293 research outputs found

    Assessment of Autofocus Techniques for Isolated Cellulose Microfiber 3D Imaging by Digital Holography

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    Studying the three-dimensional structure of paper fibrous networks is an important step towards understanding the relationship between manufacturing conditions and the resulting microstructural and mechanical properties. Digital holography is a promising three-dimensional imaging technique enabling quantitative phase evaluation of micro and nano-fibres. One of the advantages of this high-resolution method is the ability to perform numerical refocusing at several depths from a single shot acquisition. In this work, the suitability of 22 focusing functions to accurately identify the positions of cellulose microfibers, using digital holography, was inspected. The best performing metrics were identified and the trade-off between metric accuracy and robustness to variable conditions and their computational complexity were discussed. Keywords: digital holography, autofocus, cellulose microfibre, morphology, tomograph

    Estratégias adaptativas de Cistus a diferentes condições de secura e insolação

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    Na região Mediterrânica, os efeitos das alterações climáticas esperam-se sob a forma de longos períodos de seca, em especial em ecossistemas como o montado. Em montados com baixa regeneração natural, os arbustos podem proporcionar a germinação e o crescimento das suas plântulas. De março a outubro de 2012, foram caracterizadas as estratégias feno-morfológicas e fisiológicas de Cistus ladanifer, Cistus monspeliensis, Cistus populifolius e Cistus psilosepalus, através de medições fenológicas, teor de água no solo, potenciais hídricos, trocas gasosas e concentração de nutrientes. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que as estratégias de C. ladanifer e C. monspeliensis incluem mecanismos de tolerância à seca, C. psilosepalus de prevenção e, os mecanismos de C. populifolius, parecem estar entre a prevenção e a tolerância. Entender essas estratégias e respostas à seca, poderá permitir prever as futuras comunidades de espécies em cenários de crescente secura e o estabelecimento de diretrizes na gestão do montado; ABSTRACT: In the Mediterranean region, the effects of climate change are expected in form of long periods of drought, particularly in ecosystems such as montado. In montados with low natural regeneration of their trees, shrubs may promote their seed germination and seedling growth. During March to October 2012, it was characterized the pheno-morphological and physiological strategies of Cistus ladanifer, Cistus monspeliensis, Cistus populifolius and Cistus psilosepalus, by phenological, soil water content, water potential, gas exchange and nutrient concentration measurements. The results suggest that the strategies of C. ladanifer and C. monspeliensis include drought-tolerance mechanisms, C. psilosepalus a drought avoidance mechanism and C. populifolius seem be in-between avoidance and tolerance. Understanding these strategies and responses to drought may be important for predicting future species assemblages in scenarios of increasing dryness and for laying down guidelines in montado management

    Multidecadal Modulation of ENSO Teleconnection with Europe in Late Winter: Analysis of CMIP5 Models

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    Many studies point to a robust ENSO signature on the North Atlantic–European (NAE) sector associated with a downstream effect of Rossby wave trains. Some of these works also address a nonstationary behavior of the aforementioned link, but only few have explored the possible modulating factors. In this study the internal causes within the ocean–atmosphere coupled system influencing the tropospheric ENSO–Euro-Mediterranean rainfall teleconnection have been analyzed. To this aim, unforced long-term preindustrial control simulations from 18 different CMIP5 models have been used. A nonstationary impact of ENSO on Euro-Mediterranean rainfall, being spatially consistent with the observational one, is found. This variable feature is explained by a changing ENSO-related Rossby wave propagation from the tropical Pacific to the NAE sector, which, in turn, is modulated by multidecadal variability of the climatological jet streams associated with the underlying sea surface temperature (SST). The results, therefore, indicate a modulation of the ENSO–Euro-Mediterranean rainfall teleconnection by the internal (and multidecadal) variability of the ocean–atmosphere coupled system.This study was supported by the European project PREFACE (603521), and the Spanish projects TRACS (CGL2009-10285) and MULCLIVAR (CGL2012- 38923-C02-01).Peer reviewe

    Aprendiendo con el que sabe.

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    Instrumento rúbrica de evaluación video de sustentación de la propuesta pedagógica Nombre del estudiante: Elsa Yaneth Fonseca Pico Nombre de la propuesta pedagógica a evaluar: Institución Educativa Vanguardia Sede la Poyata Enlace del video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMBwXPI_EEY Matriz de valoración cualitativa CRITERIO 1 ¿El (los) estudiante(s) es quien presenta la sustentación y se logra ver su imagen en por lo menos un 60% del video? 2 ¿El (los) estudiante(s) utiliza algún tipo de presentación para sustentar su propuesta pedagógica? 3 ¿El audio e imagen del video permiten su correcta visualización y escucha por parte del evaluador? 4 ¿La duración máxima del video es de 5 minutos? 5 ¿Se reconoce la intencionalidad pedagógica de la propuesta? 6 ¿El autor de la propuesta pedagógica tiene una posición reflexiva de su práctica a lo largo de la sustentación? 7 ¿El autor de la propuesta pedagógica tiene una posición crítica de su práctica pedagógica a lo largo de la sustentación?Este estudio se originó en la preocupación de los docentes del área de inglés, al ver que los estudiantes a pesar de obtener buenas calificaciones en sus pruebas y tener buen desempeño en el aula de clase, los conocimientos no logran ser perpetuados en el tiempo. Se ha notado que los estudiantes les prestan atención a las clases y se nota su interés, pero pasados unos días o semanas ya lo conocimientos no logran retenerlos. Quizás muchas de las metodologías usadas en la actualidad para la enseñanza de la segunda lengua, no son lo suficientemente efectivas a la hora de crear en los estudiantes un interés mayor o un aprendizaje significativo, los estudiantes por lo general le tienen tedio al inglés, no entienden por qué se escribe de una manera y se lee de otra, no es fácil lograr que la nueva lengua se transforme en imágenes mentales de una vez, antes de pasar por la traducción a la lengua materna de los estudiantes, así que en ese proceso los aprendices le van perdiendo el interés a esta área. La investigación se llevó a cabo y se puso en práctica la estrategia, en estudiantes de la escuela rural Vanguardia de la ciudad de Villavicencio, de los grados 4 y 5 de primaria, esta se trataba de realizar actividades en línea de encuentros virtuales con nativos del idioma inglés, tener contacto directo con su familia y su entorno para de esta manera crear en ellos un interés especial en su cultura, vivir la experiencia con ellos les permite aprender con la necesidad de entender a su compañero y la necesidad de crear nexos no solo educativos sino también emocionales, en esta estrategia hicieron parte los papas y los familiares cercanos a los estudiantes, de manera que también para ellos termino siendo importante y significativa la experiencia.This study originated from the concern of teachers in the English area, seeing that students, despite obtaining good grades on their tests and having good performance in the classroom, knowledge did not manage to be perpetuated over time. It has been noticed that students pay attention to the classes and their interest is noticeable, but after a few days or weeks they are unable to retain their knowledge. Perhaps many of the methodologies used today for teaching a second language are not effective enough in creating greater interest in students or meaningful learning, students are generally bored with English, not understand why it is written one way and read another, it is not easy to get the new language to transform into mental images at once, before going through the translation into the students' mother tongue, so in that process apprentices are losing interest in this area. The research was carried out and the strategy was put into practice, in students of the Vanguard rural school in the city of Villavicencio, in grades 4 and 5 of primary school, this was about carrying out online activities of virtual encounters with natives of the English language, having direct contact with their family and their environment in order to create in them a special interest in their culture, living the experience with them allows them to learn with the need to understand their partner and the need to create connections not only educational but also emotional, parents and close relatives of the students took part in this strategy, so that the experience also ended up being important and significant for them

    How did COVID-19 pandemic changed the Portuguese rheumatology?

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    © 2001-2021 Sociedade Portuguesa de Reumatologia.We have been facing a tremendous challenge motivated by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic. With a few days of warning Rheumatologists had to rethink their established conventional management of patients based on presential appointments, to ensure ongoing adequate care to rheumatic patients. The first operating principles were to maintain rheumatic diseasesstability, treatment access and protection from the potentialrisk of infection by SARS-CoV-2.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluación adaptativa informatizada del clima organizacional

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    Computerized Adaptive Tests (CAT) constitutes a major advance in the field of the assessment of social sciences and health. It is interesting to incorporate this methodological development to organizational field. The objective of this research is to develop a CAT for evaluating the organizational climate. In order to do this, a bank of 160 items was constructed, which was administered to a sample of 3,163 workers (M age= 51.90 years; SD= 6.28 years). The results show that the CAT works efficiently for the three item banks used (150, 130 and 50 items). The information function shows that the latent trait in the whole range of values is measured with similar accuracy. The correlation between the scores obtained with the CAT, the three item banks and the CLIOR scale of organizational climate was higher than 0.90 in all cases (SE<0.32). With a SE< 0.32, the 150 item CAT uses a mean of 22.5 items (SD = 22.5 items). The CAT developed allows an accuracy and useful assessment of the organizational climate on organizational settings and research.Los Tests Adaptativos Informatizados (CAT) constituyen un gran avance en el campo de la evaluación de las ciencias sociales y de la salud. Es interesante incorporar este desarrollo metodológico al campo de la psicología organizacional. El objetivo de esta investigación es desarrollar un CAT para evaluar el clima organizacional. Para ello, se construyó un banco de 160 ítems, que se administró a una muestra de 3163 trabajadores (M = 51,90 años; SD = 6,28 años). Los resultados muestran que el CAT funciona de manera eficiente para los tres bancos de ítems utilizados (150, 130 y 50 artículos). La función de la información muestra que el rasgo latente se mide con una precisión similar en todo el rango de valores. La correlación entre las puntuaciones obtenidas con el CAT, los tres bancos de ítems y la escala CLIOR de clima organizacional fue superior a 0,90 en todos los casos (SE <0,32). Con una precisión fiajada en SE <0,32, el  CAT de 150 ítems utiliza una media de 22,5 ítems (SD = 22,5). El CAT desarrollado permite una evaluación útil y precisa del clima organizacional en contextos organizacionales

    Hemophagocytic Syndrome Associated with Hodgkin's Lymphoma First Presenting as Fever and Pancytopenia

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    Background. Hemophagocytic syndrome (HPS) is characterized by a hyperinflammatory reaction followed by alteration in cytotoxic function of Th1 lymphocytes and natural killer cells. We report a rare case of a patient that presented with fever and pancytopenia due to HPS associated with Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL). Case Report. A 69-year-old Caucasian woman was admitted presenting with complaints of fever, seizures, and low back pain that had lasted for two weeks. Laboratorial data showed pancytopenia. Bone marrow biopsy revealed infiltration by Reed-Sternberg cells and hemophagocytosis signs. Imaging studies showed mediastinal lymph nodes (stage IV B). She had been treated with ABVD (doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine) followed by a good response. Conclusion. HPS associated with HL is a very rare and lethal disease, with mortality rates of about 15% to 60%. The prompt diagnosis of the underlying lymphoma may be an important strategy for optimizing the clinical approach and outcome

    Histopathology of psoriatic arthritis synovium: a narrative review

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    Copyright © 2022 Tenazinha, Barros, Fonseca and Vieira-Sousa. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a phenotypically heterogeneous chronic inflammatory disease associated to type I major histocompatibility complex alleles whose complex pathogenesis is still not completely understood. The psoriatic synovium shares general features of chronic inflammation with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and other arthritis, such as hyperplasia of the intimal lining layer, sublining influx of inflammatory cells and neoangiogenesis, but recognizing disease-specific histopathologic findings may help in diagnosis and definition of therapeutic targets. Available literature reports conflicting data regarding the extension of lining hyperplasia, that does not allow depiction from RA. Sublining inflammatory cells consist of T and B cells and macrophages, plasma cells, mast cells and follicular dendritic cells, with a higher amount of overall T, mast cell and IL-17 producing CD8+ T lymphocytes and lower proportion of plasma cells when compared to the rheumatoid synovium. The amount of synovium IL17+ CD8+ T cells correlates positively to measures of disease activity. Lymphoid follicles with characteristics of germinal centers have been identified, similar to the ones described in RA. Neoangiogenesis is more prominent in PsA but can also be an outstanding feature in some RA samples, and different molecules involved in the process appear to have different influence in each disease. IL-17 and IL-22 expression in the synovium does not allow depiction between diseases. Among other cytokines and molecules likely implicated in disease physiopathology, only IL-35 is demonstrated to be reduced in PsA when compared to RA.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio