134 research outputs found

    Palvelukoordinaattorin toimenkuvan analysointi ja kehittäminen

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    Opinnäytetyö on portfoliomainen päiväkirjaopinnäytetyö, jossa seurataan palvelukoordinaattorin työtä kiertotalouden mallia toteuttavassa palvelumalliyrityksessä. Opinnäytetyön seurantajakso on aikavälillä 23.3-22.5.2020, jolloin keskitytään viikkokohtaisesti erilaisiin teemoihin ja näistä kerrotaan vielä lisää viikkoanalyysien muodossa. Viikkoanalyyseissä on kasattu yhteen viikon asiat ja nostetaan vielä kirjallisia lähteitä. Seurantajakson aikana korostui itsensä ja omien työntekotapojen tunteminen ja tunnistaminen. Keskittymällä yhteen viikkoon kerrallaan ja nostamalla sieltä kohtia kirjoittaja havaitsi kuinka itse työtehtävät ovat jo hallussa. Tulevaisuudessa kirjoittajalla on halu kehittyä lisää työtehtävissään ja edetä eteenpäin organisaatiossa

    Yrittäjyyden ja ammatillisen koulutuksen osaamisyhteisö: Arjen kokemuksia InnoOmniasta

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    Working life orientation and entrepreneurial thinking are pivotal in today’s vocational education. Through a case study, we discuss the multi-actor knowledge community of InnoOmnia in Espoo, Finland. By breaking traditional silos, education transforms into co-learning, where entrepreneurs, students, educators, and other parties can all contribute equally. However, the transition is not painless. Based on rich qualitative text and image data, we identify tensions pertaining to community boundaries, operational culture, structure, and leadership. There is no single shared view of a community, but rather, every participant seems to hold an individualised interpretation of InnoOmnia. Diverging expectations result in inter-actor conflict. Our analysis suggests that by default, an innovative, entrepreneurial community inevitably contains criticising and destructive forces. In terms of community support, enthusiasm and joy of work emerge as particularly meaningful forces. Further research focusing on work enthusiasm and tolerance of conflict in knowledge communities could advance vocational education substantially.Artikkeli käsittelee työelämälähtöisyyden ja yrittäjyyden vahvistamista ammatillisessa koulutuksessa. Esittelemme Espoossa toimivan InnoOmnian, jossa oppilaitoksen yhteyteen on syntynyt monitoimijainen osaamisyhteisö. Kun perinteisiä siiloja rikotaan, opetus muuttuu yrittäjien, opiskelijoiden, opettajien ja muun henkilöstön kanssaoppimiseksi. Muutos ei ole kuitenkaan kivuton. Laajasta, eri toimijoiden tuottamasta teksti- ja kuva-aineistosta nousee esille yhteisön rajoja, toimintakulttuuria, rakenteita ja johtamista koskevia jännitteitä. InnoOmnia ei näyttäydy osallistujille yhtenäisenä, vaan jokaisella toimijalla näyttää olevan oma käsityksensä yhteisöstä, “minun InnoOmniani”. Erilaisista odotuksista seuraa ristiriitoja toimijoiden välillä. Tutkimus antaa viitteitä siitä, että innovatiivinen, yrittäjämäinen yhteisö sisältää väistämättä myös repiviä ja ristiriitaisia voimia. Erityisen merkitykselliseksi nousevat myös innostuneisuus ja työn ilo yhteisön kantavina voimina. Ristiriitoja sietävän, innostusta ja työn imua lisäävien osaamisyhteisöjen tutkimus voisi tuottaa jatkossa merkittävää tietoa ammattikasvatuksen kehittämiseen

    BVOC Emissions From a Subarctic Ecosystem, as Controlled by Insect Herbivore Pressure and Temperature

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    The biogenic volatile organic compounds, BVOCs have a central role in ecosystem-atmosphere interactions. High-latitude ecosystems are facing increasing temperatures and insect herbivore pressure, which may affect their BVOC emission rates, but evidence and predictions of changes remain scattered. We studied the long-term effects of + 3 degrees C warming and reduced insect herbivory (achieved through insecticide sprayings) on mid- and late summer BVOC emissions from field layer vegetation, supplemented with birch saplings, and the underlying soil in Subarctic mountain birch forest in Finland in 2017-2018. Reduced insect herbivory decreased leaf damage by 58-67% and total ecosystem BVOC emissions by 44-72%. Of the BVOC groups, total sesquiterpenes had 70-80% lower emissions with reduced herbivory, and in 2017 the decrease was greater in warmed plots (89% decrease) than in ambient plots (34% decrease). While non-standardized total BVOC, monoterpene, sesquiterpene and GLV emissions showed instant positive responses to increasing chamber air temperature in midsummer samplings, the long-term warming treatment effects on standardized emissions mainly appeared as changes in the compound structure of BVOC blends and varied with compounds and sampling times. Our results suggest that the effects of climate warming on the total quantity of BVOC emissions will in Subarctic ecosystems be, over and above the instant temperature effects, mediated through changes in insect herbivore pressure rather than plant growth. If insect herbivore numbers will increase as predicted under climate warming, our results forecast herbivory-induced increases in the quantity of Subarctic BVOC emissions.Peer reviewe

    ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Finnlakeviridae

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    Finnlakeviridae is a family of icosahedral, internal membrane-containing bacterial viruses with circular, single-stranded DNA genomes. The family includes the genus, Finnlakevirus, with the species, Flavobacterium virus FLiP. Flavobacterium phage FLiP was isolated with its Gram-negative host bacterium from a boreal freshwater habitat in Central Finland in 2010. It is the first described single-stranded DNA virus with an internal membrane and shares minimal sequence similarity with other known viruses. The virion organization (pseudo T=21 dextro) and major capsid protein fold (double-beta-barrel) resemble those of Pseudoalteromonas phage PM2 (family Corticoviridae), which has a double-stranded DNA genome. A similar major capsid protein fold is also found in other double-stranded DNA viruses in the kingdom Bamfordvirae.Non peer reviewe

    Coming to Terms with the Concept of Moving Species Threatened by Climate Change - A Systematic Review of the Terminology and Definitions

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    Intentional moving of species threatened by climate change is actively being discussed as a conservation approach. The debate, empirical studies, and policy development, however, are impeded by an inconsistent articulation of the idea. The discrepancy is demonstrated by the varying use of terms, such as assisted migration, assisted colonisation, or managed relocation, and their multiple definitions. Since this conservation approach is novel, and may for instance lead to legislative changes, it is important to aim for terminological consistency. The objective of this study is to analyse the suitability of terms and definitions used when discussing the moving of organisms as a response to climate change. An extensive literature search and review of the material (868 scientific publications) was conducted for finding hitherto used terms (N = 40) and definitions (N = 75), and these were analysed for their suitability. Based on the findings, it is argued that an appropriate term for a conservation approach relating to aiding the movement of organisms harmed by climate change is assisted migration defined as follows: Assisted migration means safeguarding biological diversity through the translocation of representatives of a species or population harmed by climate change to an area outside the indigenous range of that unit where it would be predicted to move as climate changes, were it not for anthropogenic dispersal barriers or lack of time. The differences between assisted migration and other conservation translocations are also discussed. A wide adoption of the clear and distinctive term and definition provided would allow more focused research on the topic and enable consistent implementation as practitioners could have the same understanding of the concept.Peer reviewe