1,663 research outputs found

    Pirates i corsaris catalans a la Mediterrània al segle XIV.

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    Las ciencias y técnicas historiográficas y las ediciones documentales en el Principado de Cataluña. (Primeras consideraciones)

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    Este artículo realiza un repaso cualitativo de la tarea de publicación de fuentes medievales en Cataluña. Se analizan los elementos que han impulsado la edición de fuentes, qué tipos de fuentes se han dado a conocer, por qué y cómo se han publicado. Se parte de las contribuciones de los eruditos ilustrados a la crítica de fuentes, y se analizan sucesivamente las aportaciones del romanticismo, del positivismo y la producción de la escuela influenciada por la tradición francesa de los Annales.This article goes through a qualitative revision on the publication of medieval sources of documentation in Catalonia. The elements that promoted the edition of such sources are also being analysed throughout, as well as what kind of sources have been make to know, and why and how they were published. It starts from the contributions of Enlightened erudites to the criticism of the mentioned sources, and then the contributions of Romanticism, Positivism, and the production of the school influenced by the French tradition of the Annales are successively analysedCet article réalise une révision qualitative du travail de publication des sources médiévales en Catalogne. Sont analysés les éléments qui ont favorisé leur édition; quels types de sources enfurent l'objet, pourquoi et comment celles-ci ont été publiées. Nous commençons par les contributions des érudits de l'époque des Lumières consacrées à la critique de sources, pour analyser ensuite les apports du romantisme, du positivisme et la production de l'école issue de l'influence de la tradition française des Annale

    Materiality and discourse: toward a relational understanding of marginalizing onto-epistemologies in the ivory tower

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    2016 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.Using epistemological and ontological lenses, this communicative study interrogates the experiences of the graduate community within the communication studies discipline. Specifically, and building on feminist methodologies and intersectional approaches, I seek to identify experiences of graduate students of color that call out and illuminate everyday discourses of silencing, erasure of difference, and disciplining. Additionally, I hope to identify not only these discourses, but also the ways in which corporeality and materiality become alongside these. One goal of this work is to encourage increased critical discussion around discursive theoretical and methodological approaches to scholarship within and beyond communication studies. A second, broader goal is to problematize and expand understanding(s) regarding how fragmented Western epistemological and ontological conceptual frameworks might actually "emulsify" and "curdle" to constitute complex somatic-semiotic matrices of domination (Hill-Collins, 2000) and emancipation within the academy

    Escriure i mercadejar a la Baixa Edat Mitjana "Navigare necesse [est]..."

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    This article ties the expansion of the Mediterranean and Catalan prosperity to the growth, the changes and the maturing of the society in all aspects (politically, socially, culturally...) Two of the groups that illustrate the growth well and the changes that were taking place in Barcelona society are the craftsmen and craftswomen, liberal professionals and the merchants. The article relates the changes of the XIVth Century to the increase of the capacity to read and write of the men and women of these social groups. The books of accounts of two members of a Barcelona family of merchants and ships’s copyist of the XIVth Century, the Tarascó, are the testimony of the extension of “a functional” literacy, limited and closely together with the profession, work and religious practice. These and other private sources allow for the appreciation of the diffusion of writing. The people of the world of commerce and the sea are very conscious of the decisive value of writing not only for their professional activity, but also because it allows them to make note of, in order to be able, later on, to remember: desires, interests and preoccupations. The article, finally, offers a hypothesis of documentary genesis of books of mercantile accounts

    As Mulheres e as Letras Cabo-verdianas

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    Entorn del projecte de "l'obra nova" del Palau de la Generalitat : El Memorial de 1603

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    Quan el 1602 els diputats ordenen una nova visura de les obres d'ampliació del Palau de la Generalitat, s'està de fet qüestionant la primitiva traça de Pere Blai. Hom posa en joc tot un seguit de categories, d'acord amb un nou estil visual d'arrel renaixentista que prima la mirada. En són requeriments: els costos econòmics, la visualització de l'edifici --valor de la imatge d'acord amb una intencionada representació del poder civil-- i la seva individualització en el teixit urbà--d'aquí, el propòsit d'alliberar l'espai d'una plaça. El Memorial de 1603 s'insereix en una llarga i intricada seqüència. El document, d'interès pel cabal intrínsec d'informació projectual i constructiva, ho és també per a l'exegesi del model clàssic, del seu grau de comprensió i utilització al llindar del segle XVII en l'àmbit del Principat.When in 1602 the deputies ordered a new revision concerning to the work of widening of the Palau de la Generalitat, what they're really doing is questioning the initial project of Pere Blai. A large number of criteria is being used according to a new visual pattern, dating back from the Renaissance, which has its emphassis in the way things are being looked at. Its requirements are: the economical cost, the building visualization --the value of image as a mirror of the civil power--and its individualization within the urban network --it is from here, where the purpose of greeing up the space of a square, springs out. The Memorial of 1603 gets into a long intricated sequence. The importance of this document is not only due to its value of projectual and constructive information itself, but also to the exegesis of the classical model, of its range of comprehension and use at the beginning of the 17th century in the Principat of Catalonia

    Las ciencias y técnicas historiográficas y las ediciones documentales en el Principado de Cataluña. (Primeras consideraciones)

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    Este artículo realiza un repaso cualitativo de la tarea de publicación de fuentes medievales en Cataluña. Se analizan los elementos que han impulsado la edición de fuentes, qué tipos de fuentes se han dado a conocer, por qué y cómo se han publicado. Se parte de las contribuciones de los eruditos ilustrados a la crítica de fuentes, y se analizan sucesivamente las aportaciones del romanticismo, del positivismo y la producción de la escuela influenciada por la tradición francesa de los Annales.This article goes through a qualitative revision on the publication of medieval sources of documentation in Catalonia. The elements that promoted the edition of such sources are also being analysed throughout, as well as what kind of sources have been make to know, and why and how they were published. It starts from the contributions of Enlightened erudites to the criticism of the mentioned sources, and then the contributions of Romanticism, Positivism, and the production of the school influenced by the French tradition of the Annales are successively analysedCet article réalise une révision qualitative du travail de publication des sources médiévales en Catalogne. Sont analysés les éléments qui ont favorisé leur édition; quels types de sources enfurent l'objet, pourquoi et comment celles-ci ont été publiées. Nous commençons par les contributions des érudits de l'époque des Lumières consacrées à la critique de sources, pour analyser ensuite les apports du romantisme, du positivisme et la production de l'école issue de l'influence de la tradition française des Annale

    La caixa de núvia. Un procés del segle XIV

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    A fourteenth century caixa de nuvia (a bride's case). This article studies a bride's case, or chest described in the records of a trial that took place in the late fourteenth century, preserved in the Archives of Crown of Aragon. The case was claimed by Eulàlia, a commoner from the region of Barcelona. We study the circumstances of the claim, and then consider the descriptions of the items and the relations between the items and the owner. We stress the structures and the functionality of the chest itself and the meticulous description of contents , mainly second hand household wear and engagement presents. We highlight the relationship between women, especially between the mother and the daughter, and the relationship between these women and their possessions

    Els atuells de terrissa a les llars barcelonines vers l'any 1400

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    Quan el doctor Manuel Riu ens va demanar si podíem aportar quelcom de les nostres investigacions a aquesta monografia dedicada a la ceràmica medieval, ens va complaure molt de fer-ho. Pot sorprendre a algú que un equip de treball dedicat a investigar sobre la història de la vida quotidiana tingui alguna cosa a dir d'un tema eminentment tècnic, però hem de tenir present que una de les primeres tasques a realitzar, si volem apropar-nos a la historia de la vida de cada dia dels qui han viscut en altre temps, és intentar familiaritzar-nos amb les coses que els eren mes quotidianes, i que més quotidià per una mestressa de casa que una olla o un morter? Que més diari per qualsevol persona que I'escudella en la qual menjava la sopa o la copa amb la que bebia el vi