17 research outputs found

    Glazbeni odgoj i obrazovanje pripadnika romske nacionalne manjine u Republici Hrvatskoj kao poticaj usvajanju hrvatskoga standardnoga jezika

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    The paper deals with the position and possibilities of music education of Roma in the formal education system and outside the system in the context of the middle Europe specifically on the example of Eastern Croatia. Roma people have been in the unfavorable position in every way. Poor knowledge of Croatian standard language conditions poorer success in the education process. A greater knowledge of Croatian would enable students, members of the Roma minority, better integration in the education system and society in general. Music, as a universal language, and music education could be a mean of faster and easier integration. The review of former experiences in Eastern Croatia and considering the actual state impose several solutions to the problem dealt with in the paper.U radu se razmatra položaj i mogućnosti glazbenog obrazovanja Roma u sustavu i izvan sustava formalnoga obrazovanja u kontekstu srednje Europe specifično na primjeru istočne Hrvatske. Romi su kroz noviju povijest bili u vrlo nepovoljnom položaju sa svih gledišta. Slabo poznavanje hrvatskoga standardnoga jezika uvjetuje slabiju uspješnost u odgojnoobrazovnom procesu. Bolje poznavanje hrvatskoga jezika omogućilo bi učenicima, pripadnicima romske manjine, bolju integraciju u odgojno-obrazovni sustav i društvo u cjelini. Glazba, kao univerzalni jezik, i glazbeno obrazovanje mogli bi poslužiti kao sredstvo brže i lakše integracije. Pregledom dosadašnjih iskustava u istočnoj Hrvatskoj i razmatranjem trenutnoga stanja nameće se nekoliko rješenja ovoga problema koja su prikazana u ovom radu

    Kobaš Walked Circle-Dance – Contributions to the Study of the Slavonian Intangible Cultural Heritage

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    Radom će se prikazati kulturološki i identitetski značaj šetanih kola posavskoga sela Slavonski Kobaš i to: kola „polako“ i kola „na brzo“ kao dio nematerijalne kulturne baštine i tradicije hrvatskoga naroda. Šetana kola zaštićena su kao nematerijalno kulturno dobro od 2009. godine. Točnije rečeno, zaštićena su drežnička šetana kola, a predmetom ovoga rada bit će kobaška šetana kola koja pripadaju istom geografskom i kulturološkom krugu kao i drežnička. Šetana kola važan su element kulturnoga identiteta šokačke kulture i šokačkoga identiteta. Cilj je rada dati doprinos proučavanju šetanih kola koja su neopravdano zanemarena i u znanstvenim, i u stručnim krugovima, a čiji je značaj i u kulturološkom, i u etnološkom, i u povijesnom, i u lingvističkom, i književnopovijesnom kontekstu izrazito velik te ukazuje na mogućnost proučavanja slojevitosti tekstova šetanih kola kao predložaka za iščitavanje povijesti, usmene književnosti, jezika vremena u kojemu su nastajala, etnologije, identiteta i općenito kulturološkoga poimanja naroda za koji su vezana kao dio kulturne baštine i identiteta jednoga kraja. Rad se temelji na metodama terenskoga prikupljanja građe (tekstovi šetanih kola), analiziranja i usustavljivanja prikupljene građe te rada na dostupnoj arhivskoj građi.The paper shows the cultural and identity significance of the walked circle-dance of the Posavina village of Slavonski Kobaš, namely: the “slowl” and the “quick” circle-dance as part of the intangible cultural heritage and tradition of the Croatian people. The šetana walked circle-dances, have been protected as intangible cultural property since 2009. Specifically, the Drežnica walked circle-dances are protected, and the subject of this paper are the Kobaš walked circle-dances, which belong to the same geographical and cultural circle as the Drežnica dances. The walked circle-dances are an important element of the cultural identity of the Šokac culture and identity. The aim of the paper is to contribute to the study of walked circle-dances, which are unjustifiably neglected in scientific and professional circles. The significance of walked circle-dances is extremely large in cultural, ethnological, linguistic and literary historical contexts and suggests the possibility of studying the layers of these dances as templates for interpreting history, oral literature, the language of the time in which they originated, ethnology, identity, and generally the cultural understanding of the peoples to whom they are bound as part of the cultural heritage and identity of one locality. The work is based on the methods of field material collection (texts of walked circle-dances), analysing and systemizing the collected material and working on the available archival material. Finally, ecommendations are made for possible further research


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    U radu se govori o uspješnosti otvorenog i analitičko-eksplikativnog sustava u nastavi hrvatskoga jezika. Cilj je rada usporedba dvaju sustava te utvrđivanje njihove učinkovitosti u obradi i vrjednovanju. Rad prikazuje obradu jedne nastavne jedinice u dvama različitim sustavima. Istraživanje je provedeno u 7.a i 7.b razredu Osnovne škole „Ivan Goran Kovačić“ u Slavonskome Brodu. Odabrana je tema IMENIČKI DODATCI, a nastavna je jedinica glasila ATRIBUT. Učenici su na tom satu trebali prepoznati i definirati atribut izrečen pridjevom, zamjenicom i brojem, imenovati i definirati imenički atribut, te ga naučiti prikladno pisati. U 7.b razredu primijenjen je otvoreni sustav, a u 7.a analitičko-eksplikativni. I jednima i drugima sadržaj je bio zadan. Učenici 7. b razreda mogli su izabrati oblik rada, metode rada, kao i sredstva i pomagala koja su im bila dostupna te način objavljivanja rezultata. U uvodnome dijelu, tj. čitanju nastavne jedinice (čitanje s obilježavanjem) primijenjen je samostalni rad, kasnije rad u paru i skupini. Obrada i prikazivanje rezultata rada u ovome razredu odvijao se u dvosatu. U 7.a odjelu izmjenjivao se frontalni rad s individualnim, od metoda najviše je bio zastupljen heuristički razgovor. Obrada je trajala samo jedan sat. I u jednome i drugome razredu nakon obrade, provedena je anketa s istim pitanjima, a odnosila se na samoprocjenu aktivnosti u radu, zadovoljstvo načinom obrade i razumijevanje zadanog sadržaja. Na drugome satu vrednovano je usvojeno znanje. Analizom rezultata utvrđeno je da su učenici koji su sadržaj obrađivali u otvorenom sustavu bili bolji i uspješniji. Razlog takve spoznaje leži u činjenici da su ti učenici više puta i na različite načine aktivnog učenja i predstavljanja rezultata rada obradili zadani sadržaj. Time je još jednom potvrđena znanstvena činjenica da je aktivnost učenika blisko povezana s kvalitetom usvojenog znanja.This paper deals with the degree of success of the open and analytic-explicative systems in Croatian language teaching. The aim of the paper is to compare traditional and modern systems, as well as to evaluate their effectiveness during the implementation of new curriculum contents and assessment. The paper presents the implementation of one teaching unit using these different systems. The research was conducted in two classes, 7a and 7b, in Elementary School \u27\u27Ivan Goran Kovačić\u27\u27 in Slavonski Brod. The chosen chapter topic was NOUN COMPLEMENTS, and the topic of the lesson was MODIFIER. The students were asked to identify and define modifying adjectives, pronouns and numbers, to name and define the noun modifiers and to learn to write them correctly. Open teaching system was applied in class 7b, and analytic-explicative in class 7a. The teacher assigned a task to both groups of students. Students in class 7b had the possibility to choose the teaching techniques and procedures, materials and aids they would use, as well as the ways to present the results. In the introductory part, i.e. reading (with annotations), they worked individually; later they worked in pairs and in groups. The implementation of the unit and the presentation of results were carried out within two period sessions. In class 7a frontal and individual work were combined. Heuristic method of conversing was applied most of the time. The implementation of the unit was carried out within a single period. The same survey was conducted after the lessons in both classes, containing questions that referred to classroom activity, unit implementation methods, understanding of the contents and personal impressions. In the next lesson students were tested in order to find out how much of the contents they had understood. Upon analysis of the results it was established that the students who covered the topic using the open system were better and more successful. The reason for this lies in the fact that these students studied the topic using different ways of active learning and presenting of results. Once again this confirms the scientific fact that students\u27 activity is closely related to the quality of acquired knowledge.Der Artikel befasst sich mit dem Erfolg des offenen und analytisch-explikativen Systems im Kroatischunterricht. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist der Vergleich der beiden Systeme und Bestimmung ihrer Effizienz in der Bearbeitung und Auswertung. Die Studie zeigt die Bearbeitung einer Lerneinheit in zwei unterschiedlichen Systemen. Die Studie wurde in den Klassen 7.a und 7.b der Grundschule "Ivan Goran Kovačić" in Slavonski Brod durchgeführt. Das Thema BEIFÜGUNGEN ZUM SUBSTANTIV wurde ausgewählt und die Lerneinheit war das ATTRIBUT. Die Schüler sollten in dieser Unterrichtsstunde das Attribut erkennen und definieren, das mit Hilfe von Adjektiv, Pronomen und Numeralia ausgedrückt wird, des weiteren das Nominalattribut benennen und definieren und lernen, es richtig zu schreiben. In der Klasse 7.b wurde das offene System und in der Klasse 7.a das analytisch-explikative System benutzt. Den Schülern in den beiden Klassen war der Inhalt vorgegeben. Die Schüler der Klasse 7.b konnten die Unterrichtsform, Unterrichtsmethode, und auch die zur Verfügung stehenden Anlagen und Hilfsmittel, sowie die Art und Weise der Bekanntgabe der Ergebnisse wählen. Im einleitenden Teil, d.h. beim Lesen der Unterrichtseinheit (Texte markieren) wurde die selbstständige Arbeit angewandt, später Paar- und Gruppenarbeit. Die Bearbeitung und die Präsentation der Ergebnisse in dieser Klasse fanden in einer Doppelstunde statt. In der Klasse 7.a wechselte sich der Frontalunterricht mit Individualunterricht aus, und was die Unterrichtform anging, wurde am häufigsten das heuristische Gespräch angewandt. Die Bearbeitung dauerte nur eine Unterrichtsstunde. In beiden Klassen wurde nach der Behandlung eine Umfrage mit den gleichen Fragen durchgeführt. Sie bezog sich auf die Selbstbewertung der Arbeitsaktivitäten, die Zufriedenheit mit der Form der Bearbeitung und das Verständnis des gegebenen Inhalts. In der zweiten Unterrichtsstunde wurden die erworbenen Kenntnisse ausgewertet. Die Analyse der Ergebnisse hat gezeigt, dass die Schüler besser und erfolgreicher waren, die die Inhalte im offenen System bearbeitet haben. Der Grund einer solchen Erkenntnis liegt in der Tatsache, dass diese Schüler mehrfach und auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise des aktiven Lernens und Präsentation der Arbeitsergebnisse den gegebenen Inhalt behandelt haben. Dies bestätigt erneut die wissenschaftliche Tatsache, dass die Schülertätigkeit eng mit der Qualität der erworbenen Kenntnisse verbunden ist

    Towards a Safeguarding Concept of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Slavonia, Baranya and Syrmia – Aspects of Digitization, Processing, Conservation and Dissemination of Sound, Image and Shape

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    This paper is aimed at defining the concept of intangible cultural heritage in the context of safeguarding of speeches, customs, historical and traditional cultural assets of Slavonia, Baranya and Syrmia. Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Croatia is endangered and it is becoming extinct due to the influence of a number of factors. Since the formulation of the 1999 Act on the Protection and Preservation of Cultural Goods, intangible cultural heritage has been under special protection as goods of interest to the Republic of Croatia and 85 items have been listed as intangible cultural heritage in the Register of Cultural Goods of the Republic of Croatia so far. Intangible cultural heritage is the subject of scientific research, as well as a part of the tourist offer (knitting fishing nets, reconstruction of customs), and some craft activities (pottery, lace making, apiculture). However, the issues related to the sustainable development of intangible cultural heritage are numerous, the most important being the disorganized and insufficient documentation of intangible assets and dispersion of the collected documentation. This paper sets out to highlight the ways modern technology and scientific research can cooperate in the processing of intangible cultural assets, which seems to be the best and safest option for permanent preservation of intangible cultural heritage in its broadest sense. The preservation of intangible cultural heritage is regarded in this paper at four basic levels: the collection (digitization of data), the processing of data to the level of information, proper storage of data and information processed and the dissemination to final users. The vital step towards the realization of the goals is to gather all accessible data using modern technical tools and techniques. In the era of cloud computing and distributed data storage, it is necessary to provide sufficient data redundancy for permanent preservation, especially if such valuable information is in question. As an ultimate goal, it is necessary to disseminate the collected and preserved assets in a user-oriented manner, depending on the available and desired level of animation and technical knowledge of users

    Phraseologie in der Kindersprache

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    Rječnik djeteta općenito, a osobito dobni frazemi u predškolskom razdoblju i u mlađim razredima osnovne škole slabo je istraženo područje iako je taj dio ranoga jezičnoga razvoja tipično identitetsko obilježje dječjega govora. Iako se njima često koriste u osobnoj komunikaciji, učenici imaju poteškoća u prepoznavanju i tumačenju značenja odre-đenih frazema. Cilj je rada istražiti koliko učenici četvrtoga razreda osnovne škole razumiju frazeme koje čuju ili se njima koriste u svojoj usmenoj i pismenojkomunikaciji, mogu li objasniti značenje tih frazema te kolika je zastupljenost frazema u tekstovima čitanki za osnovnu školu. Kako bi se dobili određeni pokazatelji, anketom koja se sastoji od tri pitanja ispitana su 94 učenika iz dviju škola s područja Brodsko-posavske i Vukovarsko-srijemske županije.The vocabulary of a child in general, and especially age related phraseology in the preschool period and in the lower elementary school grades, is a poorly researchedfield of science although that part of early language development is a typical identity feature of child speech. Even though children use phrasemes quite often in their personal communication, they still have difficulties in recognizing and interpreting the meaning of certain phrasemes. The main objective of this paper is to examine in what range do the students in the fourth grade of elementary school understand the phrasemes that they hear or that they use in oral communication, can they explain the meaning of those phrasemes and to what extent are phrasemes used in the texts of school reader books. In order to get specific parameters, 94 students, from two schools situated in the area of Brod – Posavina County and Vukovar – Syrmia County, were examined using a questionnaire consisting of three questions.Der Wortschatz des Kindes im Allgemeinen und insbesondere die Idiome der Kinder in der Vorschulzeit und in niedrigeren Grundschulklassen sind ein kaum erforschtes Fachgebiet, obwohl dieser Teil der frühen Sprachentwicklung ein typisches Identitätsmerkmal der Kindersprache ist. Obwohl sie oft in der persönlichen Kommunikation verwendet werden, haben die Schüler Schwierigkeiten bei der Erkennung und der Interpretation von bestimmten Idiomen. Das Ziel des Beitrags ist zu untersuchen, wie gut die Viertklässler die Idome verstehen, die sie hören oder in ihrer mündlichen und schriftlichen Kommunikation verwenden, ob sie die Bedeutung dieser Idiome erklären können und wie die Idiome in den Texten von Lehrbüchern für Grundschulen vertreten sind. Um bestimmte Indikatoren zu erhalten, wurde eine aus drei Fragen bestehende Umfrage durchgeführt, die 94 Schüler aus zwei Schulen in den Gespanschaften Brod – Posavina und Vukovar – Srijem umfasste

    Influence of Bosnian dialects on youth speech in Slavonski Brod

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    Cilj je ovoga rada dati pregled istraživanja o jeziku i identitetu mladih u Slavonskome Brodu, gradu na granici s Bosnom i Hercegovinom, koji je zbog svoga geografskoga položaja bio podložan većem utjecaju susjednih bosanskih idioma. Riječ je o gradu koji su obilježili značajni imigracijski procesi tijekom devedesetih godina 20. stoljeća, za vrijeme Domovinskoga rata i raspada SFRJ. Kroz povijest, Bosansku su Posavinu naseljavali uglavnom Hrvati. Padom toga dijela Bosne i Hercegovine pod srpski patronat tijekom rata u Bosni i Hercegovini 90.-ih godina 20. stoljeća, Hrvati su bili prisiljeni napustiti to područje te su se u velikome broju naselili u Slavonskome Brodu. Danas, nakon dvadesetak godina od pada Bosanske Posavine, primjetan je velik broj mladih koji koriste elemente bosanskoga leksika, ali i sintaktičke strukture tipične za dijelove Bosne i Hercegovine otkud je bio znatan priljev izbjeglica. S obzirom na zastupljenost ovoga varijeteta među mladima, autorice postavljaju pitanje predstavlja li bosanski dijalekt hrvatskoga jezika zaseban govor mladih. U ovome ćemo radu predstaviti pilot-istraživanje s učenicima Osnovne škole Vladimir Nazor iz Slavonskoga Broda te predstaviti nacrt za daljnje istraživanje.The aim of the paper is to present research on language and identity of the youth in Slavonski Brod, the town on the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina, which, due to its geographical location, has been under a significant influence of the neighbouring Bosnian dialects. This is a town characterized by great immigration processes during 1990s, in the times of Croatian War for Independence and the disintegration of Yugoslavia. Throughout history, Bosnian Sava basin was inhabited mostly by Croats. After the occupation of this part of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the Serbs during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 1990s, Croats were forced to leave the area and they inhabited Slavonski Brod in great numbers. Today, twenty or so years after the occupation of Bosnian Sava basin, a great number of young people can be heard using elements of Bosnian lexicon as well as syntactic structures typical for the parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina where a considerable flow of refugees came from. Considering the representation of this language variety among the young, the authors raise the question if the Bosnian dialect of the Croatian language exists as a separate kind of youth speech. This paper will present a pilot research with the pupils from Primary school “Vladimir Nazor“in Slavonski Brod and outline the draft for further research

    Od ideje do promjene : vodič za pokretanje programa društveno korisnog učenja

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    Publikacija „Od ideje do promjene: Vodič za pokretanje programa društveno korisnog učenja“ predstavlja konačnu projektnu publikaciju projekta pod nazivom “EDUpolicy LAB — društveno korisnim učenjem do jednakih obrazovnih mogućnosti”. Glavni cilj projekta bio je povećati broj društveno aktivnih studenata/ica s razvijenim građanskim kompetencijama za rješavanje problema lokalne zajednice kroz razvoj i provedbu održivog programa društvenog učenja (dalje u tekstu: DKU) usmjerenog na socijalno isključene skupine u obrazovanju

    Od ideje do promjene : vodič za pokretanje programa društveno korisnog učenja

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    Publikacija „Od ideje do promjene: Vodič za pokretanje programa društveno korisnog učenja“ predstavlja konačnu projektnu publikaciju projekta pod nazivom “EDUpolicy LAB — društveno korisnim učenjem do jednakih obrazovnih mogućnosti”. Glavni cilj projekta bio je povećati broj društveno aktivnih studenata/ica s razvijenim građanskim kompetencijama za rješavanje problema lokalne zajednice kroz razvoj i provedbu održivog programa društvenog učenja (dalje u tekstu: DKU) usmjerenog na socijalno isključene skupine u obrazovanju

    Hungarizmi u sičanskome govoru [Hungarisms in sičan speech]

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    The work will show the representation of Hungarians in the Sičan speech. The Sičan language is the first protected language in the territory of Slavonia. It was protected by the Decision of the Ministry of Culture in 2008. Since then, systematic work has been carried out on all prescribed measures to protect and popularize this very important speech for the Croatian language and Croatian dialectology. The Sičan language belongs to the Old Štokavian languages and preserves the old linguistic state with all the features of the Slavonic dialect of the Posavina subdialect: a five-accent system that includes acute, the absence of the h sound, the softening of the l and n sounds, reduction of vowels in all places (front, middle and back), the existence of secondary vowels, the absence of the consonant group tk, pt, mn, specificity on the morphological, syntactic and formation level. The aim of this paper is to give a lexical overview of the Siče dialect based on the dictionary of the Siče dialect of Sičanske riči. Hungarianisms will be singled out from the lexical corpus and an overview of words of Hungarian origin that entered this protected speech and that remain in active use to this day will be given. The methodology of working on the text, that is, on the language corpus of the published dictionary of Sičanske riči, will be applied. The purpose of the paper is to make a dialectological contribution to the study of the Old Štokavian languages, and especially to the relations and influences of the Hungarian and Croatian languages with regard to the common history of coexistence in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy