133 research outputs found

    Land Grant Application- Cole, Eli (Buxton)

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    Land grant application submitted to the Maine Land Office on behalf of Eli Cole for service in the Revolutionary War, by their widow Olive.https://digitalmaine.com/revolutionary_war_me_land_office/1196/thumbnail.jp

    Student Recital: Eli Rickles & Naomi Israel

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    Student recital featuring Eli Rickles, Naomi Israel, and Judy Cole.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/2400/thumbnail.jp

    On Wrapping Spheres and Cubes with Rectangular Paper

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    What is the largest cube or sphere that a given rectangular piece of paper can wrap? This natural problem, which has plagued gift-wrappers everywhere, remains very much unsolved. Here we introduce new upper and lower bounds and consolidate previous results. Though these bounds rarely match, our results significantly reduce the gap

    Small Satellite Payload Calibration

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    This project focused on developing an efficient and cost-effective method for calibrating optical payloads that streamlines setup, measurement, and analysis time while staying within a SmallSat budget. To develop and test the concept, the team identified key calibration parameters and performed a demonstration on a surrogate payload using spatial, spectral, and radiometric calibration methods. Calibration results were derived from the demonstration and are detailed below

    SyPRID sampler: A large-volume, high-resolution, autonomous, deep-ocean precision plankton sampling system

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    AbstractThe current standard for large-volume (thousands of cubic meters) zooplankton sampling in the deep sea is the MOCNESS, a system of multiple opening–closing nets, typically lowered to within 50m of the seabed and towed obliquely to the surface to obtain low-spatial-resolution samples that integrate across 10s of meters of water depth. The SyPRID (Sentry Precision Robotic Impeller Driven) sampler is an innovative, deep-rated (6000m) plankton sampler that partners with the Sentry Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) to obtain paired, large-volume plankton samples at specified depths and survey lines to within 1.5m of the seabed and with simultaneous collection of sensor data. SyPRID uses a perforated Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight (UHMW) plastic tube to support a fine mesh net within an outer carbon composite tube (tube-within-a-tube design), with an axial flow pump located aft of the capture filter. The pump facilitates flow through the system and reduces or possibly eliminates the bow wave at the mouth opening. The cod end, a hollow truncated cone, is also made of UHMW plastic and includes a collection volume designed to provide an area where zooplankton can collect, out of the high flow region. SyPRID attaches as a saddle-pack to the Sentry vehicle. Sentry itself is configured with a flight control system that enables autonomous survey paths to low altitudes. In its verification deployment at the Blake Ridge Seep (2160m) on the US Atlantic Margin, SyPRID was operated for 6h at an altitude of 5m. It recovered plankton samples, including delicate living larvae, from the near-bottom stratum that is seldom sampled by a typical MOCNESS tow. The prototype SyPRID and its next generations will enable studies of plankton or other particulate distributions associated with localized physico-chemical strata in the water column or above patchy habitats on the seafloor

    The Continual Intercomparison of Radiation Codes: Results from Phase I

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    The computer codes that calculate the energy budget of solar and thermal radiation in Global Climate Models (GCMs), our most advanced tools for predicting climate change, have to be computationally efficient in order to not impose undue computational burden to climate simulations. By using approximations to gain execution speed, these codes sacrifice accuracy compared to more accurate, but also much slower, alternatives. International efforts to evaluate the approximate schemes have taken place in the past, but they have suffered from the drawback that the accurate standards were not validated themselves for performance. The manuscript summarizes the main results of the first phase of an effort called "Continual Intercomparison of Radiation Codes" (CIRC) where the cases chosen to evaluate the approximate models are based on observations and where we have ensured that the accurate models perform well when compared to solar and thermal radiation measurements. The effort is endorsed by international organizations such as the GEWEX Radiation Panel and the International Radiation Commission and has a dedicated website (i.e., http://circ.gsfc.nasa.gov) where interested scientists can freely download data and obtain more information about the effort's modus operandi and objectives. In a paper published in the March 2010 issue of the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society only a brief overview of CIRC was provided with some sample results. In this paper the analysis of submissions of 11 solar and 13 thermal infrared codes relative to accurate reference calculations obtained by so-called "line-by-line" radiation codes is much more detailed. We demonstrate that, while performance of the approximate codes continues to improve, significant issues still remain to be addressed for satisfactory performance within GCMs. We hope that by identifying and quantifying shortcomings, the paper will help establish performance standards to objectively assess radiation code quality, and will guide the development of future phases of CIR

    Waymax: An Accelerated, Data-Driven Simulator for Large-Scale Autonomous Driving Research

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    Simulation is an essential tool to develop and benchmark autonomous vehicle planning software in a safe and cost-effective manner. However, realistic simulation requires accurate modeling of nuanced and complex multi-agent interactive behaviors. To address these challenges, we introduce Waymax, a new data-driven simulator for autonomous driving in multi-agent scenes, designed for large-scale simulation and testing. Waymax uses publicly-released, real-world driving data (e.g., the Waymo Open Motion Dataset) to initialize or play back a diverse set of multi-agent simulated scenarios. It runs entirely on hardware accelerators such as TPUs/GPUs and supports in-graph simulation for training, making it suitable for modern large-scale, distributed machine learning workflows. To support online training and evaluation, Waymax includes several learned and hard-coded behavior models that allow for realistic interaction within simulation. To supplement Waymax, we benchmark a suite of popular imitation and reinforcement learning algorithms with ablation studies on different design decisions, where we highlight the effectiveness of routes as guidance for planning agents and the ability of RL to overfit against simulated agents

    Disparities in Non-invasive Traditional and Advanced Testing for Coronary Artery Disease: Findings from the INCAPS-COVID 2 Study

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    The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted delivery of cardiovascular care including non-invasive testing protocols and test selection for evaluation of coronary artery disease (CAD). Trends in test selection among traditional versus advanced noninvasive tests for CAD during the pandemic and among countries of varying income status have not been well studied. The International Atomic Energy Agency conducted a global survey to assess pandemic-related changes in the practice of cardiovascular diagnostic testing. Site procedural volumes for noninvasive tests to evaluate CAD from March 2019 (pre-pandemic), April 2020 (onset), and April 2021 (initial recovery) were collected. We considered traditional testing modalities exercise electrocardiography (ECG), stress echocardiography, and stress single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and advanced testing modalities stress cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR), coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA), and stress positron emission tomography (PET). Survey data were obtained from 669 centers in 107 countries, reporting the performance of 367,933 studies for CAD during the study period. Compared to 2019, traditional tests were performed 14% less frequently (recovery rate 82%) in 2021 versus advanced tests which were performed 15% more frequently (128% recovery rate). CCTA, stress CMR and stress PET showed 14%, 25%, and 25% increases in volumes from 2019 to 2021, respectively. The increase in advanced testing was isolated to high- and upper-middle-income countries, with 132% recovery in advanced tests by 2021 as compared to 55% in lower-income nations. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated economic disparities in CAD testing practice between wealthy and poorer countries. Greater recovery rates and even new growth was observed for advanced imaging modalities but this growth was restricted to wealthy countries. Efforts to reduce practice variations in CAD testing due to economic status are warranted.<br/

    Recovery Rates of Diagnostic Cardiac Procedural Volume in Oceania 1 Year Into COVID-19: The IAEA Non-Invasive Cardiology Protocol Survey on COVID-19 (INCAPS COVID 2)

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    AimThe aim of this study was to assess the recovery rates of diagnostic cardiac procedure volumes in the Oceania Region, midway through the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.MethodsA survey was performed comparing procedure volumes between March 2019 (pre-pandemic), April 2020 (during first wave of COVID-19 pandemic), and April 2021 (1 year into the COVID-19 pandemic). A total of 31 health care facilities within Oceania that perform cardiac diagnostic procedures were surveyed, including a mixture of metropolitan and regional, hospital and outpatient, public and private sites, as well as teaching and non-teaching hospitals. A comparison was made with 549 centres in 96 countries in the rest of the world (RoW) outside of Oceania. The total number and median percentage change in procedure volume were measured between the three timepoints, compared by test type and by facility.ResultsA total of 11,902 cardiac diagnostic procedures were performed in Oceania in April 2021 as compared with 11,835 pre-pandemic in March 2019 and 5,986 in April 2020; whereas, in the RoW, 499,079 procedures were performed in April 2021 compared with 497,615 pre-pandemic in March 2019 and 179,014 in April 2020. There was no significant difference in the median recovery rates for total procedure volumes between Oceania (−6%) and the RoW (−3%) (p=0.81). While there was no statistically significant difference in percentage recovery been functional ischaemia testing and anatomical coronary testing in Oceania as compared with the RoW, there was, however, a suggestion of poorer recovery in anatomical coronary testing in Oceania as compared with the RoW (CT coronary angiography -16% in Oceania vs −1% in RoW, and invasive coronary angiography −20% in Oceania vs −9% in RoW). There was no statistically significant difference in recovery rates in procedure volume between metropolitan vs regional (p=0.44), public vs private (p=0.92), hospital vs outpatient (p=0.79), or teaching vs non-teaching centres (p=0.73).ConclusionsTotal cardiology procedure volumes in Oceania normalised 1 year post-pandemic compared to pre-pandemic levels, with no significant difference compared with the RoW and between the different types of health care facilities. <br/

    Worldwide Disparities in Recovery of Cardiac Testing 1 Year Into COVID-19

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    FUNDING SUPPORT AND AUTHOR DISCLOSURES Dr Williams is supported by the British Heart Foundation (FS/ICRF/ 20/26002). Dr Einstein has received speaker fees from Ionetix; has received consulting fees from W. L. Gore & Associates; has received authorship fees from Wolters Kluwer Healthcare – UpToDate; and has received grants or grants pending to his institution from Attralus, Canon Medical Systems, Eidos Therapeutics, GE Healthcare, Pfizer, Roche Medical Systems, W. L. Gore & Associates, and XyloCor Ther- apeutics. Dr Williams has received speaker fees from Canon Medical Systems. Dr Dorbala has received honoraria from Pfizer and GE Healthcare; and has received grants to her institution from Pfizer and GE Healthcare. Dr Sinitsyn has received congress speaker honoraria from Bayer, GE Healthcare, Siemens, and Philips. Dr Kudo has received research grants from Nihon Medi-physics and FUJIFILM Toyama Chemical. Dr Bucciarelli-Ducci is CEO (part-time) of the So- ciety for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance; and has received speaker fees from Circle Cardiovascular Imaging, Bayer, and Siemens Healthineers. All other authors have reported that they have no re- lationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose.Peer reviewedPublisher PD