279 research outputs found

    The migration-development nexus: observations from the second day of the conference ; paper summing up the second day of the conference on ‘Transnationalisation and Development(s): Towards a North-South Perspective’, Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld, Germany, May 31 - June 01, 2007

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    Contents: Introduction; 1) What/who constitutes a transnational network?; 2) The racialization/ethnicization of poverty and migration; 3) Community-based transnationalism versus the “universal” principles of states and markets?; 4) Timing and the neoliberalization of the state; 5) Gender and the study of the hidden costs of (diverse forms of) migration; 6) Dual citizenship and global justice; 7) Incorporating knowledge gains; 8) The “tip of the iceberg”: Global justice and environmental issuesAm 31. Mai und 1. Juni 2007 fand im Bielefelder Zentrum fĂŒr interdisziplinĂ€re Forschung (ZIF) die Konferenz "Transnationalisation and Development(s): Towards a North-South Perspective" statt. Die Tagung brachte deutsche und internationale Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus verschiedenen Fachrichtungen (Soziologie, Politikwissenschaft, Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Ethnologie) zusammen. Ziel war es, auf dem Ansatz der Transnationalen Sozialen RĂ€ume aufzubauen, um Akkomodation im Rahmen von diskursiven, sozialrĂ€umlichen und institutionellen GrenzverĂ€nderungen zu analysieren. Der vorliegende Beitrag kommentiert die BeitrĂ€ge des 2. Konferenztages, an dem es um soziokulturelle, konzeptionellen und diskursiven Aspekte des Migration-Entwicklung-Nexus ging. DarĂŒber hinaus wurden politische Herausforderungen diskutiert. (ICD

    Creating Togetherness?

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    Increasingly, immigrants, especially those from non-Western countries, are suspected of being unwilling to “integrate”, i.e. learn the national language, take up work, and adopt “Western” values. They are also said to naturalize “for the wrong reasons”, reaching from the abuse of social welfare systems to the use of Western passports for terrorism-related travel. As a consequence, almost all Western countries have recently implemented restrictive changes to their naturalization requirements. In the literature, this development is debated controversially as either re-nationalization or liberalization. Goodman (2014) classifies recent policy changes as an iteration of nation-building, which supplements national identity’s emphasis on (ethnic) sameness by means of a state identity’s accentuation of (civic) togetherness. This paper examines the naturalization process – and the nation(-state) project at its core – from the viewpoint of those who are usually ignored: immigrants and new citizens. Specifically, it asks the following questions: As how welcoming or repelling do newly minted citizens in Canada perceive the naturalization process? How do they relate to the factual and symbolic boundaries at stake in naturalization? Deriving almost two thirds of its population growth through immigrants and refugees, the Canadian state has – or should have – a very strong interest not only in transforming foreigners into citizens, but also in assuring that this legally important ritual enables and encourages full citizenship: i.e. combining legal status with specific forms of participation and identification. While naturalization is not a single moment in time and not merely an administrative procedure, in this paper, emphasis is placed on the part of the naturalization trajectory that involves dealing with administrative requirements. The paper draws on semi-directed interviews with new citizens residing in the Ottawa-Gatineau region. Participants were recruited through calls for participation. Inductive interview analysis generated key themes related to various dimensions of the naturalization process (e.g. application, study guide, test, ceremony) by means of vertical and horizontal analyses. Results show that new Canadians are acutely aware of being part of a multi-ethnic middle class nation-state project. Those who can, rely upon their skills and qualifications to downplay what they identify as cultural, linguistic and religious biases inherent to the Canadian naturalization process. Boundaries nevertheless remain bright for the less educated, as well as for those offended or intimidated by these biases

    Les logiques du multiculturalisme dans les sociétés multinationales : une analyse des discours canadiens

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    S’inspirant de l’exemple canadien, cet article explore les relations entre le multinationalisme et le multiculturalisme au sein d’une mĂȘme sociĂ©tĂ©. Si le premier concerne l’accommodement des minoritĂ©s dites » nationales », le deuxiĂšme s’adresse aux minoritĂ©s ethniques d’origine immigrĂ©e, dont il vise l’intĂ©gration dans la sociĂ©tĂ© majoritaire. Bien qu’analytiquement distincts, ces deux mouvements sociaux et les politiques respectives sont interdĂ©pendants. Dans cet article, nous examinons les argumentations, puisĂ©es dans la presse canadienne, qui servent Ă  lĂ©gitimer ou Ă  dĂ©lĂ©gitimer le multiculturalisme d’origine immigrĂ©e en regard du nationalisme minoritaire quĂ©bĂ©cois. Notre recherche nous permet d’identifier quatre scĂ©narios selon la maniĂšre dont l’accommodement des groupes » nationaux » historiquement Ă©tablis influe sur la mise en Ɠuvre des politiques multiculturelles en rĂ©ponse Ă  une diversitĂ© rĂ©cente, induite par l’immigration.Taking its inspiration from the Canadian case, this paper explores the relationship between multinationalism and multiculturalism within society. Whereas the former addresses the accommodation of so-called ‘national’ minorities, the latter deals with ethnic minorities of immigrant origin and their integration into mainstream society. Although analytically different, these two social movements and their respective policies impact each other mutually. Drawing upon a study of English Canadian newspaper discourses, this paper examines whether and how representations of QuĂ©bĂ©cois nationalism impact on legitimizations and delegitimizations of multiculturalism. The research reveals four templates of how historically established accommodation of national groups influences the rationale for implementing multicultural policies in response to recent diversity caused by immigration.Tomando como punto de partida la sociedad canadiense, este artĂ­culo explora la relaciĂłn entre el multinacionalismo y el multiculturalismo. Mientas que por un lado el multinacionalismo se ocupa del reconocimiento institucional y simbĂłlico de las llamadas minorĂ­as “nacionales”; el multiculturalismo por otro acomoda a las minorĂ­as â€œĂ©tnicas” inmigrantes y su integraciĂłn en la sociedad general. AĂșn cuando sean analĂ­ticamente diferentes, estos dos movimientos sociales y sus respectivas polĂ­ticas se condicionan e impactan mutuamente. Sobre la base de un estudio de los discursos en los periĂłdicos canadienses de habla inglesa, este ensayo examina como las representaciones del nacionalismo quebequense impactan la legitimizacion y/o la deslegimizacion del multiculturalismo. La investigaciĂłn revela cuatro modelos de cĂłmo los grupos nacionales — histĂłricamente consolidados — han influenciado la implementaciĂłn de las polĂ­ticas multiculturales que responden a la reciente diversidad cultural causada por los flujos migratorios

    Passing the Test? From Immigrant to Citizen in a Multicultural Country

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    Almost all Western countries have recently implemented restrictive changes to their citizenship law and engaged in heated debates about what it takes to become “one of us”. This article examines the naturalization process in Canada, a country that derives almost two thirds of its population growth from immigration, and where citizenship uptake is currently in decline. Drawing on interviews with recently naturalized Canadians, I argue that the current naturalization regime fails to deliver on the promise to put “Canadians by choice” at par with “Canadians by birth”. Specifically, the naturalization process constructs social and cultural boundaries at two levels: the new citizens interviewed for this study felt that the naturalization process differentiated them along the lines of class and education more than it discriminated on ethnocultural or racial grounds. A first boundary is thus created between those who have the skills to easily “pass the test” and those who do not. This finding speaks to the strength and appeal of Canada’s multicultural middle-class nation-building project. Nevertheless, the interviewees also highlighted that the naturalization process artificially constructed (some) immigrants as culturally different and inferior. A second boundary is thus constructed to differentiate between “real Canadians” and others. While not representative, the findings of this study suggest that the Canadian state produces differentiated citizenship at the very moment it aims to inculcate loyalty and belonging

    Max Weber et les relations ethniques : race, groupe ethnique et nation

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothÚques de l'Université de Montréal

    Adenine Nucleotide Translocase 1 Expression is Coupled to the HSP27-Mediated TLR4 Signaling in Cardiomyocytes

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    The cardiac-specific overexpression of the adenine nucleotide translocase 1 (ANT1) has cardioprotective effects in various experimental heart disease models. Here, we analyzed the link between ANT1 expression and heat shock protein 27 (HSP27)-mediated toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) signaling, which represents a novel communication pathway between mitochondria and the extracellular environment. The interaction between ANT1 and HSP27 was identified by co-immunoprecipitation from neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. ANT1 transgenic (ANT1-TG) cardiomyocytes demonstrated elevated HSP27 expression levels. Increased levels of HSP27 were released from the ANT1-TG cardiomyocytes under both normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Extracellular HSP27 stimulated TLR4 signaling via protein kinase B (AKT). The HSP27-mediated activation of the TLR4 pathway was more pronounced in ANT1-TG cardiomyocytes than in wild-type (WT) cardiomyocytes. HSP27-specific antibodies inhibited TLR4 activation and the expression of HSP27. Inhibition of the HSP27-mediated TLR4 signaling pathway with the TLR4 inhibitor oxidized 1-palmitoyl-2-arachidonoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (OxPAPC) reduced the mitochondrial membrane potential (∆ψm) and increased caspase 3/7 activity, which are both markers for cell stress. Conversely, treating cardiomyocytes with recombinant HSP27 protein stimulated TLR4 signaling, induced HSP27 and ANT1 expression, and stabilized the mitochondrial membrane potential. The activation of HSP27 signaling was verified in ischemic ANT1-TG heart tissue, where it correlated with ANT1 expression and the tightness of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Our study shows a new mechanism by which ANT1 is part of the cardioprotective HSP27-mediated TLR4 signaling

    Nlrp6 promotes recovery after peripheral nerve injury independently of inflammasomes

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    Background: NOD-like receptors (Nlrs) are key regulators of immune responses during infection and autoimmunity. A subset of Nlrs assembles inflammasomes, molecular platforms that are activated in response to endogenous danger and microbial ligands and that control release of interleukin (IL)-1 beta and IL-18. However, their role in response to injury in the nervous system is less understood. Methods: In this study, we investigated the expression profile of major inflammasome components in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and explored the physiological role of different Nlrs upon acute nerve injury in mice. Results: While in basal conditions, predominantly members of NOD-like receptor B (Nlrb) subfamily (NLR family, apoptosis inhibitory proteins (NAIPs)) and Nlrc subfamily (ICE-protease activating factor (IPAF)/NOD) are detected in the sciatic nerve, injury causes a shift towards expression of the Nlrp family. Sterile nerve injury also leads to an increase in expression of the Nlrb subfamily, while bacteria trigger expression of the Nlrc subfamily. Interestingly, loss of Nlrp6 led to strongly impaired nerve function upon nerve crush. Loss of the inflammasome adaptor apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD (ASC) and effector caspase-1 and caspase-11 did not affect sciatic nerve function, suggesting that Nlrp6 contributed to recovery after peripheral nerve injury independently of inflammasomes. In line with this, we did not detect release of mature IL-1 beta upon acute nerve injury despite potent induction of pro-IL-1 beta and inflammasome components Nlrp3 and Nlrp1. However, Nlrp6 deficiency was associated with increased pro-inflammatory extracellular regulated MAP kinase (ERK) signaling, suggesting that hyperinflammation in the absence of Nlrp6 exacerbated peripheral nerve injury. Conclusions: Together, our observations suggest that Nlrp6 contributes to recovery from peripheral nerve injury by dampening inflammatory responses independently of IL-1 beta and inflammasomes

    Archeologische begeleiding van sloop- en nieuwbouwwerken in het Medisch Centrum St. jozef aan de Abdijstraat te Munsterbilzen (Bilzen). Onderzoek uitgevoerd in opdracht van Medisch Centrum Sint Jozef VZW.

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    Archeologische evaluatie en waardering van een Romeinse site op het plateau \u27De Kommel\u27 (Dilsen-Stokkem, provincie Limburg)

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