210 research outputs found

    Gli emigranti italiani in America Latina e la memoria dei luoghi

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    Convinta che i flussi migratori non possano essere evitati né rinchiusi nella sola sfera materiale, l’Autrice indaga la memoria dei luoghi d’origine degli emigranti italiani in America Latina. Il “luogo” è visto come la struttura sociale attraverso cui le persone possono acquisire la forza necessaria per affrontare e superare i “traumi” e le conseguenze dell’abbandono del Paese d’origine.Assuming that migration flows cannot be avoided or analyzed only from a material perspective, the Author aims at investigating the memory of the provenance of migrants who left Italy to travel to Latin America. In fact, “place” is the social structure where people can acquire the necessary strength to face and overcome “trauma” as the consequence of abandoning the country of origin.La Autora, convencida de que los flujos migratorios no se pueden evitar y tampoco encerrar en una esfera solo material, indaga la memoria de los lugares de origen de los emigrantes italianos en América Latina. El “lugar” representa la estructura social en que las personas pueden adquirir la fuerza necesaria para enfrentar y superar los “traumas” y las consecuencias del abandono del País de origen

    Sociologists in Italy Between Cultural and Normative Legitimization. The Failed Construction of a Community of Practice

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    The profession of sociologist in Italy has undergone the same ups and downs as the development of the discipline, which since its institutionalisation (which came very late) has always had to fight for autonomy and the search for legitimate recognition as a science within the wider world of social sciences (economics, political science, etc.). This has produced two conditions that have not favoured the construction of a real community of practice of sociologists: on the one hand, a scarce or total lack of cultural legitimization for the the work of the sociologist that is a consequence of a sociology perpetually in crisis and in search of political recognition and influence that has never been achieved; on the other hand, the separation between academic sociologists and professional sociologists which has resulted, for the former, in the analysis, explanation and interpretation (on the basis of different disciplinary paradigms) of sociocultural processes and changes in society, without any real direct involvement (theoretical sociology), while for the latter, in the comparison, measurement, evaluation of observable processes in the context of the social reality of which one is a part (applied sociology). This article focuses on the 'lights' and 'shadows' of the professional development of sociologists in Italy, starting from the assumption, however, that a regulatory legitimization can never be complete unless a cultural legitimization and recognition is achieved that can consolidate a professional identity that allows differentiation with other 'neighbouring' professions

    Limiti e opportunitĂ  delle scienze sociali

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    The knowledge of social sciences - while not denying the autonomy of the single disciplines but abandoning the excess of self reference - must become reflective knowledge that promotes the construction of connections in the environments of life of individuals, and between individuals overcoming the “social physics” of Comtian memory. That lays the foundations (theoretical / empirical) for interventions that can lead to positive transformations both at individual and social level. We can therefore no longer speak of the contrast between theory and operability. We need to talk about a continuum of interdependencies that goes from theory to operability. In this logic sociology (in particular) and other sciences of society and humanity (in general) must take on a fundamental role in the institution (first) and maintenance (then) of the integration of these aspects

    La memoria de los lugares de origen de los emigrantes italianos en América Latina.

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    From idea that migration flows cannot be avoided or be analyzed only for material aspects, because they amend the social context by creating fractures hard to reverse as the affection and regret for having left the country of origin, this paper aims to investigate the memory of origin place’s of the migrants who left the territories of Italy to travel to Latin America. This is because within the “place” is held daily life and through this social structure people can acquire the necessary strength to face and overcome “trauma” as the consequences of abandoning the country of origin.Convencidos de que los flujos migratorios no pueden ser evitados ni encerrados en una esfera solo material, puesto que modifican el tejido social creando fracturas difíciles de curar como el desconsuelo por haberse marchado de los seres queridos y del país de origen, esta contribución intenta analizar la memoria de los lugares de origen de los emigrantes que dejaron las tierras italianas para ir a América Latina. Dentro del “lugar”, pues, se desenvuelve lo cotidiano y mediante esa estructura social la gente puede lograr la fuerza necesaria para encarar y superar “traumas” como las secuelas del abandono del país de origen

    I saperi del Mediterraneo per il futuro dell’Europa

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    Innovation starts from the “Mediterranean Knowledge”, and develops until it becomes common practice. These new ideas (products, services, and models) make it then possible to meet social needs (more effectively than their alternatives) and at the same time create new social relationships or new collaborations. Moreover, they enable to lay the foundations for the construction of a real and different European identity. The knowledge and cultural values of the Mediterranean “must” provide the driving force to overcome the impasse impeding the whole of Europe. They can become the fruitful stimulus for reviewing European policies (in particular integration ones) and provide a solid foundation for the protection and promotion of effective cultural heritage an knowledge matching up with our time, able to bring out a new future by the legacy of the different cultures

    Il ruolo del sapere sociologico e le trasformazioni del welfare

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    Sociological knowledge objectified becomes indispensable to read the individual and / or social phenomena, in order to translate the theoretical premises in not only technical actions, but also reflective on the same activities. The role of sociology isto produce “knowledge”by which society can observe phenomena products and make it adept at ongoing improvement in its becoming daily

    Europe / Mediterranean: Media Treatment of the Immigrant

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    People define their own behaviour on the basis of their perception of Others, as well as of the expectations they have towards them, paying particular attention to the socio-cultural context of belonging and the reference values they ascribe to the other party and to the relationship existing between them. These dynamics are strongly influenced by the information conveyed by mass media in their dual role as both mediators of reality and opinion leaders, often becoming a “distorted reflection” of reality. In support of the above, the present paper aims at illustrating, as an example, a comparison of the “representations” offered by some of the main European national newspapers of two events associated with the phenomenon of migration: the “immigrant march” of Belgrade on January 2017, and the shooting at the Munich shopping center on July, 2016

    Is a Sociology of Hope Possible? An Attempt to Recompose a Theoretical Framework and a Research Programme

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    The societal changes of the last century, especially in the aftermath of World War II, have led thinkers to imagine philosophical anthropology centred on the concept of hope. From very different perspectives, authors such as Ernst Bloch, Erich Fromm, and Hannah Arendt understood that hope is deeply connected with the condition and destiny of humanity. Various sociologists have developed concepts closely linked with hope: action, social change, utopia, revolution, emancipation, innovation, and trust. However, a coherent and systematic analysis is yet to emerge. Taking up the threads of this rich but fragmented reflection, this paper intends to outline the traits of a “sociology of hope” as a tool for critically interpreting today’s society and the processes of change crisscrossing it, starting from some crucial questions: Who are the actors and historical bearers of hope? What are the main socio-historical forms of hope? What social, political, and cultural conditions favour the emergence and strengthening of this disposition? What are the effects and consequences on personal and social life

    Beyond the Disciplinary Borders : A New Challenge

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    Present society needs a new approach to knowledge, mainly required by the fast succession of the transformation of society and by the multidimensionality of the daily life problems. It is necessary, therefore, a more and more transdisciplinary perspective, able to connect the efforts of all social sciences and humanities. Moreover, it is essential an approach to history which may create a sort of circle between knowledge of the past and attention to the present world. These considerations are particularly important about the Mediterranean, which today is affected by dramatic shifts and problems of historical significance
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