769 research outputs found

    Effects of arcing due to spacecraft charging on spacecraft survival

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    A quantitative assessment of the hazard associated with spacecraft charging and arcing on spacecraft systems is presented. A literature survey on arc discharge thresholds and characteristics was done and gaps in the data and requirements for additional experiments were identified. Calculations of coupling of arc discharges into typical spacecraft systems were made and the susceptibility of typical spacecraft to disruption by arc discharges was investigated. Design guidelines and recommended practices to reduce or eliminate the threat of malfunction and failures due to spacecraft charging/arcing were summarized

    Radon Potential, Geologic Formations, and Lung Cancer Risk

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    OBJECTIVE: Exposure to radon is associated with approximately 10% of U.S. lung cancer cases. Geologic rock units have varying concentrations of uranium, producing fluctuating amounts of radon. This exploratory study examined the spatial and statistical associations between radon values and geological formations to illustrate potential population-level lung cancer risk from radon exposure. METHOD: This was a secondary data analysis of observed radon values collected in 1987 from homes (N = 309) in Kentucky and geologic rock formation data from the Kentucky Geological Survey. Radon value locations were plotted on digital geologic maps using ArcGIS and linked to specific geologic map units. Each map unit represented a package of different types of rock (e.g., limestone and/or shale). Log-transformed radon values and geologic formation categories were compared using one-way analysis of variance. RESULTS: Observed radon levels varied significantly by geologic formation category. Of the 14 geologic formation categories in north central Kentucky, four were associated with median radon levels, ranging from 8.10 to 2.75 pCi/L. CONCLUSION: Radon potential maps that account for geologic factors and observed radon values may be superior to using observed radon values only. Knowing radon-prone areas could help target population-based lung cancer prevention interventions given the inequities that exist related to radon

    Securing Our Economic Future

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    The American economy is in the midst of a wrenching crisis, one caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and aggravated further by a series of climate-driven natural disasters. While the economy has made some steps towards recovery, the pandemic has laid bare the reality that too many Americans are unable to meet many of their urgent and basic needs. At the same time, it has become painfully clear that American society is not equipped to deal with the risks emerging from our changing climate. This book is a contribution towards policy options for addressing these challenges. Although it was largely written before the pandemic crises beset our country, the analyses, diagnoses, and prescriptions contained within all shed new light on the underlying fragilities that have since been exposed. The volume is composed of nine commissioned chapters and is divided into three sections, covering the 'Economics of the American Middle Class'; the 'Geographic Disparities in Economic Opportunity'; and the 'Geopolitics of the Climate and Energy Challenge and the US Policy Response.' Part I focuses on the economic wellbeing of the American middle class and the chapters in this section evaluate the prevailing narrative of its decline. The chapters in part II investigate the large variation in income and economic opportunities across places, and include a specific policy proposal for emergency rental assistance. Part III is devoted to the global climate crisis. The chapters in this final section emphasize the mounting social and economic costs of inaction and discuss potential policy approaches for tackling the climate challenge

    Clinical trial of laronidase in Hurler syndrome after hematopoietic cell transplantation.

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    BackgroundMucopolysaccharidosis I (MPS IH) is a lysosomal storage disease treated with hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) because it stabilizes cognitive deterioration, but is insufficient to alleviate all somatic manifestations. Intravenous laronidase improves somatic burden in attenuated MPS I. It is unknown whether laronidase can improve somatic disease following HCT in MPS IH. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of laronidase on somatic outcomes of patients with MPS IH previously treated with HCT.MethodsThis 2-year open-label pilot study of laronidase included ten patients (age 5-13 years) who were at least 2 years post-HCT and donor engrafted. Outcomes were assessed semi-annually and compared to historic controls.ResultsThe two youngest participants had a statistically significant improvement in growth compared to controls. Development of persistent high-titer anti-drug antibodies (ADA) was associated with poorer 6-min walk test (6MWT) performance; when patients with high ADA titers were excluded, there was a significant improvement in the 6MWT in the remaining seven patients.ConclusionsLaronidase seemed to improve growth in participants <8 years old, and 6MWT performance in participants without ADA. Given the small number of patients treated in this pilot study, additional study is needed before definitive conclusions can be made

    Expression quantitative trait loci are highly sensitive to cellular differentiation state

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    Blood cell development from multipotent hematopoietic stem cells to specialized blood cells is accompanied by drastic changes in gene expression for which the triggers remain mostly unknown. Genetical genomics is an approach linking natural genetic variation to gene expression variation, thereby allowing the identification of genomic loci containing gene expression modulators (eQTLs). In this paper, we used a genetical genomics approach to analyze gene expression across four developmentally close blood cell types collected from a large number of genetically different but related mouse strains. We found that, while a significant number of eQTLs (365) had a consistent “static” regulatory effect on gene expression, an even larger number were found to be very sensitive to cell stage. As many as 1,283 eQTLs exhibited a “dynamic” behavior across cell types. By looking more closely at these dynamic eQTLs, we show that the sensitivity of eQTLs to cell stage is largely associated with gene expression changes in target genes. These results stress the importance of studying gene expression variation in well-defined cell populations. Only such studies will be able to reveal the important differences in gene regulation between different ce

    1995 CSREES Reports

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    The 1995 edition of the CSREES Reports was prepared for the Maine Wild Blueberry Commission and the University of Maine Wild Blueberry Advisory Committee by researchers at the University of Maine, Orono. Projects in this report include: 1. Factors Affecting the Quality of IQF Blueberries 2. Preventing the Bleeding of Blueberry Fruit in Bakery Products 3. Removing Water from Blueberries Before Freezing 4. Determination of Pesticide Residue Levels in Freshly Harvested and Processed Lowbush Blueberries 5. Industrial Ingredients from Cull Blueberries 6. Application of Heat as a Method of Controlling Secondary Pest Insects on Lowbush Blueberries 7. The Phenology and Biology of Bumble Bees, Bombus, spp., that Pollinate Lowbush blueberry, Vaccinium spp., in Maine 8. Pollination Ecology of Lowbush Blueberry in Maine 9. Effects of Irrigation on Lowbush Blueberry Yield 10. Effect of Brief Warming Treatments on Late Winter Low-Temperature Tolerance of Native Lowbush Blueberry 11. Correlation of Late-winter/Early-spring Cold Hardiness with Date of Flowering 12. Evaluation of Cold Tolerance of Opening Flowers of Lowbush Blueberry 13. Influence of Flower Delaying Sprays on Seasonal Variation of Low Temperature Tolerance in Lowbush Blueberry 14. Effect of Various Levels of Disbudding on Yield of Lowbush Blueberry 15. Effect of Boron and the Polyamine Putrescine on Lowbush Blueberry Fruit Set and Yield 16. Effect of Boron and the Polyamine Putrescine on Extending the Receptivity of Lowbush Blueberry Blossoms 17. Effect of Soil pH on Nutrient Uptake 18. Correcting Boron Deficiency - missing 19. Phosphorus Uptake 20. Evaluation of Hexazinone Formulation on Soil Movement and Weed Control 21. Effect of Time of Fall Pruning on Growth and Productivity of Blueberries 22. Hexazinone Ground Water Survey 23. Effect of hexazinone formulation on movement through the soil profile 24. Evaluation of Tribenuron Methyl for Bunchberry Control 25. Evaluation of Tribenuron Methyl Commercial Applications for Bunchberry Control 26. Effectiveness of Resin-Exchange Columns to Determine Efficacy in Removing Hexazinone from Well Water 27. Effect of Clopyralid for Vetch Control 28. Evaluation of Tribenuron Methyl/VelparÂŽ Tank Mix for Bunchberry Control 29. Blueberry Extension Education Progra

    Endomicroscopic and transcriptomic analysis of impaired barrier function and malabsorption in environmental enteropathy

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    Introduction: Environmental enteropathy (EE) is associated with growth failure, micronutrient malabsorption and impaired responses to oral vaccines. We set out to define cellular mechanisms of impaired barrier function in EE and explore protective mechanisms. Methods: We studied 49 adults with environmental enteropathy in Lusaka, Zambia using confocal laser endomicroscopy (CLE); histology, immunohistochemistry and mRNA sequencing of small intestinal biopsies; and correlated these with plasma lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and a zinc uptake test. Results: CLE images (median 134 for each study) showed virtually ubiquitous small intestinal damage. Epithelial defects, imaged by histology and claudin 4 immunostaining, were predominantly seen at the tips of villi and corresponded with leakage imaged in vivo by CLE. In multivariate analysis, circulating log-transformed LPS was correlated with cell shedding events (β = 0.83; P = 0.035) and with serum glucagon-like peptide-2 (β = -0.13; P = 0.007). Zinc uptake from a test dose of 25mg was attenuated in 30/47 (64%) individuals and in multivariate analysis was reduced by HIV, but positively correlated with GLP-2 (β = 2.72; P = 0.03). There was a U-shaped relationship between circulating LPS and villus surface area. Transcriptomic analysis identified 23 differentially expressed genes in severe enteropathy, including protective peptides and proteins. Conclusions: Confocal endomicroscopy, claudin 4 immunostaining and histology identify epithelial defects which are probably sites of bacterial translocation, in the presence of which increased epithelial surface area increases the burden of translocation. GLP 2 and other protective peptides may play an important role in mucosal protection in EE

    Economic and environmental analysis of energy efficiency measures in agriculture. Case Studies and trade offs.

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    This report is the result of the collaboration of the partners of the AGREE work-package “Economic and environmental analysis”, which is based on case study analyses of the partners in seven countries of the EU. The case studies show economic and environmental trade-offs in the different regions in the EU, for which each partner is responsible. Nevertheless prior to the reporting of the case studies an intensive discussion on a common methodological approach has been accomplished and applied to the case studies. The case studies show a wide range of different perspectives of energy efficiency in agriculture, but they are all based on the common methodology presented in Chapter 3. In Chapter 4, the case studies are presented, with authors indicated at the beginning of each section. Each section of Chapter 4 ends with a synthesis analysis of the results from the different case studies. Chapter 5 summarizes and concludes the report by highlighting the major findings of the analyses. The report builds upon the “State of the Art in Energy Efficiency in Europe” published separately by the AGREE consortium (Gołaszewski et al. 2012), which shows the status quo of energy use and possible energy efficiency measures in agriculture across different production systems and regions in Europe. This report presents an economic and environmental analysis based on in-depth case studies which show the potential for, and constraints on, energy efficiency measures in agriculture with respect to the specific environments in Europe

    Hypoxia induces dilated cardiomyopathy in the chick embryo: mechanism, intervention, and long-term consequences

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    Background: Intrauterine growth restriction is associated with an increased future risk for developing cardiovascular diseases. Hypoxia in utero is a common clinical cause of fetal growth restriction. We have previously shown that chronic hypoxia alters cardiovascular development in chick embryos. The aim of this study was to further characterize cardiac disease in hypoxic chick embryos. Methods: Chick embryos were exposed to hypoxia and cardiac structure was examined by histological methods one day prior to hatching (E20) and at adulthood. Cardiac function was assessed in vivo by echocardiography and ex vivo by contractility measurements in isolated heart muscle bundles and isolated cardiomyocytes. Chick embryos were exposed to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its scavenger soluble VEGF receptor-1 (sFlt-1) to investigate the potential role of this hypoxia-regulated cytokine. Principal Findings: Growth restricted hypoxic chick embryos showed cardiomyopathy as evidenced by left ventricular (LV) dilatation, reduced ventricular wall mass and increased apoptosis. Hypoxic hearts displayed pump dysfunction with decreased LV ejection fractions, accompanied by signs of diastolic dysfunction. Cardiomyopathy caused by hypoxia persisted into adulthood. Hypoxic embryonic hearts showed increases in VEGF expression. Systemic administration of rhVEGF165 to normoxic chick embryos resulted in LV dilatation and a dose-dependent loss of LV wall mass. Lowering VEGF levels in hypoxic embryonic chick hearts by systemic administration of sFlt-1 yielded an almost complete normalization of the phenotype. Conclusions/Significance: Our data show that hypoxia causes a decreased cardiac performance and cardiomyopathy in chick embryos, involving a significant VEGF-mediated component. This cardiomyopathy persists into adulthood

    1994 CSRS Research Reports/1994 Blueberry Tax Reports

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    The 1994 edition of the CSRS Research Reports/Blueberry Tax Reports was prepared for the Maine Wild Blueberry Commission and the University of Maine Wild Blueberry Advisory Committee by researchers at the University of Maine, Orono. Projects in this report include: CSRS Research Reports 1. Potential Uses for Green and Red Cull Blueberries 2. Preventing the Bleeding of Blueberry Fruit in Bakery Products 3. The Effect of Fertilization and Irrigation on Blueberry Fruit Quality 4. Determination of Pesticide Residue Levels in Freshly Harvested and Processed Lowbush Blueberries 5. The Effect of Mechanical Harvesting on Blueberry Fruit Quality 6. Removing Water from Blueberries Before Freezing 7. Application of Heat as a Method of Controlling Secondary Pest Insects in Lowbush Blueberries 8. Evaluation of Effectiveness of Eumenid Wasps for Biocontrol of Blueberry Pests 9. Pollination Ecology of Lowbush Blueberry in Maine 10. Fungicide Treatment for Control of Monilinia Blight 11. Field Sanitation for Control of Monilinia Blight 12. Cold-hardiness of Native Lowbush Blueberry 13. Phosphorus Dose/Response Curve 14. Multiple Cropping of Wild Blueberry Stands 15. Effect of Soil pH on Nutrient Uptake 16. Effect of Boron and Calcium on Lowbush Blueberry Fruit Set and Yield 17. Effect of Time of Fall Pruning on Growth and Productivity of Lowbush Blueberries 18. A Reinvestigation of the Economics of Mechanical Harvesting 19. Thresholds of Mechanical and Chemical Weed Controls in Wild Blueberries 20. Evaluation of Pressurized Rope Wick Master Wiper for Treating Weeds Growing Above Lowbush Blueberries 21. Evaluation of Infrared Burner for Selective Weed Control Blueberry Tax Reports 22. Control of Blueberry Pest Insects 23. Biology and Action Thresholds of Secondary Blueberry Pest Insects 24. Pollination Ecology of Low bush Blueberry in Maine 25. Nitrogen-Phosphorus Study 26. Evaluation of Pronone 10G for Control of Weeds in Lowbush Blueberries 27. Evaluation of Tribenuron Methyl for Bunchberry Control 28. Evaluation of Pendimethalin for Control of Annual Grasses in Lowbush Blueberries 29. Evaluation of Time of Application of Clopyralid for Control of Vetch, and Effect on Flowering of Lowbush Blueberries 30. Hexazinone Ground Water survey 31. Blueberry Extension Program Base 32. Blueberry ICM Program for Hancock Count
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