643 research outputs found

    Novalis und das Lustspiel : ein vergessener Beitrag zur Geschichte der Gattung

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    Daß die Geschichte der deutschen Literatur auf dem amĂŒsanten Gebiet der Komödie ihrerseits nur wenig Erfreuliches und GĂŒltiges zu bieten hat, gehört seit langem zu den leidigen Gewißheiten der Forschung. Auch die Ausnahmen sind bestens bekannt. Im Gegensatz aber zu Goethe und Schiller, zu Friedrich und August Wil-helm Schlegel (und einer Reihe anderer) scheint einer von dieser Klage durch hö-here UnzustĂ€ndigkeit freigesprochen. Sein dichterisches Naturell erheischt die produktionspsychologische Forderung nach der Komödie so wenig wie seine philosophisch-theoretischen Grundbegriffe eine solche auch nur zuzulassen scheinen – nĂ€mlich gar nicht. Die Rede ist von Friedrich von Hardenberg, genannt Novalis

    "Nathan", entzaubert : KontinuitÀt und DiskontinuitÀt der AufklÀrung in Schillers "Die Braut von Messina"

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    "Schiller und die AufklĂ€rung" - das ist ein Feld, weit und gut bestellt zugleich. Und mit Neuentdeckungen ist einstweilen nicht zu rechnen. Doch ist das Thema selten einmal so grundsĂ€tzlich gestellt worden, wie es die Sache zu fordern scheint. BerĂŒhrungspunkte mit einschlĂ€gigen Interessen der Schiller-Forschung sind jedoch allemal reichlich vorhanden: Probleme der sogenannten "Jugendphilosophie" oder auch der Kant-Rezeption Schillers lassen sich selbstverstĂ€ndlich nicht ohne den Sinnkomplex der "AufklĂ€rung" diskutieren. So fraglos Schillers Teilhabe am Großprojekt der "AufklĂ€rung" aber auch sein mag, eine Gleichsetzung mit deren Idealen erschien der Schiller-Forschung doch problematisch. Daß Schiller das Königsprinzip der AufklĂ€rung, den Gedanken der Autonomie des vernunftbestimmten Menschen, nicht nur geteilt, sondern auch kĂŒnstlerisch immer wieder umspielt hat, ist angesichts eindeutiger Bekenntnisse wohl nicht zu bezweifeln

    Szenen der "Verwandlung" : Novalis und das Drama

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    "Das Drama muß, weil es seinem Inhalte wie seiner Form nach sich zur vollendetesten TotalitĂ€t ausbildet, als die höchste Stufe der Poesie und der Kunst ĂŒberhaupt angesehen werden". Mit solchen, enthusiastisch gestimmten Worten formuliert Hegel in seinen Vorlesungen zur Ästhetik zugleich Summe und Nachklang der idealistischen Dramentheorie in Deutschland. [...] Gerade die Besonderheit [...], die das Drama – einerseits – zum Gipfel der KĂŒnste qualifiziert, ist – andererseits – fĂŒr dessen sicheren Untergang verantwortlich. [Novalis] bislang von der Forschung vernachlĂ€ssigte BemĂŒhungen um eine "Poetik des Dramas" sollen [...] im folgenden [...] etwas genauer untersucht werden. Wenn dabei auch ein zusĂ€tzliches Licht auf Novalis dichterisches Werk und vor allem auf einen auffĂ€lligen motivischen wie stilistischen Zug desselben fallen sollte, so wĂ€re dies nur willkommen

    Multidimensional clustering approaches for pareto-frontiers

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    In Data Mining large and increasing sets of data are becoming more and more common. In order to avoid losing the overview on these data-sets, preference queries are a very popular method to reduce quantities of data to high relevant information. Together with clustering methods like k-means, confusing sets of objects can be constituted and presented clearer in order to get a better overview. In this report we present on the one hand the Pareto-dominance as a very suitable and promising approach to cluster objects over better-than relationships. In order to meet someones desires, one can tip the balance of the final results to the more favored dimension if no decision for allocating objects is possible. On the other hand we introduce based on the Pareto-dominance an advanced clustering approach exploiting the Borda Social Choice voting rule to manage distances of different domains by equally weights during the clustering process

    Spatially Resolved Detection of a Spin-Entanglement Wave in a Bose-Hubbard Chain

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    Entanglement is an essential property of quantum many-body systems. However, its local detection is challenging and was so far limited to spin degrees of freedom in ion chains. Here we measure entanglement between the spins of atoms located on two lattice sites in a one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard chain which features both local spin- and particle-number fluctuations. Starting with an initially localized spin impurity, we observe an outwards propagating entanglement wave and show quantitatively how entanglement in the spin sector rapidly decreases with increasing particle-number fluctuations in the chain.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    A new perspective at the ship-air-sea interface: the environmental impacts of exhaust gas scrubber discharge

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    Shipping emissions are likely to increase significantly in the coming decades, alongside increasing emphasis on the sustainability and environmental impacts of the maritime transport sector. Exhaust gas cleaning systems (“scrubbers”), using seawater or fresh water as cleaning media for sulfur dioxide, are progressively used by shipping companies to comply with emissions regulations. Little is known about the chemical composition of the scrubber effluent and its ecological consequences for marine life and biogeochemical processes. If scrubbers become a central tool for atmospheric pollution reduction from shipping, modeling, and experimental studies will be necessary to determine the ecological and biogeochemical effects of scrubber wash water discharge on the marine environment. Furthermore, attention must be paid to the regulation and enforcement of environmental protection standards concerning scrubber use. Close collaboration between natural scientists and social scientists is crucial for progress toward sustainable shipping and protection of the marine environment

    Stroke–Heart Syndrome: Recent Advances and Challenges

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    After ischemic stroke, there is a significant burden of cardiovascular complications, both in the acute and chronic phase. Severe adverse cardiac events occur in 10% to 20% of patients within the first few days after stroke and comprise a continuum of cardiac changes ranging from acute myocardial injury and coronary syndromes to heart failure or arrhythmia. Recently, the term stroke– heart syndrome was introduced to provide an integrated conceptual framework that summarizes neurocardiogenic mechanisms that lead to these cardiac events after stroke. New findings from experimental and clinical studies have further refined our understanding of the clinical manifestations, pathophysiology, and potential long-term consequences of the stroke– heart syndrome. Local cerebral and systemic mediators, which mainly involve autonomic dysfunction and increased inflammation, may lead to altered cardiomyocyte metabolism, dysregulation of (tissue-resident) leukocyte pop-ulations, and (micro-) vascular changes. However, at the individual patient level, it remains challenging to differentiate between comorbid cardiovascular conditions and stroke-induced heart injury. Therefore, further research activities led by joint teams of basic and clinical researchers with backgrounds in both cardiology and neurology are needed to identify the most relevant therapeutic targets that can be tested in clinical trials

    A new perspective at the ship-air-sea-interface: the environmental impacts of exhaust gas scrubber discharge

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    As shipping traffic continues to increase, there is growing concern about the impacts this may have on the marine environment ranging from species-level to ecosystem services. Commercial shipping uses low-cost heavy fuel emitting significant amounts of sulphur, nitrogen, metals, organic compounds and aerosols to the atmosphere during combustion (Eyring et al. 2005). As most of these compounds have a limited residence time in the atmosphere they are deposited relatively close to the source and dissolve in the surface ocean. Several abatement techniques exist for achieving the required emission limits included in MARPOL Annex VI and EU Sulphur Directive EU 2012/35 such as novel engine technologies, exhaust gas recirculation or fuel emulsifiers etc. Open-loop exhaust gas cleaning systems (‘scrubbers’) belong to the commonly used and cheaper technologies (as alternative to expensive low-sulphur fuel for shipping companies) but are ecologically questionable

    Frequency of Hemorrhage on Follow Up Imaging in Stroke Patients Treated With rt-PA Depending on Clinical Course

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    Background: According to current guidelines, stroke patients treated with rt-PA should undergo brain imaging to exclude intracerebral bleeding 24 h after thrombolysis, before the start of medical secondary prevention. However, the usefulness of routine follow-up imaging with regard to changes in therapeutic management in patients without neurological deterioration is unclear. We hypothesized that follow up brain imaging solely to exclude bleeding in patients who clinically improved after rt-PA application may not be necessary. Methods: Retrospective single-center analysis including stroke patients treated with rt-PA. Records were reviewed for hemorrhagic transformation one day after systemic thrombolysis and brain imaging-based changes in therapeutic management. Twenty-four hour after thrombolysis patients were divided into four groups: (1) increased NIHSS score; (2) unchanged NIHSS score; (3) improved NIHSS score and; (4) NIHSS score = 0. Results: Out of 188 patients (mean age 73 years, 100 female) receiving rt-PA, 32 (17%) had imaging-proven hemorrhagic transformation including 11 (6%) patients with parenchymal hemorrhage. Patients in group (1, 2) more often had hypertension (p = 0.015) and more often had parenchymal hemorrhage (9 vs. 4%; p < 0.206) compared to group (3, 4) and imaging-based changes in therapeutic management were more frequent (19% vs. 6%; p = 0.007). Patients of group (3, 4) had no changes in therapeutic management in 94% of the cases. Patients in group (4) had no hemorrhagic transformation in routine follow-up brain imaging. Conclusions: Frequency of hemorrhagic transformation in Routine follow-up brain imaging and consecutive changes in therapeutic management were different depending on clinical course measured by NHISS score
