49 research outputs found

    Sistema administrativo basado en la productividad de los recursos humanos de una empresa constructora mediana del área metropolitana de Monterrey

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    El presente trabajo constituye la propuesta inicial de investigación para generar un sistema administrativo basado en la productividad de los recursos humanos para el personal de staff de una empresa constructora mediana. Para tal efecto en esta etapa inicial se ha buscado constituir un marco teórico que sustente las aseveraciones que se proponen a cerca de que la productividad de los recursos humanos es un factor clave para el desempeño exitoso de la empresa. El objetivo principal de la gerencia recursos humanos es incrementar productividad total de la empresa. Por este motivo, la gerencia debe buscar que los recursos humanos que participen en la organización sean de máxima calidad y que porten con máxima creatividad, innovación y calidad de decisión en los factores económicos, operativos, tecnológicos de la empresa. Esto significa que deben contar con las competencias necesarias y propiciar un ambiente en el que se desenvuelvan con procesos organizacionales que aseguren el óptimo desempeño con factores tanto higiénicos como motivadores adecuados. La correcta aplicación de dichos factores en la empresa asegurará, a su vez, su máxima productividad. Hablar de productividad en términos exclusivamente de recursos materiales, inversiones, tecnología, etc. es considerar sólo un aspecto de los factores totales que afectan la productividad: el aspecto más importante está representado precisamente por aquellos que afectan directamente a los recursos humanos como son el desarrollo del personal que integra la empresa, la comunicación tanto al interior como al exterior de la organización, el liderazgo que los directivos ejercen sobre el personal, la toma de decisiones de forma incluyente. A estos factores que inciden directamente sobre los recursos humanos se les conoce como factores higiénicos y motivadores, en ellos se encuentra el fundamento de toda la acción de la función de recursos humanos en la empresa. Su aporte a la optimización de la productividad de la empresa está dado por su capacidad de implantar procesos, acciones, políticas, programas, que tengan una influencia directa sobre dichos factores. Los factores higiénicos son todos aquellos factores del entorno del trabajo, extrínsecos a él, pero directamente relacionados a las condiciones bajo las cuales se realiza. Los factores higiénicos son críticos para la productividad ya que su deficiente administración desemboca en la insatisfacción de las personas en su trabajo. Las necesidades fisiológicas, de seguridad y de afiliación de la escala de Maslow se identifican con los factores higiénicos. Los factores higiénicos se relacionan con: - Las políticas, procedimientos y tomas de decisiones de la empresa. - La calidad de la supervisión recibida y el liderazgo. - Las condiciones físicas y ambientales de trabajo. - Las relaciones interpersonales y la comunicación en el entorno organizacionalde la empresa. - La seguridad sicológica en el trabajo. - Salarios y prestaciones. - Status y reconocimiento organizacional. - Clima de trabajo y confianza. Por otro lado, los factores motivadores son aquellos que promueven el desarrollo personal y profesional y la actualización de todas las potencialidades de la persona. Son factores implícitos al trabajo mismo, a diferencia de los factores higiénicos que son externos al trabajo. Implican: - La oportunidad de asumir retos y responsabilidades crecientes. - La oportunidad de obtener logros significativos como consecuencia de lo anterior. - La oportunidad de desempeñar trabajos y puestos de contenido altamente significativo para la persona. - La oportunidad de aprender y experimentar nuevas tecnologías. - La oportunidad de obtener recompensas derivadas del trabajo que reflejen la calidad de los logros de la persona, incluyendo recompensas económicas adicionales al salario y a las prestaciones. Los factores higiénicos proveen de eficiencia al trabajo, pero los factores motivadores incrementan el potencial y desarrollan a la persona como tal. La combinación de ambos dará el nivel de la productividad total de la empresa. Factores motivadores x empleado = empleado desarrollado + Factores higiénicos x empleado desarrollado = productividad total. Por estos motivos se considera que toda acción de la gerencia de recursos humanos debe estar orientada a incentivar e implementar acciones que aseguren la plena satisfacción de los factores higiénicos y motivadores en la empresa, y de esta forma, buscar la optimización de la productividad


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    Abstract ∙ The Variegated Antpitta (Grallaria varia) is the largest member of the terrestrial insectivores guild within its Amazonian range. Despite the bird’s large size and loud vocalizations, however, basic aspects of G. varia’s natural history remain poorly understood. In this study, we conducted intensive tracking of one individual in a nature reserve in the state of Amazonas, Brazil, describing ‐ for the first time with radio telemetry ‐ space use, movement patterns, and roosting sites of G. varia. Over the course of 50 days in July and August 2017, the tracked individual moved slowly through a home range covering ∼ 17.6 ha and was generally quiet, singing at only two of 68 locations that together comprised its home range. Of five roosting sites, four included visual observations where the bird slept 3–7 (mean 4.5) m aboveground in relatively open mid‐story trees. We found no evidence of commutes to regular roost sites as all nocturnal locations were located close (mean 59.6 m, range 24–101 m) to the most recent diurnal locations. Slow movements on the ground without commutes to foraging or roosting sites help explain low capture rates in mist nets for this species. Our telemetry data suggest that G. varia home range may be larger than previously estimated in studies that relied heavily on bird vocalizations to determine area needs, though such methods may yield adequate results at times when birds vocalize frequently. Regardless, large area requirements help to explain the disappearance of G. varia documented in tropical forest fragments.Resumo ∙ Uso do espaço, movimento diurno e áreas de dormitório do tovacuçu (Grallaria varia) na Amazônia Central O tovacuçu (Grallaria varia) é o maior dos insetívoros terrestres dentro da sua distribuição na Amazônia. Apesar do seu tamanho e vocalizações altas, alguns aspectos básicos da história natural de G. varia ainda são pouco compreendidos. Neste estudo, nós realizamos o rastreamento intensivo de um indivíduo em uma reserva natural no estado do Amazonas, Brasil, descrevendo ‐ pela primeira vez com rádio‐telemetria ‐ o uso do espaço, padrões de movimento, e poleiros noturnos de G. varia. Durante 50 dias em julho e agosto de 2017, este indivíduo de G. varia moveu‐se lentamente na sua área de vida (cobrindo aproximadamente 17,9 ha) geralmente em silêncio, cantando somente em duas das 68 localizações que, juntas, formam sua área de vida. Dos cinco poleiros noturnos encontrados, quatro incluíram observações visuais onde a ave dormiu de 3 a 7 (média 4,5) m acima do solo, em um ambiente relativamente aberto no sub‐bosque. Não encontramos evidência de viagens regulares para poleiros usados a noite, uma vez que todos os poleiros noturnos estavam perto (média 59,6; amplitude 24–101 m) das localizações diurnas mais recentes do indivíduo. Mo‐vimentos lentos no solo, sem deslocamentos para sítios de forrageamento ou poleiros noturnos, ajudam a explicar a baixa taxa de captura em redes‐de‐neblina para esta espécie. Os dados de telemetria sugerem que a área de vida de G. varia é maior do que se estimava previamente em estudos que se baseavam principalmente em vocalizações para determinar o seu tamanho, embora tais métodos possam produzir resultados adequados quando as aves vocalizam com frequência. O requerimento de grandes áreas de vida ajuda a explicar o desaparecimento de registros de G. varia em fragmentos de floresta tropical

    La realidad de los centros de atención preferente a alumnos con trastorno del espectro autista en la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón

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    Como maestros, trabajamos para construir personas que sean capaces de enfrentarse al mundo que les rodea, ciudadanos del siglo XXI. Pero para alcanzar ese objetivo debemos tener una formación inicial y permanente que nos ayude a enfrentarnos a la realidad de nuestras aulas. En el curso 2006-2007 nace en Aragón el primer centro de atención preferente para alumnado con trastorno generalizado del desarrollo que reunirá por primera vez en un centro ordinario a un determinado número de alumnos con ciertas características comunes, concretamente alumnado con un trastorno generalizado del desarrollo, trastorno que hace alusión a una perturbación grave y generalizada de varias áreas del desarrollo: trastornos de la relación social, trastorno de la comunicación y falta de flexibilidad mental con comportamientos, intereses y actividades estereotipadas. El objetivo inicial fue aportar una educación lo más individualizada posible. En la actualidad hay 19 centros de atención preferente para alumnado con trastorno del espectro autista y están regulados por la Orden de 9 de octubre de 2013, BOA 11/11/2013. El presente trabajo es un estudio descriptivo sobre el estado actual de esos centros educativos de Aragón abarcando tres aspectos diferentes, por un lado, la formación permanente de los docentes de dichos centros; por otro, conocer si la respuesta educativa allí es inclusiva y en último lugar, el presente estudio pretende aportar propuestas de mejora

    Derecho indígena comparado: el derecho indígena desde sus propios parámetros

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    The objective of this article is to underscore the importance of studying indigenous law based on its own parameters. We discuss the results of a scholarly literature review regarding indigenous normative systems within the fields of anthropology and law. We conclude that to achieve real legal pluralism and recognize Mexico’s pluriculturality in keeping with Article Two of its Constitution, it is necessary to study indigenous law based on its own parameters. Otherwise, any dialogue that claims to be intercultural would continue to reproduce the imposition of the hegemonic culture on the rest of the peoples that make up the Mexican nation.El interés de este artículo es mostrar la importancia del estudio del derecho indígena desde sus propios parámetros. Se presentan los resultados de la revisión de estudios desde la Antropología y el Derecho sobre los sistemas normativos indígenas. A partir de esto se concluye que para hacer efectivo el pluralismo jurídico y el reconocimiento de la pluriculturalidad de México de acuerdo con la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, art. 2º, es necesario el estudio del derecho indígena desde sus propios parámetros; de lo contrario, cualquier diálogo que pretenda ser intercultural en realidad seguiría reproduciendo esquemas de imposición de la cultura hegemónica sobre el resto de los pueblos que conforman la nación mexicana

    α-Galactosidase-A Loaded-Nanoliposomes with Enhanced Enzymatic Activity and Intracellular Penetration

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    Lysosomal storage disorders (LSD) are caused by lysosomal dysfunction usually as a consequence of deficiency of a single enzyme required for the metabolism of macromolecules, such as lipids, glycoproteins, and mucopolysaccharides. For instance, the lack of α-galactosidase A (GLA) activity in Fabry disease patients causes the accumulation of glycosphingolipids in the vasculature leading to multiple organ pathology. Enzyme replacement therapy, which is the most common treatment of LSD, exhibits several drawbacks mainly related to the instability and low efficacy of the exogenously administered therapeutic enzyme. In this work, the unprecedented increased enzymatic activity and intracellular penetration achieved by the association of a human recombinant GLA to nanoliposomes functionalized with Arginine-Glycine-Aspartic acid (RGD) peptides is reported. Moreover, these new GLA loaded nanoliposomes lead to a higher efficacy in the reduction of the GLA substrate named globotriasylceramide in a cellular model of Fabry disease, than that achieved by the same concentration of the free enzyme. The preparation of these new liposomal formulations by DELOS-SUSP, based on the depressurization of a CO-expanded liquid organic solution, shows the great potential of this CO-based methodology for the one-step production of protein-nanoliposome conjugates as bioactive nanomaterials with therapeutic interest. α-galactosidase-A-(GLA)-loaded nano-liposomes functionalized with Arginine-Glycine-Aspartic acid (RGD) peptides are successfully prepared by using compressed CO. This nanoformulation shows an unprecedented increase of the GLA enzymatic activity and intracellular penetration, in comparison to the free enzyme. Moreover, these nanoconjugates lead to a higher efficacy in the reduction of the GLA substrate named globotriasylceramide (Gb3), in a cellular model of Fabry disease, than that achieved by the free enzyme.We acknowledge financial support from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, through “Acciones CIBER”. The Networking Research Center on Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN) is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&I Plan 2008-2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program, CIBER Actions and financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund. The authors appreciate the financial support through the “Development of nanomedicines for enzymatic replacement therapy in Fabry disease” project, granted by the Fundació Marató TV3, BE-WELL (CTQ2013-40480-R) project granted by DGI (Spain), GenCat (2014-SGR-17) project financed by DGR (Catalunya), LIPOCELL project financed by CIBER-BBN and Praxis Pharmaceuticals, TERARMET (RTC-2014-2207-1) project financed by MEC (Spain) and excellence Grant CTS-6270 financed by “Junta de Andalucía>. The authors wish also to thank the Microscopy Service of UAB, especially Pablo Castro for the technical support in taking the Cryo-TEM images, and Mª Eugenia López Sánchez and Natalia García Aranda for their technical assistance in the in vitro activity assays. AV is recipient of an ICREA Academia (Generalitat de Catalunya) award. We acknowledge EMBL and Electra synchrotrons for beamtime allocation, and H. Amenitsch, B. Marmilori and B. Sartori for technical support at the SAXS beamline. Access to the synchrotron facility is supported by the BioStructX program (nº BIOSTRUCTX_1093). We also acknowledge computer time at the Minotauro-BSC supercomputer from the Red Española de Supercomputación (RES).Peer Reviewe

    Novel bioactive hydrophobic gentamicin carriers for the treatment of intracellular bacterial infections.

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    Gentamicin (GEN) is an aminoglycoside antibiotic with a potent antibacterial activity against a wide variety of bacteria. However, its poor cellular penetration limits its use in the treatment of infections caused by intracellular pathogens. One potential strategy to overcome this problem is the use of particulate carriers that can target the intracellular sites of infection. In this study GEN was ion paired with the anionic AOT surfactant to obtain a hydrophobic complex (GEN-AOT) that was formulated as a particulated material either by the Precipitation with a Compressed Antisolvent (PCA) method, or by encapsulation into poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs). The micronization of GEN-AOT by PCA yielded a particulated material with a higher surface area than the non-precipitated complex, while PLGA NPs within a size range of 250-330 nm and a sustained release of the drug over 70 days were obtained by preparing the NPs using the emulsion solvent evaporation method. For the first time, GEN encapsulation efficiency values around 100% were achieved for the different NP formulations with no signs of interaction between the drug and the polymer. Finally, in vitro studies against the intracellular bacteria Brucella melitensis, used as a model of intracellular pathogen, demonstrated that the bactericidal activity of GEN was unmodified after ion-pairing, precipitation or encapsulation into NPs. These results, encourage their use for treatment for infections caused by GEN sensitive intracellular bacteria

    Cellular pharmacokinetics and intracellular activity against Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus of chemically modified and nanoencapsulated gentamicin

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate different hydrophobic gentamicin formulations [gentamicin-bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate (GEN-AOT), microstructured GEN-AOT (PCA GEN-AOT) and GEN-AOT-loaded poly(lactide-co-glycolide) acid (PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs)] in view of improving its therapeutic index against intracellular bacteria. The intracellular accumulation, subcellular distribution and intracellular activity of GEN-AOT and NPs in different monocytic-macrophagic cell lines were studied. METHODS: Human THP-1 and murine J774 phagocytic cells were incubated with GEN-AOT formulations at relevant extracellular concentrations [from 1× MIC to 18 mg/L (human C(max))], and their intracellular accumulation, subcellular distribution and toxicity were evaluated and compared with those of conventional unmodified gentamicin. Intracellular activity of the formulations was determined against bacteria showing different subcellular localizations, namely Staphylococcus aureus (phagolysosomes) and Listeria monocytogenes (cytosol). RESULTS: GEN-AOT formulations accumulated 2-fold (GEN-AOT) to 8-fold (GEN-AOT NPs) more than gentamicin in phagocytic cells, with a predominant subcellular localization in the soluble fraction (cytosol) and with no significant cellular toxicity. NP formulations allowed gentamicin to exert its intracellular activity after shorter incubation times and/or at lower concentrations. With an extracellular concentration of 10× MIC, a 1 log(10) decrease in S. aureus intracellular inoculum was obtained after 12 h instead of 24 h for NPs versus free gentamicin, and a static effect was observed against L. monocytogenes at 24 h with NPs, while free gentamicin was ineffective. CONCLUSIONS: GEN-AOT formulations yielded a high cellular accumulation, especially in the cytosol, which resulted in improved efficacy against both intracellular S. aureus and L. monocytogenes

    Functionalization of 3D scaffolds with protein-releasing biomaterials for intracellular delivery

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    [EN] Appropriate combinations of mechanical and biological stimuli are required to promote proper colonization of substrate materials in regenerative medicine. In this context, 3D scaffolds formed by compatible and biodegradable materials are under continuous development in an attempt to mimic the extracellular environment of mammalian cells. We have here explored how novel 3D porous scaffolds constructed by polylactic acid, polycaprolactone or chitosan can be decorated with bacterial inclusion bodies, submicron protein particles formed by releasable functional proteins. A simple dipping-based decoration method tested here specifically favors the penetration of the functional particles deeper than 300 μm from the materials' surface. The functionalized surfaces support the intracellular delivery of biologically active proteins to up to more than 80% of the colonizing cells, a process that is slightly influenced by the chemical nature of the scaffold. The combination of 3D soft scaffolds and protein-based sustained release systems (Bioscaffolds) offers promise in the fabrication of bio-inspired hybrid matrices for multifactorial control of cell proliferation in tissue engineering under complex architectonic setting-ups.We are indebted to MINECO (BFU2010-17450), AGAUR (2009SGR-0108 and SGR2009-516), DGI (CTQ2010-19501) and CIBER de Bioingenieria, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN, Spain) for funding our research on Inclusion bodies. CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&i Plan 2008-2011, and Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program, CIBER Actions and financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund. EGF is supported by the Programa Personal de Tecnico de Apoyo (Modalidad Infraestructuras cientifico-tecnologicas, MICINN). We also thank technical assistance from the Servei de Cultius Celulars, Produccio d'Anticossos i Citometria (SCAC) Laboratori de Luminescencia i Espectroscopia de Biomolecules (LLEB) and Servei de Microscopia, all at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB). We are also indebted to the Protein Production Platform (CIBER-BBN) for helpful technical assistance and for protein production and purification services (http://bbn.ciber-bbn.es/programas/plataformas/equipamiento). AV received an ICREA ACADEMIA award.Seras-Franzoso, J.; Steurer, C.; Roldan, M.; Vendrell, M.; Vidaurre-Agut, C.; Tarruella, A.; Saldana, L.... (2013). Functionalization of 3D scaffolds with protein-releasing biomaterials for intracellular delivery. Journal of Controlled Release. 171(1):63-72. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jconrel.2013.06.034S6372171

    Genetic connectivity of an endangered shark across nursery areas from the Eastern Tropical Pacific

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    Defining demographically independent units and understanding gene flow between them is essential for managing and conserving exploited populations. The scalloped hammerhead shark, Sphyrna lewini , is a coastal semi-oceanic species found worldwide in tropical and subtropical waters. Pregnant females give birth in shallow coastal estuarine habitats that serve as nursery grounds for neonates and small juveniles, and adults move offshore and become highly migratory. We evaluated the population structure and connectivity of S. lewini in coastal areas across the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP) using both sequences of the mitochondrial DNA control region (mtCR) and nuclear-encoded microsatellite loci. The mtCR defined two genetically discrete geographic groups: the Mexican Pacific and the central-southern Eastern Tropical Pacific (Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panamá, and Colombia). Overall, the mtCR data showed low levels of haplotype diversity ranged from 0.000 to 0.608, while nucleotide diversity ranged from 0.000 to 0.0015. A more fine-grade population structure analysis was detected using microsatellite loci where Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Panamá differed significantly. Genetic diversity analysis with nuclear markers revealed an observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.68 to 0.71 and an allelic richness from 5.89 to 7.00. Relatedness analysis revealed that individuals within nursery areas were more closely related than expected by chance, suggesting that S. lewini may exhibit reproductive philopatric behaviour within the ETP. Findings of at least two different management units, and evidence of philopatric behaviour call for intensive conservation actions for this critically endangered species in the ETP.Universidad de Costa Rica/[801-B6-214]/UCR/Costa RicaNational Secretary of Science and Technology/[FID-156]/SENACYT/EcuadorThe Phoenix Zoo/[no.33297]//Estados UnidosPADI Foundation/[no.32809]//Estados UnidosRufford Foundation/[no.22366-1]//Reino UnidosWaitt Foundation/[no.33297]//Estados UnidosFundación Reserva Ojochal/[]//Costa RicaThe Whitley Fund for Nature/[]/WFN/Reino UnidoSandler Family Foundation/[]//Estados UnidosOsa Conservation/[]//Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de BiologíaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigación en Biología Celular y Molecular (CIBCM)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (CIMAR