222 research outputs found

    Developing a high-resolution x-ray imager using electron-multiplying (EM) CCDs

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    Applications at synchrotron facilities such as macromolecular crystallography and high energy X-ray diffraction require high resolution imaging detectors with high dynamic range and large surface area. Current systems can be split into two main categories: hybrid pixel detectors and scintillator-coupled Charge-Coupled Devices (CCDs). Whilst both have limitations, CCD-based systems (coupled to fibre-optics to increase imaging area) are often used in these applications due to their small pixels and the high resolution. Electron-Multiplication CCDs (EM-CCDs) are able to suppress the readout noise associated with increased readout speed offering a low noise, high speed detector solution. A previous pilot study using a small-area (8 mm × 8 mm) scintillator-coupled EM-CCD found that through high frame-rates, low noise and novel uses of photon-counting, resolution could be improved from over 80 μm to 25 μm at 2 fps. To further improve this detector system, high speed readout electronics can be used alongside a fibre-optic taper and EM-CCD to create a “best of both worlds” solution consisting of the high resolution of a CCD, along with the low noise, high speed (high dynamic range) and large effective area of pixel detectors. This paper details the developments in the study and discusses the latest results and their implication on the system design

    The use of EM-CCDs on high resolution soft x-ray spectrometers

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    Charge-Coupled Devices (CCDs) have been traditionally used on high resolution soft X-ray spectrometers, but with their ability to increase the signal level in the detector before the readout noise of the system is added, Electron-Multiplying CCDs (EM-CCDs) have the potential to offer many advantages in soft X-ray detection. Through this signal multiplication an EM-CCD has advantages over conventioanl CCDs of increased signal, suppressed noise, faster readout speeds for the same equivalent readout noise and an increased inmmunity to Electro-Magnetic Intereference. This paper will look at present and future spacel applications for high resolution soft X-ray spectrometers and assess the advantages and disadvantage of using EM-CCDs in these applications

    A Guide to Text Analysis with Latent Semantic Analysis in R with Annotated Code: Studying Online Reviews and the Stack Exchange Community

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    In this guide, we introduce researchers in the behavioral sciences in general and MIS in particular to text analysis as done with latent semantic analysis (LSA). The guide contains hands-on annotated code samples in R that walk the reader through a typical process of acquiring relevant texts, creating a semantic space out of them, and then projecting words, phrase, or documents onto that semantic space to calculate their lexical similarities. R is an open source, popular programming language with extensive statistical libraries. We introduce LSA as a concept, discuss the process of preparing the data, and note its potential and limitations. We demonstrate this process through a sequence of annotated code examples: we start with a study of online reviews that extracts lexical insight about trust. That R code applies singular value decomposition (SVD). The guide next demonstrates a realistically large data analysis of Stack Exchange, a popular Q&A site for programmers. That R code applies an alternative sparse SVD method. All the code and data are available on github.com

    A study of electron-multiplying CCDs for use on the International X-ray Observatory off-plane x-ray grating spectrometer

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    CCDs are regularly used as imaging and spectroscopic devices on space telescopes at X-ray energies due to their high quantum efficiency and linearity across the energy range. The International X-ray Observatory's X-ray Grating Spectrometer will also look to make use of these devices across the energy band of 0.3 keV to 1 keV. At these energies, when photon counting, the charge generated in the silicon is close to the noise of the system. In order to be able to detect these low energy X-ray events, the system noise of the detector has to be minimised to have a sufficient signal-to-noise-ratio. By using an EM-CCD instead of a conventional CCD, any charge that is collected in the device can be multiplied before it is read out and as long as the EM-CCD is cool enough to adequately suppress the dark current, the signal-to-noise ratio of the device can be significantly increased, allowing soft X-ray events to be more easily detected. This paper will look into the use of EM-CCDs for the detection of low energy X-rays, in particular the effect that using these devices will have on the signal to noise ratio as well as any degradation in resolution and FWHM that may occur due to the additional shot noise on the signal caused by the charge packet amplification process

    A CMOS TDI image sensor for Earth observation

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    Time Delay and Integration (TDI) is used to increase the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) in image sensors when imaging fast moving objects. One important TDI application is in Earth observation from space. In order to operate in the space radiation environment, the effect that radiation damage has on the performance of the image sensors must be understood. This work looks at prototype TDI sensor pixel designs, produced by e2v technologies. The sensor is a CCD-like charge transfer device, allowing in-pixel charge summation, produced on a CMOS process. The use of a CMOS process allows potential advantages such as lower power consumption, smaller pixels, higher line rate and extra on-chip functionality which can simplify system design. CMOS also allows a dedicated output amplifier per column allowing fewer charge transfers and helping to facilitate higher line rates than CCDs. In this work the effect on the pixels of radiation damage from high energy protons, at doses relevant to a low Earth orbit mission, is presented. This includes the resulting changes in Charge Transfer inefficiency (CTI) and dark signal

    Integrating Scientific Research: Theory and Design of Discovering Similar Constructs

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    Assessing the similarity of proposed theoretical constructs to each other and those previously known and studied is imperative in theoretical research. In this paper we turn to theories of similarity judgement from cognitive psychology for the understanding of the process of establishing similarity between one or more constructs. Then, guided by these theories, we develop an integrated method for automatic detection of similar constructs. We apply the method to constructs from leading IS journals, a major journal in psychology, and the interdisciplinary overlap between the IS and psychology constructs. Our paper contributes to methodology of research, design science research, behavioral IS research, text mining and information retrieval theory and practice, IS research on ontology alignment and schema matching as well as cognitive theories of similarity in psycholog

    Mitigating radiation-induced charge transfer inefficiency in full-frame CCD applications by ‘pumping’ traps

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    The charge transfer efficiency of a CCD is based on the average level of signal lost per pixel over a number of transfers. This value can be used to directly compare the relative performances of different structures, increases in radiation damage or to quantify improvements in operating parameters. This number does not however give sufficient detail to mitigate for the actual signal loss/deference in either of the transfer directions that may be critical to measuring shapes to high accuracy, such as those required in astronomy applications (e.g. for Gaia’s astrometry or the galaxy distortion measurements for Euclid) based in the radiation environment of space. Pocket-pumping is an established technique for finding the location and activation levels of traps; however, a number of parameters in the process can also be explored to identify the trap species and location to sub-pixel accuracy. This information can be used in two ways to increase the sensitivity of a camera. Firstly, the clocking process can be optimised for the time constant of the majority of traps in each of the transfer directions, reducing deferred charge during read out. Secondly, a correction algorithm can be developed and employed during the post-processing of individual frames to move most of any deferred signal back into the charge packet it originated from. Here we present the trap-pumping techniques used to optimise the charge transfer efficiency of p- and n-channel e2v CCD204s and describe the use of trap-pumped images for on-orbit calibration and ground based image correction algorithms

    Evaluation of an intensive treatment program for disrupted patient-staff relationships in psychiatry.

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    Purpose: Some patients in psychiatric treatment are considered extremely difficult to treat because of the disruptive nature of their relationships with treatment staff. In this paper, we describe and evaluate a specialist inpatient treatment program for these patients. Design and Methods: Data were collected from medical records and daily reports of patients (n = 108). Pretest-posttest measurements were used to evaluate the treatment. Findings: The main treatment method consists of the provision of safety, structure, and cooperation. Treatment results show statistically significant changes from admittance to discharge. Practice Implications: The collaborative and consistent manner in which nurses approach the patients is crucial for quality of care. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Moyo Vol. III N 1

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    Boyden, John and Rich Vanderklok. Are You a $nob? . 2. Herman, James. River Phoenix: A Final Conversation . 4. Blake, Ben. Arbor Vitae Victories: Other Crafty Everyday Uses For Those Inconspicuous Little Trees . 9. Fischesser, S. Separate But Unequal: A View of Denison\u27s Black Orientation . 10. Gilmore, Seth. Evil Upheaval: The Reforming of Organized Religion... in Granville .; Boyden, John. “Reaching Out & Talking Dirty (When Touching Turns to Touch Tones)”. 20. Vanderklok, Rich. Gen-X Angst . 24. Driscoll, Julie. Bang! Thump (Getting A Taste For The Meat Processing Industry). 25. Stillman, Lisa. The Bare Facts: An Exposé on Public Nudity . 26. Endicott, Josh. Frames . 29. Emmons, Alex. Frames . 29. Emmons, Alex. Untitled. 11. Bussan, Dave. Bull Session With a Former Editor On Denison\u27s Sacred Cow . 30. Webb, Aaron. Color Blind: From Diversity Adversity to Racial Rapport . 33. Archer, Troy Color Blind: From Diversity Adversity to Racial Rapport . 33