409 research outputs found

    Architecture as a Way of Seeing and Learning

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    At the beginning of 2020, 66 long-term refugee camps existed along the East African Rift. Millions of young children have been born at the camps and have grown up there, yet it is unknown how their surrounding built environments affect their learning and development. Architecture as a Way of Seeing and Learning presents an architect’s take on questions many academics and humanitarians ask. Is it relevant to look at camps through an urban lens and focus on their built environment? Which analytical benefits can architectural and design tools provide to refugee assistance and specifically to young children’s learning? And which advantages can assemblage thinking and situated knowledges bring about in analysing, understanding and transforming long-term refugee camps? Responding to the extreme lack of information about East African camps, Nerea Amorós Elorduy has built contextualised knowledge – nuanced, situated and participatory – to describe, study and transform the East African long-term camps, and uncover hidden agencies in refugee assistance. She uses architecture as a means to create new knowledge collectively, include more local voices and speculate on how to improve the educational landscape for young children. With this book, Amorós Elorduy brings nuance, contextualisation and empathy to the study and management of long-term refugee camps in East Africa. It is empathy, she argues, that will help change mindsets, decolonise humanitarian refugee assistance and its study. Crossing architecture, humanitarian aid and early career development, this book offers many practical learnings

    El impacto del alojamiento y los asentamientos humanitarios sobre la protección de los niños

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    No se ha prestado suficiente atención al diseño de los alojamientos y asentamientos en los campamentos de refugiados en situaciones prolongadas en el este de África. Sin que nos demos cuenta, los resultados obstaculizan el desarrollo de los niños pequeños

    Threatened edible insects in Hidalgo, Mexico and some measures to preserve them

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    Edible insects are a natural renewable resource that provides food to many ethnic groups in Mexico. Some of these species are overexploited because of increased consumption, caused by the huge human population growth in the area and because of the large demand of these insects from many restaurants in Mexico and in other countries. In Tulancalco, a small arid village in the State of Hidalgo, I carried out studies on edible insects over 25 years. The inhabitants of this village have a natural economy and use some 30 species of insects as food. At present, we have noticed a decrease in the population of several species due to overexploitation, which is carried by non-qualified independent workers who are not natives of the town. These gatherers sell their catch to make a living, thus contributing to the socioeconomic factors associated with this issue. These actions have degraded the ecosystems of this area, and consequently the prevention of these measures is critical. The study species in this paper include 14 threatened species and we discuss some pragmatic measures that could implemented to avoid their extinction. In addition, some actions for the preservation of the ethnoentomobiodiversity in the area are proposed

    Development and application of thermal desorption techniques for the measurement of PAHs in ambient air

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    276 p.Entre todos los contaminantes, los hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAPs) han sido objeto de uninterés creciente en los últimos años. Debido a sus características (propiedades carcinogénicas,mutagénicas e inmunotóxicas) y alta persistencia en la atmosfera, estos compuestos aparecen comocontaminantes objetivo en los protocolos internacionales para la reducción de emisiones. Los métodosconvencionales para el análisis de HAPs requieren largos y laboriosos procesos de preparación de lamuestra para lograr la separación de estos contaminantes de otras sustancias interferentes. En estosmétodos la extracción se realiza mediante disolventes orgánicos lo que prolonga significativamente eltiempo de análisis y genera pérdidas de los HAPs debido a la alta manipulación de las muestras durante elproceso. Además el uso de disolventes orgánicos de carácter tóxico, supone un problema ambiental yelevan los costes del proceso por el tratamiento de los residuos. Como resultado, en los últimos años, losmétodos alternativos basados en extracciones sin disolventes han sido desarrollados para superar estaslimitaciones. Este trabajo de investigación tiene por objetivo: el desarrollo, la puesta a punto y laaplicación en condiciones de campo de un método de medida semicontinua de HAPs en aire ambiente,basándose en la técnica de desorción térmica (TD) acoplada a un cromatografía de gases- espectrometríade masas (GC-MS)

    The role of parental obesity in lung development and alveolar macrophage priming

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    Architecture as a Way of Seeing and Learning

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    At the beginning of 2020, 66 long-term refugee camps existed along the East African Rift. Millions of young children have been born at the camps and have grown up there, yet it is unknown how their surrounding built environments affect their learning and development. Architecture as a Way of Seeing and Learning presents an architect’s take on questions many academics and humanitarians ask. Is it relevant to look at camps through an urban lens and focus on their built environment? Which analytical benefits can architectural and design tools provide to refugee assistance and specifically to young children’s learning? And which advantages can assemblage thinking and situated knowledges bring about in analysing, understanding and transforming long-term refugee camps? Responding to the extreme lack of information about East African camps, Nerea Amorós Elorduy has built contextualised knowledge – nuanced, situated and participatory – to describe, study and transform the East African long-term camps, and uncover hidden agencies in refugee assistance. She uses architecture as a means to create new knowledge collectively, include more local voices and speculate on how to improve the educational landscape for young children. With this book, Amorós Elorduy brings nuance, contextualisation and empathy to the study and management of long-term refugee camps in East Africa. It is empathy, she argues, that will help change mindsets, decolonise humanitarian refugee assistance and its study. Crossing architecture, humanitarian aid and early career development, this book offers many practical learnings

    Architecture as a Way of Seeing and Learning: The built environment as an added educator in East African refugee camps

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    At the beginning of 2020, 66 long-term refugee camps existed along the East African Rift. Millions of young children have been born at the camps and have grown up there, yet it is unknown how their surrounding built environments affect their learning and development. Architecture as a Way of Seeing and Learning presents an architect’s take on questions many academics and humanitarians ask. Is it relevant to look at camps through an urban lens and focus on their built environment? Which analytical benefits can architectural and design tools provide to refugee assistance and specifically to young children’s learning? And which advantages can assemblage thinking and situated knowledges bring about in analysing, understanding and transforming long-term refugee camps? Responding to the extreme lack of information about East African camps, Nerea Amorós Elorduy has built contextualised knowledge – nuanced, situated and participatory – to describe, study and transform the East African long-term camps, and uncover hidden agencies in refugee assistance. She uses architecture as a means to create new knowledge collectively, include more local voices and speculate on how to improve the educational landscape for young children. With this book, Amorós Elorduy brings nuance, contextualisation and empathy to the study and management of long-term refugee camps in East Africa. It is empathy, she argues, that will help change mindsets, decolonise humanitarian refugee assistance and its study. Crossing architecture, humanitarian aid and early childhood development, this book offers many practical learnings