481 research outputs found

    Análisis de estabilidad tridimensional de un talud urbano ubicado en João Monlevade, Brasil

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    Geotechnical stability analysis of slopes is an important tool for decision making in civil projects.  Use of three-dimensional software for analysis of soil slope stability has increased in recent years. Rocscience Inc. created Slide3 software in 2017. Slide3 is a software that allows geotechnical engineers to calculate the factor of safety of complex 3D slope stability geometries that 2D models cannot fully simulate. In this context, this paper presents a three-dimensional stability analysis of a slope located in an urban area at city of João Monlevade, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The slope was selected due to the instability history in rainfall periods. Topography of the area was provided by the city council. Young and mature residual soils were identified in the studied slope. Young residual soil was physically classified as clay without gravels and presents in natura values of cohesion and friction angle, equal to 32 KPa and 23.97º, respectively. Mature residual soil was physically classified as clayey silt without gravels and presents in natura values of cohesion and friction angle, equal to 19 KPa and 23.30º, respectively. The factor of safety of the soil slope was equal 0.977, considering the slope saturated. The factor of safety of the drained slope was equal to 1.415. Generalized limit equilibrium (GLE) method was used in this equilibrium-limit analysis.  The results stability analysis of the slope was coherent, once previous instability occurs in a period that was identified above average rainfall.Análise de estabilidade geotécnica é uma importante ferramenta de decisão em projetos de engenharia civil. O uso de análises tridimensionais de estabilidade cresceu nos últimos anos. Rocscience Inc. criou Slide3 em 2017. Slide3 é um programa computacional que permite que engenheiros geotécnicos calculem o fator de segurança em complexas geometrias tridimensionais que modelos bidimensionais não são capazes de simular de forma efetiva. Neste contexto, esse artigo apresenta uma análise de estabilidade tridimensional de um talude urbano localizado em João Monlevade no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. O talude foi selecionado devido ao histórico de instabilidade durante períodos chuvosos. A topografia do talude foi fornecida pela prefeitura da cidade. Solo residual jovem e solo residual maduro foram identificados no talude estudado. O solo residual jovem foi classificado como argila sem pedregulhos e apresentou in natura, valores de coesão e ângulo de atrito igual a 32 KPa e 23,97°, respectivamente. Solo residual maduro foi classificado silte argiloso sem pedregulhos e apresentou in natura, valores de coesão e ângulo de atrito igual a 19 KPa e 23,30°, respectivamente. O solo foi classificado como silte argiloso e apresentou valores de coesão e ângulo de atrito iguais a 0,19 KPa e 23,3°, respectivamente. O fator de segurança do talude saturado foi igual a 0,977 e do talude drenado foi igual a 1,415. O método de equilíbrio limite utilizado foi o método do Equilíbrio Generalizado (GLE). O resultado da análise de estabilidade do talude é coerente, uma vez que instabilidades previas ocorreram em período em que foi identificada precipitação acima da média.Análisis de estabilidad geotécnica es una herramienta de decisión importante en proyectos de ingeniería civil. El uso del análisis de estabilidad tridimensional ha crecido en los últimos años. Rocscience Inc. creó Slide3 en 2017. Slide3 es un software que permite a los ingenieros geotécnicos calcular el factor de seguridad en geometrías tridimensionales complejas que los modelos bidimensionales no pueden simular de manera efectiva. En este contexto, este artículo presenta un análisis de estabilidad tridimensional de un talud urbano ubicado en João Monlevade, Minas Gerais, Brasil. El talud fue seleccionado debido a la historia de inestabilidad durante los períodos de lluvia. La topografía del talud fue cedida por el ayuntamiento de la ciudad. Se identificaron suelo residual joven y suelo residual maduro en el talud estudiado. El suelo residual joven se clasificó físicamente como arcilla sin gravas y presentó valores in natura de cohesión y ángulo de fricción, igual a 32 KPa y 23.97°, respectivamente. El suelo residual maduro se clasificó físicamente como limo arcilloso sin gravas y presentó valores in natura de cohesión y ángulo de fricción, igual a 19 KPa y 23.30°, respectivamente. El factor de seguridad del talud saturado fue 0,977 y del talud drenado fue 1.415. El método de equilibrio límite utilizado fue el Método de Equilibrio Generalizado (GLE). El resultado del análisis de estabilidad del talud es consistente, ya que inestabilidades previas han ocurrido durante un período en el que se identificaron precipitaciones superiores al promedio


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    O Projeto IF - Recicla, levando em consideração os problemas com o lixo em nossa sociedade, apresenta como objetivo iniciar a solução da problemática, buscando aumentar o incentivo e a participação das pessoas na reciclagem através da criação de um protótipo de site em conjunto com um fórum, além de contas em redes sociais, que abordará assuntos relacionados à reciclagem e ao descarte do lixo, deixando o fórum para ser discutido e compartilhado as ideias dos leitores

    Effects of physical exercise on functional capacity in hemodialysis patients. A systematic review

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    The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review in order to evaluate the main effects of intradialytic physical exercise on different parameters of functional capacity in dialytic patients. The clinical question that guided the objective of this study was developed using the PICO method (Population, Intervention, Comparation and Outcome)." Where i) population: patients on hemodialysis; ii) intervention: physical exercise; iii) comparison: active vs sedentary patients; and iv) outcome: functional capacity. The combinations of the following keywords were used: CKD, physical exercise, exercise, physical training and hemodialysis. The selection of studies was performed using the PubMed database and only studies dating from 2011 to 2021 were selected. The search results led to 53 studies. The following steps were carefully analyzed, such as the title, abstract and the full paper description to evaluate whether they met the following inclusion criteria: i) target audience of the studies should be patients on hemodialysis; ii) outcomes that analyze different parameters of functional capacity; iii) Intervention using physical exercise; and iii) intradialytic exercise. The final results indicate that intradialytic physical exercise can cause significant changes in the evaluated outcomes of functional capacity, such as increased strength, improvement of cardiorespiratory function, and improvement of locomotor activity. It was concluded that intradialytic training protocols should be encouraged in clinical practices because they are responsible for causing beneficial changes in the functional capacity of hemodialytic patients

    Fluoride aided potassium extraction from Verdete rock by thermal processing with ferrous sulfate heptahydrate. / Extração de potássio auxiliada por flúor da rocha de Verdete por processamento térmico com sulfato ferroso hepta-hidratado

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    Glauconite is a green-colored monoclinic mineral with hydrated phyllosilicate of potassium and iron. It has low resistance to weathering and is usually found in sandstones and shales, as well as in marls and impure limestones. It is a secondary mineral formed from the modification of iron-rich micas, such as biotite. Even though it is an alternative source of potassium, it is still not extracted commercially on a large scale due to the lack of commercial technology that makes the business viable economically.Ferrous sulfate heptahydrate is a residue or by-product formed during the pickling of iron and steel and also in the manufacture of titanium dioxide from the ilmenite.Iron, as a raw material for the production of reagents, is abundant in the tailings of this metal.The use of ferrous sulfate as a sulfating agent has the advantage of being more selective and less aggressive during processing, in addition to the property of being thermosensitive.Fluorine accelerates this sulfation process due to an ionic substitution action on the structure of glauconite and on compounds that prevent the reaction, such as calcium sulfate.This work has investigated the release of potassium by dissolution in a 2% (w/w)citric acid solution in water, after previous thermal and chemical processing of glauconite rock (10% K2O) from Cedro doAbaeté - MG - Brazil with ferrous sulfate heptahydrate and NaF in the ratio (1.00: 0.70: 0.01), respectively.Potassium soluble in citric acid and not soluble in water characterizes a slow acting fertilizer.Thermal processing was performed at temperatures of 500°C and 700°C for 6h in a fluidized bed oven.The selection of ferrous sulphate was based on a thermodynamic evaluation of the system.The results showed that the thermal processing of the rock and ferrous sulfate mixture alone was not effective for the release of potassium in aqueous solution and in citric acid.The extraction of potassium from raw rock in citric acid was 7%.The mixture of rock and ferrous sulfate, without fluoride, in citric acid had an extraction rate of 6.8%.However, the same mixture with addition of 29ppm of fluorine had different results, in water (20% at 700°C) and mainly in citric acid (52.1% at 700°C), increasing the availability of potassium in more than 7 times when compared to the availability of rock potassium in natura.This study confirms that the combined effects of fluorine and temperature of thermal processing increase the release of potassium from glauconite


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    At the beginning of 2015, the Laboratório de Paleontologia e Evolução (Labpaleoevo) of the Goiás Federal University (UFG), Aparecida de Goiânia Campus, added to its collection 335 specimens of fossils. Most specimens are from the sedimentary basins of Araripe, São José de Itaboraí, and Paraná, located at the states of Ceará, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Goiás. This collection is still in process of implementation and institutionalization, proper methods for curating the paleontological material are being applied. The present paper aims to present the institutionalization process of Labpaleoevo and its fossil collection, which has the potential for revealing new data important to the Brazilian Paleontology. As a consequence, this process will give the UFG's Geology Course support to the curation of fossil specimens, and may enhance many paleontological studies in Goiás State as well

    Two-year history of lymphadenopathy and fever caused by Bartonella henselae in a child

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    We report the case of a 6-year-old boy that presented with enlarged lymph nodes on his neck. He complained of tiredness and discouragement, which worsened during feverish periods. There were no relevant laboratory test abnormalities and serological tests were not reactive. Bartonella henselae DNA was detected by species-specific nested polymerase chain reaction. After treatment, the patient progressed with no fever or lymphadenopathy. Bartonellosis is a group of infectious diseases caused by bacteria of the genus Bartonella. This case report is a useful reminder to clinicians that long-term fever of unknown origin can be related to B. henselae infection, even if the specific serology is not reactive

    Masticatory efficiency, bite force and electrical activity of the masseter and temporalis muscles in bodybuilders

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    This study aimed to compare the masticatory efficiency, the maximum voluntary occlusal bite force (MVOBF) and the electrical activity (EMG) of masticatory muscles of practitioners of upper limb bodybuilding before and after physical activity. Twenty he