2,409 research outputs found

    An algorithmic discrete gradient field and the cohomology algebra of configuration spaces of two points on complete graphs

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    We introduce an algorithm that constructs a discrete gradient field on any simplicial complex. We show that, in all situations, the gradient field is maximal possible and, in a number of cases, optimal. We make a thorough analysis of the resulting gradient field in the case of Munkres' discrete model for Conf(Km,2)\text{Conf}(K_m,2), the configuration space of ordered pairs of non-colliding particles on the complete graph KmK_m on mm vertices. Together with the use of Forman's discrete Morse theory, this allows us to describe in full the cohomology RR-algebra H(Conf(Km,2);R)H^*(\text{Conf}(K_m,2);R) for any commutative unital ring RR. As an application we prove that, although Conf(Km,2)\text{Conf}(K_m,2) is outside the "stable" regime, all its topological complexities are maximal possible when m4m\geq4.Comment: 29 pages, 18 figure

    Amar como Jesús nos ama. Teresa de Lisieux y la caridad

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    Teresa de Lisieux ha experimentado a Dios como Amor misericordioso manifestado así definitivamente en Cristo, al que ella ha accedido en la meditación de sus Misterios y en la celebración eucarística. Esta experiencia intensa del amor que es Dios revelado en Cristo, ha sanado y vivificado humana y espiritualmente a Teresa, animándola a una vivencia de la caridad al estilo de Jesús por encima de todas las dificultades que se le han presentado en la vida, particularmente al interior de su comunidad religiosa. Desde su experiencia mística, ella es maestra autorizada en el conocimiento del Dios Amor que nos llama al amor.Therese of Lisieux has felt God’s merciful love inside in just the same way Christ did. She reached this love through the meditation of her Mysteries and Euchatistic celebrations. This intense experience of love, which is again God reflected on Jesuschrist, has healed and refreshed Teresa in human and spiritual ways. Thus encouraging her to live charity just like Jesus did, going through countless difficulties in life, particularly those within his religious community. Therefore, it is due to her mystical experience that we can consider her proficient all the knowledge concerning the love of God on us

    Looking for phase-space structures in star-forming regions: An MST-based methodology

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    We present a method for analysing the phase space of star-forming regions. In particular we are searching for clumpy structures in the 3D sub-space formed by two position coordinates and radial velocity. The aim of the method is the detection of kinematic segregated radial velocity groups, that is, radial velocity intervals whose associated stars are spatially concentrated. To this end we define a kinematic segregation index, Λ(RV), based on the Minimum Spanning Tree graph algorithm, which is estimated for a set of radial velocity intervals in the region. When Λ(RV) is significantly greater than 1 we consider that this bin represents a grouping in the phase space. We split a star-forming region into radial velocity bins and calculate the kinematic segregation index for each bin, and then we obtain the spectrum of kinematic groupings, which enables a quick visualization of the kinematic behaviour of the region under study. We carried out numerical models of different configurations in the sub-space of the phase space formed by the coordinates and the that various case studies illustrate. The analysis of the test cases demonstrates the potential of the new methodology for detecting different kind of groupings in phase space.We acknowledge support from the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER funds through grant AYA2013-40611-P.Peer Reviewe

    O fosso da Ribeira de Telhares, SW de Portugal : um elemento pertencente a um alinhamento de grabens subparalelo ao sistema Arrifóias-Aljezur-Sinceira

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    O fosso da Ribeira de Telhares é uma depressão tectónica de direcção geral N-S e dimensão 5 X 1 km. É controlado por falhas normais longitudinais (N-S) e transversais (ENE-WSW) que, posteriormente, têm movimentação em desligamento esquerdo as longitudinais e direito as transversais. Os dois sistemas de falhas fragmentam o fosso em vários horsts e grabens menores. Os sedimentos que preenchem o fosso foram divididos em duas formações, de Telhares e de Tramagueira, que, por correlação estratigráfica, foram atribuídas ao Tortoniano Superior-Messiniano Inferior e ao Gelasiano, respectivamente. Estes depósitos sedimentares formaram-se em meio continental, com clima sub-húmido sazonal e, provavelmente, relacionados com relevos próximos. Estão parcialmente cobertos por depósitos fluviais quaternários que constituem a planície aluvial actual e por sedimentos quaternários que formam vários sistemas de terraços. Com excepção dos depósitos quaternários, os materiais da cobertura interior do fosso estão falhados e apresentam estruturas interpretadas como paleossismitos. Este fosso faz parte de um sistema de fossos subparalelo ao sistema Arrifóias-Aljezur-Sinceira, situado 25 km para

    Interaction of dexamethasone and montmorillonite

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    3 pages, 1 figure, 7 references.-- Congreso celebrado del 7-10 septiembre 1987 en Sevilla, España.-- EUROCLAY'87.Clay-drug interactions have been widely studied during the last decade. However, the reaction mechanisms responsible of these interactions only have been elucidated in sorne cases (1,2), most of them when cationic drugs are ínvolved. Neutral molecules are known to interact with clays by physical adsorption (3), and/or by hydrogen bonding (4). Dioxin is adsorbed onto montmorillonite by a reversible adsorption mechanism (5) and degrades by acid-catalyzed hydrolisis. The mechanism of ad sorption and degradation of the neutral steroid hydrocortisone by palygorskite and sepio1ite has be en recently studied (6,7). Two types of ferric iron present in these clays may be responsible for the different degradation rates of hydrocortisone.Peer reviewe

    Detection of non-melanoma skin cancer by in vivo fluorescence imaging with fluorocoxib A.

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    Non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) is the most common form of cancer in the US and its incidence is increasing. The current standard of care is visual inspection by physicians and/or dermatologists, followed by skin biopsy and pathologic confirmation. We have investigated the use of in vivo fluorescence imaging using fluorocoxib A as a molecular probe for early detection and assessment of skin tumors in mouse models of NMSC. Fluorocoxib A targets the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzyme that is preferentially expressed by inflamed and tumor tissue, and therefore has potential to be an effective broadly active molecular biomarker for cancer detection. We tested the sensitivity of fluorocoxib A in a BCC allograft SCID hairless mouse model using a wide-field fluorescence imaging system. Subcutaneous allografts comprised of 1000 BCC cells were detectable above background. These BCC allograft mice were imaged over time and a linear correlation (R(2) = 0.8) between tumor volume and fluorocoxib A signal levels was observed. We also tested fluorocoxib A in a genetically engineered spontaneous BCC mouse model (Ptch1(+/-) K14-Cre-ER2 p53(fl/fl)), where sequential imaging of the same animals over time demonstrated that early, microscopic lesions (100 μm size) developed into visible macroscopic tumor masses over 11 to 17 days. Overall, for macroscopic tumors, the sensitivity was 88% and the specificity was 100%. For microscopic tumors, the sensitivity was 85% and specificity was 56%. These results demonstrate the potential of fluorocoxib A as an in vivo imaging agent for early detection, margin delineation and guided biopsies of NMSCs