas. A competitividade cada vez mais acirrada exige dos gestores competĂȘncias distintas, que tornem possĂ­veis a criação constante de inovaçÔes. Sendo assim, as competĂȘncias empreendedoras sĂŁo capazes de fornecer Ă s empresas um diferencial no mercado, se comparado a outras empresas. Neste sentido, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a diferença do desenvolvimento de competĂȘncias empreendedoras em empreendedores e intraempreendedores em gestores de empresas de micro e pequeno porte. A operacionalização do trabalho se deu por aplicação de uma survey e contou com uma amostra de 75 respondentes. As competĂȘncias que se desenvolveram em maior intensidade foram: Comprometimento, PersistĂȘncia e Iniciativa e Autoconfiança. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as competĂȘncias empreendedoras desenvolvidas em empreendedores e intraempreendedores. As competĂȘncias: Busca de Oportunidade e Iniciativa, Correr Riscos Calculados e ExigĂȘncia de Qualidade e EficiĂȘncia estĂŁo presentes essencialmente em empreendedores, enquanto as competĂȘncias Estabelecimento de Metas e Planejamento e Monitoramento SistemĂĄtico sĂŁo competĂȘncias desenvolvidas maioritariamente em intraempreendedores

    Chancengleich vom Studium in den Beruf?

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    An der Humboldt-UniversitĂ€t zu Berlin am Institut fĂŒr Erziehungswissenschaften, Abteilung Hochschulforschung wurde im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens „Chancengleich vom Studium in den Beruf?“ in dem Projektzeitraum vom 1. Januar 2020 bis 31. Oktober 2021 auf Grundlage von quantitativen Absolventenbefragungen und qualitativen Interviews mit Absolvent:innen und Expert:innen die Bedeutung des Migrationshintergrunds und der sozialen Herkunft beim Berufseinstieg nach dem Studium untersucht. Die Ergebnisse des Forschungsvorhabens bestĂ€tigen und spezifizieren bestehende Forschungserkenntnisse. So zeigen sich hinsichtlich des Einkommens und der QualifikationsadĂ€quanz der BeschĂ€ftigung wenig herkunfts- und migrationsspezifische Unterschiede, jedoch gestaltet sich der Einstieg in den Ar-beitsmarkt fĂŒr Personen mit Migrationshintergrund schwieriger und ist von Phasen der Arbeitslosigkeit durchzogen. Hochschulinterne und -externe Beratungs- und UnterstĂŒtzungsangebote fĂŒr den Über-gang vom Studium in den Beruf werden von allen Absolvent:innen, unabhĂ€ngig von Herkunft und Migrationshintergrund, selten in Anspruch genommen. Stattdessen werden Jobportale und Stellenanzeigen genutzt. In den Interviews wurde vereinzelt von Mentoringangeboten zum Austausch und zur Vernetzung berichtet, die als besonders hilfreich erlebt wurden und von denen sich der grĂ¶ĂŸte Gewinn erwartet wurde. Den eigenen Migrationshintergrund als Potential, d.h. damit verbundene Kompetenzen als Wettbewerbsvorteil auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, sehen die interviewten Absolvent:innen mit Migrationshintergrund nicht. Hingegen werden Auslandserfahrungen wĂ€hrend des Studiums und erweiterte Englischkenntnisse von allen Absolvent:innen als erstrebenswert und vorteilhaft angesehen. BestĂ€tigt werden anhand der quantitativen und qualitativen Daten auch andere Forschungen zur Aufstiegsorientierung der Absolvent:innen mit Migrationshintergrund. Herkunftsspezifische Unterschiede zu Studienbeginn und im Verlauf des Studiums stimmen ebenfalls mit dem aktuellen Kenntnisstand ĂŒberein. Aus den Forschungsergebnissen lĂ€sst sich ableiten, dass es Potential zum Ausbau hochschulischer (zielgruppenspezifischer) Beratungsangebote fĂŒr den Übergang in den Arbeitsmarkt gibt. Expert:innen berichten von diversen Herausforderungen in Bezug auf den Kenntnisstand zur DiversitĂ€t der Studierenden und deren Bedarfen sowie der spezifischen Zielgruppenerreichung, aber auch hinsichtlich der bestehenden Strukturen an Hochschulen sowie der personellen und finanziellen Ausstat-tung von Career Service Einrichtungen. Zugleich zeigt sich, dass besonders die potentiellen Arbeitge-ber:innen in die Pflicht genommen werden mĂŒssen, diversitĂ€tssensible Bewerbungsprozesse zu gestalten

    Role of CD5/CD5L interactions in the homeostasis of regulatory lymphocyte subpopulations and the control of autoimmune disorders

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado al: "6th European Workshop on Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases" celebrado en Niza (Francia) del 23 al 25 de noviembre de 2011.-- et al.Peer Reviewe

    Diphenyl diselenide protects neuronal cells against oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction : involvement of the glutathione-dependent antioxidant system

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    Oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction are critical events in neurodegenerative diseases; therefore, molecules that increase cellular antioxidant defenses represent a future pharmacologic strategy to counteract such conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential protective effect of (PhSe)2 on mouse hippocampal cell line (HT22) exposed to tert-BuOOH (in vitro model of oxidative stress), as well as to elucidate potential mechanisms underlying this protection. Our results showed that tert-BuOOH caused time- and concentration- dependent cytotoxicity, which was preceded by increased oxidants production and mitochondrial dysfunction. (PhSe)2 pre-incubation significantly prevented these cytotoxic events and the observed protective effects were paralleled by the upregulation of the cellular glutathione-dependent antioxidant system: (PhSe)2 increased GSH levels (> 60%), GPx activity (6.9-fold) and the mRNA expression of antioxidant enzymes Gpx1 (3.9-fold) and Gclc (2.3-fold). Of note, the cytoprotective effect of (PhSe)2 was significantly decreased when cells were treated with mercaptosuccinic acid, an inhibitor of GPx, indicating the involvement of GPx modulation in the observed protective effect. In summary, the present findings bring out a new action mechanism concerning the antioxidant properties of (PhSe)2. The observed upregulation of the glutathione-dependent antioxidant system represents a future pharmacologic possibility that goes beyond the well-known thiol-peroxidase activity of this compound
