528 research outputs found

    Regulação e autorregulação do marketing de influência no ambiente digital brasileiro : um estudo à luz das teorias de Lawrence Lessig e Andrew Murray

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, 2019.Diante da ascensão das redes sociais digitais, o crescimento expressivo do mercado de marketing digital e o engajamento de novos atores nessa dinâmica, os chamados “influenciadores digitais”, surgem novos desafios para os mecanismos de regulação e autorregulação publicitária. O objetivo da presente pesquisa é, portanto, traçar um panorama das alterações ocorridas na publicidade em meio digital e analisar o contexto da regulação publicitária brasileira neste âmbito sob a perspectiva de grandes teorias da regulação do ciberespaço: a regulação por código de Lawrence Lessig e o “network communitarianism” de Andrew Murray. Pretende-se aferir em que medida é possível relacionar as contribuições desses autores à atuação dos mecanismos brasileiros de regulação publicitária, compreendidos a partir de uma análise sistêmica da legislação e atuação do Poder Público, das decisões do Conselho Nacional de Autorregulamentação Publicitária e de casos emblemáticos no âmbito da regulação da atividade publicitária brasileira nas redes sociais digitais.Given the rise of social networks, the expressive growth of digital marketing and the engagement of new actors in this dynamic, the so-called “digital influencers”, new challenges for marketing regulation and selfregulation mechanisms are born. The present research aims to draw an overview of the transformations on marketing in a digital environment, as well as to analyze the Brazilian marketing regulation system under the perspective of great cyberspace regulation theories: the code regulation by Lawrence Lessig and the network communitarianism by Andrew Murray. The intention is to gauge the ways in which is possible to relate these author’s contributions to the Brazilian marketing regulation mechanisms, understood after a systemic analysis of legislation and Public Power’s actions, decisions from the National Marketing Selfregulation Counsil (Conselho Nacional de Autorregulamentação Publicitária) and emblematic cases in the matter of Brazilian marketing on social network’s regulation

    Fusões e aquisições : concentração no setor bancário brasileiro

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    Orientadora : Mayla Cristina CostaMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização MBA em Auditoria IntegralInclui referênciasResumo : Grandes têm sido as atenções à concentração no setor bancário brasileiro. Observa-se crescente concentração bancário no setor financeiro nacional do Brasil, em 2017 as 5 maiores instituições financeiras possuem 82,62% do total de ativos totais das instituições autorizadas a operar no país, enquanto que em 2016 as 5 maiores instituições possuíam 78,75%. Tal fato deve-se aos atos de concentração, fusões e aquisições, ocorridas nos últimos anos. Dessa forma, este estudo teve por objetivo identificar o nível de concentração do setor bancário brasileiro. Portanto, após o entendimento do sistema bancário brasileiro, atos de fusões e aquisições ocorridas e estudo dos principais índices para cálculo de concentração do mercado, o índice escolhido, HHI, mostrou que o setor continua caminhando com concentração moderada quando consideramos a variável ativo total. Salientamos a possível privatização da 1º e da 3º maiores instituições financeiras, Banco do Brasil e Caixa Econômica Federal, respectivamente, e como essas operações à disposição do capital privado podem afetar os níveis de concentração e o mercado do setor bancário brasileir

    A Comparison by Milk Feeding Method of the Nutrient Intake of a Cohort of Australian Toddlers

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    Breastfeeding is recommended beyond 12 months of age, but little is known about the contribution of breastmilk and infant formula to the nutritional intake of toddlers as they transition to a family diet in the second year of life. This study is a cross-sectional analysis of data collected from a birth cohort study in Adelaide, Australia. Dietary intake data were collected when children were approximately 1 year of age by an interviewer-administered multi-pass 24 h recall and a mother-completed 2 days food diary. Children were categorized according to their milk feeding method, i.e., breastmilk, infant formula, combination or other, and their nutrient intakes compared with recommended nutrient reference values. Complete data were available for 832 children, of which 714 had plausible energy intakes. Breastmilk and formula made a substantial contribution to the nutrient intake of those toddlers, contributing 28% and 34% of total energy, and 16% and 26% of protein intake, respectively when not drunk in combination. In general, Australian toddlers transitioning to the family diet consumed nutritionally adequate diets, although almost one quarter of all children and half of breastfed children with plausible intakes had iron intakes below the estimated average requirement, placing them at risk of iron deficiency

    Quantifying the Artistic Experience with Perceptive Sketching Tools: Cognitive Technologies to Support Creativity Researchers

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    Creativity research has gradually moved away from controlled laboratory settings to more naturalistic and real world domains. As a result, new research methods are required to systematically analyze the artistic experience that includes the artist’s perception, behavior, and conception throughout the creative process. We use research findings from the Cognitive Science literature to create a framework called Perceptual Logic to categorize different types of artistic experience. This framework is applicable to open-ended artistic creativity. Empiri- cally validating such a framework requires new tools that provide insight into the naturalistic creative process. We describe the initial design of a set of digital sketching tools that enables creativity researchers to quantitatively analyze the artistic experience. These tools focus spe- cifically on understanding how visual digital artists perceive and interact with their drawings and paintings throughout their creative process

    Sero-epidemiological status and risk factors of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women in Northern Vietnam

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    Background: In Vietnam, few studies have determined the epidemiological status of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women and no routine prenatal screening is in place. This study was conducted to evaluate the seroprevalence of this zoonotic parasitic infection in pregnant women in Northern Vietnam and to assess the association with awareness, risk factors and congenital toxoplasmosis. Methods: Approximately 800 pregnant women were included in the study from two hospitals, one in Hanoi and one in Thai Binh province, which is known to have a dense cat population. Serological immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin M (IgM) detection was performed to estimate the seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis and sero-incidence of maternal and congenital toxoplasmosis. In addition, a survey was conducted about awareness, clinical history, presentation of signs and symptoms relating to toxoplasmosis and to detect biologically plausible and socio-demographic risk factors associated with toxoplasmosis. Associations with seroprevalence were assessed using univariable and multivariable analysis. Results: The mean IgG seroprevalence after the full diagnostic process was 4.5% (95% confidence interval(CI): 2.7–7.0) and 5.8% (95% CI: 3.7–8.6) in Hanoi and Thai Binh hospital, respectively, and included one seroconversion diagnosed in Thai Binh hospital. Only 2.0% of the pregnant women in Hanoi hospital and 3.3% in Thai Binh hospital had heard about toxoplasmosis before this study. Conclusion: Since the percentage of seronegative, and thus susceptible, pregnant women was high and the awareness was low, we suggest to distribute information about toxoplasmosis and its prevention among women of child bearing age. Furthermore, future studies are recommended to investigate why such a low seroprevalence was seen in pregnant women in Northern Vietnam compared to other countries in South East Asia and globally

    Diagnósticos, resultados e intervenções de enfermagem para clientes hospitalizados submetidos à prostatectomia

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    Pesquisa exploratório-descritiva realizada em uma Clínica Cirúrgica de um hospital escola, com o objetivo de desenvolver afirmativas de diagnósticos, resultados e intervenções de enfermagem para pacientes submetidos à prostatectomia utilizando o modelo de sete eixos da CIPE® e validar as afirmativas construídas com a participação de enfermeiros que atuam na referida área. Foram elaboradas 97 afirmativas de diagnósticos/resultados de enfermagem, que foram submetidas ao processo de validação por enfermeiros, obtendo como resultado 38 afirmativas com IC ≥ 0.80 (39,2%). A partir destas, construiu-se 259 afirmativas de intervenções de enfermagem, que também foram submetidas ao processo de validação, tendo 210 alcançado IC ≥ 0.80. Acredita-se que utilização dessas afirmativas poderá representar um relevante instrumento na melhoria do cuidado, uma vez que os diagnósticos de enfermagem retratam as reais necessidades dos pacientes hospitalizados, e fornecem ao enfermeiro subsídios para identificar as intervenções de enfermagem necessárias à assistência desta clientela

    A Computational Design Pipeline to Fabricate Sensing Network Physicalizations

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    Interaction is critical for data analysis and sensemaking. However, designing interactive physicalizations is challenging as it requires cross-disciplinary knowledge in visualization, fabrication, and electronics. Interactive physicalizations are typically produced in an unstructured manner, resulting in unique solutions for a specific dataset, problem, or interaction that cannot be easily extended or adapted to new scenarios or future physicalizations. To mitigate these challenges, we introduce a computational design pipeline to 3D print network physicalizations with integrated sensing capabilities. Networks are ubiquitous, yet their complex geometry also requires significant engineering considerations to provide intuitive, effective interactions for exploration. Using our pipeline, designers can readily produce network physicalizations supporting selection-the most critical atomic operation for interaction-by touch through capacitive sensing and computational inference. Our computational design pipeline introduces a new design paradigm by concurrently considering the form and interactivity of a physicalization into one cohesive fabrication workflow. We evaluate our approach using (i) computational evaluations, (ii) three usage scenarios focusing on general visualization tasks, and (iii) expert interviews. The design paradigm introduced by our pipeline can lower barriers to physicalization research, creation, and adoption.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures; to be published in Proceedings of IEEE VIS 202

    ShapeBots: Shape-changing Swarm Robots

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    We introduce shape-changing swarm robots. A swarm of self-transformable robots can both individually and collectively change their configuration to display information, actuate objects, act as tangible controllers, visualize data, and provide physical affordances. ShapeBots is a concept prototype of shape-changing swarm robots. Each robot can change its shape by leveraging small linear actuators that are thin (2.5 cm) and highly extendable (up to 20cm) in both horizontal and vertical directions. The modular design of each actuator enables various shapes and geometries of self-transformation. We illustrate potential application scenarios and discuss how this type of interface opens up possibilities for the future of ubiquitous and distributed shape-changing interfaces.Comment: UIST 201

    Expression profiling of rice cultivars differing in their tolerance to long-term drought stress

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    Understanding the molecular basis of plant performance under water-limiting conditions will help to breed crop plants with a lower water demand. We investigated the physiological and gene expression response of drought-tolerant (IR57311 and LC-93-4) and drought-sensitive (Nipponbare and Taipei 309) rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars to 18 days of drought stress in climate chamber experiments. Drought stressed plants grew significantly slower than the controls. Gene expression profiles were measured in leaf samples with the 20 K NSF oligonucleotide microarray. A linear model was fitted to the data to identify genes that were significantly regulated under drought stress. In all drought stressed cultivars, 245 genes were significantly repressed and 413 genes induced. Genes differing in their expression pattern under drought stress between tolerant and sensitive cultivars were identified by the genotype × environment (G × E) interaction term. More genes were significantly drought regulated in the sensitive than in the tolerant cultivars. Localizing all expressed genes on the rice genome map, we checked which genes with a significant G × E interaction co-localized with published quantitative trait loci regions for drought tolerance. These genes are more likely to be important for drought tolerance in an agricultural environment. To identify the metabolic processes with a significant G × E effect, we adapted the analysis software MapMan for rice. We found a drought stress induced shift toward senescence related degradation processes that was more pronounced in the sensitive than in the tolerant cultivars. In spite of higher growth rates and water use, more photosynthesis related genes were down-regulated in the tolerant than in the sensitive cultivars

    O processo de informatização e catalogação de acervos museológicos dos museus vinculados à Secretaria de Estado da Cultura do Paraná

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    The computerization and cataloging process of collections from the Parana State Secretary of Culture’ museums Abstract: This article demonstrates the implementation process of the computer system Pergamum Museums in the state of Parana aimed at cataloging and managing museum collections. The coauthor Xxxxxxxxxx was responsible for directing the project between March 2014 and June 2015, and again between March 2017 until December 2021. Therefore, the narrative starts with a short overview of events and reasons surrounding the implementation of the system in Parana museums and follows with the steps of execution alongside the state museums’ workers, the public policies regarding museum documentation, and the use of systemic tools to catalog and publicize collections. In conclusion, this article ponders upon a possible future for the project to continue improving and further detailing the aspects and tools of the system.  O presente artigo apresenta o processo de implantação do sistema informatizado Pergamum Museus no estado do Paraná, para catalogação e gerenciamento de acervos musealizados. Xxxxxxxxxx, coautora do texto, foi responsável pela gerência desse projeto nos períodos entre março de 2014 e junho de 2015 e março de 2017 até a data de elaboração do artigo, dezembro de 2021. Assim, a escrita inicia trazendo ao leitor uma breve narrativa dos fatos ocorridos durante o processo que motivou a implantação do sistema nos museus paranaenses. Em seguida, apresenta como se deu a atuação e os processos junto às equipes dos museus estaduais, processos de políticas públicas que tratam da documentação museológica e o uso de ferramentas sistêmicas para a catalogação e a difusão dos acervos. Em sua conclusão, reflete sobre uma possível proposta de continuidade de trabalho para melhorias e implementações no sistema