21 research outputs found

    An error based mathematical module to enhance learning in signals and systems

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    During the last years, the lecturers at the Circuits and Systems Engineering Department at the E.U.I.T. de Telecomunicación at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid are observing more and more serious mathematical errors in the different exams and exercises taken by the students. Although some of these mistakes can be considered unacceptable in engineering disciplines, it is possible for a student to pass the final exam regardless of these mistakes. In this scenario, and aware that results were getting worse and worse year after year, it was considered convenient, and almost indispensable, to develop math exercises that students must practice if they want to progress following a continuous and formative assessment method along their engineering studies. The first part of this work is to analyze basic mathematical errors in final exam exercises of the course “Signals and Systems”. We present and illustrate the most relevant errors detected during the last two years final exams of that course. The information obtained permits us to identify the main lacks, difficulties and defaults of the students. The second part of this work is to develop a training module in order to the students can practice as many times as they want with simple exercises dealing with the topics where frequent errors are detected. After practicing they must pass an initial test to make sure that students have acquired the adequate basic mathematical background and skills to progress successfully in the mentioned course. The questions and exercises have been written using different formats, most of them to be compatible with Moodle platform requirements

    Alterations of the Hippocampal Neurogenic Niche in a Mouse Model of Dravet Syndrome

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    Hippocampal neurogenesis, the process by which neural stem cells (NSCs) continuously generate new neurons in the dentate gyrus (DG) of most mammals including humans, is chiefly regulated by neuronal activity. Thus, severe alterations have been found in samples from epilepsy patients and in the hippocampal neurogenic niche in mouse models of epilepsy. Reactive-like and gliogenic NSCs plus aberrant newborn neurons with altered migration, morphology, and functional properties are induced by seizures in experimental models of temporal lobe epilepsy. Hippocampal neurogenesis participates in memory and learning and in the control of anxiety and stress. It has been therefore hypothesized that part of the cognitive symptoms associated with epilepsy could be promoted by impaired hippocampal neurogenesis. We here analyze for the first time the alterations of the neurogenic niche in a novel mouse model of Dravet syndrome (DS), a genetic encephalopathy with severe epilepsy in infancy and multiple neurological comorbidities. Scn1a(WT/A1783V)mice, hereafter referred to as DS, carrying a heterozygous and clinically relevant SCN1A mutation (A1783V) recapitulate the disease at the genetic and phenotypic levels. We demonstrate that in the neurogenic niche of young adult DS mice there are fewer NSCs, they have impaired cell division and bear reactive-like morphology. In addition, there is significant aberrant neurogenesis. Newborn immature neurons migrate abnormally, and several morphological features are drastically changed. Thus, this study shows for the first time important modifications in hippocampal neurogenesis in DS and opens venues for further research on this topic.This work was supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) Grant/Award Numbers SAF-2015-70866-R (with FEDER Funds) and RyC-212-11137 to JE and RTI2018-097730-B-I00/MCI/AEI/FEDER, UE, and AC17/00029 (ISCIII)/FEDER to RH-A. SM-S received a Fundacion Tatiana predoctoral fellowship. OA is the recipient of a Basque Government postdoctoral fellowship

    Cheating and learning through web based tests

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    The use of web-based tests delivered through learning management systems has grown at university level in the last years. One of their key advantages is the possibility of creating tests with some degree of randomness that are automatically assessed in real time. Although the access to the learning management system resources is controlled for each student by means of personal username and password, the cheating among students when doing the tests cannot be avoided. However, if the students finally learn, in spite of cheating, the process could still be considered to be successful. In this work, the date, the required time to solve the test and the grades of quizzes undertaken by students through a web based learning management system are analyzed and they are compared to the grades obtained by the same students in a written test solved in an examination classroom under the supervision of the teacher. The course in which this study has been developed (Signals and Systems for Electrical and Electronics Engineering undergraduate students) is organized in 5 subjects and the students make a quiz on the web for each subject. At the end of the course the students make a final written exam that includes a true/false test. Around 50 questions for each subject of the course have been created. The questions are organized in 5 to 8 categories for each subject. The learning management system generates quizzes by arbitrarily selecting 1 or 2 items from the 5 to 8 categories in a given subject to complete a 10-item quiz. Due to the reduced number of items for each category and the large number of students that attend the course, several questions are repeated in quizzes generated for different students. The authors have noticed that some students work in groups to solve the quizzes. Some of them answer all the questions in a quiz in few minutes (less than 20 % of the time used by the most of their mates) and obtain high scores. When the scores of the same students in the final exam are analyzed, it is found that they also obtain good results. Then, it could be concluded that although they have found a way of cheating to solve the web quizzes, this is still pedagogically valid because they have learnt about the subject (they also obtain good results in the written test)

    Cuestionarios online como herramienta de aprendizaje: comparación de resultados con diversos modelos de cuestionarios.

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    En este trabajo se comparan dos estrategias de evaluación a través de cuestionarios online: i) realizar un cuestionario de evaluación sumativa al final de cada bloque temático del curso o ii) permitir que, para cada bloque temático, el alumno pueda repetir varias veces un test (con realimentación de las respuestas correctas) y realizar un test similar después de esta fase de aprendizaje. Los resultados muestran varios beneficios de la segunda estrategia: una mayor participación de los alumnos hasta el final del semestre, una menor tasa de abandono de la asignatura y una mejor nota en los test. Sin embargo, para que el aprendizaje sea efectivo en el caso de repetir varias veces un test, se necesita un banco de preguntas suficientemente amplio para que exista una probabilidad baja de que las preguntas no se repitan. Este problema se ha resuelto utilizando la posibilidad que presentan algunas plataformas de gestión del aprendizaje de generar automáticamente variantes numéricas de una misma pregunta. Por último se observa un grado de acuerdo muy elevado por parte de los alumnos con el peso que los resultados de los tests tienen en la nota final del curso, en el caso bajo estudio. Abstract: This work compares two different assessment strategies through online tests: i) summative assessment tests at the end of each part of the course or ii) the students can do selfassessment tests (with feedback) prior to a summative assessment test at the end of each part of the course. Results show that the second strategy yields several benefits: an increment in student participation till the end of the semester, a reduction in the drop-out rate and an increase in the mean test marks. However, a large item bank is necessary to effectively implement this second strategy. This problem has been addressed by using the automatic item generation facility offered by several learning management systems. Finally, a high proportion of the students agree with the weight proposed for these tests in the final course mark

    A case study: Final exam versus continuous assessment marks for electrical and electronic engineering students

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    In this work we analyze the final marks obtained by the students of the course “Signals and Systems” of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering degree at the E.U.I.T. de Telecomunicación in the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Students within this course are assessed by two different methods: the first one consists of only a final exam while the second one implies students following a continuous and formative assessment method in which they are required to solve some open exercises almost every week and to fulfil a self-evaluation test every two weeks all along the whole semester. During the academic year 07/08, all the students of the course were assessed by both methods. Herein, we analyze the final marks (in a 0-10 scale) obtained by the students and compare the pass and fail rates obtained with both assessment methods when the minimum mark for passing is set to 5. This work was done with a sample of 210 students that were divided in 7 different groups with different lecturers. We have found that more than 70 % of the students where classified in the same group, either pass or fail, with both assessment methods. As for the rest, 15 % of the students failed with the continuous assessment method but succeeded in the final exam and the remaining 15% passed in the continuous assessment and failed in the finals. For these two groups, observations indicate that the first one corresponds to students that either deliberately chose to be evaluated only with a final exam, thus not presenting the required coursework, or presented medium quality works (marks around 4) and did a greater effort for preparing the exam. As for the last group, it should be highlighted that their effort during the course allowed the majority of them to obtain marks above 3.5 points in the final exam. Based on these results, we made simulations so as to have an insight in what would be the student’s final marks when both assessment methods were combined with different weightings. Nowadays, this kind of combination is a common practice in many Universities, but usually the final exam has a higher weight (60 to 80 %) in the final student’s marks. We found that even if the final exam’s weight was only 25% and the continuous assessment’s weight was 75%, only 3% of the students that had final exam marks lower than 3.5 would obtain a weighted mark over 5.0. Consequently, we conclude that continuous assessment gives practically the same pass/fail rates as the final exam

    Investigación bibliotecológica

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    La cultura de la información (CI) surge de crear flujos de información para optimizar procesos comunicati- vos dentro de una organización, paralelo al desarrollo de tecnologías de información y comunicación y a una serie de contribuciones de distintas disciplinas que dieron origen a este fenómeno. El proceso de analizar y comprender su complejidad remite a su estudio des- de diversas perspectivas, dada la multidisciplinariedad que la caracteriza. El objetivo de esta investigación es contribuir con aportes teóricos al campo de estudio de la CI en el ámbito educativo, específicamente desde el nivel superior y desde el enfoque del acceso y uso de información. El análisis conceptual se realizó con metodología de corte cualitativo, la cual permitió identificar elementos semánticos generados desde el contexto organizacional y cómo éstos se insertaron en el entorno educativo. Se utilizó el método de comparación constante (MCC) a partir de la integración teórica del campo intelectual creador (CIC). Los resultados confirman una relación de elementos que transitaron del campo organizacional a los procesos de aprendizaje de educación superior, donde a dichas instituciones les corresponde implementar estrategias para el desarrollo de habilidades en el acceso y uso de información como componentes vitales de CI. ABSTRAC Information culture (IC) arises from information flows to optimize communication processes within an or- ganization, parallel to development of information and communication technology and a series of contri- butions from different disciplines that gave rise to the phenomenon. Process of analyzing and understanding its complexity refers to its study from different perspec- tives; given the multidisciplinarity that characterizes it. The purpose of this paper is to provide theoretical contributions to the field of study on IC in educational field, specifically from higher education level and ap- proach of access and use of information. Conceptual analysis was carried out with qualitative methodology, which allowed to identify semantic elements generated from organizational context and how these were insert- ed in educational environment. Constant comparison method (MCC) was used from theoretic integration of creative intellectual field (CIC). Results confirm some elements that went from organizational to higher edu- cation learning processes, where these institutions are responsible for implementing strategies for develop- ment of skills in access and use of information as vital components of IC. Additionally, value of information as intellectual capital is argued and it is established as a conclusion that, implementation of IC emerges from generation of intellectual capital and the fact that this is monitored and measured or quantified in systematic way, it can be affirmed that there is a consolidated IC.Portal del IIBI UNAMhttp://rev-ib.unam.mx/ib/index.php/ib/article/view/58480/5223

    Implementation of a mindfulness-based crisis intervention for frontline healthcare workers during the COVID-19 outbreak in a public general hospital in Madrid, Spain

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 outbreak is having an impact on the well-being of healthcare workers. Mindfulness-based interventions have shown effectiveness in reducing stress and fostering resilience and recovery in healthcare workers. There are no studies examining the feasibility of brief mindfulness-based interventions during the COVID-19 outbreak. Materials and Methods: This is an exploratory study with a post intervention assessment. We describe an on-site brief mindfulness intervention and evaluate its helpfulness, safety, and feasibility. Results: One thousand out of 7,000 (14%) healthcare workers from La Paz University Hospital in Madrid (Spain) participated in at least one session. One hundred and fifty out of 1,000 (15%) participants filled out a self-report questionnaire evaluating the helpfulness of the intervention for on-site stress reduction. Ninety two subjects (61%) participated in more than one session. Most of the participants were women (80%) with a mean age of 38.6 years. Almost half of the sample were nurses (46%). Sessions were perceived as being helpful with a mean rating of 8.4 on a scale from 0 to 10. Only 3 people (2%) reported a minor adverse effect (increased anxiety or dizziness). Discussion: Our data supports the utility, safety and feasibility of an on-site, brief mindfulness-based intervention designed to reduce stress for frontline health workers during a crisis. There is a need to continue testing this type of interventions, and to integrate emotion regulation strategies as an essential part of health workers' general training. Clinical Trial Registration number: NCT04555005

    Producción, impacto y colaboración en investigaciones peruanas en psiquiatría y salud mental

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    ABSTRACT Objective: to measure production, impact, and collaboration in Peruvian research on mental health as reported in Scopus, from 1992 until 2018. Materials and methods: this is a bibliometric review that analyzed publications featured in Scopus and dealing with psychiatry and mental health that had been produced by researchers affiliated to Peruvian institutions. Scientific production analysis reviewed the number of papers published per year, the impact analysis assessed the number of times these papers were referenced in Scopus, and the collaboration analysis assessed institutions and country networks participating in the aforementioned pieces of research. Results: research dealing with psychiatry and mental health showed an increasing trend for the number of published papers, as well as with respect to the times such papers were referenced and also considering inter-institutional collaboration during the 1992-2018 time period. Nonetheless, the number of published papers is low, since only 12 papers per year have been published. Research is carried out by few institutions in Lima, it only partially deals with psychiatry and mental health issues, and it shows moderate leadership from Peruvian institutions. Conclusion: a larger number of national institutions is required for participating in research dealing with psychiatry and mental health. A collaborative effort is needed.RESUMEN Objetivo: medir la producción, impacto y colaboración en las investigaciones científicas peruanas en psiquiatría y salud mental en Scopus, desde 1992 hasta el 2018. Materiales y métodos: el presente es un estudio bibliométrico que analizó las publicaciones en psiquiatría y salud mental en Scopus, desarrolladas por investigadores afiliados a una institución de Perú. La producción científica evaluó el número de artículos publicados por año, el análisis de impacto evaluó el número de citas recibidas en Scopus y el análisis de colaboración evaluó las redes de instituciones y países que participaron en las investigaciones. Resultados: la investigación en psiquiatría y salud mental presentó una tendencia creciente en el número de artículos publicados, número de citas recibidas y colaboración institucional en el periodo de 1992 al 2018. No obstante, el número absoluto de artículos publicados es bajo, al haberse publicado solo 12 artículos por año. La investigación es producida por pocas instituciones de Lima, aborda parcialmente los temas de psiquiatría y salud mental y presenta un moderado liderazgo por instituciones peruanas. Conclusión: se requiere que un mayor número de instituciones nacionales participen en la investigación en psiquiatría y salud mental, y que estas trabajen de forma colaborativa