469 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurship and economic growth in spanish and portuguese regions

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    This paper seeks to examine the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic growth at a regional level in Spanish and Portuguese NUTS II. Our panel model is based on the idea by Audrestsch et al (2006), Koo and Kim (2009), and other authors, about the importance of adding economically useful local knowledge variables to the classical model of economic growth, that only included labor and capital. Theses variables are: research and development, human capital, entrepreneurship and social capita. We built two different measurements for entrepreneurship : the ratio of companies created over the total in each region for the years of study, and a cross-section measurement that can be considered as an indicator of survival. These measurements do not offer similar results, which shows the importance of achieving a good measure of entrepreneurship, one ideally combining many different aspects. We find a positive effect of the entrepreneurship variable on GDP growth, in per capita terms and in absolute values.B913-0565-0908 | Elvira VieiraN/

    Perfil de la mujer directiva española

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    La desigualdad en el ámbito laboral es un problema que trasciende las fronteras de los países. En el caso español viene de la mano del cambio normativo que exige a las empresas brindar mayor información, tanto en cantidad como en la calidad y transparencia informativa. En el ámbito mundial, a través de pactos surgidos desde la ONU, se anima a las empresas a que, de una forma voluntaria y libremente, informen para dejar constancia de su buen hacer y su avance hacia lo que esta sociedad del siglo xxi demanda como empresa socialmente responsable, promoviendo la eliminación de la discriminación de la mujer.Gracias a esta mayor información divulgada por las empresas podemos abordar en este trabajo el perfil de la mujer actual española que ocupa cargos directivos, presentándola como una mujer emprendedora, universitaria, que escala posiciones en el organigrama empresarial incluso si es menor de 30 años.También destacamos que se le resisten a la mujer los cargos en los consejos de administración, y que incluso está lejos de llegar a ser influyente en el mundo de los negocios, a pesar de la Ley de igualdadInequality in the workplace is an issue that transcends the borders of the countries.In the Spanish case comes from the normative change that require to the companies to provide more information, both quantity and quality and transparency.Globally, from arising from UN covenants, the enterprises are encouraged, in a voluntarily and freely way, to report about their progress towards demands of the society of the 21st century: companies socially responsible and companies that promoting the elimination of discrimination against women.Thanks to greater companies disclosure, we can deal in this paper the women�s profile current Spanish in occupying managing positions, presenting it as a woman entrepreneur, with level studies university, a women that forge ahead level positions in the bussines chart even if it is less than 30 years. We also highlight that the women are far from positions in boards of Directors, and even is far to be influential in the world of business in spite of the Equality Act

    Temporal orientation and life goals for Argentine students

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivos verificar la relación entre orientación temporal y calidad de metas vitales y el rol de la edad, el sexo y el nivel de planificación; así como la influencia de la calidad de las metas vitales y el sexo sobre la extensión temporal. Se aplicó el Inventario de Perspectiva Temporal de Zimbardo & Boyd, algunos ítems del Inventario de Perspectiva Temporal Futura Trascendental de Boyd & Zimbardo y el Cuestionario de metas y temores de Nurmi. Mediante análisis de conglomerados y de varianza, se encontró que hay un estilo de orientación temporal más adaptativo, que influye positivamente sobre la planificación y que las variaciones de mayor relevancia aparecen cuando se considera el peso de la cualidad de las metas sobre la orientación temporal en interacción con la edad y el sexo.The present study aims to verify the relationship between temporal orientation and quality of vital goals and the role of age, sex and planning level. Also, it aims to study the influence of the vital goals' quality and the sex on the temporal extension. The Zimbardo & Boyd Time Perspective Inventory was applied, as well as some items from the Boyd & Zimbardo Transcendental Future Time Perspective Inventory and the Nurmi Hopes and fears Questionnaire. By means of cluster and variance analysis, it was found that there is a more adaptive temporal orientation style, which influences planning and that the most relevant variations appear when considering the weight of the goals' quality on time orientation in interaction with age and sex.Fil: Difabio, Hilda Emilia. Centro de Investigaciones de Cuyo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Vázquez, Stella Maris. Centro de Investigaciones en Antropología Filosófica y Cultural; ArgentinaFil: Noriega Biggio, Rina Marianela. Centro de Investigaciones en Antropología Filosófica y Cultural; Argentin


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    Purpose – The aim of this research was to investigate the relationship between destination loyalty and its determining factors. A central role was attributed to the perception of the destination ethics. Design – Three dimensions of the perceived destination ethics were identified with the potential to influence tourists’ loyalty: the wellbeing of local people, subjective wellbeing and active participation and equality. Methodology – The study is based on a questionnaire targeting international visitors to the city of Quito (Ecuador). A total of 419 returned questionnaires were analysed using the principal component factor analysis to identify the underlying dimensions of the perceived destination ethics and structural equational modelling to measure and test the research hypotheses. Approach – The structural relationship analysis indicates that perceived destination ethics appear to be the principal influence on loyalty, namely the intention to revisit and willingness to recommend. Originality –A pioneering aspect of the research is that it includes the perceived destination ethics as a loyalty predictor, as well as considering the relationship between predictors. The study proves that the perceived destination ethics contributes to tourist loyalty. In the light of the results managerial implications are discussed

    University Student Satisfaction and Skill Acquisition: Evidence from the Undergraduate Dissertation

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    One of the main objectives of the Undergraduate Dissertation is to evaluate the skills associated with a degree. Student satisfaction with the training and skills acquired can be an indicator of the quality of higher education. This paper aims to analyse student satisfaction with Undergraduate Dissertation at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Based on a survey conducted among 130 students (75.7% of a total of 172 students who presented their UD during the academic year 2013–2014), structural equation modelling was applied to analyse the influence on satisfaction of aspects related to intellectual curiosity and the perception of acquired skills. The results show that the perception of the skills acquired play a crucial role in students’ satisfaction with Undergraduate Satisfaction, conditioned by their perceived future usefulness and backed by personality and motivation elements that encourage their acquisition. The results confirm the significant role played by the tutor, who emerges as an element that boosts the central relations of the modelS

    DNA Barcoding and Phylogeny of Patellids from Asturias (Northern Spain)

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    The main role for genetics in marine invertebrates is the identification of species and groups of interbreeding individuals. In Asturias exists an ancient culinary tradition of consumption for limpets (Patella s.s.) but there is a lack of studies about these species. We have sampled Asturian marine Patella s.s. specimens and conducted sequencing of the mtDNA COI gene. We have confirmed the presence of four Patella s.s. in the Asturian coasts (P. vulgata, P. depressa, P.aspera, and P. rustica). Our work raises concerns about the current state of the P. vulgata populations in Asturias, where it is exploited, due to its low levels of genetic variation. Our phylogenetic analyses using Bayesian approaches confirmed that patellids belong to four different clades but gives a new version about how these clades are related inside the genus aiming for the necessity of more work to address this issue

    Theoretical self-learning models and underlying views of personhood

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    Se analiza la vinculación entre el concepto de aprendizaje autoregulado y el de persona, a partir de la génesis de la noción de autoregulación. El objetivo central es dilucidar en qué medida, en los desarrollos actuales referidos al aprendizaje aludido, se puede discernir el concepto de persona que los sustenta y la impronta de algunos presupuestos racionalistas, desde los cuales se asumen bases teóricas no siempre explicitadas. Se desarrolla el estado de la cuestión, se explicitan los fundamentos filosóficos del concepto de auto-regulación y su vinculación con el concepto de metacognición. Se puntualizan algunas orientaciones pedagógicas que se pueden implementar a fin de guiar al estudiante para que seleccione metas académicas que estén en sintonía con su proyecto vital.A conceptual analysis of the relation between self-regulated learning and personhood, from the genesis of the notion of self-regulation is provided.The main objective is to determine to what extent, in current developments referred to the alluded learning, can be discerned, on the one hand, the concept of person that sustains them and, on the other, the imprint of some rationalist underpinnings from which are assumed theoretical foundations not always explicitly. A state of the art about self-regulation research is followed by a discussion of the philosophical foundations of this notion as well as its entailment to the concept of metacognition. Instructional guidelines are put forward in the conclusion in order to help students to set academic objectives in tune with their life goals.Fil: Vázquez, Stella Maris. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; Argentina. Centro de Investigaciones en Antropología Filosófica y Cultural; ArgentinaFil: Difabio, Hilda Emilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; Argentina. Centro de Investigaciones de Cuyo; Argentin

    Pigeon Paramixovirosis: a risk factor for urban and commercial avifauna

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    Epizootic performance of domesticated pigeon's paramixovirus was studied and evaluated due to its potential risk for aviculture. A census to collect data on pigeon population, hygiene, and management was carried out by the Institute of Veterinary Medicine in Camagüey, Cuba. Data were processed by the chi-square test. Paramixovirus presence in Camagüey municipality and the high risk of its spread to other zones within the province due to violation of antiepizootic measures was confirmed