24 research outputs found

    Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report : A critical review of changes in the tropospheric ozone burden and budget from 1850 to 2100

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    Our understanding of the processes that control the burden and budget of tropospheric ozone has changed dramatically over the last 60 years. Models are the key tools used to understand these changes, and these underscore that there are many processes important in controlling the tropospheric ozone budget. In this critical review, we assess our evolving understanding of these processes, both physical and chemical. We review model simulations from the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project and Chemistry Climate Modelling Initiative to assess the changes in the tropospheric ozone burden and its budget from 1850 to 2010. Analysis of these data indicates that there has been significant growth in the ozone burden from 1850 to 2000 (approximately 43 + 9%) but smaller growth between 1960 and 2000 (approximately 16 +/- 10%) and that the models simulate burdens of ozone well within recent satellite estimates. The Chemistry Climate Modelling Initiative model ozone budgets indicate that the net chemical production of ozone in the troposphere plateaued in the 1990s and has not changed since then inspite of increases in the burden. There has been a shift in net ozone production in the troposphere being greatest in the northern mid and high latitudes to the northern tropics, driven by the regional evolution of precursor emissions. An analysis of the evolution of tropospheric ozone through the 21st century, as simulated by Climate Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 models, reveals a large source of uncertainty associated with models themselves (i.e., in the way that they simulate the chemical and physical processes that control tropospheric ozone). This structural uncertainty is greatest in the near term (two to three decades), but emissions scenarios dominate uncertainty in the longer term (2050- 2100) evolution of tropospheric ozone. This intrinsic model uncertainty prevents robust predictions of near-term changes in the tropospheric ozone burden, and we review how progress can be made to reduce this limitation

    Humic acid in ice Photo-enhanced conversion of nitrogen dioxide into nitrous acid

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    Laboratory studies on the heterogeneous conversion of nitrogen dioxide into nitrous acid on irradiated ice films containing humic acid are described It was found that the presence of light in the visible range of the solar spectrum significantly enhances the rate of nitrous acid release from a humic acid doped ice film This process might contribute to observed HONO production in snow where the NO2 is thought to originate from nitrate photolysis Analysis of the experimental data based on the Langmuir Hinshelwood model framework allowed quantification of the observed dependencies of the nitrous acid production rate on nitrogen dioxide concentration The observed dependencies on the humic acid concentration as well as on the irradiation intensity were used to estimate light-driven HONO fluxes for environmental snow covers

    HOx budgets during HOxComp: a case study of HOx chemistry under NOx-limited conditions

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    [1] Recent studies have shown that measured OH under NOx-limited, high-isoprene conditions are many times higher than modeled OH. In this study, a detailed analysis of the HOx radical budgets under low-NOx, rural conditions was performed employing a box model based on the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCMv3.2). The model results were compared with HOx radical measurements performed during the international HOxComp campaign carried out in Jülich, Germany, during summer 2005. Two different air masses influenced the measurement site denoted as high-NOx (NO, 1-3 ppbv) and low-NOx (NO, \u3c 1 ppbv) periods. Both modeled OH and HO2 diurnal profiles lay within the measurement range of all HOx measurement techniques, with correlation slopes between measured and modeled OH and HO2 around unity. Recently discovered interference in HO2 measurements caused by RO2 cross sensitivity was found to cause a 30% increase in measured HO2 during daytime on average. After correction of the measured HO2 data, the model HO2 is still in good agreement with the observations at high NOx but overpredicts HO2 by a factor of 1.3 to 1.8 at low NOx. In addition, for two different set of measurements, a missing OH source of 3.6 ± 1.6 and 4.9 ± 2.2 ppb h−1 was estimated from the experimental OH budget during the low-NOx period using the corrected HO2 data. The measured diurnal profile of the HO2/OH ratio, calculated using the corrected HO2, is well reproduced by the MCM at high NOx but is significantly overestimated at low NOx. Thus, the cycling between OH and HO2 is better described by the model at high NOx than at low NOx. Therefore, similar comprehensive field measurements accompanied by model studies are urgently needed to investigate HOx recycling under low-NOx conditions

    HOx Budgets during HOxComp: a Case Study of HOx Chemistry under NOx limited Conditions

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    Recent studies have shown that measured OH under NOx-limited, high-isoprene conditions are many times higher than modeled OH. In this study, a detailed analysis of the HOx radical budgets under low-NOx, rural conditions was performed employing a box model based on the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCMv3.2). The model results were compared with HOx radical measurements performed during the international HOxComp campaign carried out in Julich, Germany, during summer 2005. Two different air masses influenced the measurement site denoted as high-NOx (NO, 1-3 ppbv) and low-NOx (NO, < 1 ppbv) periods. Both modeled OH and HO2 diurnal profiles lay within the measurement range of all HOx measurement techniques, with correlation slopes between measured and modeled OH and HO2 around unity. Recently discovered interference in HO2 measurements caused by RO2 cross sensitivity was found to cause a 30% increase in measured HO2 during daytime on average. After correction of the measured HO2 data, the model HO2 is still in good agreement with the observations at high NOx but overpredicts HO2 by a factor of 1.3 to 1.8 at low NOx. In addition, for two different set of measurements, a missing OH source of 3.6 +/- 1.6 and 4.9 +/- 2.2 ppb h(-1) was estimated from the experimental OH budget during the low-NOx period using the corrected HO2 data. The measured diurnal profile of the HO2/OH ratio, calculated using the corrected HO2, is well reproduced by the MCM at high NOx but is significantly overestimated at low NOx. Thus, the cycling between OH and HO2 is better described by the model at high NOx than at low NOx. Therefore, similar comprehensive field measurements accompanied by model studies are urgently needed to investigate HOx recycling under low-NOx conditions

    The TOAR database on observations of surface ozone (and more)

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    In support of the first Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR) a relational database of global surface ozone observations has been developed and populated with hourly measurement data and enhanced metadata. A comprehensive suite of ozone data products including standard statistics, health and vegetation impact metrics, and trend information, are made available through a common data portal and a web interface. These data form the basis of the TOAR analyses focusing on human health, vegetation, and climate relevant ozone issues.Cooperation among many data centers and individual researchers worldwide made it possible to build the world’s largest collection of in-situ hourly surface ozone data covering the period from 1970 to 2015. By combining the data from almost 10,000 measurement sites around the world with global metadata information, new analyses of surface ozone have become possible, such as the first globally consistent characterisations of measurement sites as either urban or rural/remote. Exploitation of these global metadata allows for new insights into the global distribution, and seasonal and long-term changes of tropospheric ozone and they enable TOAR to perform the first, globally consistent analysis of present-day ozone concentrations and recent ozone changes with relevance to health, agriculture, and climate.This presentation will provide a summary of the TOAR surface observations database including recent additions of ozone precursor and meteorological data. We will demonstrate how the database can be accessed and the data can be used, and we will discuss its limitations and the potential for closing some of teh remaining data gaps

    Comparisons of observed and modeled OH and HO2 concentrations during the ambient measurement period of the HOxComp field campaign

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    A photochemical box model constrained by ancillary observations was used to simulate OH and HO<sub>2</sub> concentrations for three days of ambient observations during the HO<sub>x</sub>Comp field campaign held in Jülich, Germany in July 2005. Daytime OH levels observed by four instruments were fairly well reproduced to within 33% by a base model run (Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism with updated isoprene chemistry adapted from Master Chemical Mechanism ver. 3.1) with high <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> values (0.72–0.97) over a range of isoprene (0.3–2 ppb) and NO (0.1–10 ppb) mixing ratios. Daytime HO<sub>2</sub>(*) levels, reconstructed from the base model results taking into account the sensitivity toward speciated RO<sub>2</sub> (organic peroxy) radicals, as recently reported from one of the participating instruments in the HO<sub>2</sub> measurement mode, were 93% higher than the observations made by the single instrument. This also indicates an overprediction of the HO<sub>2</sub> to OH recycling. Together with the good model-measurement agreement for OH, it implies a missing OH source in the model. Modeled OH and HO<sub>2</sub>(*) could only be matched to the observations by addition of a strong unknown loss process for HO<sub>2</sub>(*) that recycles OH at a high yield. Adding to the base model, instead, the recently proposed isomerization mechanism of isoprene peroxy radicals (Peeters and Müller, 2010) increased OH and HO<sub>2</sub>(*) by 28% and 13% on average. Although these were still only 4% higher than the OH observations made by one of the instruments, larger overestimations (42–70%) occurred with respect to the OH observations made by the other three instruments. The overestimation in OH could be diminished only when reactive alkanes (HC8) were solely introduced to the model to explain the missing fraction of observed OH reactivity. Moreover, the overprediction of HO<sub>2</sub>(*) became even larger than in the base case. These analyses imply that the rates of the isomerization are not readily supported by the ensemble of radical observations. One of the measurement days was characterized by low isoprene concentrations (&sim;0.5 ppb) and OH reactivity that was well explained by the observed species, especially before noon. For this selected period, as opposed to the general behavior, the model tended to underestimate HO<sub>2</sub>(*). We found that this tendency is associated with high NO<sub>x</sub> concentrations, suggesting that some HO<sub>2</sub> production or regeneration processes under high NO<sub>x</sub> conditions were being overlooked; this might require revision of ozone production regimes