1,104 research outputs found

    Desain dan Implementasi Fraction Collector Menggunakan MCs 51

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     This paper presents a design and an implementation of a chemical laboratory equipment which serves to collect automatically liquid droplets from a column in the chromatography colomn. This equipment uses MCs 51 family for setting hatching time, displaying hatching counter, and moving the dropper in X and Y axes. Two stepper motors are used to fill 225 tubs with each volume is 15 ml. Therefore, we have a Fraction Collector. The results shows that our system works well, all droplets occurs in the middle of the tube, and the time for transfering a dropler  from one tube to another time is 6.5 seconds.Keywords: chromatography colomn, MCs51 controller, test tube, Fraction Collector. Tulisan ini membahas mengenai desain dan pembuatan Fraction Collector yaitu peralatan laboratorium kimia yang berfungsi untuk menampung tetesan cairan yang keluar dari suatu kolom pada proses kromatografi kolom secara otomatis. Alat ini dilengkapi sebuah pengendali mikrokontroler MCs 51 untuk mengatur dan menampilkan lamanya waktu penetesan, juga menggerakkan penetes ke arah sumbu X dan Y oleh dua buah motor stepper untuk mengisi 225 tabung reaksi yang masing-masing berukuran 15 ml. Hasil pengujian sistem bekerja dengan baik, tetesan terjadi ditengah-tengah tabung dan rata-rata waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk perpindahan penetes dari satu tabung ke tabung berikutnya adalah 6.5 detik.  Kata kunci: Fraction Collector, kromatografi kolom, pengendali MCs 51, tabung reaksi Â

    Large N Field Theory and AdS Tachyons

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    In non-supersymmetric orbifolds of N =4 super Yang-Mills, conformal invariance is broken by the logarithmic running of double-trace operators -- a leading effect at large N. A tachyonic instability in AdS_5 has been proposed as the bulk dual of double-trace running. In this paper we make this correspondence more precise. By standard field theory methods, we show that the double-trace beta function is quadratic in the coupling, to all orders in planar perturbation theory. Tuning the double-trace coupling to its (complex) fixed point, we find conformal dimensions of the form 2 + i b, as formally expected for operators dual to bulk scalars that violate the stability bound. We also show that conformal invariance is broken in perturbation theory if and only if dynamical symmetry breaking occurs. Our analysis is applicable to a general large N field theory with vanishing single-trace beta functions.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures. v3: small changes, version published on JHEP

    Lampu Pintar Berbasis LED Dengan Multi Sensor

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    In this paper, we propose a LED-based smart lamp prototype that integrated with sensor. The smart lamp use information of people and lighting confirmation, to turn on or turn off the lamp automatically. In addition, the sensor calculates and balances flash and ambient light exposure to decrease the light, so that can make energy efficiently in use. PIR (Passive Infrared Receiver) and Ultrasonic sensor is preferred to detect people condition in one place and LDR (Light Dependent Resistant) is preferred to detect intensity of light. In experimental system of smart lamp obtain good condition where the average of illuminance 257,6 lux. The smart lamp can detect large and small movements caused by human beings and can provide a constant room lighting.keywords: Smart lamp, Presence detection, Ultrasonic Pada tulisan ini, sebuah lampu pintar berbasis LED berbasis integrasi sensor deteksi keberadaan dan sensor deteksi cahaya diusulkan. Sensor digunakan untuk menyalakan atau memadamkan lampu secara otomatis berdasarkan keberadaan orang disekitarnya. Selain itu, lampu pintar juga dapat mengatur tingkat pencahayaan yang dibutuhkan dengan memperhatikan cahaya ambien untuk mencegah terjadinya pencahayaan yang berlebih guna menghindari energi yang terbuang sia-sia. Deteksi keberadaan menggunakan penggabungan dua buah sensor yaitu PIR (Passive Infrared Receiver) dan Ultrasonik, sedangkan deteksi cahaya menggunakan sensor LDR (Light Dependent Resistant). Hasil pengujian mendapatkan sistem lampu penerangan bekerja dengan baik dan dapat memberikan pencahayaan sebesar 257,6 lux. Lampu Pintar tersebut sudah dapat mendeteksi gerakan besar dan kecil yang ditimbulkan oleh manusia dan dapat memberikan pencahayaan ruangan yang konstan

    Endoscopy during the Covid-19 outbreak : experience and recommendations from a single center in a high-incidence scenario

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    A dramatic SARS-Cov-2 outbreak is hitting Italy hard. To face the new scenario all the hospitals have been re-organised in order to reduce all the outpatient services and to devote almost all their personnel and resources to the management of Covid-19 patients. As a matter of fact, all the services have undergone a deep re-organization guided by: the necessity to reduce exams, to create an environment that helps reduce the virus spread, and to preserve the medical personnel from infection. In these days a re-organization of the endoscopic unit, sited in a high-incidence area, has been adopted, with changes to logistics, work organization and patients selection. With the present manuscript, we want to support gastroenterologists and endoscopists in the organization of a \u201cnew\u201d endoscopy unit that responds to the \u201cnew\u201d scenario, while remaining fully aware that resources, availability and local circumstances may extremely vary from unit to unit

    Temperature and Pressure Dependence of the Reaction between Ethyl Radical and Molecular Oxygen : Experiments and Master Equation Simulations

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    Funding Information: We thank Stephen Klippenstein for providing us with the geometries, harmonic frequencies, and relative energies of the stationary points from his recent CH + O publication as well as the state sum for the loose recombination transition state. T.T.P. acknowledges support from the Doctoral Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences of the University of Helsinki and the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation for funding. Project K129140 for G.L. was implemented with the support provided by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Hungary from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, financed under the OTKA funding scheme. T.T.P., E.A.R., and A.J.E. acknowledge support from the Academy of Finland (Grants 325250 and 346374). The authors also acknowledge CSC IT Center for Science in Finland for computational resources. 2 5 • 2 Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Authors.We have used laser-photolysis - photoionization mass-spectrometry to measure the rate coefficient for the reaction between ethyl radical and molecular oxygen as a function of temperature (190-801 K) and pressure (0.2-6 Torr) under pseudo first-order conditions ([He] >> [O2] >> [C2H5 center dot]). Multiple ethyl precursor, photolysis wavelength, reactor material, and coating combinations were used. We reinvestigated the temperature dependence of the title reaction's rate coefficient to resolve inconsistencies in existing data. The current results indicate that some literature values for the rate coefficient may indeed be slightly too large. The experimental work was complemented with master equation simulations. We used the current and some previous rate coefficient measurements to optimize the values of key parameters in the master equation model. After optimization, the model was able to reproduce experimental falloff curves and C2H4 + HO2 center dot yields. We then used the model to perform simulations over wide temperature (200-1500 K) and pressure (10-4-102 bar) ranges and provide the results in PLOG format to facilitate their use in atmospheric and combustion models.Peer reviewe

    Congregate Care in the Time of COVID-19: Proposed Best Practices from the Inside

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    Analisis Marketing Pada Pizza Hut Delivery

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    Pizza Hut and PHD actually are in the same company. Pizza Hut is focusing their business in restaurant, serve their customer directly on the table and also take away orders.Running their business in some period they bring new great idea to grab more markets and excellence service, they built PHD. PHD is focusing their business on delivery pizza. They didnt provide table and restaurant, they provide only small kiosk or outlet, accept all customers orders by phone or website and send them to customers address as mentioned on the orders list. They help customers well. They put easy way to order to their customers mind set. PHD make their customer happy and feel easy

    Full-field measurements of strain localisation in sandstone by neutron tomography and 3D-volumetric Digital Image Correlation

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    AbstractRecent studies have demonstrated that the combination of x-ray tomography during triaxial tests (“in-situ” tests) and 3D- volumetric Digital Image Correlation (3D-DIC) can provide important insight into the mechanical behaviour and deformation processes of granular materials such as sand. The application of these tools to investigate the mechanisms of failure in rocks is also of obvious interest. However, the relevant applied confining pressures for triaxial testing on rocks are higher than those on sands and therefore stronger pressure containment vessels, i.e., made of thick metal walls, are required. This makes in-situ x-ray imaging of rock deformation during triaxial tests a challenge. One possible solution to overcome this problem is to use neutrons, which should better penetrate the metal-walls of the pressure vessels. In this perspective, this work assesses the capability of neutron tomography with 3D-DIC to measure deformation fields in rock samples. Results from pre- and post-deformation neutron tomography of a Bentheim sandstone sample deformed ex-situ at 40MPa show that clear images of the internal structure can be achieved and utilised for 3D-DIC analysis to reveal the details of the 3D strain field. From these results the character of the localised deformation in the study sample can thus be described. Furthermore, comparison with analyses based on equivalent x-ray tomography imaging of the same sample confirms the effectiveness of the method in relation to the more established x-ray based approach

    Expression of the MOZ-TIF2 oncoprotein in mice represses senescence

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    The MOZ-TIF2 translocation, which fuses monocytic leukemia zinc finger protein (MOZ) histone acetyltransferase (HAT) with the nuclear co-activator TIF2, is associated with the development of acute myeloid leukemia. We recently found that in the absence of MOZ HAT activity, p16INK4a transcriptional levels are significantly increased, triggering an early entrance into replicative senescence. Because oncogenic fusion proteins must bypass cellular safeguard mechanisms, such as senescence and apoptosis, to induce leukemia, we hypothesized that this repressive activity of MOZ over p16INK4a transcription could be preserved, or even reinforced, in MOZ leukemogenic fusion proteins, such as MOZ-TIF2. We describe here that, indeed, MOZ-TIF2 silences expression of the CDKN2A locus (p16INK4a and p19ARF), inhibits the triggering of senescence and enhances proliferation, providing conditions favorable to the development of leukemia. Furthermore, we describe that abolishing the MOZ HAT activity of the fusion protein leads to a significant increase in expression of the CDKN2A locus and the number of hematopoietic progenitors undergoing senescence. Finally, we report that inhibition of senescence by MOZ-TIF2 is associated with increased apoptosis, suggesting a role for the fusion protein in p53 apoptosis-versus-senescence balance. Our results underscore the importance of the HAT activity of MOZ, preserved in the fusion protein, for repression of the CDKN2A locus transcription and the subsequent block of senescence, a necessary step for the survival of leukemic cells.Work in our laboratory is supported by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Research Foundation (LLR), Cancer Research UK (CRUK), and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)

    2q37 deletions in patients with an albright hereditary osteodystrophy phenotype and PTH resistance

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    Pseudohypoparathyroidism (PHP) is a rare endocrine disorder derived from the defective activation of the cAMP pathway by the parathyroid hormone secondary to GNAS molecular defects. PHP subtypes are defined by the presence/absence of specific clinical/biochemical features. PHP1A is characterized by resistance to multiple hormones with features of Albright hereditary osteodystrophy (AHO), while pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (PPHP) is characterized by AHO in the absence of PTH resistance. Small subsets of PHP and PPHP patients without known molecular defects have been re-diagnosed as being affected by the brachydactyly-mental retardation syndrome (BDMR), also known as the AHO-like syndrome. This study aimed to analyse 24 PHP1A and 51 PPHP patients without a molecular diagnosis for the presence of BDMR-associated 2q37 deletions to improve the differential diagnosis and to identify features that might help to avoid a misdiagnosis. Molecular investigations identified 4 deletions in 4 unrelated patients. The affected patients showed a combination of the most pathognomonic AHO features. Of note, 3 of the patients also displayed mild PTH resistance, and none of the patients developed ectopic ossifications. Our work confirmed the rarity of the misdiagnosis of BDMR in PHP patients through the identification of 4 patients bearing a 2q37 deletion in a cohort of 73 PHP patients (5.3%). Three patients with the deletion presented a PHP1A phenotype in the absence of any BDMR-specific findings. Further studies on larger case series are needed to elucidate the overlap between these clinical entities and to allow the early identification of patients