2,339 research outputs found

    Optical performance analysis of the Copenhagen solar cooker with COMSOL Multiphysics

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    The Copenhagen solar cooker is a compact, panel-type design with four flexible reflective panels to redirect solar radiation onto a cooking pot. The geometric configuration of the panels is adjustable, depending on the sun elevation angle. Despite the simplicity of the concept, the resulting curved reflector geometries do not align with any analytical surface, posing a modeling challenge. This work introduces an innovative approach: COMSOL Multiphysics structural mechanics simulation is used to emulate the manual folding process of the reflector panels, in order to create accurate geometric models of the two most used configurations: Ninety and Flower. Then, the COMSOL ray optics module is used to characterize the optical performance of the generated Copenhagen solar cooker models. A large number of studies are presented, of interest both to the practical user who wants to optimize the use of their Copenhagen cooker and to the designer looking for future optimizations. This is the first work in scientific literature that analyzes the optical system of the Copenhagen solar cooker

    Acute effects of a single tennis match on passive shoulder rotation range of motion, isometric strength and serve speed in professional tennis players

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    Shoulder pain has been associated with glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD) and a reduction in external rotation (ER) strength; however, in tennis players, there is scarce evi- dence regarding the impact of a single match on shoulder range of motion (ROM), strength and serve speed. The aim of this study was to determine the acute effect of a single tennis match on shoulder rotation ROM, isometric strength and serve speed. Twenty-six profes- sional tennis players participated in the study (20.4±4.4 years; 10.5±3.2 years tennis exper- tise; 20.5±5.4 h/week training). Passive shoulder external (ER-ROM) and internal rotation ROM (IR-ROM), ER and IR isometric strength were measured before and after a single ten- nis match (80.3±21.3 min) in both shoulder´s. Moreover, the total arc of motion (TAM) and ER/IR strength ratio were calculated. Video analysis was used to assess the number of serves and groundstrokes, while a radar gun was utilized to measure maximal ball speed. In the dominant shoulder, compared to pre-match levels, IR-ROM was significantly reduced (-1.3%; p = 0.042), while ER-ROM (5.3%; p = 0.037) and TAM (3.1%; p = 0.050) were signif- icantly increased. In the non-dominant shoulder, ER-ROM (3.7%; p = 0.006) was increased. Furthermore, in the dominant shoulder, the isometric ER strength was significantly reduced after the match (-4.8%; p = 0.012), whereas serve speed was not significantly reduced after match (-1.16%; p = 0.197). A single tennis match leads to significant reductions in shoulder ROM (e.g., IR of the dominant shoulder) and isometric strength (e.g., ER of the dominant shoulder). This study reveals the importance of recovery strategies prescription aiming at minimize post-match alteration in the shoulders.SIThe authors would like to express their gratitude to the tennis players for their participation.The authors received no specific funding for this work

    General electrokinetic model for concentrated suspensions in aqueous electrolyte solutions: electrophoretic mobility and electrical conductivity in static electric fields

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    In recent years different electrokinetic cell models for concentrated colloidal suspensions in aqueous electrolyte solutions have been developed. They share some of its premises with the standard electrokinetic model for dilute colloidal suspensions, in particular, neglecting both the specific role of the so-called added counterions (i.e., those released by the particles to the solution as they get charged), and the realistic chemistry of the aqueous solution on such electrokinetic phenomena as electrophoresis and electrical conductivity. These assumptions, while having been accepted for dilute conditions (volume fractions of solids well below 1 %, say), are now questioned when dealing with concentrated suspensions. In this work, we present a general electrokinetic cell model for such kind of systems, including the mentioned effects, and we also carry out a comparative study with the standard treatment (the standard solution only contains the ions that one purposely adds, without ionic contributions from particle charging or water chemistry). We also consider an intermediate model that neglects the realistic aqueous chemistry of the solution but accounts for the correct contribution of the added counterions. The results show the limits of applicability of the classical assumptions and allow one to better understand the relative role of the added counterions and ions stemming from the electrolyte in a realistic aqueous solution, on electrokinetic properties. For example, at low salt concentrations the realistic effects of the aqueous solution are the dominant ones, while as salt concentration is increased, it is this that progressively takes the control of the electrokinetic response for low to moderate volume fractions. As expected, if the solids concentration is high enough the added counterions will play the dominant role (more important the higher the particle surface charge), no matter the salt concentration if it is not too high. We hope this work can help in setting up the real limits of applicability of the standard cell model for concentrated suspensions by a quantitative analysis of the different effects that have been classically disregarded, showing that in many cases they can be determinant to get rigorous predictions.Financial supports for this work by MICINN, Spain (projects FIS2010- 18972, FIS2013-47666-C3-1R, 2R, 3R) and Junta de Andalucía, Spain (project P2012-FQM-694), co-financed with FEDER (European Fund for Regional Development) funds by the EU

    Deaf bilingual education: key tenets for strategic change

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    Pese a los progresos logrados en la protección de los derechos fundamentales de salud y educación de las personas sordas usuarias de las lenguas de signos, a menudo se sigue negando a niños sordos su derecho a aprender y usar las lenguas de signos en su educación y en entornos físicos y psicosociales accesibles de conformidad con la Convención de los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (CDPD) y con las recientes leyes 27/2007 y 17/2007. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue obtener información sobre los factores estratégicos que favorecen una escuela saludable e inclusiva, mediante programas de educación bilingüe sostenibles y de calidad para escolares sordos en España. La metodología utilizada consistió en un estudio descriptivo con componentes de investigación-acción participativa y un enfoque de análisis estratégico. Como resultados, cabe destacar que las principales macrotendencias que, en el ámbito internacional, han promovido el cambio hacia prácticas bilingües son dos: en primer lugar, los cambios sociales y políticos que tienden a una creciente aceptación de la diversidad y los temas relacionados con las personas sordas; y en segundo lugar, una tendencia a un activismo, una autoconciencia y un apoderamiento crecientes por parte de las personas sordas. Como contrapartida, las que lo han obstaculizado son, por un lado, la visión de la sordera como una condición médica, que puede solucionarse mediante la tecnología; y por otro lado, el fonocentrismo, unido a una cierta resistencia social a lo desconocido. Aunque en España algunas de las escuelas que han iniciado el cambio cumplen las recomendaciones de la CDPD, la mayoría están todavía en una fase preliminar de formulación o puesta en práctica de este nuevo modelo y distan mucho de encontrarse distribuidas de manera igualitaria en las diferentes comunidades autónomas. Como conclusión podemos decir que conseguir una educación más saludable e inclusiva para los escolares sordos implica poner en marcha una estrategia de actuación planificada en la que participen activamente todos los sectores y organismos relevantes implicados y, en particular, las comunidades sordas a través de las organizaciones que las representan. Sin un cambio radical de perspectiva, la salud y la educación no serán accesibles a todos y las desigualdades sociales se verán acentuadas.Although progress has been made in protecting deaf sign language users’ fundamental rights to health and education, all too often deaf children are still denied the right to learn and use sign languages in their education and in accessible physical and psycho-social environments in accordance with both the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and recent Spanish laws (Act 27/2007 and Act 17/2007). The main objective of the present study was to collect information about some strategic factors that may facilitate healthy, inclusive schooling through sustainable, high-quality deaf bilingual programmes in Spain. A descriptive study was conducted, with some components of participatory action research and a strategic analysis framework. The two main megatrends found to have spurred the current change toward bilingual education in order of priority are: (1) societal and political changes towards a growing acceptance of diversity and Deaf issues and (2) growing Deaf activism, selfawareness and empowerment. The two main hindering megatrends are: (1) the view of deafness as a medical condition with a technological solution and (2) phonocentrism and societal resistance to the unknown. Although some schools have achieved CRPD-recommended standards, the majority of deaf bilingual programmes in Spain are still in a very early stage of formulation and implementation and are far from being equally distributed across the country. Transforming schools into healthier, more inclusive settings for deaf children implies the implementation of a well-planned strategy involving the active participation of relevant sectors and organizations, particularly deaf communities through their representative organizations. Unless there is a radical change of perspective, health and education will not be available to all, and therefore social inequalities will increase.Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo; Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación; Vicerrectorado de Alumnado; y Grupo de Investigación en Salud Pública de la Universidad de Alicante

    Applying mobile technologies in the scientific collections knowledge spreading. An example of application in the Geology Museum of the University of Seville

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    La reciente aparición de dispositivos electrónicos móviles con acceso a internet (tablets, ipads, teléfonos móviles 3G y 4G) abre nuevas posibilidades didácticas y de difusión de colecciones científicas. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en demostrar las ventajas de la utilización de códigos QR (Quick Response) en las exposiciones de colecciones museísticas de historia natural mediante su aplicación en la exposición del Museo de Geología de la Universidad de Sevilla, actualmente en el CITIUS (Centro de Investigación, Tecnología e Innovación de la Universidad de Sevilla). Esta exposición posibilitó que hace un año se creara la página web del Museo, alojada en la web del CITIUS (http://investigacion.us.es/scisi/sgi/exposiciones). En esta página se puede encontrar información actualizada acerca de la exposición. Actualmente se está elaborando una visita virtual a la exposición del CITIUS, así una persona desde su casa o cualquier otro punto de acceso a internet, podrá realizar una visita al museo de forma virtual, accediendo al contenido de las vitrinas, información de los posters o a cualquier otro material que en ese momento esté disponible. Por otra parte, para aquellos que realicen físicamente la visita, cada expositor dispondrá de un código QR que permitirá al visitante ampliar la información de aquello que está viendo en cada momento, guiándole y permitiéndole acceder a una mayor cantidad de información, como datos sobre las colecciones sistemáticas, referencias a ciertos ejemplares significativos, acceso a juegos/actividades, etc. La inclusión de los códigos QR en los productos creados por el propio Museo (paneles, trípticos,..) amplían la información que nos ofrecen, permitiendo interactuar con el visitante y hacer uso del aprendizaje en red y la educación virtual.The recent appearance of electronic devices with technologies that provide access to internet such as tablets, ipads and mobile phones with 3G and 4G is opening a new way to learning and to share the scientific collections. The aim of this research is to demonstrate the advantages of using QR codes (Quick Response) in the exhibition of natural history collections, in particular through its application to the Geology Museum of the University of Seville, currently in the CITIUS (Research, Technology and Innovation Centre of the University of Seville). This exhibition opened in 2011, and facilitated the possibility of creating the web site of the Museum, which is also part of the CITIUS web site (http://investigacion.us.es/scisi/sgi/exposiciones). In this web page it is possible to find updated information about the exhibition. Currently it is taking place the development of a virtual exhibition, therefore anyone with internet access could perform a virtual visit to the Museum, looking directly at the display stands and cabinets, obtaining access to the posters information or to any of the available resources. Also, for people who are physically visiting the Museum, a QR code will be provided in each of the cabinets, to allow the visitors to increase the initial information of the specimens shown. In this form the visitor could access to data about the systematic collections, literature references, significant specimens, and they will also have access to related games and activities. The inclusion of QR codes in each of the products developed at the Museum (posters, leaflets...) are going to increase the information displayed allowing the visitor interaction and making use of the e-learning

    Frailty, Complexity, and Priorities in the Use of Advanced Palliative Care Resources in Nursing Homes

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    Background and objectives: This study aimed to determine the frailty, prognosis, complexity, and palliative care complexity of nursing home residents with palliative care needs and define the characteristics of the cases eligible for receiving advanced palliative care according to the resources available at each nursing home. Materials and Methods: In this multi-centre, descriptive, and crosssectional study, trained nurses from eight nursing homes in southern Spain selected 149 residents with palliative care needs. The following instruments were used: the Frail-VIG index, the case complexity index (CCI), the Diagnostic Instrument of Complexity in Palliative Care (IDC-Pal), the palliative prognosis index, the Barthel index (dependency), Pfeiffer’s test (cognitive impairment), and the Charlson comorbidity index. A consensus was reached on the complexity criteria of the Diagnostic Instrument of Complexity in Palliative Care that could be addressed in the nursing home (no priority) and those that required a one-off (priority 2) or full (priority 1) intervention of advanced palliative care resources. Non-parametric tests were used to compare non-priority patients and patients with some kind of priority. Results: A high percentage of residents presented frailty (80.6%), clinical complexity (80.5%), and palliative care complexity (65.8%). A lower percentage of residents had a poor prognosis (10.1%) and an extremely poor prognosis (2%). Twelve priority 1 and 14 priority 2 elements were identified as not matching the palliative care complexity elements that had been previously identified. Of the studied cases, 20.1% had priority 1 status and 38.3% had priority 2 status. Residents with some kind of priority had greater levels of dependency (p < 0.001), cognitive impairment (p < 0.001), and poorer prognoses (p < 0.001). Priority 1 patients exhibited higher rates of refractory delirium (p = 0.003), skin ulcers (p = 0.041), and dyspnoea (p = 0.020). Conclusions: The results indicate that there are high levels of frailty, clinical complexity, and palliative care complexity in nursing homes. The resources available at each nursing home must be considered to determine when advanced palliative care resources are required

    An exploratory study of faculty perceptions regarding the management of university teaching

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    Resumen: En los últimos años han proliferado el número de investigaciones y publicaciones relacionadas con el nuevo papel que ha de desempeñar el profesor en el nuevo contexto universitario establecido por la convergencia con Europa, aunque consideramos que sigue siendo pertinente el desarrollo y presentación de trabajos relacionados con ciertos ámbitos de la docencia que inciden en el aumento de su calidad, como son la programación de asignaturas, los recursos didácticos utilizados y la consideración de la motivación del estudiante en el proceso de aprendizaje. En este trabajo se presentan las opiniones del profesorado sobre la importancia y uso que le conceden a estos tres ámbitos con respecto a su labor docente. Consideramos conveniente incidir en una mayor concienciación por parte de los profesores por mejorar su actividad docente, a través de grupos de trabajo interdisciplinares y de una formación didáctica centrada en el desarrollo curricular.Abstract: In recent years we have witnessed the proliferation in the number of research and publications related to the new role played by the teacher in the new university established by the convergence with Europe, although we believe it is still relevant the development and presentation of papers works on certain areas of teaching that influence the rise of its quality, such as scheduling of courses, teaching resources used and consideration of student motivation in the learning process. This paper presents the views of teachers on the importance and use to attach to these three áreas with regard to their teaching profession. We consider it desirable the increase of a greater awareness on the part of teachers to improve their teaching through interdisciplinary work groups and a training curriculum focusing on curriculum development


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    En los últimos años han proliferado el número de investigaciones y publicaciones relacionadas con el nuevo papel que ha de desempeñar el profesor en el nuevo contexto universitario establecido por la convergencia con Europa,aunque consideramos que sigue siendo pertinente el desarrollo y presentación de trabajos relacionados con ciertos ámbitos de la docencia que inciden en el aumento de su calidad, como son la programación de asignaturas, los recursos didácticos utilizados y la consideración de la motivación del estudiante en el proceso de aprendizaje. En este trabajo se presentan las opiniones del profesorado sobre la importancia y uso que le conceden a estos tres ámbitos con respecto a su labor docente.Consideramos conveniente incidir en una mayor concienciación por parte de los profesores por mejorar su actividad docente, a través de grupos de trabajo interdisciplinares y de una formación didáctica centrada en el desarrollo curricular.ABSTRACTIn recent years we have witnessed the proliferation in the number of research and publications related to the new role played by the teacher in the new  university established by the convergence with Europe, although we believe it is still relevant the development and presentation of papers works on certainareas of teaching that influence the rise of its quality, such as scheduling of courses, teaching resources used and consideration of student motivation in the learning process.This paper presents the views of teachers on the importance and use to attach to these three areas with regard to their teaching profession. We consider it desirable the increase of a greater awareness on the part of teachers to improve their teaching through interdisciplinary work groups and a training curriculum focusing on curriculum development