57 research outputs found

    Disposición a pagar por ahorros en el tiempo de viaje del transporte de carga en Medellín

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    Ingeniería CivilIn this work was discussed the sensibility of the Subjective Values of the Transit Time (SVTT) versus the preferences undertaken by users, this work was made with Discreet Election Models, making polls which could get the heterogeneity of the preferences of the users whom go by the evaluated way, taking into account the number of axles and the target of the ways of transportation as random parameters. The outcomes shows that an amount of the variation of the SVTT is explained by the types of transportation, in this case by the private cars or single and multi-trailers in accordance with theirs axles, meanwhile the remaining is random; The empirical proof argue that the SVTT goes to be undervalued when the preferences are laid down uniformity. However, this outcome is not always the same based in the argumentation of the theoretical models and empirical evidence known.En este trabajo se analiza la sensibilidad de los valores subjetivos del tiempo de viaje (VSTV) a los supuestos adoptados sobre las preferencias de los usuarios, para ello se consideraron modelos de elección discreta, a través de la realización de encuestas que permiten captar la heterogeneidad de las preferencias de los usuarios que transitan por la vía evaluada, teniendo en cuenta el tiempo de viaje introduciendo tanto interacciones entre características observadas de los individuos, teniendo en cuenta sus tipos de ejes y atributos de los modos de transporte como parámetros aleatorios. Los resultados muestran que una parte de la variación del VSTV viene explicada por el tipo de transporte en este caso automóviles particulares o transporte de carga teniendo en cuenta su tipo de eje, mientras que la variación restante es de carácter aleatorio; La evidencia empírica sugiere, además, que los VSTV tienden a subestimarse cuando se impone homogeneidad de las preferencias. Sin embargo, de la discusión teórica de los modelos y de la evidencia empírica existente se desprende que este resultado no es general

    Caracterización in silico de las proteínas del choque térmico Hsp70 y Hsp90 de Bemisia tabaci (Hemip-tera: Aleyrodidae)y su posible actividad adaptativa

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    The whitefly, Bemicia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) is one of the most destructive and invasive plague world-wide. It can be easily adapted to new host plants and geographical regions, suggesting the development of control mechanisms to overcome damage cause by stress factors. Hsp proteins are expressed in organisms as a defense mechanism, act as chaperones facilitating correct assembly of proteins. In this study, the Hsp70 and Hsp90 proteins sequences of B. tabaci were obtained (NCBI) and characterized using in silico tools. The determination of the profiles of hydrophobicity, polarity, accessibility and flexibility were obtained using “ProScale” from Ex-PASy, the antigenicity profile with JaMBW. The amino acid sequence was analyzed with SOPMA and GOR IV and the amino acid composition used ProtParam. To analyze the molecular weight, hydropathic gradient, instability and aliphatic indexes using GRAVY. The 3D structure was obtained using HHpred and ESyPred3D. To validate the proteins structure, Procheck, What_check and errat were used. Hsp70 and Hsp90 proteins of B. tabaci exhibit low hydrophobicity and high polarity, flexibility, and accessibility values, indicating that these proteins are flexible molecules with high accessibility regions. Hsp70 has a secondary structure composed of 41-45% alpha-helix, 30-43% coil regions and less than 6% folded sheet distribution and the Hsp90 is composed of 52 to 53% alpha-helix, 26-34% in coil and 6% in the folded sheet. Hsp proteins play an important role in insects, because of its size and short life cycle, due to the temperature influences the distribution and abundance of insects.La mosca blanca, Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) es una de las plagas más destructivas e invasivas en el mundo, ataca una gran cantidad de cultivos. Se adapta fácilmente a plantas hospederas y a nuevas regiones geográficas, lo que sugiere el desarrollo de mecanismos de control a daños producidos por factores estresantes. Las proteínas Hsp se expresanen los organismos como mecanismo de defensa, actúan como chaperonas en el correcto ensamblaje de las proteínas. En este estudio se realizó una caracterización in silico de las proteínas Hsp70 y Hsp90 de B. tabaci, secuencias obtenidas de NCBI. La determinaciónde los perfiles de hidrofobicidad, polaridad, accesibilidady flexibilidad se obtuvieron con “ProScale” de ExPASy, el perfil de antigenicidad con JaMBW. La secuencia aminoacídica se analizó con GOR IV y SOPMA y la composición de aminoácidos con ProtParam. Para analizar el peso molecular, índice deinestabilidad, índice alifático y gradiente hidropático,con GRAVY. La estructura terciaria se obtuvo con HHpred, y ESyPred3D. Para validar las estructuras 3D se utilizó Procheck, What_check y errat. Hsp70 y Hsp90 de B. tabaci presentan valores bajos de hidrofobicidady altos de polaridad, flexibilidad y accesibilidad, características que le permiten a las proteínas extender su capacidad como chaperonas. La Hsp70tiene una estructura secundaria compuesta por 41-45% alfa hélices, 30-43% coil y menos del 6% en hoja plegada y la Hsp90 por 52 y 53% hélices, 26-34% coily 6% hoja plegada. Las Hsp juegan un rol importante en los insectos debido a su tamaño y corto ciclo de vida, pues la temperatura influye en su distribución y abundancia

    Evaluación del aceite esencial de cilantro (Coriandrum sativum L.) sobre el ácaro rojo de aves Dermanyssus gallinae (De Geer, 1778) (Acari: Dermanyssidae) bajo condiciones de laboratorio

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    The red mite Dermanyssus gallinae affects poultry production mainly of laying hens by feeding on its blood. Its control is carried out using chemical acaricides, toward which its resistance increases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the acaricidal activity of essential oil (eo) of coriander (Coriandrum sativum) at concentrations of 1, 2 and 3 mg/cm2 through contact bioassays on adults of D. gallinae, compared to a chemical acaricide (Neguvón®). The mites were collected from backyard hens (Gallus gallus L.). Six replicates were performed per treatment. Statistically, mortality percentages were established and an anova was carried out. The lethal activity percentage was established. Additionally, the median lethal concentration (LC50) and the median lethal time (TL50) were estimated. Coriander eo caused 100 % mortality on D. gallinae population 25 min after contact with a concentration of 2 and 3 mg/cm2 and after 30 min with a lower concentration of 1 mg/cm2. The LC50 of the coriander eo was 1.3 mg/cm2, with a 13 min TL50 on the D. gallinae population. The eo of coriander is suggested as an alternative to be used instead of the chemical acaricides for the control of the red poultry mite D. gallinae.El ácaro rojo Dermanyssus gallinae afecta las producciones avícolas, principalmente de ponedoras, al alimentarse de su sangre. Su control se realiza a través de acaricidas químicos, hacia los cuales aumenta su resistencia. Se evaluó la actividad acaricida de aceite esencial (ae) de cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) a concentraciones de 1, 2 y 3 mg/cm2 a través de bioensayos por contacto sobre adultos de D. gallinae y se comparó con un acaricida químico (Neguvón®). Los ácaros fueron colectados de aves (Gallus gallus L.) de traspatio. Se realizaron seis repeticiones por tratamiento. Estadísticamente, se determinaron los porcentajes de mortalidad y se calculó el anova. Se estableció el porcentaje de la actividad letal. Se estimó la CL50 y el TL50. El ae de cilantro causó el 100 % de mortalidad sobre la población de D. gallinae a los 25 min después del contacto con una concentración de 2 y 3 mg/cm2 y a los 30 min con una concentración de 1 mg/cm2. La CL50 del ae de cilantro fue de 1,3 mg /cm2, con un TL50 de 13 min sobre la población de D. gallinae. Se sugiere el aceite esencial de cilantro C. sativum como una alternativa a los acaricidas químicos para el control del ácaro rojo de aves D. gallinae

    Determinación de fenilalanina y galactosa total a partir de una muestra de sangre seca en papel de filtro: aplicación al tamizaje neonatal

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    Neonatal screening programs for metabolic disorders are recommended especially for phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism. The present study was designed to adapt, develop and evaluate a SUMA method for total galactose (Gal) and phenilalanine (Phe) measurement on filter paper blood specimens. A single 5 mm disk with blood was deproteinized with methanolacetone and eluted with distilled water. Ten ml of the extract was transferred to one well of a ultramicroELISA plate, and the reaction solution was added to determine Phe level. The remaining extract was used for the GAL determinations. The method showed good linearity in a 0-50 mg/dl concentration range for Phe and 0-60 mg/dl for Gal. The detection limit was 0.14 mg/dl for Phe and 0.9 mg/dl for Gal. Reproducibility was assessed with filter paper blood specimens containing Gal and Phe at low, middle and high levels. Intraassay coefficients of variation were 10%, 7.5%, 6.22%, and 8.5%, 7%, 5%, respectively, whereas interassay coefficients of variation were 9.54%, 6%, 7% and 6%, 4.6%, 5,6%, respectively. In 1,000 samples from newborns, four samples of Phe and two samples of Gal showed a concentration below the treshold set for each assay. This method provides a rapid means to survey for a low incidence disease (i.e., galactosaemia: incidence, 1/30,000), in existing phenylketonuria analysis programs, where an incidence of 1/ 10,000), easily justifies the cost of mass screening.Los programas de tamizaje neonatal para alteraciones metabólicas deben incluir como mínimo la detección de fenilcetonuria e hipotiroidismo congénito. En este estudio evaluamos un método que cuantifica el valor de galactosa total (Gal) y fenilalanina (Phe) a partir de un disco de sangre seca en papel de filtro, eluido con agua destilada, previa desproteinización con metanol-acetona; posteriormente, se transfirieron 10 uL del eluido a una placa ultramicroELISA y se le añadió la mezcla de reactivos para determinar Phe; al remanente se le añadieron los reactivos para cuantificar Gal. El método fue lineal en un rango de concentración de 0-50 mg/dL para Phe y 0- 60 mg/dl para Gal; el límite de detección para Phe/Gal fue de 0,14/0,9 mg/dl; se evaluaron tres muestras con niveles bajo, medio y elevado de Phe/Gal y se obtuvo una imprecisión intraensayo de 6,8 ± 1,7/7,8 ± 2% y una imprecisión interensayo de 5,4 ± 0,7/7,5 ± 1,8%, respectivamente. La recuperación analítica fue de 100,2% ± 1,9% para Gal y 100,3% ± 1,7% para Phe. No se evidenciaron interferencias con los antibióticos evaluados. Se realizó un estudio con 1.000 muestras de neonatos entre las que se encontraron cuatro muestras con concentraciones de Phe y dos con concentraciones de Gal por encima de los niveles de corte para estos analitos. Se obtuvo una excelente correlación lineal entre los dos métodos con que fueron evaluadas de forma comparativa las muestras (UMTEST PKU e ICN GAL-M W EA). Este método permite incorporar una enfermedad metabólica de baja incidencia (galactosemia 1:30.000), en un programa de tamizaje masivo para la detección de fenilcetonuria, lo que justificaría el costo del tamizaje neonatal

    Avaliação da interação de citral, geraniol e timol no ácaro-vermelho-das-aves Dermanyssus gallinae (DE GEER, 1778) em condições in vitro

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    The control of Dermanyssus gallinae in small productions of laying hens is carried out by using chemical methods. However, its indiscriminate use has generated resistance and environmental pollution problems. This problem has encouraged the use of natural substances to control mites. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the acaricidal activity of the bioactive citral (Ci), geraniol (Ge) and thymol (Thy) on D. gallinae under in vitro conditions using six concentrations (0.05, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5g/mL). In addition, the interactions of the mixtures of the three bioactive were evaluated through binary (1:1) and tertiary (1:1:1) combinations. The interaction between of the combination of bioactive was performed by using CompuSyn software and calculating the combination index (CI). LC50, LC90, and LC99 with 95% confidence limits were estimated by Probit analysis. The bioactive Ci, Ge and Thy show acaricidal activity on the poultry red mite. The combination of Ge:Thy and Ci:Ge showed very strong synergism with CI of 0.084 and 0.052, whereas Ci:Thy showed strong synergism with CI of 0.122 at a concentration of 0.05g/mL. The tertiary combination in 1:1:1 showed a higher toxic effect and strong synergistic effects at low concentrations with 100% mortality at 1g/mL concentration with a CI of 0.147. The combination of natural bioactive could be an additional way to control D. gallinae without putting the welfare of the birds at risk and would be an environmentally friendly measure.    O controle de Dermanyssus gallinae em pequenas produções de poedeiras é realizado por métodos químicos. No entanto, seu uso indiscriminado tem gerado problemas de resistência e poluição ambiental. Este problema tem incentivado o uso de substâncias naturais para o controle de ácaros. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade acaricida dos bioativos citral (Ci), geraniol (Ge) e timol (Thy) sobre D. gallinae em condições in vitro utilizando seis concentrações (0,05, 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5g/mL). Além disso, as interações das misturas dos três bioativos foram avaliadas por meio de combinações binárias (1:1) e terciárias (1:1:1). O sinergismo da combinação dos bioativos foi realizado utilizando o software CompuSyn e calculando o índice de combinação (CI). LC50, LC90 e LC99 com limites de confiança de 95% foram estimados por análise Probit. Os bioativos Ci, Ge e Thy apresentam atividade acaricida sobre o ácaro-vermelho-da-aves. A combinação de Ge:Thy e Ci:Ge apresentou sinergismo muito forte com CI de 0,084 e 0,052, enquanto Ci:Thy apresentou forte sinergismo com CI de 0,122 na concentração de 0,05g/mL. A combinação terciária em 1:1:1 apresentou maior efeito tóxico e fortes efeitos sinérgicos em baixas concentrações com 100% de mortalidade em concentração de 1g/mL com CI de 0,147. A combinação de bioativos naturais poderia ser uma forma adicional de controle de D. gallinae sem colocar em risco o bem-estar das aves e seria uma medida ecologicamente correta

    Thyroid function is associated with insulin resistance markers in healthy adolescents with risk factors to develop diabetes

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    Introduction: The prevalence of obesity and Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) among children and adolescents is rising. Thyroid function has been associated with insulin resistance. There is scarce information about how thyroid function could be related with cardiovascular risk or glucose homeostasis in adolescent. Aim: To analyze how thyroid function is associated with insulin resistance and another cardiovascular risk factors in healthy adolescents with risk factors to develop diabetes. Methods: A prospective cross-sectional analysis was carried out on euthyroid, adolescents. considered at high risk to develop Type 2 diabetes. Fasting blood samples were obtained. Thyroid function test and another cardiometabolic parameters were assessed. A 75 grams oral glucose tolerance test was performed to calculate insulin resistance. Results: One hundred adolescents were evaluated. The mean age was 15.9 ± 0.8 years, There is a negative correlation between Fasting insulin, post glucose load insulin and HOMA IR. There were no correlation with Matsuda index. We could not found any correlation with TSH values. Conclusions: We found a correlation between fasting insulin, HOMA IR and serum thyroid hormones, we did not find any relation with serum TSH. In euthyroid adolescents with risk factors to develop diabetes

    Motivação dum grupo de voluntários afiliados a duas organizações sem fins de lucro da área do sul de Puerto Rico

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    Objective: the purpose of this research was to explore the elements that promote volunteerism motivation in two nonprofit organizations. Method: mixed methodology to identify the main factors that motivate volunteers towards their work. The sample consisted of 18 volunteers. The motivation questionnaire (Cuevas et al, 2014) and a focal group were applied. Results: the results showed that the volunteers of these organizations are mostly motivated by intrinsic factors such as altruism, selfesteem, self-development and moral values, consonant with the theoretical framework of intrinsic motivation. Conclusions: non-profit organizations should include strategies that encourage motivation and sense of belonging of the volunteers with the mission of the organization.Objetivo: El propósito de esta investigación fue explorar los elementos que promueven la motivación del voluntariado en dos organizaciones sin fines de lucro. Método: la metodología fue mixta para identificar los factores principales que motivan a los voluntarios con su labor, la muestra estuvo conformada por 18 voluntarios, se aplicó el cuestionario de motivación (Cuevas et al., 2014) y un grupo focal. Resultados: Los resultados demostraron que los voluntarios de estas organizaciones se encuentran motivados mayormente por factores intrínsecos tales como el altruismo, la autoestima, el desarrollo propio y valores morales, Junto con el marco teórico de motivación intrínseca. Conclusiones: las organizaciones sin fines de lucro deben incluir estrategias que fomenten la motivación y sentido de pertinencia de los voluntarios con la misión de la organización.Objetivo: o propósito desta pesquisa foi procurar os elementos que promovem a motivação do voluntariado em duas organizações sem fins de lucro. Método: a metodologia foi mista, com o fim de identificar os principais fatores que motivam aos voluntários na sua labor. A mostra foi conformada por 18 voluntários; aplicou-se o questionário de motivação (Cuevas et al., 2914) y um grupo focal. Resultados: estes demonstraram que os voluntários destas organizações encontram-se motivados na maioria por fatores intrínsecos como o altruísmo, a autoestima, o desenvolvimento próprio assim como dos valores morais, em consonância com o marco teórico de motivação intrínseca. Conclusões: as organizações sem fins de lucro devem incluir estratégias que promovam a motivação e o sentido de pertença dos voluntários todos com a missão de organização

    Educative Intervention for parents or Tutors of asthmatic children

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    Foundation: in Cuba, bronchial asthma constitutes an important health problem with relevant incidence in children. Parent´s knowledge about its management results essential. Objective: to apply a program of educative intervention to increase the level of information of parents and children. Methods: intervention study developed from May 2016, in doctor´s office 8 Cumanayagua. All parents whose children had been diagnosed bronchial asthma in ages from 0 to 15 were included. A diagnosis was realized to identify the level of information about the management of bronchial asthma and on those bases four educative topics were prepared to be taught to parents. After the intervention it was it was checked the level of assimilation. The variables measured were age and sex of the children, knowledge of parents about symptom identification, management and measures for its prevention, precipitating factors. Results: the male sex predominated among children (72%) and ages from 5-9 (54,6%). Initial diagnosis showed that parents and tutors had a low level of information about bronchial asthma, 63, 5 % was evaluated poor or low. The biggest gaps were on the prodromal symptoms of asthma (63, 64 % low), figures that were reduced to 9% and 0% respectively after the intervention. Precipitating factors for crisis mostly identified were tobacco smoke, respiratory infections, climate changes and the least known emotional experiences. A high knowledge of preventive measures was elevated from 9.09% to 81,82 % after the intervention. Educative actions increased the percentage of those evaluated good in knowledge which went up to 81,82 %. Conclusion: not all parents of asthmatic children have adequate knowledge about the management of their children, which may be modified by applying strategies to educate them

    Correlation of the homeostasis model assessment Index and adiponectin, leptin and insulin levels to body mass index-associated gene polymorphisms in adolescents

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    Se analiza la expresión de polimorfismos en adolescentes y su asociación con parámetros del síndrome metabólico.Objectives: This study aimed to describe correlations between glucose, insulin and adipokine levels and the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) index with regards to the presence/absence of fat mass and obesity associated (FTO) rs9939609 and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-y rs1801282 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) as indicators of body mass index in adolescents. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted between September and December 2016 in Toluca, Mexico. A total of 71 students between 14–18 years old were included. Various anthropometric and laboratory measurements were collected, including lipid profile, glucose, insulin and adipokine levels and HOMA index. The degree of association between variables was evaluated with regards to the presence/absence of the SNPs. Results: Leptin levels were significantly higher among female students (P = 0.001), although adiponectin levels did not differ significantly (P = 0.060). There were significant positive correlations between insulin levels and HOMA index with FTO (r = 0.391; P = 0.007 and r = 0.413; P = 0.005, respectively) and PPARγ (r = 0.529; P = 0.007 and r = 0.537; P = 0.007, respectively) SNPs. Leptin showed a significant positive correlation in the presence of PPARγ (r = 0.483; P = 0.007) or in the absence of both SNPs (r = 0.627; P = 0.039). However, adiponectin was significantly negatively correlated in the presence of FTO, either alone (r = −0.333; P = 0.024) or in combination with PPARγ (r = −0.616; P = 0.043). Conclusion: The presence of FTO and/or PPARγ SNPs might be related to a genetic predisposition to metabolic syndrome.This study was funded with the aid of a grant from the Mexican Ministry of Education (grant #PROMEP/2013/CA-186/103105/13/9057)