410 research outputs found

    Diccionario monolingüe coordinado para enseñanza/aprendizaje del griego moderno por parte de hispanohablantes y para traducción automática griego - español

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    Descripció del recurs: el 22-06-2011Esta tesis doctoral presenta el diccionario monolingüe coordinado de griego moderno y sus aplicaciones a la enseñanza/aprendizaje del griego como lengua extranjera por parte de hispanohablantes y a la traducción automática griego-español. El trabajo en sí se divide en seis partes. En la introducción, presentamos los vínculos de este proyecto con el ámbito del procesamiento del lenguaje natural (PLN). El primer capítulo está dedicado al marco teórico de nuestro estudio. El segundo capítulo describe la integración de nuestro trabajo lexicográfico a la plataforma NooJ. En el tercer capítulo, se hace una revisión de la lexicografía bilingüe y de los sistemas de traducción automática griego-español existentes en la actualidad. El cuarto capítulo aborda la construcción y las aplicaciones de nuestros diccionarios pedagógicos: del pasivo DicoGLEesp y del activo DicoGLEesa. El quinto capítulo presenta un inventario de pragmatemas griegos. El capítulo sexto y último presenta una guía de redacción del griego como lengua controlada y la traducción automàtica griego-español basada en reglas de mensajes de alerta. En el epílogo, resumimos las conclusiones y las posibles perspectivas de nuestro trabajo.The present doctoral dissertation studies the applications of the monolingual coordinated dictionary of Modern Greek to teaching/learning Greek as a foreign language by Spanish speakers and to Greek-Spanish automatic translation. More particularly, this study is divided in six parts. In the introduction, this project is associated with the framework of natural language processing. The subject of the first chapter consists of the presentation of the theoretical framework of our study. In the second chapter, the integration of our lexicographical work to the NooJ program is described. In the third chapter, we present a review of the Greek-Spanish bilingual lexicography and of the Greek- Spanish automatic translation systems. In the fourth chapter, we describe the construction and the applications of our pedagogical dictionaries: of the passive DicoGLEesp and the active DicoGLEesa. In the fifth chapter, an inventory of Greek pragmatemes is presented. In the sixth chapter, we present the redaction guide of Greek as controlled language and the rule based automatic translation of alert messages. Finally, in the epilogue, the drawn conclusions and the perspectives of this work are outlined

    Γλωσσική υποχώρηση και γλωσσική επιβίωση. Το παράδειγμα των ιδιωμάτων της Βιθυνίας

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    The present paper discusses the dialects of a part of Bithynia, Asia Minor, in an effort to report on the way in which the evolutionary process of the area’s dialects was affected by the peculiar multinational environment first of Asia Minor and later of Greece. In this context we present the sociolinguistic parameters that have affected the aforementioned dialects so as to show how and for what reasons language resists in unfavourable linguistic environments and under adverse sociohistorical circumstances (Asia Minor – Ottoman environment). Next, we examine to what extent and how the creation of the Greek state and the "unified national language" in the 19th century affected the course of the evolution of these dialects in Asia Minor, and lastly, we explore how language resistance mechanisms are inactivated in a theoretically "friendlier" linguistic environment, such as that of the Greek territory in this case. It should be noted that the age-old evolution of these dialects in Asia Minor was interrupted due to their users’ emigration and dispersal in Greece in 1922. The dialects of Bithynia followed the downward course of all language varieties that strive to coexist with the current "official national language." The conditions of their attenuation acted somewhat deterministically in the context of the frequently problematic rationale of an assimilative national policy. Today, once again, in the new globalized society, similar pressures are exerted to form a unified language as a tool of communication and not of expression, and subsequently to impose a kind of "monolingualism." However, outside and beyond any form of ethno-romantic nostalgia, it is necessary and imperative to encourage the maintenance of linguistic diversity, as it is connected with two basic needs: (a) on the one hand the ability of the speaker, in language practice, to draw elements from more than one languages or varieties without being stigmatized by negative attitudes and feelings of inferiority and disparagement concerning his/her mother tongue, and (b) on the other hand the need to be tuned in to a more general demand of advanced societies, which is now a political one, namely the self-evident protection of their citizens’ right to identity determination choices

    Film festivals towards a hybrid form: Challenges and opportunities

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    Beginning after WWII film festivals have created their own network and ecosystem and they have proved themselves as vital nodes of the film industry. Although the systematic academic research on film festivals is at its early stage, the crisis of covid-19 posed new challenges to both organizers and researchers. The aim of this study is to document the reactions of festival organizers to that crisis, identify how digital technology contributed to that process and recognize factors that affect the process. Also, attention has been paid to the influence that hybrid form had on the film festival product, thus the atmosphere and the experience of a film festival. To answer these questions, six in-depth interviews with festival organizers were conducted. These organizers are involved in the management of seven different festivals, which also have been analysed through secondary data. The analysis has shown that internal factors had a significant influence on organizers reaction to the crisis, while external factors also determined to a high degree the strategy that festivals will follow. The necessity of digital technology introduction and hybridity in festivals’ delivery didn’t extinguish the festival atmosphere but created a different one. The study suggests that there are positive ramifications and opportunities of the hybrid form but, while the crisis is ongoing, it is yet to find out how the film festival industry will use the new know-how in a post-covid era.Após a 2ª Guerra Mundial, os festivais de films criaram-se e ao seu próprio network e ecosistema, demostrando serem um núcle vital da indústria de films. Embora a investigação relativa aos festivais de films esteja ainda numa fase embrionária, a crise do covid-19 trouxe novos desafios tanto a organizadores como a investigadores.Este estudo visa analisar as reacções dos organizadores dos festivais de filmes à crise Covid-19, identificando como a tecnologia digital contribuiu para este processo e quais os factores determinantes. Ainda, foi dada atenção à influência do formato híbrido no produto festival de filme, nomeadamente na atmosfera e experiência do festival. Para responder a estas questões de pesquisa, realizaram-se seis entrevistas em profundidade com os organizadores. Estes geriram sete diferentes festivais, cuja informação secundária foi também complementarmente analisada. A análise demonstrou que os factores internos influenciaram a reação dos organizadores à crise pandémica, enquanto os factores externos também determinaram fortemente a estratégia a seguir pelo festival. A necessidade de ter tecnologia digital e a forma híbrida da prestação do serviço não eliminaram a atmosfera do festival, mas criaram uma outra diferente. O estudo sugere que há ramificações positivas e oportunidades pelo formato híbrido, mas, enquanto a crise persiste, é, contudo, preciso perceber como o sector de festivais de filmes usará o novo know-how na era post-covid

    Probing the adult initial state of non-native Greek: a case study*

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    This is a case study on the initial state of Greek as a second language within the Universal Grammar framework. We administered three oral and four written tasks to an adult Italian-English bilingual with little exposure to Greek. The results showed above chance-level performance on subject-verb agreement and on articles across tasks, indicating the presence of the functional categories Inflection and Determiner. These results support Schwartz and Sprouse’s (1994) ‘Full Transfer/Full Access’ hypothesis and disprove theories which suggest that that the mental grammar of the L2 initial state contains lexical categories only (Vainikka Young‑Scholten 1994). However, the findings revealed low scores in nominal agreement, suggesting that this a problematic area in L2 Greek

    Reconsidering urban development: the role of local self-organized groups in urban open green space upgrade

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    In the city of Thessaloniki, the co-creation of ‘an inclusive city’, which will ‘empower citizens and community-led projects... and enable co- creation in open and public spaces’, appears as one of the four main goals of the Resilience Strategy of the city, ‘Thessaloniki 2030’, published in 2017. Within this frame, and in conjunction with the need of open green spaces that Thessaloniki has, this paper is an attempt to identify and highlight the contribution of design self-organized groups to the upgrade of the urban environment of the city of Thessaloniki. This study focuses on the design team of Ev Zin (Ευ Ζην), an initiative of a group of students from the School of Spatial Planning and Development, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Aristotle’s University main campus occupies a large area within the city of Thessaloniki. This campus, particularly its various open spaces appear to be in a general degraded state, frequently used for delinquent activities. A group of students decided to act and to focus on the upgrade of the open green spaces of the campus, starting from a specific green space, situated at a focal point/crossroads within the campus. These students formed the Ev Zin group. This paper will be, hence, discussing the conditions that led to the degradation of the campus and the area around it, the formation of this team and its development, but more importantly the efforts of the Ev Zin group towards the upgrading of the campus, as well as the mobilization that these efforts have created, particularly concerning the principal formal stakeholders, mainly the Aristotle University’s authorities and the Attiko Metro authorities, the company constructing the underground stations at the university

    Conceptualising ‘macro-regions’: Viewpoints and tools beyond NUTS classification

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    Definitions are imposed but properties not. The basic question addressed by this paper is how to ‘detect’ objective socio-economic spatial structures instead of ‘defining’ them arbitrarily. The NUTS classification model is rather arbitrary. Not only have the administrative units been structured through ‘accidental’ historical conditions but the reliability of the measurement of the population in an area is disputable as long as the mobility is strengthened and the ‘usual residence’ becomes more and more vague. Concerning the auxiliary criteria, they are also heterogeneous and are rather perceptions imposed by decision makers than physical entities. The quantitative network analysis (QNA) approach is suggested as a tool to detect macro-structures regarded as socio-economic and natural infrastructure of a ‘macro-region’. This is based on algebraic analysis of a number of variables such as flows of people migration, financial means, information, commodities, bio-diversity elements and parameters of the new relationship between urban and rural areas. In this paper, by using algorithms of QNA, such as Density of flows or Betweenness centrality of places, ‘denser’ networks of flows among places or more ‘central’ places can be differentiated from others, and thus can be used for a more substantial demarcation of ‘macro-regions’

    The Impact of Vocabulary Instruction on the Vocabulary Knowledge and Writing Performance of Third Grade Students

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    I examined the effects of vocabulary instruction in theme-related words on students' knowledge of these words, knowledge about the themes, use of these words in their writing, and quality of their writing. Thirty-one third graders, identified as average and below average writers, based on their pre-intervention scores on the Test of Written Language-3 (Hammill & Larsen, 1996) participated in this study. Participants were randomly assigned to two treatment groups; an experimental that received instruction on adventure and mystery words, and a control, minimal-treatment that did not receive vocabulary instruction on these words. Vocabulary instruction was delivered over two consecutive weeks (six sessions) for each set of words and consisted of activities such as story reading and writing, sentence completion, vocabulary card games, and review sessions. Students in the control condition were introduced to adventure and mystery through reading and writing activities during two instructional sessions for each theme. The effects of vocabulary instruction were assessed using: (a) a multiple-choice vocabulary test used to assess students' vocabulary learning; (b) a story writing task used to determine whether vocabulary instruction resulted in better writing quality ratings and larger number of instructional words included in students' adventures and mysteries, and (c) a knowledge telling task where students were asked to tell everything they knew about adventures and mysteries. Additionally, a social acceptability inventory was administered to all experimental students to assess whether the instruction implemented was perceived as socially acceptable for learning adventure and mystery words. Analysis revealed several statistically significant findings. Vocabulary instruction enhanced students' knowledge of adventure and mystery words taught (eta squared, 0.937 and 0.905), the use of mystery words taught in students' writing (eta squared, 0.293) and the writing quality of students' mystery stories (eta squared, 0.183). Vocabulary instruction was also perceived as socially acceptable for learning new adventure and mystery words and enhancing students' vocabulary and writing performance about both themes. More research is needed to examine the relationship between vocabulary instruction in theme-related words, knowledge about the theme, and writing about the theme. Limitations of the present study and directions for future research are also discussed