84 research outputs found

    Brakykefaalisten rotujen silmäongelmat - kirjallisuuskatsaus

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    Ocular disorders in brachycephalic breeds – ReviewPeer reviewe

    Comparison of two rebound tonometers in healthy horses

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    Objective: To obtain a reference range for evaluation of intraocular pressure (IOP) in horses using Tonovet Plus (R), to compare the IOP readings obtained with Tonovet (R) and Tonovet Plus (R), and to evaluate the repeatability of readings. Animals studied and Procedures: Intraocular pressure of 30 client-owned horses (60 eyes) with no signs of illness or ocular disease was evaluated using Tonovet (R) and Tonovet Plus (R) rebound tonometers. Horses' mean age was 10.7 (range 6-17) years. Triplicate measurements were performed without using sedatives or local anesthetics, with minimal restraint. Results: Calculated reference intervals (the CLSI robust method) were 14.4-27.2 mmHg for Tonovet (R) and 16.0-26.1 mmHg for Tonovet Plus (R). Mean values (+/- standard deviation, SD [+/- coefficient of variation, CV]) obtained with Tonovet Plus (R)(21.6 +/- 2.45 mmHg [11.3%]) were on average 0.6 mmHg higher than with Tonovet (R)(21.0 +/- 3.14 mmHg [15.0%]), and a negligible statistical difference between the devices was found using the paired sample t test (P = .049). The correlation coefficient for the averaged triplicate measurements was 0.73. The average CV was 4.6% and 4.4% for Tonovet (R) and Tonovet Plus (R), respectively. Conclusions: The repeatability of measurements was very good with both devices. The readings between the two devices differed statistically significantly, but the correlation was considered good and the variation was numerically small, and thus, the difference was considered clinically irrelevant. When monitoring disease process or treatment response in an individual patient, repeated readings are best performed using a similar device to avoid false interpretation of results.Peer reviewe

    Pleolipoviridae, a newly proposed family comprising archaeal pleomorphic viruses with single-stranded or double-stranded DNA genomes

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    Viruses infecting archaea show a variety of virion morphotypes, and they are currently classified into more than ten viral families or corresponding groups. A pleomorphic virus morphotype is very common among haloarchaeal viruses, and to date, several such viruses have been isolated. Here, we propose the classification of eight such viruses and formation of a new family, Pleolipoviridae (from the Greek pleo for more or many and lipos for lipid), containing three genera, Alpha-, Beta-, and Gammapleolipovirus. The proposal is currently under review by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). The members of the proposed family Pleolipoviridae infect halophilic archaea and are nonlytic. They share structural and genomic features and differ from any other classified virus. The virion of pleolipoviruses is composed of a pleomorphic membrane vesicle enclosing the genome. All pleolipoviruses have two major structural protein species, internal membrane and spike proteins. Although the genomes of the pleolipoviruses are single- or double-stranded, linear or circular DNA molecules, they share the same genome organization and gene synteny and show significant similarity at the amino acid level. The canonical features common to all members of the proposed family Pleolipoviridae show that they are closely related and thus form a new viral family.Peer reviewe

    Uusi tutkimushanke muistisairaiden ihmisten elämän loppuvaiheesta pitkäaikaishoidossa

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    Vanhojen ihmisten kuoleminen tehostetussa palveluasumisessa sairaaloiden ja terveyskeskusten sijaan on Suomessa verrattain uusi ja nopeasti yleistyvä ilmiö, josta emme kuitenkaan tiedä juuri mitään. Aiempi vanhojen ihmisten kuolemaa tarkastellut tutkimus on keskittynyt joko kodin tai laitoksen ympäristöihin, ja palvelutalo sijoittuu instituutiona näiden välimaastoon. Helsingin yliopiston valtiotieteellisessä tiedekunnassa (sosiaaligerontologia) alkoi maaliskuussa 2020 Kuoleman ja kukkaron välissä: muistisairaan vanhuksen elämän loppuvaiheen hoidon haasteet -tutkimushanke, jota rahoittaa Koneen säätiö. Kolmevuotisen hankkeen aikana on tarkoitus paitsi tutkia muistisairaiden ihmisten kuolemisen prosessia ja olosuhteita, myös tehdä näkyväksi, mitä kuoleminen palvelutaloissa tarkoittaa kuoleman prosessiin osallistuvien (asukkaat, läheiset, hoitohenkilöstö) kannalta. Tutkimushankkeen tuloksia tullaan esittämään paitsi tieteellisissä ja muissa kirjallisissa julkaisuissa, myös audiodokumentteina ja taiteellisina esityksinä. Esittelemme tässä kirjoituksessa lyhyesti hankkeen taustan, tavoitteet ja tutkimusmenetelmät. Termillä palvelutalo viittaamme tässä kirjoituksessa tehostetun palveluasumisen yksiköihin.Non peer reviewe

    Aggressive and recurrent ovarian cancers upregulate ephrinA5, a non-canonical effector of EphA2 signaling duality

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    Erythropoietin producing hepatocellular (Eph) receptors and their membrane-bound ligands ephrins are variably expressed in epithelial cancers, with context-dependent implications to both tumor-promoting and-suppressive processes in ways that remain incompletely understood. Using ovarian cancer tissue microarrays and longitudinally collected patient cells, we show here that ephrinA5/EFNA5 is specifically overexpressed in the most aggressive high-grade serous carcinoma (HGSC) subtype, and increased in the HGSC cells upon disease progression. Among all the eight ephrin genes, high EFNA5 expression was most strongly associated with poor overall survival in HGSC patients from multiple independent datasets. In contrast, high EFNA3 predicted improved overall and progression-free survival in The Cancer Genome Atlas HGSC dataset, as expected for a canonical inducer of tumor-suppressive Eph receptor tyrosine kinase signaling. While depletion of either EFNA5 or the more extensively studied, canonically acting EFNA1 in HGSC cells increased the oncogenic EphA2-S897 phosphorylation, EFNA5 depletion left unaltered, or even increased the ligand-dependent EphA2-Y588 phosphorylation. Moreover, treatment with recombinant ephrinA5 led to limited EphA2 tyrosine phosphorylation, internalization and degradation compared to ephrinA1. Altogether, our results suggest a unique function for ephrinA5 in Eph-ephrin signaling and highlight the clinical potential of ephrinA5 as a cell surface biomarker in the most aggressive HGSCs.Peer reviewe

    Head-to-head comparison of plasma p-tau181, p-tau231 and glial fibrillary acidic protein in clinically unimpaired elderly with three levels of APOE4-related risk for Alzheimer's disease

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    Plasma phosphorylated tau (p-tau) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) both reflect early changes in Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology. Here, we compared the biomarker levels and their association with regional β-amyloid (Aβ) pathology and cognitive performance head-to-head in clinically unimpaired elderly (n = 88) at three levels of APOE4-related genetic risk for sporadic AD (APOE4/4 n = 19, APOE3/4 n = 32 or non-carriers n = 37). Concentrations of plasma p-tau181, p-tau231 and GFAP were measured using Single molecule array (Simoa), regional Aβ deposition with 11C-PiB positron emission tomography (PET), and cognitive performance with a preclinical composite. Significant differences in plasma p-tau181 and p-tau231, but not plasma GFAP concentrations were present between the APOE4 gene doses, explained solely by brain Aβ load. All plasma biomarkers correlated positively with Aβ PET in the total study population. This correlation was driven by APOE3/3 carriers for plasma p-tau markers and APOE4/4 carriers for plasma GFAP. Voxel-wise associations with amyloid-PET revealed different spatial patterns for plasma p-tau markers and plasma GFAP. Only higher plasma GFAP correlated with lower cognitive scores. Our observations suggest that plasma p-tau and plasma GFAP are both early AD markers reflecting different Aβ-related processes

    Kauran jalostusominaisuuksiin vaikuttavien geenien paikantaminen

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    Kauran lajikejalostuksella pyritään tuottamaan entistä satoisampia ja laadukkaampialajikkeita. Bioteknisiä menetelmiä hyödyntämällä mahdollisuudet vastatarehu- ja elintarviketeollisuuden sekä viljelijöiden toivomuksiin paranevat.Kauran (Avena sativa L.) molekyyligeneettinen tutkimus on kehittynyt hitaastiverrattuna maailmanlaajuisesti tärkeämpiin viljalajeihin. Koska Suomi on kansainvälisestisuuri kaurantuottajamaa, on kilpailukykyisten lajikkeiden tuottaminentärkeää. Tässä hankkeessa kehitettiin ja sovellettiin biotekniikan menetelmiäkotimaisen kauranjalostuksen tueksi.Tutkittaviksi ominaisuuksiksi valittiin kauran sisältämä terveysvaikutteinenravintokuitu β-glukaani, rehun energia-arvon kannalta tärkeä öljypitoisuus javiime vuosina Suomeen levinnyt kauran lehtilaikkutauti. Tutkimuksessa koottiinyli kuusisataa DNA-merkkiä käsittävä geenikartta käyttäen pohjoismaista kauranristeytysjälkeläistöä, joka oli muokattu solukkoviljelyssä haploidiavaiheen avullatäysin yhtenäisiksi DH-linjoiksi. Kartan avulla paikannettiin tutkittuihin ominaisuuksiinvaikuttavia geenejä. Tutkimuksessa löydettiin muun muassa seitsemänöljypitoisuuteen, kaksi β-glukaaniin ja monta lehtilaikkutautiin vaikuttavaa kromosomialuetta.Lisäksi kartoitettiin viljelyominaisuuksiin vaikuttavia geenejä.Ominaisuuteen vaikuttavan geenin lähellä sijaitsevia DNA-merkkejä voidaankäyttää näiden ominaisuuksien merkkiavusteisessa valintajalostuksessa.Haploidijalostustekniikat ja DNA-merkkiavusteinen valintajalostus ovat tämänpäivän kauranjalostuksen ulottuvilla. Tulevaisuudessa nopeasti kehittyvät, kokogenomin tutkimuksen eli genomiikan menetelmät tarjoavat lisävälineitä kaurankinominaisuuksien periytymisen ymmärtämiseen ja jalostukseen

    Multi-modal meta-analysis of cancer cell line omics profiles identifies ECHDC1 as a novel breast tumor suppressor

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    Molecular and functional profiling of cancer cell lines is subject to laboratory‐specific experimental practices and data analysis protocols. The current challenge therefore is how to make an integrated use of the omics profiles of cancer cell lines for reliable biological discoveries. Here, we carried out a systematic analysis of nine types of data modalities using meta‐analysis of 53 omics studies across 12 research laboratories for 2,018 cell lines. To account for a relatively low consistency observed for certain data modalities, we developed a robust data integration approach that identifies reproducible signals shared among multiple data modalities and studies. We demonstrated the power of the integrative analyses by identifying a novel driver gene, ECHDC1, with tumor suppressive role validated both in breast cancer cells and patient tumors. The multi‐modal meta‐analysis approach also identified synthetic lethal partners of cancer drivers, including a co‐dependency of PTEN deficient endometrial cancer cells on RNA helicases.</p