14 research outputs found

    Internet-markkinoinnin opas matkailualan yrittäjille

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    Tämä raportti kertoo, kuinka Internet-markkinoinnin opas matkailualan yrittäjille on valmistunut ja mitä oppaassa käsitellään. Raportissa kuvaillaan kirjoittajan kokemuksia ja eri matkailualan ammattilaisten ajatuksia tämän hetken Internet-markkinoinnista. Aihe on ajankohtainen, koska markkinointi muuttaa muotoaan sähköisemmäksi koko ajan. Internet-markkinoinnin opas on toimeksianto SYMBIOlta. Osaamisfoorumi-sivusto on Itä-Uudellamaalla toimivan oppimisverkostohankkeen aikaansaannosta. Osaamisfoorumi on tarkoitettu yrittäjien ja päättäjien verkostoitumiseen ja samalla innostaa yrittäjiä ja alueen opiskelijoita jakamaan ideoita keskenään sekä kehittämään Itä-Uuttamaata.. Pääasiallisesti sivustoa käyttävät ja sisältöä luovat itäuusmaalaiset toimijat. Sivuston päivittämisestä vastaavat yrittäjät, opiskelijat ja hankkeen projektipäällikkö. Internet-markkinoinnin opas itsessään on luettavissa osoitteessa www.osaamisfoorumi.fi. Suomalaisilla on käytössään nykyaikaiset laitteet ja yhteydet, jotka mahdollistavat Internetin käyttämisen ajasta ja paikasta riippumatta. Suomalaisten kohdalla tärkein Internetin käyttötarkoitus on sähköpostien lukeminen, mutta matka- ja majoituspalveluiden selailu ja ostaminen lukeutuu myös tärkeimpiin käyttötarkoituksiin. Suomalaiset käyttävät ensisijaisesti hakukone Googlea näiden palveluiden etsimiseen. Internet-markkinointi on tullut tärkeäksi osaksi yrityksen markkinointia, mutta monessa pk-yrityksessä tätä ei ole huomioitu ja hyödynnetty. Yrityksillä on käytössä rajalliset markkinointibudjetit, joista ei haluta sijoittaa Internet-mediaan. Internet koetaankin monessa pk-yrityksessä teknologiana, eikä mediana. Työn edistymistä kuvataan raportissa aikajanalla, joka ulottuu syksystä 2007 syksyyn 2009. Opas on tarkoitettu julkaistavaksi syyskuun alussa 2009. Oppaan tiedonlähteinä on käytetty alan kirjallisuutta ja matkailualan ammattilaisten haastatteluita. Työelämän havainnointi ja useat teemahaastattelut ovat avainasemassa tiedonkeruussa lähdekirjallisuuden lisäksi. Haastatteluiden ja kirjallisuuden pohjalta oppaan sisältöön valittiin käsiteltäviksi Internet ja sen käyttö Suomessa, kotisivujen tekeminen, sähköinen markkinointi, sähköinen asiakkuudenhallinta ja sosiaalinen media. Opas on ensisijaisesti tarkoitettu matkailualan yrittäjille ja toimijoille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita Internetin mukaan tuomista mahdollisuuksista.This report describes how Internet marketing booklet for professionals working in the travel industry has been prepared and what has been handled within it. The report states various viewpoints of the writer and thoughts of today's Internet marketing from different marketing professionals within the field of tourism. This topic is current due to the fact that Internet marketing is becoming more popular each day. The complete booklet can be read in the Competence Forum (www.osaamisfoorumi.fi). The booklet was an assignment from SYM-BIO. Despite the fact that Internet marketing has become very important part of today's marketing, many companies have not fully taken into consideration the full potential of Internet marketing. The greatest reason lies behind the lack of funds in the marketing budget. Also many companies are not aware that despite the fact that Finns use Internet mainly for reading E-mail, browsing the Internet for travel purposes is the fourth important thing. Especially the trend can be seen among the younger generation where e.g. Google is used as the primary search engine for browsing. The making progress of the booklet is been described with a timeline starting from fall 2007 up to fall 2009 when the booklet is meant to be published. The sources used in the booklet have been gathered using qualitative research methods. Besides the relevant source literature, observations of the labor market and various theme interviews have been in the key position. Due to the results, the following aspects were picked up into the structure of the booklet: Internet and its use in Finland, making of homepages, eMarketing, electric Customer Relationship Management and social media. The booklet is primarily meant for people who are working in the travel industry, and are interested in the possibilities what Internet can offer Today.Produkti on luettavissa osoitteessa: www.osaamisfoorumi.fi - Internet-markkinoinnin tietopankk

    Real-World Clinical Outcomes in Biological Subgroups of Breast Cancer in the Hospital District of Southwest Finland

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    Background.Comparing breast cancer survival trends globally, Finland is among the top three countries in Europe. However, outcome data on breast cancer subgroups in the Finnish population are limited. This retrospective, registry-based study aimed to assess patient characteristics and clinical outcomes of different breast cancer subgroups in early (EBC) and metastatic breast cancer (MBC) in a real-life clinical setting.Materials and Methods.The study consisted of 6,977 adult, female patients with breast cancer diagnosed in Southwest Finland during 2005-2018. Patients were divided into four mutually exclusive groups: human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 positive (HER2+), triple negative, HER2-/hormone receptor positive (HR+), and HER2 and/or HR status unknown, and further into patients with EBC and MBC. Overall survival (OS) was assessed as a clinical outcome, as well as the following real-world (rw) clinical outcomes: disease-free survival (rwDFS), progression-free survival (rwPFS), and distant recurrence-free interval (rwDRFI).Results.Within EBC, 5-year survival was the highest (88%) in HER2-/HR+, followed by 85% in HER2+, and 75% in triple negative. The rwDFS varied significantly in EBC (5-year rwDFS HER2 -/HR+, HER2+, triple negative: 87%, 80%, 71% respectively). In MBC, median survival was 2 years for both HER2-/HR+ and HER2+ and markedly shorter for triple negative (0.8 years). Independent predictors of mortality were age (hazard ratio [HR], 1.1), other subgroups than HER2-/HR+ (HR, 1.2-1.9), metastatic disease (HR, 9.8), and other malignancies (HR, 2.7).Conclusion.This registry-based study demonstrates significant differences in breast cancer outcomes on the subgroup level, as well as poorer outcomes compared with clinical trials, giving complementary insight on clinical characteristics in an unselected patient population.Implications for Practice:This retrospective, registry-based study assessed the clinical outcomes of different breast cancer subgroups in 6,977 adult, female patients with breast cancer diagnosed in Southwest Finland during 2005-2018. Results demonstrated significant variation in the survival between subgroups in both early breast cancer and metastatic breast cancer, as well as differences between unselected patients representing the standard of care and randomized clinical trials. Although, according to the global comparison of survival trends, the net survival of patients with breast cancer in Finland is generally high, there is great variation between subgroups. These real-life breast cancer data provide tools to further evaluate medical need in different breast cancer subgroups.</div

    Epidemiological and treatment-related factors contribute to improved outcome of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma in Finland

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    Background: Treatment for oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) has changed, as the proportion of human papilloma virus (HPV)-related disease has increased. We evaluated nationwide information on its management and outcome during the treatment paradigm change period.Methods: We included all patients diagnosed and treated for OPSCC at the five Finnish university hospitals from 2000 to 2009. Patient records and pathology registries provided the clinicopathological data. p16 staining was performed on primary tumor samples of patients who had received treatment with curative intent.Results: A total of 674 patients were diagnosed and treated for OPSCC and the incidence increased along the study period. Of the evaluable tumors 58.5% were p16-positive and the number of p16-positive tumors increased along the years. The treatment was given with curative intent for 600 patients and it was completed in 564. Of them, 47.9% underwent primary surgery and 52.1% received definitive oncological treatment. Also, the treatment protocol changed towards a more oncological approach. Among patients treated with curative intent the five-year overall, disease-specific and disease-free survival rates were 60.1, 71.5 and 57.0%. In multivariate analysis, p16-positivity seemed to relate to reduced disease mortality in lateral and anterior-wall disease. Depending on primary tumor localization, also sex, classes T3-4, presence of regional metastasis and radiotherapy modality had an association with disease mortality.Conclusion: The incidence of p16-positive OPSCC and delivery of definitive oncological treatment increased in Finland during the study period. An improved survival outcome compared with the previous nationwide investigation was observed in this subset of patients.Peer reviewe

    Targeted Resequencing of the Pericentromere of Chromosome 2 Linked to Constitutional Delay of Growth and Puberty

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    Constitutional delay of growth and puberty (CDGP) is the most common cause of pubertal delay. CDGP is defined as the proportion of the normal population who experience pubertal onset at least 2 SD later than the population mean, representing 2.3% of all adolescents. While adolescents with CDGP spontaneously enter puberty, they are at risk for short stature, decreased bone mineral density, and psychosocial problems. Genetic factors contribute heavily to the timing of puberty, but the vast majority of CDGP cases remain biologically unexplained, and there is no definitive test to distinguish CDGP from pathological absence of puberty during adolescence. Recently, we published a study identifying significant linkage between a locus at the pericentromeric region of chromosome 2 (chr 2) and CDGP in Finnish families. To investigate this region for causal variation, we sequenced chr 2 between the genomic coordinates of 79-124 Mb (genome build GRCh37) in the proband and affected parent of the 13 families contributing most to this linkage signal. One gene, DNAH6, harbored 6 protein-altering low-frequency variants (<6% in the Finnish population) in 10 of the CDGP probands. We sequenced an additional 135 unrelated Finnish CDGP subjects and utilized the unique Sequencing Initiative Suomi (SISu) population reference exome set to show that while 5 of these variants were present in the CDGP set, they were also present in the Finnish population at similar frequencies. Additional variants in the targeted region could not be prioritized for follow-up, possibly due to gaps in sequencing coverage or lack of functional knowledge of non-genic genomic regions. Thus, despite having a well-characterized sample collection from a genetically homogeneous population with a large population-based reference sequence dataset, we were unable to pinpoint variation in the linked region predisposing delayed puberty. This study highlights the difficulties of detecting genetic variants under linkage regions for complex traits and suggests that advancements in annotation of gene function and regulatory regions of the genome will be critical for solving the genetic background of complex phenotypes like CDGP.Peer reviewe

    Kriisitilanteita koskevan kansalaisviestinnän kehittäminen : Työryhmän loppuraportti

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    Valtioneuvoston kanslia asetti syksyllä 2021 kriisiviestinnän kehittämishankkeen, jonka tehtävänä on ollut kehittää viranomaisten kriisiviestintää erityisesti kansalaisten näkökulmasta. Työryhmän asettamisen taustalla olivat Onnettomuustutkintakeskus OTKES:n tutkintaselostus ja toimenpidesuositukset koronapandemian ensimmäisestä vaiheesta sekä viranomaisten havainnot ja kokemukset koronapandemiasta ja muista laajamittaisista häiriötilanteista. Työryhmä on toimikautensa aikana valmistellut toimenpide-ehdotukset viranomaisten kriisiviestinnän kehittämiselle. Koronapandemiasta saatujen havaintojen ohella työryhmä on huomioinut myös muuttuneen turvallisuustilanteen aiheuttamat uudenlaiset kriisit, joiden viestinnässä korostuu henkisen kriisinkestävyyden vahvistaminen ja informaatiovaikuttamiseen varautuminen ja siihen vastaaminen

    Characterization of clinicopathological features, treatment practices, and outcomes among Finnish advanced breast cancer patients in real-life clinical practice

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    PurposeIn recent years, several new targeted therapies have emerged for advanced breast cancer (aBC). However, real-life data specific to aBC and different breast cancer subtypes are scarce. This retrospective cohort study was designed to describe the distribution of aBC subtypes, incidence, treatment patterns, survival, and PIK3CA hotspot mutation frequency.MethodsThe study included all patients in the Hospital District of Southwest Finland diagnosed with aBC between 2004 and 2013 and with a sample available in Auria Biobank. In addition to registry-based data collection, 161 HR+/HER2- aBCs were screened for PIK3CA mutations.ResultsAltogether, 54.7% of the 444 patients included in the study had luminal B subtype. The smallest representations were in HR-/HER2+ (4.5%) and triple-negative (5.6%) subgroups. The percentage of aBC among all diagnosed breast cancers increased until 2010, after which it remained stable. The triple-negative cancers were associated with shorter median overall survival (5.5 months) compared to other subgroups (16.5-24.6 months). Most (84%) triple-negative cancers also metastasized during the first two years, whereas this was more evenly distributed over time in other subgroups. Of the HR+/HER2- tumors, 32.3% harbored a PIK3CA hotspot mutation. These patients, however, did not have inferior survival compared to patients with PIK3CA wild-type cancers.ConclusionThis study described real-world aBC subgroups and indicated that the clinical outcomes of subgroups vary. Although PIK3CA hotspot mutations did not lead to inferior survival, they are relevant as possible treatment targets. Overall, these data could be utilized to further evaluate the subgroup-specific medical needs in breast cancer.Peer reviewe

    A novel treatment strategy for ovarian cancer based on immunization against zona pellucida protein (ZP) 3

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    We tested the principle of treating malignant ovarian tumors by vaccination against their ectopically expressed protein, zona pellucida glycoprotein (ZP) 3, using as the experimental model the granulosa cell tumors that develop in transgenic mice expressing the simian virus 40 T-antigen under the inhibin-α promoter (inhα/Tag). We found high ZP3 expression in granulosa cell tumors of the transgenic mice, in human surface ovarian cancer and granulosa cell lines, and in human granulosa cell tumors and their metastases. Early preventive immunization (between 2 and 5.5 mo of age) of transgenic mice with recombinant human (rh) ZP3 prevented ovarian tumorigenesis, and delayed therapeutic immunization (between 4.5 and 7 mo) reduced weights of existing tumors by 86 and 75%, respectively (P<0.001), compared to vehicle-treated control mice. No objective side effects of the immunizations were observed. Liver metastases were found in nontreated/vehicle-treated controls (n=7/39), but none following active rhZP3 immunizations (n=0/36; P<0.05). Immunization with rhZP3 was highly effective, as demonstrated by the induction of anti-ZP3 antibodies, as well as proliferative responses to the ZP3 antigen. These results signal rhZP3 immunization as a novel strategy to be developed for the immunotherapy of ovarian granulosa cell tumors, as well as for that of other malignancies that may express ZP3

    Työryhmän ehdotus uudeksi valtionhallinnon tehostetun viestinnän ohjeeksi : Viestintä normaalioloissa, häiriötilanteissa ja poikkeusoloissa

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    Valtioneuvoston kanslia asetti syyskuussa 2018 työryhmän, jonka tehtävänä oli selvittää, miltä osin nykyinen (2013) valtionhallinnon häiriötilanteiden ja poikkeusolojen viestintäohje edellyttää uudistamista ja laatia esitys päivitetyksi ohjeeksi. Työryhmän toimikaudeksi asetettiin 1.10.2018–13.9.2019. Työryhmän ehdotuksessa uudistetuksi ohjeeksi on huomioitu toimintaympäristön kehitys, kuten viestinnän toimintaympäristön voimakas muutos, strategisen viestinnän merkityksen lisääntyminen, viestintä- ja informaatioteknologioiden kehittyminen sekä median käyttötapojen muutos. Lisäksi ehdotuksessa tarkastellaan keinoja, joilla nopeisiin muutoksiin ja uudenlaisiin uhkiin voidaan varautua ja vastata. Ehdotuksen laadinnassa on kiinnitetty huomiota häiriötilanteista ja viranomaisten varautumistyöstä, kuten esimerkiksi vaalihäirintään varautumisesta, tehtyihin havaintoihin ja kokemuksiin. Ehdotuksen luvuissa 1–3 määritellään periaatteet ja toimintatavat valtionhallinnon viestinnälle normaaliolojen tehostettua viestintää vaativissa tilanteissa sekä viestinnälle häiriötilanteissa ja poikkeusoloissa. Luvuissa 4–5 annetaan käytännön ohjeita viestinnälliseen varautumiseen ja toimintaan tilanteiden aikana

    Somatic mutations in clonally expanded cytotoxic T lymphocytes in patients with newly diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis

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    Somatic mutations contribute to tumorigenesis. Although these mutations occur in all proliferating cells, their accumulation under non-malignant conditions, such as in autoimmune disorders, has not been investigated. Here, we show that patients with newly diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis have expanded CD8+ T-cell clones; in 20% (5/25) of patients CD8+ T cells, but not CD4+ T cells, harbour somatic mutations. In healthy controls (n=20), only one mutation is identified in the CD8+ T-cell pool. Mutations exist exclusively in the expanded CD8+ effector-memory subset, persist during follow-up, and are predicted to change protein functions. Some of the mutated genes (SLAMF6, IRF1) have previously been associated with autoimmunity. RNA sequencing of mutation-harbouring cells shows signatures corresponding to cell proliferation. Our data provide evidence of accumulation of somatic mutations in expanded CD8+ T cells, which may have pathogenic significance for RA and other autoimmune diseases.Kaikissa jakautuvissa solutyypeissä tapahtuu niiden elinkaaren aikana perimän muutoksia eli somaattisia mutaatioita. Somaattiset mutaatiot aiheuttavat syöpää, mutta niiden esiintyvyyttä tai merkitystä muissa sairauksissa kuin syövässä ei ole juuri tutkittu. Tutkimushypoteesinamme on, että autoimmuunisairauksista kärsivien potilaiden valkosoluissa (esimerkiksi T-soluissa) voi esiintyä somaattisia mutaatioita, jotka voivat muuttaa immuunijärjestelmän toimintaa tulehdusta edistäväksi. Tutkiaksemme somaattisia mutaatioita sekvensoimme 25 nivelreumapotilaan ja 20 terveen henkilön T-solujen pääluokat, CD4- ja CD8 –solut, kohdennetulla 986 geeniä kattavalla menetelmällä. Lisäksi sekvensoimme kolmelta potilaalta heidän perimänsä kaikki proteiinia koodaavat alueet. Viideltä nivelreumapotilaalta löytyi yhteensä 30 mutaatiota CD8-soluista, ja yhdeltä terveeltä löytyi yksi mutaatio. Löydetyt mutaatiot esiintyivät vain suurissa CD8-positiivisissa T-soluklooneissa, eivät kaikissa CD8 T-soluissa. Mutaatiot löytyivät potilaiden soluista myös seurantanäytteistä. Useat mutaatioita kantavista geeneistä osallistuvat immuunijärjestelmän toimintaan tai solunjakautumiseen. Mutaatioita kantavat solut ilmensivät solun kasvuun tai eloonjäämiseen liittyviä geenejä. Vaikka mutaatioiden merkitystä nivelreuman taudinkulussa ei voida vielä osoittaa, tulokset viittaavat siihen, että autoimmuuni- ja syöpäsairauksilla on yhteisiä molekyylitason ominaisuuksia