1,491 research outputs found

    Rapid and quantitative detection of the microbial spoilage of meat by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and machine learning

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    Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy is a rapid, noninvasive technique with considerable potential for application in the food and related industries. We show here that this technique can be used directly on the surface of food to produce biochemically interpretable “fingerprints.” Spoilage in meat is the result of decomposition and the formation of metabolites caused by the growth and enzymatic activity of microorganisms. FT-IR was exploited to measure biochemical changes within the meat substrate, enhancing and accelerating the detection of microbial spoilage. Chicken breasts were purchased from a national retailer, comminuted for 10 s, and left to spoil at room temperature for 24 h. Every hour, FT-IR measurements were taken directly from the meat surface using attenuated total reflectance, and the total viable counts were obtained by classical plating methods. Quantitative interpretation of FT-IR spectra was possible using partial least-squares regression and allowed accurate estimates of bacterial loads to be calculated directly from the meat surface in 60 s. Genetic programming was used to derive rules showing that at levels of 10(7) bacteria·g(−1) the main biochemical indicator of spoilage was the onset of proteolysis. Thus, using FT-IR we were able to acquire a metabolic snapshot and quantify, noninvasively, the microbial loads of food samples accurately and rapidly in 60 s, directly from the sample surface. We believe this approach will aid in the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point process for the assessment of the microbiological safety of food at the production, processing, manufacturing, packaging, and storage levels

    Functional genomics via metabolic footprinting: monitoring metabolite secretion by Escherichia coli tryptophan metabolism mutants using FT-IR and direct injection electrospray mass spectrometry

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    We sought to test the hypothesis that mutant bacterial strains could be discriminated from each other on the basis of the metabolites they secrete into the medium (their ‘metabolic footprint’), using two methods of ‘global’ metabolite analysis (FT–IR and direct injection electrospray mass spectrometry). The biological system used was based on a published study of Escherichia coli tryptophan mutants that had been analysed and discriminated by Yanofsky and colleagues using transcriptome analysis. Wild-type strains supplemented with tryptophan or analogues could be discriminated from controls using FT–IR of 24 h broths, as could each of the mutant strains in both minimal and supplemented media. Direct injection electrospray mass spectrometry with unit mass resolution could also be used to discriminate the strains from each other, and had the advantage that the discrimination required the use of just two or three masses in each case. These were determined via a genetic algorithm. Both methods are rapid, reagentless, reproducible and cheap, and might beneficially be extended to the analysis of gene knockout libraries

    The affective atmospheres of surveillance

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    The spaces that surveillance produces can be thought of as ambiguous, entailing elements that are ethereal yet material, geographical yet trans-geographical. Contemporary surveillance systems form numerous connections that involve multiple times, spaces, and bodies. Owing to their ubiquity, normalization, and yet clandestine characteristics, they seem to produce an almost unnoticed aspect of everyday life. The impacts, then, of contemporary surveillance systems appear to be particularly experienced on the margins of consciousness. Thus we find that an empirical analysis of this realm of experience is possible but requires one to look for such things as disruption, disfluency, and hesitation in the text of speech acts rather than clear representation. Through empirical analysis of narratives concerning everyday experiences of living with contemporary surveillance systems, this paper focuses on their possible affective impacts. In turn, we find it more fitting to think about the so-called “surveillance society” in terms of producing “atmospheres” rather than “cultures or assemblages,” and “affects” rather than “emotions.

    Through-container, extremely low concentration detection of multiple chemical markers of counterfeit alcohol using a handheld SORS device

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    Major food adulteration incidents occur with alarming frequency and are episodic, with the latest incident, involving the adulteration of meat from 21 producers in Brazil supplied to 60 other countries, reinforcing this view. Food fraud and counterfeiting involves all types of foods, feed, beverages, and packaging, with the potential for serious health, as well as significant economic and social impacts. In the spirit drinks sector, counterfeiters often ‘recycle’ used genuine packaging, or employ good quality simulants. To prove that suspect products are non-authentic ideally requires accurate, sensitive, analysis of the complex chemical composition while still in its packaging. This has yet to be achieved. Here, we have developed handheld spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) for the first time in a food or beverage product, and demonstrate the potential for rapid in situ through-container analysis; achieving unequivocal detection of multiple chemical markers known for their use in the adulteration and counterfeiting of Scotch whisky, and other spirit drinks. We demonstrate that it is possible to detect a total of 10 denaturants/additives in extremely low concentrations without any contact with the sample; discriminate between and within multiple well-known Scotch whisky brands, and detect methanol concentrations well below the maximum human tolerable level

    Risky Business: Motivations for Markets in Programmable Networks

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    Abstract. We believe that the problems of safety, security and resource usage combine to make it unlikely that programmable networks will ever be viable without mechanisms to transfer risk from the platform provider to the user and the programmer. However, we have well established mechanisms for managing risk -markets. In this paper we argue for the establishment of markets to manage the risk in running a piece of software and to ensure that the risk is reflected on all the stakeholders. We describe a strawman architecture for third party computation in the programmable network. Within this architecture, we identify two major novel features:-Dynamic price setting, and a reputation service. We investigate the feasibility of these features and provide evidence that a practical system can indeed be built. Our contributions are in the argument for markets providing a risk management mechanism for programmable networks, the development of an economic model showing incentives for developing better software, and in the first analysis of a real transaction graph for reputation systems from an Internet commerce site

    Shielding noises from spins

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    Electrons in InAs/GaAs quantum dots are strong candidates for qubits due to quantum confinement of the spin ½ system. However, electrons couple with nearby nuclear spins and the fluctuating electrostatic environment, these impose an undesired bottleneck on the performance of a quantum spin device. We show that the fluctuating charge and spin environment may be circumvented to an extent. Compared to InAs/GaAs quantum dots, two-dimensional materials may be used to minimise nuclear spin noise; combined with careful sample design a low-decoherence platform is envisioned

    Histological renal osteodystrophy, and 25 hydroxycholecalciferol and aluminum levels in patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

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    Renal osteodystrophy, which influences the quality of life and contributes to the morbidity of patients with endstage renal failure [1], has been reported to deteriorate in patients treated with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) [2]. However, better control of serum calcium and phosphate in these patients [3] has provided preliminary data that show improvement in histological grading of osteitis fibrosa (OF) in our patients treated with CAPD [41.Another form of bone disease, the osteomalacic dialysis osteodystrophy (OM), which may be associated with dialysis encephalopathy, is thought in some instances to be due to aluminum toxicity [5] from untreated or softened water used in hemodialysis in areas where the aluminum content of water supplies is high [6]. In patients undergoing CAPD any exposure to aluminum is likely to stem from the use of aluminum-containing phosphate binders (ACPB) since the process of preparation of peritoneal dialysis fluid reduces most of the trace metals.In our unit, since the inception of the CAPD program in January 1979, 72 patients have been treated by this method in the first 2 years. In this report we present data on the improvement of histological renal osteodystrophy in CAPD patients and relate this to serum concentrations of calcium, phosphate, 25 hydroxycholecalciferol [25-(0H)CC] and immunoreactive parathormone (PTH). In addition, sequential serum aluminum concentrations are reported. These levels have been related to concentrations of aluminum in the peritoneal dialysis (PD) fluid and to the use of ACPB. One patient with aluminum toxicity prior to starting CAPD was studied to evaluate the chelating effect of disferrioxamine (DFO) on aluminum and its subsequent removal in the PD fluid

    Cavity-enhanced coherent light scattering from a quantum dot.

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    The generation of coherent and indistinguishable single photons is a critical step for photonic quantum technologies in information processing and metrology. A promising system is the resonant optical excitation of solid-state emitters embedded in wavelength-scale three-dimensional cavities. However, the challenge here is to reject the unwanted excitation to a level below the quantum signal. We demonstrate this using coherent photon scattering from a quantum dot in a micropillar. The cavity is shown to enhance the fraction of light that is resonantly scattered toward unity, generating antibunched indistinguishable photons that are 16 times narrower than the time-bandwidth limit, even when the transition is near saturation. Finally, deterministic excitation is used to create two-photon N00N states with which we make superresolving phase measurements in a photonic circuit.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research CouncilThis is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the American Association for the Advancement of Science via http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.150125