58 research outputs found

    New land valuation criteria after the Spanish 2011 Valuation of Land Regulation : the objectivation of building expectations in rural land

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    The land valuation regime has undergone one of its most important modifications at the hands of the 2008 Land Act and its 2011 Regulation. According to the so-called objectivity principle - which defines all established methods for the new basic situations of land - and according to the stated prohibition of taking into consideration building expectations arising from granted planning permission, the fact is that the existence of circumstances that are not a natural consequence of landowner investments made on the property is easily deducible. This is inconsistent with the spirit of the Land Act in force contained in its Explanatory Memorandum

    Las cicatrices de la vivienda turística: reducción del mercado residencial inmobiliario y encarecimiento de precios

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    En este artículo dejamos constancia de la indudable influencia que, sobre el precio de la vivienda residencial, ha tenido la expansión de la vivienda turística. Tal y como recogen numerosos informes, este encarecimiento deriva de la expansión de las plataformas de alojamiento vacacional, como AirBnB, y de la consecuente reducción de oferta en el mercado inmobiliario tradicional por el denominado proceso de conversión de viviendas residenciales en turísticas. Lo que sin duda ha contribuido a dificultar el acceso a la vivienda de los colectivos más vulnerables, acentuando la crisis habitacional

    El Derecho del turismo

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    Presentación en powerpoint sobre la introducción al Derecho del turism

    Bases del Derecho Administrativo

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    Presentación en powerpoint sobre las Bases del Derecho Administrativ

    Bifunctional Au@Pt/Au nanoparticles as electrochemiluminescence signaling probes for SARS-CoV-2 detection

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    A novel immunosensor based on electrochemiluminescence resonance energy transfer (ECL-RET) for the sensitive determination of N protein of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is described. For this purpose, bifunctional core@shell nanoparticles composed of a Pt-coated Au core and finally decorated with small Au inlays (Au@Pt/Au NPs) have been synthesized to act as ECL acceptor, using [Ru (bpy)3]2+ as ECL donor. These nanoparticles are efficient signaling probes in the immunosensor developed. The proposed ECL-RET immunosensor has a wide linear response to the concentration of N protein of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus with a detection limit of 1.27 pg/mL. Moreover, it has a high stability and shows no response to other proteins related to different virus. The immunosensor has achieved the quantification of N protein of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in saliva samples. Results are consistent with those provided by a commercial colorimetric ELISA kit. Therefore, the developed immunosensor provides a feasible and reliable tool for early and effective detection of the virus to protect the populationThe authors wish to express their sincere thanks to the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN) (PID2020-116728RB-I00 and PID2020-115204RB-I00) and the Comunidad Autonoma ´ de Madrid (S2018/NMT-4349 TRANSNANOAVANSENS-CM Program, SI3/PJI/ 2021–00341 and 2021-5A/BIO-20943 Talent Attraction Project) for the financial support. C. Toyos-Rodríguez acknowledges the MICINN for the award of a FPI Grant (PRE2018-084953). A. de la Escosura-Muniz ˜ also thanks the MICINN for the research founding by a “Ramon ´ y Cajal” contract (RyC-2016-20299

    Perspectivas actuales de las fuentes del Derecho

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    Presentación / Rafael de Asís Roig. - Fuentes del Derecho y comunidad civil / Dionisio Llamazares Fernández. - Las fuentes del derecho y su problemática actual / Antonio Enrique Pérez Luño. - Fuentes del Derecho y sociedad civil : la participación de ésta en la creación normativa, desde la perspectiva del ordenamiento jurídico internacional / Montserrat Abad Castelos. - La tutela de la libertad religiosa en la Unión Europea y su incidencia en el ordenamiento interno español / Adoración Castro Jover. - Sistema normativo de la Unión Europea (naturaleza de las fuentes) / Carlos Moreiro González. - La incidencia de la Unión Europea en el sistema interno de fuentes de los Estados miembros / Ana Garriga Domínguez. - Las fuentes del Derecho Islámico / Mario Losano. - Multiculturalidad, Derecho islámico y ordenamiento secular; los supuestos de la poligamia y el repudio / Agustín Motilla de la Calle. - Interculturalidad y fuentes del Derecho : algunas reflexiones desde el Derecho Internacional / Carlos Fernández Liesa . - La definitiva secularización de la legislación sobre la interrupción del embarazo en España / Daniel Capodiferro Cubero. - Interculturalidade e Fontes do Direito. - A ética da racionalidade do outro como princípio e critério objetivo na análise da interculturalidade e sua relação quanto à legitimação das fontes do direito / Artur César de Souza. - El papel de los nuevos movimientos sociales en la regulación jurídica de la globalización / Jose Antonio García Saez. - Relaciones entre ordenamientos jurídicos en el ámbito de la Unión Europea / Cristina Hermida del LLano. - La incidencia «interesada» de la Directiva 2003/86/CE en la última reforma de la Ley de extranjería española / Encarnación La Spina. - La lex mercatoria : una excepción a la legitimidad del orden jurídico-político moderno / Francisco López Ruiz. - Un paralelismo entre las teorías de los principios y la jurisprudencia de conceptos: la ruptura del puente entre las fuentes del Derecho y la sociedad civil / Luis Lloredo Alix. - La configuración de un derecho cultural sobre lo religioso como una propuesta para la plena integración de las personas de origen musulman residentes en Europa / Andrés Murcia González. - Sobre algunas concepciones de la jurisprudencia en la cultura jurídica norteamericana / Oscar Pérez de la Fuent

    Mural Endocarditis: The GAMES Registry Series and Review of the Literature

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    Introduction: Mural infective endocarditis (MIE) is a rare type of endovascular infection. We present a comprehensive series of patients with mural endocarditis. Methods: Patients with infectious endocarditis (IE) from 35 Spanish hospitals were prospectively included in the GAMES registry between 2008 and 2017. MIEs were compared to non-MIEs. We also performed a literature search for cases of MIE published between 1979 and 2019 and compared them to the GAMEs series. Results: Twenty-seven MIEs out of 3676 IEs were included. When compared to valvular IE (VIE) or device-associated IE (DIE), patients with MIE were younger (median age 59 years, p < 0.01). Transplantation (18.5% versus 1.6% VIE and 2% DIE, p < 0.01), hemodialysis (18.5% versus 4.3% VIE and 4.4% DIE, p = 0.006), catheter source (59.3% versus 9.7% VIE and 8.8% DIE, p < 0.01) and Candida etiology (22.2% versus 2% DIE and 1.2% VIE, p < 0.01) were more common in MIE, whereas the Charlson Index was lower (4 versus 5 in non-MIE, p = 0.006). Mortality was similar. MIE from the literature shared many characteristics with MIE from GAMES, although patients were younger (45 years vs. 56 years, p < 0.001), the Charlson Index was lower (1.3 vs. 4.3, p = 0.0001), catheter source was less common (13.9% vs. 59.3%) and there were more IVDUs (25% vs. 3.7%). S. aureus was the most frequent microorganism (50%, p = 0.035). Systemic complications were more common but mortality was similar. Conclusion: MIE is a rare entity. It is often a complication of catheter use, particularly in immunocompromised and hemodialysis patients. Fungal etiology is common. Mortality is similar to other IEs

    The ERA Registry Annual Report 2019 : summary and age comparisons

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    Background Data on renal replacement therapy (RRT) for end-stage renal disease were collected by the European Renal Association (ERA) Registry via national and regional renal registries in Europe and countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. This article provides a summary of the 2019 ERA Registry Annual Report, including data from 34 countries and additional age comparisons. Methods Individual patient data for 2019 were provided by 35 registries and aggregated data by 17 registries. Using these data, the incidence and prevalence of RRT, the kidney transplantation activity and the survival probabilities were calculated. Results In 2019, a general population of 680.8 million people was covered by the ERA Registry. Overall, the incidence of RRT was 132 per million population (p.m.p.). Of these patients, 62% were men, 54% were >= 65 years of age and 21% had diabetes mellitus as primary renal disease (PRD), and 84% had haemodialysis (HD), 11% had peritoneal dialysis (PD) and 5% had pre-emptive kidney transplantation as an initial treatment modality. The overall prevalence of RRT on 31 December 2019 was 893 p.m.p., with 58% of patients on HD, 5% on PD and 37% living with a kidney transplant. The overall kidney transplant rate was 35 p.m.p. and 29% of the kidney grafts were from a living donor. The unadjusted 5-year survival probability was 42.3% for patients commencing dialysis, 86.6% for recipients of deceased donor grafts and 94.4% for recipients of living donor grafts in the period 2010-14. When comparing age categories, there were substantial differences in the distribution of PRD, treatment modality and kidney donor type, and in the survival probabilities.Peer reviewe