87 research outputs found


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    Fournier's Gangrene is a rapidly evolving polymicrobial necrotizing fasciitis of the perineal, perianal, and genital region, extending to the thigh root, abdominal wall and retroperitoneum, which rarely affects women and children, with an overall incidence rate of 1,6 cases per 100,000 men / year and a peak incidence after the age of 50. Incomplete hygiene, exacerbated skin folds, mechanical trauma, prolonged catheterization and invasive procedures, as well as comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus, smoking, obesity, chronic alcoholism, hypertension, immunosuppression, HIV, cancer patients, and chronic diseases are factors that predispose to the appearance of the lesion.The objective of the study is to report the case of a female patient, 43 years old, without comorbidities, with a picture of Fournier's gangrene in the perineal region and genitalia, accompanied by the General Surgery Service of the General Public Hospital of Palmas - TO, and submitted to colostomy in a descending loop as a protective measure of choice for the spread of the infection to the abdominal cavity, interrupting the progression of the disease.Gangrena de Fournier é uma fasciite necrotizante polimicrobiana, de evolução rápida, da região perineal, perianal e genital, podendo se estender para a raiz da coxa, parede abdominal e retroperitônio, que raramente acomete mulheres e crianças, com uma taxa de incidência global de 1,6 casos por 100.000 homens/ano e um pico de incidência após a idade de 50. Como fatores que predispõem ao aparecimento da lesão, estão à higiene ineficaz, pregas cutâneas exacerbadas, traumatismo mecânico, cateterismos prolongados e procedimentos invasivos, além de co-morbidades como diabetes mellitus, tabagismo, obesidade, etilismo crônico, hipertensão, imunossupressão, HIV e pacientes oncológicos. O objetivo do estudo é relatar o caso de uma paciente de sexo feminino, 43 anos, sem co-morbidades, com quadro arrastado de gangrena de Fournier em região perineal e genital, acompanhada no  serviço de Cirurgia Geral  do Hospital Geral Público de Palmas – TO, sendo submetida  a  colostomia em alça descendente como medida protetiva de escolha à disseminação da infecção para a cavidade abdominal, interrompendo a progressão da doença

    Abortion in Captive Gray Brocket Deer (Mazama gouazoubira) Associated with Colloid Goiter, Hemonchosis and Necrotizing Rumenitis

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    Background: The gray brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) is a specie that shows great adaptability in different habitats and it is the most abundant deer specie in South America. The present work describes for the first time a case of abortion followed by death associated with colloid goiter, massive hemonchosis and necrotizing rumenitis in a captive female gray brocket deer. Case: A 4-year-old female gray brocket deer (M. gouazoubira) raised in captivity had a history of abortion during the last third of gestation. The animal was kept in an enclosure together with 3 other gray brockets deers, being 1 male of the same age and 2 juvenile brocket deer of approximately 1 and 2 years old. The animals were fed with concentrated used as cattle feed and dewormed annually with 1% Ivermectin. The animals' enclosure had vegetation cover formed by grasses and soil. The animals appeared healthy with no behavioral changes. The day after the stillbirth, the mother was found dead in the enclosure and sent to the animal pathology sector of the University of Vila Velha (UVV), Brazil. Necropsy revealed that thyroid lobules were highly increased in volume and histopathological findings were compatible with colloid goiter. A large number of nematodes were found in the abomasal content,totalizing 11,626 helminths, which were morphologically characterized as Haemonchus contortus. Grossly, the serous and ruminal mucosa exhibited an extensively reddish focal area with irregular contour, surface ulceration and a firm consistency. Microscopically, a severe necrotizing rumenitis was diagnosed. The liver showed pale multifocal areas on the subcapsular surface,friable to the touch which deepened when cut. Histopathological analysis revealed an accentuated multifocal panlobular coagulative necrosis, characterizing an acute liver necrosis.Discussion: Iodine is a mineral of great importance for thyroid hormones synthesis and your requirements are higher during pregnancy and lactation. Diets deficient in iodine causes a reduction in the basal activity of the hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) and over-stimulation of the thyroid by thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), resulting in goiter. In the present case, it is possible that the shortage of iodine in diet caused a goiter and, as a consequence, triggered the abortion. Haemonchus contortus is a pathogenic nematode of small ruminants, leading to decreased productivity and death in some cases as a result of anemia and hypoxia. The contact between domestic and wild animals, resulting in the emergence of infectious diseases and the spread of pathogens among species. In the present case, manual counting accounted for 11,626 H. contortus larvae, characterizing a massive infection and justifying the condition of severe anemia. The high parasitic load shown in this case points out this parasite's importance related to this species in captivity. In general, inflammatory lesions in the rumen are results of excessive intake of fermentable carbohydrates, which leads to a considerable decrease in ruminal pH and leads to a high proliferation of lactic acid bacteria. This lesion has been previously reported in cervids. This case of comorbidities demonstrates that failures in nutritional and health handling, may cause simultaneous multiple diseases leading to death. Preventive measures for helminth parasite control and a proper feeding management with an adequate diet must be provided in order to preserve the species in captivity. Keywords: colloid goiter, abortion, cervids, Haemonchus contortus


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    O presente artigo diligenciou realizar um estudo sobre o processo de convergência das normas de contabilidade públicas brasileiras de acordo com os padrões internacionais. O objetivo geral da pesquisa consistiu-se em verificar o nível de evidenciação das Demonstrações Contábeis dos Municípios do Estado de Rondônia em consonância com a convergência das normas. Assim, esta pesquisa qualitativa, de objetivos exploratórios e descritivos, e de procedimentos bibliográficos e documental, utilizou-se para verificar o nível de evidenciação das demonstrações contábeis das entidades públicas uma métrica composta por 8 unidades e 51 categorias de análise. Quanto a amostra de pesquisa, foram considerados os municípios rondonienses que publicaram seus demonstrativos contábeis consolidados nos anos de 2013 e 2014, nos quais foram identificados 7 municípios no total. Desta forma, quanto ao nível de evidenciação, verificou-se que a pontuação mais alta (maior nível de evidenciação) obtida foi alcançada pelo município de Ji-Paraná em ambos os anos de pesquisa, que evidenciou 46 itens (90,19%); e de forma geral foi constatado um baixo nível de evidenciação pelos municípios rondonienses no ano de 2013 – 19 pontos em média dos municípios, de 51 possíveis – e uma melhora para o ano de 2014, sendo caracterizada a maioria dos municípios com o nível médio ou alto – 31 pontos em média, de 51 possíveis

    Adesão ao pré-natal nas unidades básicas de saúde pedro cavalcante e laranjeiras, Marabá-Pará / Adhesion to prenatal in the basic health units pedro cavalcante and orange, Marabá-Pará

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    O pré-natal é uma das ações de saúde desenvolvidas no país com o objetivo de garantir um período gestacional e um nascer saudável. Apesar disso, nota-se que altos índices de óbitos perinatais e maternos persistem, principalmente na região Norte do país. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a adesão ao pré-natal de usuárias das Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS), Pedro Cavalcante e Laranjeiras, Marabá-Pará, no período de 2016. Dessa maneira, tomou-se como referência dados a partir dos prontuários das gestantes e Ficha Perinatal. Foram analisados 402 prontuários, sendo 103 da UBS Pedro Cavalcante e 299 da UBS Laranjeiras e obteve-se as seguintes variáveis: idade, estado civil, escolaridade, paridade, idade gestacional de adesão ao pré-natal e o número de consultas. Para análise dos dados, utilizou-se tratamento estatístico com a estatística descritiva, teste Qui-quadrado e correlação de Pearson. Verificou-se entre as duas unidades a média de idade materna de 24.08, sendo que na UBS Pedro Cavalcante observou uma média de 23,87 e na UBS Laranjeiras de 24,16 – tendo na totalidade 27% (108) gestantes adolescentes e 73% (294) gestantes adultas. Além disso, observou-se a média de paridade de 1.23 filhos por mulher. Na UBS Pedro Cavalcante a adesão foi majoritariamente tardia (57%), enquanto na UBS Laranjeiras, um pouco mais da metade das gestantes no período analisado aderiram precocemente ao pré-natal (56%). Observou-se que, em ambas as unidades, a maioria das gestantes não tiveram um número de consultas adequado, tendo 90% de não adesão na unidade Pedro Cavalcante e 73% em Laranjeiras

    Perception of the level of physical activity of university professors during the isolation of COVID-19 / Percepção do nível de atividade física dos professores universitários durante o isolamento da COVID-19

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    COVID-19 is characterized by a severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which started in China, in Wuhan, spreading throughout the world in an advanced way and has become a global health emergency, affecting 216 countries. The most recent number of confirmed cases of COVID- 19 is> 23.3 million worldwide, including> 806.4 confirmed deaths, as well as having forced> 4 billion people to be confined to their homes. In Brazil, more than 3.5 million people have been infected, with a total of more than 114,250 confirmed deaths today. On January 30, 2020, WHO notified COVID-19 as the sixth international public health emergency. The uncertainty of not knowing when the pandemic will end can affect people's physical health and can lead to other associated symptoms. The objective of the study was to investigate the consequences that social isolation can cause in aspects of physical activity in teachers of all undergraduate courses at the Centro Universitário Escritor Osman da Costa Lins - UNIFACOL, in Vitória de Santo Antão-PE. A cross-sectional study was carried out. Data collection took place through online questionnaires containing sociodemographic information and levels of physical activity. There were 115 participants, of which 57.4% were male and 42.6% female. Regarding the level of physical activity, there was a statistically significant difference between the sexes in moderate-intensity and walking. And during the pandemic, there were more active women and more sedentary men

    Arterial blood gases: applications and implications for nursing

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    Acidosis disorders are associated with a high risk of organs dysfunction, systems and deaths in intensive care patients. The arterial puncture for the purposes of gasometry is a specific procedure of the nurse and demands technical and scientific competence for its execution. Objective: To carry out a bibliographic review concerning arterial gasometry, showing their applications and implications for nursing, proposing the main nursing diagnostic labels and their interventions based on the nursing process and current legislation. Methodology: This is a qualitative, descriptive exploratory study carried out through a bibliographic review. The data were collected in articles available on the internet, through the database search: Lilacs, SciELO, Bdenf, and published in English and Portuguese languages. Results: the collection technique consists of the arterial blood sample for gas analysis with the purpose of assisting in diagnosis, to conduct a therapy and to detect the level of blood gases, evaluating the adequacy of oxygenation and ventilation and the acid-base state by measuring the Respiratory and non-respiratory components. The main indication for gasometry is obtaining values for the partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide and for arterial pH. The ability to analyze arterial gasometry, relating it to the patient's clinic, is an important function of the nurse, since it provides an overview of the patient's situation in relation to their oxygenation, ventilation and acid-base state. Final considerations: In view of what has been presented, it is essential that the nurse be up to date and able to collect the arterial blood, scientifically and technically, since its competence within the nursing team seeks to perform more complex procedures, therefore, to know the technique of collection of arterial gasometry, it becomes indispensable to avoid complications inherent to the procedure, thus making a safe and quality human care

    Liver abscess in a patient with fever of undetermined origin- case report

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    Abscesso hepático é o tipo mais comum de abscesso visceral. Sua prevalência é estimada em 2,3 casos por 100.000 pessoas anualmente e é maior entre homens do que mulheres. O abscesso hepático pode vir acompanhado por sinais e sintomas comuns a outras doenças como febre, emagrecimento e dor no hipocôndrio direito. Dessa forma, o diagnóstico essencialmente clínico é difícil de ser estabelecido. O artigo objetiva discutir o abscesso hepático em paciente com febre de origem indeterminada (FOI), através do relato de caso de um paciente de 43 anos que, dentre outros sintomas, apresentava tosse. O quadro clínico associado a aspectos epidemiológicos, levantaram a suspeita inicial de afecções respiratórias, o que postergou o diagnóstico de abscesso hepático.Liver abscess is the most common type of visceral abscess. The prevalence is estimated at 2.3 cases per 100,000 people annually and is higher among men than women. Liver abscess may be accompanied by signs and symptoms common to other diseases such as fever, weight loss and pain in the right hypochondrium. Thus, the essentially clinical diagnosis is difficult to establish. The article aims to discuss liver abscess in a patient with fever of unknown cause, through the case report of a 43-year-old patient who, among other symptoms, had cough. The clinical condition associated with epidemiological aspects raised the initial suspicion of respiratory disorders, which delayed the diagnosis of liver abscess

    Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde 2019: histórico, métodos e perspectivas

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    This article presents the history and construction of the National Health Survey (PNS) 2019, a household survey conducted in partnership with the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The objective was to provide the country with information on the determinants, conditions and health needs of the Brazilian population. The expected sample was 108,525 households, considering a non-response rate of 20%. The questionnaire had three parts: (i) regarding the household; (ii) to all residents of the household, focusing on the collection of socioeconomic and health information; and (iii) aimed at the selected resident (15 years or more) for whom lifestyles, chronic diseases, violence, among other topics were investigated, and anthropometric measures (sub-sample) were measured. The PNS information will serve as a basis for the (re)formulation of health policies, as well as support for existing actions and programs of the Unified Health System.Este artigo apresenta o histórico e a construção da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde (PNS) 2019, inquérito de base domiciliar realizado em parceria com a fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. O objetivo da PNS 2019 foi dotar o país de informações sobre os determinantes, condicionantes e necessidades de saúde da população brasileira. A amostra prevista foi de 108.525 domicílios particulares, considerando-se uma taxa de não resposta de 20%. Seu questionário continha três partes, orientadas para (i) o domicílio, (ii) todos os moradores do domicílio, com enfoque na coleta de informações socioeconômicas e de saúde, e (iii) o morador selecionado (idade ≥15 anos), sobre o qual investigou-se estilos de vida, doenças crônicas, violências, entre outros temas, e aferiu-se medidas antropométricas (subamostra). As informações da PNS 2019 servirão de base para a (re)formulação de políticas de saúde e subsídio a ações e programas existentes do Sistema Único de Saúde


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    This article is about the interconnection between sustainable development with regard to ensuring planetary health and food sovereignty. In this context, planetary health is understood based on the paradigm shift proposed by the degradation of the environment during the decades preceding the current situation. In the meantime, it can be said that, in addition to excess production towards agribusiness, there is also the formation of the process of food insecurity and disrespect for the cultures of each society, through the violence proposed by the colonial idea of enrichment through economic capital. To this end, this summary studies the interconnection between sustainable development, planetary health and Food Sovereignty, in order to clarify the implications intrinsic to each concept and intertwined with each other. In this sense, secondary sources were chosen, through books, articles and texts that were related to the objective. Thus, as an exclusion criterion, all texts that did not express a strict relationship and were on the margins of the debate were discarded. On the other hand, for inclusion, we sought to collect texts that discuss the topic in a way corresponding to the discussion. Thus, food sovereignty is the right of people to define their own agricultural and food policies according to their needs and cultures, which recognizes the importance of autonomy in the production and access to healthy and sustainable food. Food sovereignty values ​​family farming, fair trade and the preservation of natural resources. In turn, planetary health presents itself as an essential approach to sustainable development and promoting human well-being. Thus, the search for planetary health, sustainable development and food sovereignty is a collective and continuous effort that requires concrete actions at a global, national and individual level. Therefore, the protection and preservation of the environment, the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices, especially within the family, and the guarantee of equitable access to healthy food are essential elements for a healthy and sustainable future for all, so that by recognizing interdependence Between health, the environment and healthy eating, we can talk about sustainable development.O presente artigo versa sobre a interconexão entre o desenvolvimento sustentável no que diz respeito à garantia da saúde planetária e da soberania alimentar. Nesse contexto, a saúde planetária é compreendida a partir da mudança de paradigma proposta pela degradação do meio ambiente durante os decênios que precedem o quadro atual. Nesse ínterim, pode-se dizer que, além do excesso de produção em direção ao agronegócio, tem-se, outrossim, a formação do processo de insegurança alimentar e do desrespeito às culturas de cada sociedade, por meio da violência proposta pela ideia colonial do enriquecimento através do capital econômico. Para tanto, este resumo estuda a interconexão entre desenvolvimento sustentável, saúde planetária e Soberania Alimentar, de forma a clarificar as implicações intrínsecas a cada conceito e entrelaçadas entre si. Nesse sentido, optou-se por fontes secundárias, através de livros, artigos e textos que tivessem relação com o objetivo. Assim, como critério de exclusão, foram descartados todos os textos que não expressassem relação estrita e estivessem à margem do debate. Por outro lado, para inclusão, procurou-se coletar os textos que discutem a temática de forma correspondente à discussão. Destarte, a soberania alimentar é o direito dos povos de definirem suas próprias políticas agrícolas e alimentares de acordo com suas necessidades e culturas que reconhecem a importância da autonomia na produção e no acesso a alimentos saudáveis e sustentáveis. A soberania alimentar valoriza a agricultura familiar, o comércio justo e a preservação dos recursos naturais. Por sua vez, a saúde planetária apresenta-se como abordagem imprescindível no desenvolvimento sustentável e na promoção ao bem-estar do ser humano. Assim, a busca pela saúde planetária, o desenvolvimento sustentável e a soberania alimentar trata-se de um esforço coletivo e contínuo que requer ações concretas em nível global, nacional e individual. Desse modo, a proteção e preservação do meio ambiente, a promoção de práticas agrícolas sustentáveis, mormente no âmbito familiar, a garantia de acesso equitativo a alimentos saudáveis são elementos essenciais para um futuro saudável e sustentável para todos, de forma que ao reconhecer a interdependência entre saúde, meio ambiente e a alimentação saudável, pode-se falar em desenvolvimento sustentável