202 research outputs found

    Relación de microestructura mecánica contra Composición química de morteros de cementos Portland Mexicanos.

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    Este trabajo nace a partir del mega proyecto de innovación que lleva como nombre “Caracterización micro-mecánica de los productos de hidratación de cemento Portland Mexicano, segunda etapa” con clave UAEM3396/2013M, bajo la dirección del Dr. Juan Carlos Arteaga Arcos, proyecto el cual presenta un problema de alto impacto a nivel nacional e internacional puesto que el mortero es un material empleado para la construcción desde épocas muy remotas, hasta hoy en día no se ha logrado comprender al 100% el mortero, por lo que los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo pueden aportar valiosa información sobre este material, sumado a lo anterior, en esta tesis se engloba tanto la parte física como la parte de ingeniería, lo cual convierte a este trabajo en uno multidisciplinario. Se realizó un estudio sobre 7 muestras diferentes de mortero de cemento tipo Portland Mexicano, con la finalidad de poder crear una relación entre sus propiedades micromecánicas y la composición química de cada una de las muestras, enfocándose principalmente en comparar los módulos de elasticidad respecto al porcentaje de concentración de las especies químicas de manera que se pueda ver que tanto es lo que influye al módulo de elasticidad la presencia de mayor o menor concentración de cierta especie contenida en el mortero de cemento. Para el análisis fisicoquímico de las muestras se consideraron la composición química y las reacciones básicas del proceso de hidratación del Mortero. Por ello se desarrolló una simulación de la reacción entre las principales especies contenidas en el cemento tipo Portland en presencia de agua; en este trabajo se muestran los resultados para una reacción sencilla entre la alita (C3S) y el agua (6H), ya que la especie de la alita es la que se encuentra en mayor abundancia comparada con el resto de las especies contenidas en el mortero y el cemento Portland, la cantidad de agua incluida en la simulación fue consistente con la norma ASTM Desgination C109/C 109M; esta simulación fue realizada en la plataforma del Comsol Multiphysics® bajo la licencia 3074607. Cabe señalar que la reacción básica fue modelada utilizando la ecuación de Avrami

    End User Computing Satisfaction on Digital Trade Facilitation in the Philippines

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    Digital trade facilitation is increasingly becoming essential in a modern customs environment. Many countries have started computerizing and automating their trade procedures, the success of which depends upon their government’s information technology development. In usability perspective, the most appropriate success measure of an information system is the end-users’ satisfaction. This study assessed the end-user computing satisfaction (EUCS) on digital trade facilitation in the Philippines, known as electronic to mobile (e2m) system. This also determined the profile of e2m clients and the differences on their satisfaction. This further established correlations among the dimensions of EUCS. The study is a descriptive-survey research, which used a valid and reliable EUCS questionnaire. The respondents consisted of 49 e2m clients who were selected conveniently. Statistical tests employed were Mann-Whitney U-Test, Kruskal-Wallis H-Test, and Spearman’s Correlation. Results showed that majority of respondents are customs brokers, most are 4-6 years in profession, and with more than 10 transactions in a month. The end-users were generally satisfied on the total EUCS, as well as in content, accuracy, and timeliness, while they were very satisfied in format, and ease of use. Results also revealed that there are significant differences on clients’ satisfaction on format when grouped to profession, on ease of use when grouped to years in profession, and on accuracy and total EUCS when grouped to number of transactions in a month. All the five EUCS dimensions have significant positive moderate to strong correlations with each other

    Sistematización de la agenda de eventos para la facultad de ciencias económicas

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    Actualmente la facultad de ciencias económicas del Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (ITM) requiere una sistematización de su agenda de asistencia a los diferentes eventos que se realicen en la ciudad. El cuerpo de docentes pertenecientes a dicha facultad presenta la dificultad de inasistencia a estos eventos por lo poco práctico y optimo que es el método utilizado para la difusión de la información perteneciente a los eventos. En vista de la persistencia de este inconveniente, se ve la necesidad de realizar un plan para la elaboración de una plataforma móvil y web, que permita a los profesores y estudiantes tener acceso inmediato a la información de los eventos próximos a realizar. Con este proyecto se busca reducir la tasa inasistencia a las diferentes actividades enfocadas al área de las ciencias económicas y administrativas. La elaboración de este proyecto de grado se hace bajo la integración de varias tecnologías web: lenguaje de maquetación HTML, JavaScript, hojas de estilos CSS, base de datos MongoDB; componentes esenciales para la creación de páginas web, haciendo el adecuado uso de cada uno de los lenguajes de programación anteriormente mencionados se puede llegar a un excelente producto final. La creación del aplicativo móvil se basa principalmente en el desarrollo web debido a que la plataforma utilizada llamada Meteor, facilita el desarrollo para este tipo de dispositivos utilizando una interpretación de código Java mediante el lenguaje de programación JavaScript y HTML. Para hacer esta interpretación es indispensable realizarla bajo el sistema operativo Linux, esto facilita la interpretación hacia Android debido a que ambos sistemas tienen el mismo Kernel. Puede concluirse que por medio de la plataforma de desarrollo Meteor, se obtienen aplicativos distribuidos, completamente funcionales de una manera rápida.Ingeniero de Sistemaspregrad

    Public opinions on seven different stray cat population management scenarios in Flanders, Belgium

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    Stray cat population management is an important worldwide issue. Understanding citizen attitudes towards stray cat control options is vital to the success of controlling stray cat numbers, as public perception affects the acceptance of, support for and collaboration in stray cat management policies. Audience segmentation, as to enable each group to be engaged in the stray cat management policy, is important for the success of the interventions. Therefore a web-based survey was conducted among Flemish citizens in order to examine differences in acceptance towards seven management scenarios: household cat neutering with financial support for the owner, household cat neutering without financial support for the owner, encouraging responsible household cat ownership, trapping stray cats and taking them to a shelter, trapping and neutering stray cats for release into a managed & ldquo;cat colony & rdquo; (composed by so called & ldquo;community cats & rdquo;), trapping and killing of stray cats, and undertaking no action. A total of 4059 valid responses were collected and the proportions of agreement were compared across the different management scenarios using the two-sample z-test. Interactions among factors that influenced each management scenario were investigated using the CHAID (Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection) analysis and visualized on a tree. Our results showed that fostering responsible household cat ownership (89.9%) and conversion of stray cats to & ldquo;community cats & rdquo; (76.3%) were most supported by respondents in our sample (which consisted mainly of females, cat-lovers, and families without children). Least supported were the killing of stray cats (7.7%) and undertaking no action (3.3%). The demographic analyses revealed that for the acceptance of management scenarios there were three important factors (attitude towards cats, area of residence, and gender), two weaker factors (education and having children) and two which had almost no impact (age and cat ownership). We propose that future studies should focus on the effect of & lsquo;area of residence & rsquo;, & lsquo;having children & rsquo; and & lsquo;education & rsquo;. In conclusion, our research confirms that management of and communication on stray cat strategies should not be developed with a one-size-fits-all approach. Efforts should be tailored to each audience segment, thus adapted to the area of residence and human characteristics

    Sutureless aortic valve replacement in high risk patients neutralizes expected worse hospital outcome: A clinical and economic analysis

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    Background: Aortic valve replacement (AVR) by sutureless prostheses is changing surgeon options, although which patients benefit most, as well as their possible economic impact is still to be defined. Methods: Perceval-S prosthesis (LivaNova) is reserved, at the documented Institution, for patients at perceived high surgical risk. This retrospective analysis of outcome and resource consumption compared Perceval with other tissue valves. To clarify the comparison, only patients respecting ‘instructions-for- use’ of Perceval were reviewed. Inclusion criteria: > 65 years, +/– coronary artery bypass grafting, patent foramen ovale closure or myectomy. Exclusion criteria: bicuspid, combined valve or aortic sur- gery. Costs were calculated per patient on a daily basis including preoperative tests, operating costs (hourly basis), disposables, drugs, blood components and personnel. Results: The sutureless group (SU-AVR) had a higher risk profile than the sutured group (ST-AVR). Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and cross-clamp times were significantly shorter in SU-AVR (isolated AVR: cross-clamp 52.9 ± 12.6 vs. 69 ± 15.3 min, p < 0.001; CPB 79.4 ± 20.3 vs. 92.7 ± 18.2 min, p < 0.001). Hospital mortality was 0.9% in SU-AVR and nil in ST-AVR, p = 0.489; intubation 7 (IQR 5–10.7) and 7 h (IQR 5–9), p = 0.785; intensive care unit 1 (IQR 1–1) and 1 day (IQR 1–1), p = 0.258; ward stay 5.5 (IQR 4–7) and 5 days (IQR 4–6), p = 0.002; pacemaker 5.7% (6/106) and 0.9% (1/109), p = 0.063, respectively. Hospital costs (excluding the prosthesis) were 12,825(IQR11,73315,334)forSUAVRand12,825 (IQR 11,733–15,334) for SU-AVR and 12,386 (IQR 11,217–14,230) in ST-AVR, p = 0.055. Conclusions: Despite higher operative risks in SU-AVR, hospital mortality, morbidity and resource consumption did not differ. Operative times were shorter with the sutureless device and this improve- ment, along with more frequent ministernotomy, may have improved many postoperative aims.

    Riqueza y distribución de equinoideos irregulares (Echinoidea: Cassiduloida, Clypeasteroida, Holasteroida y Spatangoida) del Pacífico central mexicano

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    Background. The diversity of irregular echinoids along the Pacific coast of Mexico is still not well known. This group has developed a selection of a restricted substrate; in addition, they are morphologically adapted to bury themselves in sediment that makes them difficult to locate in the field. Goals. To prepare a checklist of species of irregular echinoids including new records of the Cassiduloida, Clypeasteroida, Holasteroida, and Spatangoida orders found along the coasts of Nayarit, Jalisco, and Colima. Methods. Organisms were collected through various sampling operations undertaken between December 2013 and August 2017, in subtidal zones with Scuba diving gear (up to 10 m) and in sandy beaches using manual collection. In addition, we carried out a review of bibliographic sources and scientific collections. Results. Eighteen species from nine families and four orders of irregular urchins were registered for the coasts of Nayarit, Jalisco, and Colima. For Nayarit there are nine species and the species Encope micropora was registered for the first time in Playa Novillero. Ten species were recorded in Jalisco and 14 species in Colima, which for both states established new records for the species Rhyncholampas pacificus, Agassizia scrobiculata, Brissus obesus, Metalia spatagus, and Plagiobrissus pacificus. Conclusions. The literature review, complemented with field sampling, helped increase the diversity of species of irregular sea urchins in the central Mexican Pacific region. Determining the diversity of these species will make it possible to propose future studies on their ecology, in order to specify their ecological role in coastal ecosystems and their potential use for the conservation of marine communities.  Antecedentes. La diversidad de erizos irregulares a lo largo de la costa del Pacífico mexicano aún no es bien conocida. Este grupo ha desarrollado una selección del sustrato restringida y está morfológicamente adaptado para enterrarse en el sedimento, lo que dificulta su localización. Objetivos. Elaborar una lista de especies de erizos irregulares que incluya nuevos registros de los órdenes Cassiduloida, Clypeasteroida, Holasteroida y Spatangoida, presentes en las costas de Nayarit, Jalisco y Colima. Métodos. Los organismos fueron recolectados durante varias campañas de muestreo, entre diciembre de 2013 y agosto de 2017, en zonas submareales con equipo de buceo Scuba (hasta 10 m) y en playas de arena mediante recolecta manual. Además, se realizó una búsqueda de registros en fuentes bibliográficas y colecciones científicas. Resultados. Se reportan 18 especies de nueve familias y cuatro órdenes de erizos irregulares para las costas de Nayarit, Jalisco y Colima. Para Nayarit se registró un total de nueve especies y, por primera vez, la especie Encope micropora se encontró en la playa Novillero; diez especies se registraron en Jalisco y 14 en Colima: se presentan nuevos registros de las especies Rhyncholampas pacificus, Agassizia scrobiculata, Brissus obesus, Metalia spatagus y Plagiobrissus pacificus para ambos estados. Conclusiones. El trabajo de revisión, complementado con el muestreo en campo, contribuye a incrementar la riqueza de especies de erizos irregulares en la región del Pacífico central mexicano. Determinar la riqueza de estas especies permitirá plantear estudios a futuro sobre su ecología, que servirán para precisar su papel ecológico en los ecosistemas costeros, así como su uso potencial para la conservación de las comunidades marinas

    EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on prevention and management of bleeding and thrombosis in patients with cirrhosis

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    : The prevention and management of bleeding and thrombosis in patients with cirrhosis poses several difficult clinical questions. These Clinical Practice Guidelines have been developed to provide practical guidance on debated topics, including current views on haemostasis in liver disease, controversy regarding the need to correct thrombocytopenia and abnormalities in the coagulation system in patients undergoing invasive procedures, and the need for thromboprophylaxis in hospitalised patients with haemostatic abnormalities. Multiple recommendations in this document are based on interventions that the panel feels are not useful, even though widely applied in clinical practice

    Lateralization of uric acid stones on the left side

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    The analysis of 35,087 kidney stones revealed that 60% of uric acid stones originate from the left kidney whereas other stones are homogeneously distributed (p<0.001p<0.001). The analysis of (i) lateralized urine samples collected during ureteroscopy and (ii) urine from patients grafted with left or right kidney, did not reveal any difference in urine from left and right kidney. Patients affected by uric acid stones had significantly more cysts, predominating in the left kidney, than patients affected by calcium oxalate stones (p<0.001p<0.001). This set of experiments suggests that renal cysts are associated to uric acid stone lateralization on the left side

    Lateralization of uric acid stones on the left side

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    The analysis of 35,087 kidney stones revealed that 60% of uric acid stones originate from the left kidney whereas other stones are homogeneously distributed (p<0.001p<0.001). The analysis of (i) lateralized urine samples collected during ureteroscopy and (ii) urine from patients grafted with left or right kidney, did not reveal any difference in urine from left and right kidney. Patients affected by uric acid stones had significantly more cysts, predominating in the left kidney, than patients affected by calcium oxalate stones (p<0.001p<0.001). This set of experiments suggests that renal cysts are associated to uric acid stone lateralization on the left side