790 research outputs found

    Simulated Thrombin Generation in the Presence of Surface-Bound Heparin and Circulating Tissue Factor

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    An expanded computational model of surface induced thrombin generation was developed that includes hemodynamic effects, 22 biochemical reactions and 44 distinct chemical species. Surface binding of factors V, VIII, IX, and X was included in order to more accurately simulate the formation of the surface complexes tenase and prothrombinase. In order to model these reactions, the non-activated, activated and inactivated forms were all considered. This model was used to investigate the impact of surface bound heparin on thrombin generation with and without the additive effects of thrombomodulin (TM). In total, 104 heparin/TM pairings were evaluated (52 under venous conditions, 52 under arterial conditions), the results demonstrating the synergistic ability of heparin and TM to reduce thrombin generation. Additionally, the role of circulating tissue factor (TF[subscript p]) was investigated and compared to that of surface-bound tissue factor (TF[subscript s]). The numerical results suggest that circulating TF has the power to amplify thrombin generation once the coagulation cascade is already initiated by surface-bound TF. TF[subscript p] concentrations as low as 0.01 nM were found to have a significant impact on total thrombin generation.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grants HL106018 and HL56819

    Distinguishing between knowledge gaps and misconceptions of Alzheimer’s disease among caregivers in the UK

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    A popular scale for assessing knowledge about Alzheimer‘s disease is the Alzheimer‘s Disease Knowledge Scale (ADKS). The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of adding ‗don‘t know‘ to the original ‗true‘ or ‗false‘ response option. It was assumed that this modification would provide insight into the reasons underlying incorrect responses and could distinguish between misconceptions and knowledge gaps. To investigate this, carers (care home carers and informal carers) and members of the general population were recruited. The results showed that percentage correct responses was lower than previously reported, suggesting potential inflation of knowledge by guesses without the ‗don‘t know‘ option. Moreover, care-home workers were more likely to select the incorrect response than ‗don‘t know‘ compared to informal carers for several items related to the earlier stages of AD, suggesting a higher level of misconceptions around this topic and highlighting potential training needs for care home carers

    The Microbial Community of a Terrestrial Anoxic Inter-Tidal Zone: A Model for Laboratory-Based Studies of Potentially Habitable Ancient Lacustrine Systems on Mars

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    Evidence indicates that Gale crater on Mars harboured a fluvio-lacustrine environment that was subjected to physio-chemical variations such as changes in redox conditions and evaporation with salinity changes, over time. Microbial communities from terrestrial environmental analogues sites are important for studying such potential habitability environments on early Mars, especially in laboratory-based simulation experiments. Traditionally, such studies have predominantly focused on microorganisms from extreme terrestrial environments. These are applicable to a range of Martian environments; however, they lack relevance to the lacustrine systems. In this study, we characterise an anoxic inter-tidal zone as a terrestrial analogue for the Gale crater lake system according to its chemical and physical properties, and its microbiological community. The sub-surface inter-tidal environment of the River Dee estuary, United Kingdom (53°21'015.40" N, 3°10'024.95" W) was selected and compared with available data from Early Hesperian-time Gale crater, and temperature, redox, and pH were similar. Compared to subsurface ‘groundwater’-type fluids invoked for the Gale subsurface, salinity was higher at the River Dee site, which are more comparable to increases in salinity that likely occurred as the Gale crater lake evolved. Similarities in clay abundance indicated similar access to, specifically, the bio-essential elements Mg, Fe and K. The River Dee microbial community consisted of taxa that were known to have members that could utilise chemolithoautotrophic and chemoorganoheterotrophic metabolism and such a mixed metabolic capability would potentially have been feasible on Mars. Microorganisms isolated from the site were able to grow under environment conditions that, based on mineralogical data, were similar to that of the Gale crater’s aqueous environment at Yellowknife Bay. Thus, the results from this study suggest that the microbial community from an anoxic inter-tidal zone is a plausible terrestrial analogue for studying habitability of fluvio-lacustrine systems on early Mars, using laboratory-based simulation experiments

    Intervención multidominio para la prevención y abordaje del deterioro cognitivo: modelo de gimnasio cerebral en Argentina

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    El envejecimiento poblacional ha ido de la mano con un aumento exponencial de la prevalencia de las demencias, y, ante la falta de una cura para estas patologías, la posibilidad de accionar a nivel de prevención, sustentada por diversas investigaciones, ha generado un gran interés. En Argentina desarrollamos, de la mano de un equipo interdisciplinar especializado, la propuesta de un “gimnasio cerebral” para la prevención y abordaje de las demencias. El modelo de intervención incluye diversas propuestas de actividad física, cognitiva, social, nutricional, y de regulación emocional, basadas en evidencia científica, con un plan de trabajo personalizado enmarcado en el modelo de atención integral centrada en la persona

    Quantifying abundance and distribution of native and invasive oysters in an urbanised estuary

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    © 2016 The Author(s). Journal compilation, 2016 REABIC. Human activities have modified the chemical, physical and biological attributes of many of the world’s estuaries. Natural foreshores have been replaced by artificial habitats and non-indigenous species have been introduced by shipping, aquaculture, and as ornamental pets. In south east Australia, the native Sydney rock oyster Saccostrea glomerata is threatened by pollution, disease and competition from the invasive Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. This study assessed the abundance (as number m-2), size, and distribution of both invasive and native oyster species at 32 sites in the heavily urbanised Port Jackson Estuary, Australia. We tested the hypotheses that there would be: (1) a difference in the proportion of C. gigas and S. glomerata among locations; (2) a greater proportion of C. gigas on artificial compared to natural substrates; (3) a greater numbers of all oysters, with differing size characteristics, on artificial compared to natural substrates; and (4) that the abundance and size of all oysters would vary among locations along an environmental gradient. Environmental variables included distance from the estuary mouth and salinity. We found the abundance and size of all oysters differed among locations; smaller oysters occurred at greater abundances near the mouth of the estuary. Abundance was also higher on artificial, than on natural substrate. Habitat type, however, had no effect on which species of oyster was present. In contrast, distance from the estuary mouth strongly influenced the relative proportion of the two species. The invasive C. gigas comprised 16% of the oysters sampled, and up to 85% at some of the upper estuary sites. As predicted, C. gigas was more abundant at locations in the bay ends and upper channel of the estuary; it was also larger in size than the native S. glomerata. This is the first assessment of oyster distribution in Port Jackson and provides a solid base for monitoring changes in the estuarine distribution of a globally invasive pest

    Min Kao Drone Tour

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    Motivation in physical education across the primary-secondary school transition

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the temporal patterns of approach-avoidance achievement goals, implicit theories of ability and perceived competence in physical education across the transition from primary to secondary school. We also evaluated the predictive utility of implicit theories and perceived competence with regard to achievement goal adoption, and determined the moderating influence of gender on temporal patterns and antecedent–goal relationships. One hundred and forty pupils (mean age at start of study = 11.37 years, SD =.28) completed measures of entity and incremental beliefs, perceived competence and goals on four occasions during a 12-month period. Mastery-approach, performance-approach and perform-ance-avoidance goals, as well as entity and incremental beliefs, exhibited a linear decline over time. Mastery-avoidance goals showed no significant change. Girls exhibited a linear decline in perceived competence, whereas for boys the trajectory was curvilinear. Competence perceptions predicted initial scores, but not rate of change, on mastery-approach and both types of performance goals. Incrementa

    College Students’ Perceptions of the C-Print Speech-to-Text Transcription System

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    C-Print is a real-time speech-to-text transcription system used as a support service with deaf students in mainstreamed classes. Questionnaires were administered to 36 college students in 32 courses in which the C-Print system was used in addition to interpreting and notetaking. Twenty-two of these students were also interviewed. Questionnaire items included student ratings of lecture comprehension. Student ratings indicated good comprehension with C-Print, and the mean rating was significantly higher than that for understanding of the interpreter. Students also rated the hard-copy printout provided by C-Print as helpful, and they reported that they used these notes more frequently than the handwritten notes from a paid student notetaker. Interview results were consistent with those for the questionnaire. Questionnaire and interview responses regarding use of C-Print as the only support service indicated that this arrangement would be acceptable to many students, but that it would not be to others. Communication characteristics were related to responses to the questionnaire. Students who were relatively proficient in reading and writing English, and in speech-reading, responded more favorably to C-Print