499 research outputs found

    The plate archive of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute

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    Program available at: http://www.imcce.fr/hosted_sites/naroo/program.htmlInternational audienceThe photographic observations in the Sternberg Astronomical Institute started in 1895. Observations were made with sept telescopes in Moscou and Crimea. In total, until 2004, almost 60 000 photographic plates have been accumulated. Most of them have been made to study variable stars and galaxies. Only the 9 000 from 60 000 photographic plates were made to determine the coordinates of Mars, Venus and selected asteroids. These photographic plates are processed. Some of obtained results are published. These 9 000 plates may be the subject of a new processing with the new star catalogs after they are scanned. This work can be undertaken if there is interest in new astrometric data with a modest accuracy for Mars, Venus, and selected asteroids. This year, work has begun to search for objects of the solar system in other 51 000 photographic plates made to study variable stars and galaxies. The main interest was in finding the planets with natural satellites. For given moments of exposure and the coordinates of the field center using a relevant software, we determine the presence of planets on each plate. A significant problem is that most of plates are identified only by the name of the galaxy or star. Our problem is also that only for 25 000 plates we have the moments and the coordinates recorded in the files. For the remaining 26 000 plates these data are still noted on paper. Of the 25 000 examined plates only on 340 of them the planets were found. We should also identify and write to file such data for 26,000 plates to search for planets with our software. For half of the 51 000 plates expected astrometric accuracy is of about 0.2 arcseconds and for other plates the accuracy is not better than 1 arcsecond of arc. About 1 700 photographic plates were scanned for photometric purposes. However astrometric accuracy of the scan does not match the possible accuracy of photographic plates

    Estudio de la actividad motora del niño en la escuela utilizando dispositivos portátiles individuales - rastreadores de actividad física

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    They presented the results of qualitative and quantitative indicator study concerning the motor activity of schoolchildren of both sexes, obtained by using individual wearable devices-fitness trackers. It was found that 8.2% of students, regardless of gender and age, are characterized by low values ​​of this indicator; 3.4% demonstrate high values ​​of the indicator relative to the hygiene norm.Se presentan los resultados del estudio de indicadores cualitativos y cuantitativos sobre la actividad motora de escolares de ambos sexos, obtenidos mediante el uso de dispositivos portátiles individuales: rastreadores de estado físico. Se encontró que el 8.2% de los estudiantes, independientemente de su sexo y edad, se caracterizan por valores bajos de este indicador; El 3,4% demuestra valores altos del indicador en relación con la norma de higiene

    Using Wearable Devices to Stimulate Students Motor of Physical Activity and Consequence Physcological Responce

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    They presented the results of qualitative and quantitative indicator study concerning the motor activity of schoolchildren of both sexes, obtained by using individual wearable devices-fitness trackers. It was found that 8.2% of students, regardless of gender and age, are characterized by low values of this indicator; 3.4% demonstrate high values of the indicator relative to the hygiene norm.They presented the results of qualitative and quantitative indicator study concerning the motor activity of schoolchildren of both sexes, obtained by using individual wearable devices-fitness trackers. It was found that 8.2% of students, regardless of gender and age, are characterized by low values of this indicator; 3.4% demonstrate high values of the indicator relative to the hygiene norm

    Uso de dispositivos portátiles para estimular a los estudiantes el motor de la actividad física y la consecuencia de la respuesta fisiológica

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    They presented the results of qualitative and quantitative indicator study concerning the motor activity of schoolchildren of both sexes, obtained by using individual wearable devices-fitness trackers. It was found that 8.2% of students, regardless of gender and age, are characterized by low values of this indicator; 3.4% demonstrate high values of the indicator relative to the hygiene norm.Presentaron los resultados del estudio de indicadores cualitativos y cuantitativos sobre la actividad motora de escolares de ambos sexos, obtenidos mediante el uso de dispositivos portátiles individuales: rastreadores de estado físico. Se encontró que el 8.2% de los estudiantes, independientemente de su sexo y edad, se caracterizan por valores bajos de este indicador; El 3,4% demuestra valores altos del indicador en relación con la norma de higiene

    Позднее обнаружение туберкулеза легких на современном этапе

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    Institute of phthisiopneumology „Chiril Draganiuc”, Congresul III al Medicilor de Familie din Republica Moldova 17–18 mai, 2012, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere În prezent depistarea tuberculozei se efectuează, de regulă, la simptomatici, prin adresare. S-a majorat numărul cazurilor de tuberculoză tardiv depistată, care influenţează negativ prognoza bolii. În acelaşi timp, nu este determinată definiţia contemporană „depistarea tuberculozei tardive”. Nu este clar rolul acestor cazuri în insuccesul tratamentului şi mortalitatea prin tuberculoză. Este necesar de determinat frecvenţa cazurilor tardiv depistate de tuberculoză, ineficacitatea tratamentului şi de elaborat un sistem perfecţionat în depistarea şi organizarea tratamentului. Metodele perfecţionate ale depistării bolnavilor cu tuberculoză pulmonară, reducerea erorilor în diagnosticarea şi organizarea chimioterapiei adecvate vor permite ridicarea eficacităţii tratamentului şi micşorarea mortalităţii prin tuberculoză. Material şi metode Au fost examinaţi 157 de bolnavi tardiv depistaţi din trei teritorii rurale: raionul Orhei – 64, Călăraşi – 46, Ialoveni – 47. În grupul de comparaţie au fost examinaţi 132 de bolnavi depistaţi la timp din aceleaşi teritorii rurale: raionul Orhei – 37, Călăraşi – 34, Ialoveni – 61. Metodele de cercetare au fost tradiţionale pentru practica ftiziologică: examinare clinică, metode imagistice (microradiofotografia, radiografia, tomografia), examinări microbiologice (bacterioscopia, însămânţarea, BACTEC), testarea la tuberculină, metode instrumentale, cercetări morfopatologice. Rezultate obţinute şi discuţii Din 267 de bolnavi prim depistaţi din teritoriile susnumite, tardiv depistaţi au fost 58,8%. În raionul Orhei acest număr a alcătuit 62,7% (64 din 102), în raionul Călăraşi – 56,8% (46 din 81), în raionul Ialoveni – 56,0% (47 din 84). Printre bolnavi tardiv depistaţi, bărbaţi au fost 77,7%, femei – 22,3%. Printre bolnavii depistaţi la timp, bărbaţi au fost 64,4%, femei – 35,6%. În grupul bolnavilor depistaţi la timp femeile au fost de 1,6 ori mai multe. Majoritatea bolnavilor în ambele grupuri erau în vârstă aptă de muncă. Din numărul total al bolnavilor tardiv depistaţi 120 (76,4%) n-au fost angajaţi în câmpul muncii, printre bolnavii depistaţi la timp – 84 (63,5%), de 1,2 ori mai mic. A fost determinat modul de îndreptare a bolnavilor tardiv depistaţi şi depistaţi la timp în cabinetele antituberculoase. Majoritatea bolnavilor tardiv depistaţi (85,3%) au fost depistaţi prin adresare (adresarea la medicul de familie, alţi specialişti, adresarea directă). Printre bolnavii depistaţi la timp acest indicator a alcătuit 49,2%, de 1,7 ori mai mic. Forma clinică de bază printre bolnavii tardiv depistaţi (68,5%) a fost tuberculoza infiltrativă cu distrucţie. Din 106 bolnavi cu tuberculoză infiltrativă distructivă 85 (80,2%) au avut distrucţie monolaterală, 21 (19,8%) – bilaterală. Din numărul total (157) al bolnavilor examinaţi 126 (80,3%) erau baciliferi, 15 (9,5%) – n-au eliminat micobacterii de tuberculoză, 16 (10,2%) – n-au fost examinaţi (diagnosticaţi postmortem). Din numărul bolnavilor tardiv depistaţi la 38 (30,2%) a fost determinată multidrogrezistenţa. Forma clinică de bază (68,5%) la bolnavii depistaţi la timp a fost tuberculoza infiltrativă fără distrucţie. Din numărul total (132) al bolnavilor examinaţi 69 (52,3%) erau baciliferi. Din ei la 7 (10,1%) bolnavi a fost determinată multidrogrezistenţa. Aşadar, numărul eliminatorilor de bacili printre bolnavii tardiv depistaţi era de 1,5 ori mai mare decât printre bolnavii depistaţi la timp. Numărul baciliferilor cu multidrogrezistenţă printre bolnavii tardiv depistaţi era de 3,0 ori mai mare decât printre bolnavii depistaţi la timp. Au fost evaluate rezultatele supravegherii bolnavilor tardiv depistaţi în termenul 6–12 luni. Acest termen este insuficient pentru concluzii argumentate în eficacitatea tratamentului. La 71 de bolnavi lipsesc datele despre tratament. În acelaşi timp, printre 86 de bolnavi (care au avut datele despre tratament) efectul pozitiv a avut loc numai la 24 (27,9%) dintre ei, acest rezultat fiind nesatisfăcător, deoarece eficacitatea tratamentului trebuie să fie de 85% conform recomandărilor OMS. La 55 de bolnavi depistaţi la timp datele despre tratament lipsesc. În acelaşi timp printre 77 de bolnavi, efectul pozitiv a fost la 61 (79,2%) ceea ce constituie un rezultat destul de satisfăcător. Printre bolnavii tardiv depistaţi acest indicator era de 2,8 ori mai jos. Concluzii Bolnavii tardiv depistaţi alcătuiesc o parte destul de impunătoare printre contingentele de bolnavi cu tuberculoză pulmonară şi, în ansamblu, pondera lor în teritoriile examinate ajunge la 58,8% şi deviază de la 56,0% până la 62,7%, ceea ce este legat de organizarea calităţii depistării tuberculozei. Bolnavii de tuberculoză tardiv depistaţi, după statutul lor reprezintă un contingent foarte complicat în plan social şi medical, în comparaţie cu bolnavii depistaţi la timp. Posibilitatea efectului pozitiv după tratamentul acestor bolnavi este mai joasă, decât la bolnavii depistaţi la timp. Pentru îmbunătăţirea eficacităţii tratamentului bolnavilor de tuberculoză este necesar de ridicat nivelul depistării precoce

    Dielectric and magnetic responses in nanocrystalline BaTiO3

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    This work was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Research Project No.18-52-00039 Bel_a)

    Eight exoplanet candidates in SAO survey

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    Here we present eight new candidates for exoplanets detected by the transit method at the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Photometric observations were performed with a 50-cm robotic telescope during the second half of 2020. We detected transits with depths of Δm=0.0560.173m\Delta m = 0.056-0.173^m and periods P=18.8h8.3dP = 18.8^h-8.3^d in the light curves of stars with magnitudes of m=14.318.8mm = 14.3-18.8^m. All considered stars are classified as dwarfs with radii of R=0.40.6RsunR_* = 0.4-0.6 R_{sun} (with the uncertainty for one star up to 1.1Rsun1.1 R_{sun}). We estimated the candidate radii (all are greater than 1.4 times the Jovian radius), semi-major axes of their orbits (0.0120.035AU0.012-0.035 AU), and other orbital parameters by modelling. We report the light curves with transits for two stars obtained in 2022 based on individual observations.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, 3 table

    Spectacular enhancement of the thermal and photochemical stability of mapbi3 perovskite films using functionalized tetraazaadamantane as a molecular modifier

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    Perovskite solar cells represent a highly promising third-generation photovoltaic tech-nology. However, their practical implementation is hindered by low device operational stability, mostly related to facile degradation of the absorber materials under exposure to light and elevated temperatures. Improving the intrinsic stability of complex lead halides is a big scientific challenge, which might be addressed using various “molecular modifiers”. These modifiers are usually rep-resented by some additives undergoing strong interactions with the perovskite absorber material, resulting in enhanced solar cell efficiency and/or operational stability. Herein, we present a deriva-tive of 1,4,6,10-tetraazaadamantane, NAdCl, as a promising molecular modifier for lead halide perovskites. NAdCl spectacularly improved both the thermal and photochemical stability of methy-lammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3 ) films and, most importantly, prevented the formation of metallic lead Pb0 as a photolysis product. NAdCl improves the electronic quality of perovskite films by healing the traps for charge carriers. Furthermore, it strongly interacts with the perovskite framework and most likely stabilizes undercoordinated Pb2+ ions, which are responsible for Pb0 formation under light exposure. The obtained results feature 1,4,6,10-tetraazaadamantane derivatives as highly promising molecular modifiers that might help to improve the operational lifetime of perovskite solar cells and facilitate the practical implementation of this photovoltaic technology. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.This work was supported by Russian Science Foundation (project No. 19-73-30020). The XPS measurements were supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (project FEUZ-2020-0060), Theme ‘Electron’, no. AAAA-A18-118020190098-5 and Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 21-52-52002)

    Optical and Radio Variability of the Blazar S4 0954+658

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    We present an optical-to-radio study of the BL Lac object S4 0954+658 observations during 1998-2023. The measurements were obtained with the SAO RAS Zeiss-1000 1-m and AS-500/2 0.5-m telescopes in 2003-2023, with the RATAN-600 radio telescope at 1.25 (0.96, 1.1), 2.3, 4.7 (3.7, 3.9), 8.2 (7.7), 11.2, 22.3 (21.7) GHz in 1998-2023, with the IAA RAS RT-32 Zelenchukskaya and Badary telescopes at 5.05 and 8.63 GHz in 2020--2023, and with the RT-22 single-dish telescope of CrAO RAS at 36.8 GHz in 2009-2023. In this period the blazar had been showing extremely high broadband activity with the variability amplitude of flux densities up to 70-100% both in the optical and radio domains. In the period of 2014-2023 the blazar had been showing the historically highest activity in the radio wavelengths, and we detected multiple radio flares of varying amplitude and duration. The large flares last on average from 0.3 to 1 year at 22-36.8 GHz and slightly longer at 5-11.2 GHz. The optical flares are shorter and last 7-50 days. In the most active epoch of 2018-2023 the characteristic time scale τ\tau of variation at 5-22 GHz is about 100 days and about 1000 days for the state with lower activity in 2009-2014. We found a general correlation between the optical, radio, and γ\gamma-ray flux variations, which suggests that we observe the same photon population from different emission regions. We estimated linear size of this region as 0.5-2 pc for different epochs. A broadband two components radio spectrum of S4 0954+658 jet was modelled by using both electrons and protons as emitting particles. It is shown that the synchrotron radio waves in this AGN may be generated by relativistic protons.Comment: Published in Astrophysical Bulletin Vol.78, N4 (2023

    Mutual positions of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter from photometric observations during their mutual occultations and eclipses in 1997

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We report the final results of the 1997 campaign of
photometric observations of the mutual phenomena of the Galilean
satellites carried out at observatories in Kazakhstan, Russia, and
Ukraine. Our results contribute substantially to the
world data bank of such observations
and will allow the model of the motion of Galilean 
satellites to be further refined. To facilitate the use of
photometric data, we reduced them by computing the planetocentric
coordinate differences of satellite pairs for a number of instants
of time so we deduce the differences for one instant from one
observed light curve.
It is these reduced data that constitute the principal result of this work. We based our data reduction on the method which we developed in
earlier papers (Emel'yanov 1999; Emel'yanov 2000). The accuracy of observations was estimated in the process of reduction. The paper also describes the equipment used.