1,412 research outputs found

    Inner speech recognition through electroencephalographic signals

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    This work focuses on inner speech recognition starting from EEG signals. Inner speech recognition is defined as the internalized process in which the person thinks in pure meanings, generally associated with an auditory imagery of own inner "voice". The decoding of the EEG into text should be understood as the classification of a limited number of words (commands) or the presence of phonemes (units of sound that make up words). Speech-related BCIs provide effective vocal communication strategies for controlling devices through speech commands interpreted from brain signals, improving the quality of life of people who have lost the capability to speak, by restoring communication with their environment. Two public inner speech datasets are analysed. Using this data, some classification models are studied and implemented starting from basic methods such as Support Vector Machines, to ensemble methods such as the eXtreme Gradient Boosting classifier up to the use of neural networks such as Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (BiLSTM). With the LSTM and BiLSTM models, generally not used in the literature of inner speech recognition, results in line with or superior to those present in the stateof-the-art are obtained.Comment: Submitted to the Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Human Machine Interaction (AIxHMI 2022), December 02, 2022, Udine, Ital

    Biostratigraphic reassignment of the neogene Caenolestines (Marsupialia) of the pampean region: the case of Pliolestes Tripotamicus Reig, 1955

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    La reinterpretación estratigráfica de un sitio paleontológico controvertido, como las barrancas del río Quequén Salado, permitió ajustar el biocrón del marsupial cenolestino Pliolestes tripotamicus Reig. En estos afloramientos se identificaron dos unidades fosilíferas: una inferior, AUA (Huayqueriense), y una superior, AUB (Montehermosense). P. tripotamicus fue hallado en la unidad AUA, pero no en la AUB ni en localidades típicamente montehermosenses o chapadmalalenses. Esto sugiere que el taxón no fue parte de los elencos montehermosenses–chapadmalalenses. La otra especie, P. venetus Goin et al. (Huayqueriense), y Caenolestidae n. sp. aff. P. tripotamicus (Chasiquense) indican que el género se restringe a los pisos/edades Chasiquense–Huayqueriense. La retracción de los cenolestinos hacia la Región Andina, donde habitan actualmente, habría tenido lugar a comienzos del Plioceno, posiblemente más relacionada con cambios ambientales que con la competencia con roedores cricétidos como se había propuesto.The stratigraphic reinterpretation of a controversial paleontological site such as the Quequén Salado River banks allowed refinement of the biochron of the caenolestine marsupial Pliolestes tripotamicus Reig. Two fossil bearing units were proposed for these exposures: a lower one, AUA (Huayquerian) and an upper one, AUB (Montehermosan). P. tripotamicus is found in AUA, but not in AUB or in typical Montehermosan and Chapadmalalan localities, which suggests that this taxon was not part of the Montehermosan–Chapadmalalan assemblages. The other species, P. venetus Goin et al. (Huayquerian), and Caenolestidae n. sp. aff. P. tripotamicus (Chasicoan) indicate the genus was restricted to the Chasicoan–Huayquerian stages/ages. The retraction of the caenolestines toward the Andean Region (where they live today) would have taken place at the beginning of the Pliocene, probably more related to environmental changes than to competence with cricetid rodents as first proposed.Fil: Deschamps, Cecilia Marcela. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Paleontología Vertebrados; ArgentinaFil: Gasparini, Germán Mariano. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Paleontología Vertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Beilinson, Elisa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas; ArgentinaFil: Zárate, Marcelo Arístides. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Tomassini, Rodrigo Leandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto Geológico del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Geología. Instituto Geológico del Sur; Argentin

    Are zinc-bound metallothionein isoforms (I+II and III) involved in impaired thymulin production and thymic involution during ageing?

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    BACKGROUND: With advancing age, thymic efficiency shows progressive decline due to thymic involution allowing impaired cell-mediated immunity and the appearance of age-related diseases. The intrinsic cause of thymic involution is still undefined. Chronic inflammation and high glucocorticoids (GCs) may be involved. However, transgenic mice, with increased GC sensitivity and over expression of GC receptors, display delayed age-associated thymic involution. This fact suggests that other substances may affect thymic involution. Among them, both isoforms of metallothioneins (MTs) I+II and III are the major candidates because their increments leads to organ atrophy in constant stress and are induced by IL-6, which increases in ageing. Enhanced MTs in ageing allows constant sequester of zinc ions and no subsequent zinc release leading to low zinc ion bioavailability for thymic efficiency. This sequester is very limited in very old age. Thus, we have investigated the MTmRNA (I+II and III) in the thymus from young, old and very old mice. METHODS: MTmRNA and IL-6mRNA (RT-PCR) in the thymus from different donors were tested. Concomitantly, TECs proliferation, zinc ion bioavailability (ratio total thymulin/active thymulin), thymulin activity and corticosterone were tested from different donors. RESULTS: Both isoforms of MTmRNA and IL-6mRNA increase in old thymus coupled with low zinc ion bioavailability, reduced TECs proliferation, impaired thymulin activity and enhanced plasma corticosterone in comparison with young. Conversely, although the thymus is involuted in very old mice because of no changes in thymus weight in comparison to old mice, reduced MTmRNA, especially MT-I+II isoforms, and low IL6mRNA occur. Concomitantly, good zinc ion bioavailability, maintained TECs proliferation, satisfactory thymulin activity and reduced corticosterone are observed in very old mice. CONCLUSIONS: The concomitant increments by high IL-6 of both MT isoforms in the thymus from old mice may be involved in thymic involution because provoking low zinc ion bioavailability, which is relevant for thymic efficiency. By contrast, the limited increments of MTs by low IL-6 induce good zinc ion bioavailability and satisfactory thymic efficiency in very old mice. Therefore, abnormal increased MTs may provoke complete thymic involution during ageing and the possible appearance of age-related diseases. If their increments are instead limited by low inflammation, healthy ageing and longevity may be reached

    Biostratigraphic reassignment of the neogene Caenolestines (Marsupialia) of the pampean region: the case of Pliolestes Tripotamicus Reig, 1955

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    La reinterpretación estratigráfica de un sitio paleontológico controvertido, como las barrancas del río Quequén Salado, permitió ajustar el biocrón del marsupial cenolestino Pliolestes tripotamicus Reig. En estos afloramientos se identificaron dos unidades fosilíferas: una inferior, AUA (Huayqueriense), y una superior, AUB (Montehermosense). P. tripotamicus fue hallado en la unidad AUA, pero no en la AUB ni en localidades típicamente montehermosenses o chapadmalalenses. Esto sugiere que el taxón no fue parte de los elencos montehermosenses–chapadmalalenses. La otra especie, P. venetus Goin et al. (Huayqueriense), y Caenolestidae n. sp. aff. P. tripotamicus (Chasiquense) indican que el género se restringe a los pisos/edades Chasiquense–Huayqueriense. La retracción de los cenolestinos hacia la Región Andina, donde habitan actualmente, habría tenido lugar a comienzos del Plioceno, posiblemente más relacionada con cambios ambientales que con la competencia con roedores cricétidos como se había propuesto.The stratigraphic reinterpretation of a controversial paleontological site such as the Quequén Salado River banks allowed refinement of the biochron of the caenolestine marsupial Pliolestes tripotamicus Reig. Two fossil bearing units were proposed for these exposures: a lower one, AUA (Huayquerian) and an upper one, AUB (Montehermosan). P. tripotamicus is found in AUA, but not in AUB or in typical Montehermosan and Chapadmalalan localities, which suggests that this taxon was not part of the Montehermosan–Chapadmalalan assemblages. The other species, P. venetus Goin et al. (Huayquerian), and Caenolestidae n. sp. aff. P. tripotamicus (Chasicoan) indicate the genus was restricted to the Chasicoan–Huayquerian stages/ages. The retraction of the caenolestines toward the Andean Region (where they live today) would have taken place at the beginning of the Pliocene, probably more related to environmental changes than to competence with cricetid rodents as first proposed.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoCentro de Investigaciones GeológicasConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Biostratigraphic reassignment of the neogene Caenolestines (Marsupialia) of the pampean region: the case of Pliolestes Tripotamicus Reig, 1955

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    La reinterpretación estratigráfica de un sitio paleontológico controvertido, como las barrancas del río Quequén Salado, permitió ajustar el biocrón del marsupial cenolestino Pliolestes tripotamicus Reig. En estos afloramientos se identificaron dos unidades fosilíferas: una inferior, AUA (Huayqueriense), y una superior, AUB (Montehermosense). P. tripotamicus fue hallado en la unidad AUA, pero no en la AUB ni en localidades típicamente montehermosenses o chapadmalalenses. Esto sugiere que el taxón no fue parte de los elencos montehermosenses–chapadmalalenses. La otra especie, P. venetus Goin et al. (Huayqueriense), y Caenolestidae n. sp. aff. P. tripotamicus (Chasiquense) indican que el género se restringe a los pisos/edades Chasiquense–Huayqueriense. La retracción de los cenolestinos hacia la Región Andina, donde habitan actualmente, habría tenido lugar a comienzos del Plioceno, posiblemente más relacionada con cambios ambientales que con la competencia con roedores cricétidos como se había propuesto.The stratigraphic reinterpretation of a controversial paleontological site such as the Quequén Salado River banks allowed refinement of the biochron of the caenolestine marsupial Pliolestes tripotamicus Reig. Two fossil bearing units were proposed for these exposures: a lower one, AUA (Huayquerian) and an upper one, AUB (Montehermosan). P. tripotamicus is found in AUA, but not in AUB or in typical Montehermosan and Chapadmalalan localities, which suggests that this taxon was not part of the Montehermosan–Chapadmalalan assemblages. The other species, P. venetus Goin et al. (Huayquerian), and Caenolestidae n. sp. aff. P. tripotamicus (Chasicoan) indicate the genus was restricted to the Chasicoan–Huayquerian stages/ages. The retraction of the caenolestines toward the Andean Region (where they live today) would have taken place at the beginning of the Pliocene, probably more related to environmental changes than to competence with cricetid rodents as first proposed.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoCentro de Investigaciones GeológicasConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    RelB activation in anti-inflammatory decidual endothelial cells: a master plan to avoid pregnancy failure?

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    It is known that excessive inflammation at fetal-maternal interface is a key contributor in a compromised pregnancy. Female genital tract is constantly in contact with microorganisms and several strategies must be adopted to avoid pregnancy failure. Decidual endothelial cells (DECs) lining decidual microvascular vessels are the first cells that interact with pro-inflammatory stimuli released into the environment by microorganisms derived from gestational tissues or systemic circulation. Here, we show that DECs are hypo-responsive to LPS stimulation in terms of IL-6, CXCL8 and CCL2 production. Our results demonstrate that DECs express low levels of TLR4 and are characterized by a strong constitutive activation of the non-canonical NF-\u3baB pathway and a low responsiveness of the canonical pathway to LPS. In conclusion, DECs show a unique hypo-responsive phenotype to the pro-inflammatory stimulus LPS in order to control the inflammatory response at feto-maternal interface

    Imbalance of Mg Homeostasis as a Potential Biomarker in Colon Cancer

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    Background: Increasing evidences support a correlation between magnesium (Mg) homeostasis and colorectal cancer (CRC). Nevertheless, the role of Mg and its transporters as diagnostic markers in CRC is still a matter of debate. In this study we combined X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy and databases information to investigate the possible correlation between Mg imbalance and CRC. Methods: CRC tissue samples and their non-tumoural counterpart from four patients were collected and analysed for total Mg level and distribution by X-Ray Fluorescence Microscopy. We also reviewed the scientific literature and the main tissue expression databases to collect data on Mg transporters expression in CRC. Results: We found a significantly higher content of total Mg in CRC samples when compared to non-tumoural tissues. Mg distribution was also impaired in CRC. Conversely, we evidenced an uncertain correlation between Mg transporters expression and colon malignancies. Discussion: Although further studies are necessary to determine the correlation between different cancer types and stages, this is the first report proposing the measurement of Mg tissue localisation as a marker in CRC. This study represents thus a proof-of-concept that paves the way for the design of a larger prospective investigation of Mg in CRC

    Análise, Desenvolvimento e Avaliação de um Objeto de Aprendizagem para Ensino Colaborativo de Frações, Números Decimais e Porcentagem

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    Este trabalho tem por finalidade apresentar as etapas do Design Instrucional (DI) de um Objeto de Aprendizagem (OA) em que o objetivo principal é a exploração e aprendizagem colaborativa de conteúdos matemáticos específicos (Frações, Números Decimais e Porcentagem). Considerando a metodologia ADDIE para o DI, este artigo aborda as etapas de Análise, Design, Desenvolvimento, Implementação com ênfase na etapa de Avaliação. Os resultados obtidos com o estudo de caso realizado na etapa de Avaliação, ratificam a importância da adoção de uma metodologia para o DI de OAs, especialmente no que se refere à interdisciplinaridade destas soluções

    Clinical and Pathological Features of Breast Cancer in Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the Sclero-Breast Study

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    Systemic Sclerosis (SSc) is a chronic disease associated with a 1.5-fold increase in cancer risk, including lung cancer, hematological malignancies, and breast cancer (BC). This is a retrospective study aiming to explore the clinical and pathological features of BC developed by SSc patients. A total of 54.5% of patients developed BC before SSc (median interval: 5 years), whereas 45.5% of patients developed BC after SSc (median delay: 8 years). A total of 93.1% of patients were diagnosed with an early stage tumor. Among invasive carcinomas, 70.8% presented with a low Mib1, 8.3% with a tubular histotype, and 42.8% with a Luminal A-like phenotype. A total of 66.6% of patients underwent breast-conserving surgery and 55.5% RT. A total of 40% of patients developed interstitial lung disease after RT and 20% diffuse cutaneous SSc. The cause of death of the six deceased patients was PAH. A significant association was observed between the use of immunosuppressive therapy and diffuse skin extension, negative ACA, positive Anti-Scl-70, and interstitial lung disease, but not BC status. SSc patients developed BC at a good prognosis, suggesting a de-escalation strategy of cancer therapies. In particular, ionizing radiation and chemotherapeuticals should be limited to higher-risk cases. Finally, proper screening is mandatory in order to allow for early cancer detection in SSc patients


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    Systemic Sclerosis (SSc) is a chronic disease associated with a 1.5-fold increase in cancer risk, including lung cancer, hematological malignancies, and breast cancer (BC). This is a retrospective study aiming to explore the clinical and pathological features of BC developed by SSc patients. A total of 54.5% of patients developed BC before SSc (median interval: 5 years), whereas 45.5% of patients developed BC after SSc (median delay: 8 years). A total of 93.1% of patients were diagnosed with an early stage tumor. Among invasive carcinomas, 70.8% presented with a low Mib1, 8.3% with a tubular histotype, and 42.8% with a Luminal A-like phenotype. A total of 66.6% of patients underwent breast-conserving surgery and 55.5% RT. A total of 40% of patients developed interstitial lung disease after RT and 20% diffuse cutaneous SSc. The cause of death of the six deceased patients was PAH. A significant association was observed between the use of immunosuppressive therapy and diffuse skin extension, negative ACA, positive Anti-Scl-70, and interstitial lung disease, but not BC status. SSc patients developed BC at a good prognosis, suggesting a de-escalation strategy of cancer therapies. In particular, ionizing radiation and chemotherapeuticals should be limited to higher-risk cases. Finally, proper screening is mandatory in order to allow for early cancer detection in SSc patients