57 research outputs found

    Cambios en las pautas del consumo energético en la industria guipuzcoana (1862-1925)

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    This paper establishes the changes of energy consumption patterns electrification of the industry of Guipuzcoa, one of the most industrialized regions of Spain, using wide point of view: when and how energy change occurred, who and how funded given its corporate structure covered by a dense network of family and social relationships. We have used the census and industrial statistics of three crucial moments: the 1862 in the first industrialization, the 1908 at the beginning of the electrification of industry and the statistic 1923/24, which shows the industrial structure of the province after the First World War. This work has been completed the analysis of the investment structure through entries in the Mercantile Companies Registry. The Guipuzcoan industrialization followed by an energy model based on the use of water resources and hydro power first as a primary force and later converted into electricity. The low cost of energy generated in the Basque province as well as the regional business class were responsible for the extraordinary diffusion of electricity. They promoted the integration of its own power plant in the factory and looked for funding through a dense personal or corporate network.El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el cambio en las pautas de consumo energético de la industria en Guipúzcoa, una de las regiones más industrializadas de España, desde una perspectiva amplia: cuándo y de qué forma se produjo el cambio energético; cómo afectó a la estructura industrial de la región; quién y cómo lo financió, teniendo en cuenta la tupida red de relaciones familiares y sociales que conformaban su tejido empresarial. Para ello hemos utilizado los censos y estadísticas industriales en tres momentos cruciales: 1862, durante la primera industrialización; 1908, en los inicios de la electrificación de la industria, y 1923/1924, durante la expansión económica que siguió a la Primera Guerra Mundial. El trabajo se ha completado con el análisis exhaustivo de la estructura de la inversión a través de las anotaciones del Registro Mercantil. La industrialización guipuzcoana siguió un modelo energético basado en el aprovechamiento de sus recursos hídricos, primero como fuerza hidromecánica y más tarde transformada en electricidad. Los bajos costes de la energía generada en la provincia vasca así como el dinamismo de su clase empresarial fueron los responsables de la extraordinaria difusión de la electricidad al fomentar la integración de su propia central en la fábrica y buscar una financiación endógena a través de una tupida red de relaciones personales o societarias

    Parsimonious scenario for the emergence of viroid-like replicons de novo

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Viroid-2018: International Conference on Viroids and Viroid-Like RNAs.Viroids are small, non-coding, circular RNA molecules that infect plants. Different hypotheses for their evolutionary origin have been put forward, such as an early emergence in a precellular RNA World or several de novo independent evolutionary origins in plants. Here, we discuss the plausibility of de novo emergence of viroid-like replicons by giving theoretical support to the likelihood of different steps along a parsimonious evolutionary pathway. While Avsunviroidae-like structures are relatively easy to obtain through evolution of a population of random RNA sequences of fixed length, rod-like structures typical of Pospiviroidae are difficult to fix. Using different quantitative approaches, we evaluated the likelihood that RNA sequences fold into a rod-like structure and bear specific sequence motifs facilitating interactions with other molecules, e.g., RNA polymerases, RNases, and ligases. By means of numerical simulations, we show that circular RNA replicons analogous to Pospiviroidae emerge if evolution is seeded with minimal circular RNAs that grow through the gradual addition of nucleotides. Further, these rod-like replicons often maintain their structure if independent functional modules are acquired that impose selective constraints. The evolutionary scenario we propose here is consistent with the structural and biochemical properties of viroids described to date.P.C. is supported by a Ramón Areces Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship. The Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades-FEDER funds of the European Union support Projects BASIC (PGC2018-098186-B-I00, J.A.C. and P.C.), MiMevo (FIS2017-89773-P, S.M.), and EvolSysVir (BFU2015-65037-P, S.F.E.)

    Fetal Transient Skin Edema in Two Pregnant Women With Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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    Altres ajuts: Funding was provided for the Gesta-COVID19 Study by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (PR(AMI)181/2020) (ISCIII's reference: COV20/00188).Fetal skin edema in the second trimester might be associated with maternal coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The risk of vertical transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection remains unknown. Positive reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test results for SARS-CoV-2 infection in neonates and placental tissue have been reported, and immunoglobulin M antibodies have been detected in neonates born to mothers with infection. The first case is a woman at 22 3/7 weeks of gestation with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) who was admitted to the intensive care unit. In the second case, the patient remained at home with mild symptoms, starting at 20 weeks of gestation. In both cases, fetal skin edema was observed on ultrasound examination while maternal SARS-COV-2 RT-PCR test results were positive and resolved when maternal SARS-COV-2 RT-PCR test results became negative. The RT-PCR test result for SARS-CoV-2 in amniotic fluid was negative in both cases. The two pregnancies are ongoing and uneventful. Transient fetal skin edema noted in these two patients with COVID-19 in the second trimester may represent results of fetal infection or altered fetal physiology due to maternal disease or may be unrelated to the maternal illness

    Prospeccion en Conducta Vacacional del Profesional Aleman, con especial enfasis hacia el Turismo Rural en la Septima Region del Maule. Caso: Docentes y personal administrativo de la Universidad Georg-August de Gottingen, Alemania

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    145 p.La llegada de turistas extranjeros específicamente del continente europeo a la Región del Maule se ha incrementado a través de los años, constituyendo un mercado atractivo pero aun desconocido en cuanto a la conducta del turista, atributos buscados, entre otros aspectos; estudios realizados por SERNATUR han concluido que el turista alemán presenta un nivel de gasto atractivo para el sector turístico y que ha aumentado la demanda de turismo rural esta en desarrollo, por esta razón se necesita crear una oferta atractiva dirigida al mercado en estudio. En este contexto el capitulo I del estudio presenta los lineamientos que justifican y originan el estudio, el capitulo II presentan el marco referencial y conceptual que permite entender el desarrollo de la actividad turística, así Como los antecedentes del mercado en estudio, luego se presentan los objetivos planteados para el estudio lo que permite entregar una visión preliminar que facilita la comprensión de este. Esta prospección se enfoca al segmento de profesionales alemanes, para esto se trabajo con el caso de los profesionales de la universidad George August de Gottingen, Alemania. La metodología se compone de una etapa cualitativa llevada a cabo a través de entrevistas personales a alemanes residentes en Chile, en las cuales se consulto acerca del comportamiento vacacional, las entrevistas con empresarios turísticos de la región permitió determinar la calidad del servicio e infraestructura existente y la creación de un prototipo de producto para ser presentado con el instrumento de medición aplicado. Con la investigación cualitativa se estructuro un cuestionario que posteriormente fue traducido, piloteado y validado, este se aplico en los campus de la universidad alemana durante marzo y abril (2002). El análisis de la información recolectada fue analizada en el capitulo V, en el estudio se concluye que existe un alto interés por practicar turismo rural por parte del segmento profesional, y que existe una actitud positiva hacia el producto turístico del Maule, esto contrastado con la conducta actual del turista hace que este mercado sea atractivo de alcanzar, en términos económicos seria un aporte al ingreso regional dado la alta propensión a pagar que expresan, se propone promover un producto bien diseñado a través de Internet y catálogos de viajes distribuidos en agencias de viajes alemanas. Palabras claves del estudio: Turismo, Turismo Rural, Mercado alemán, Motivación, Percepción, Propensión de pago, Conducta, Intención, Atributos , Canal de compra, Medios de Información, Mezcla de Medios


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    La cistitis sabulosa es una patología sumamente infrecuente en la especie equina. Además de tener una escasa prevalencia, se manifiesta con sintomatología muy variada, por lo que en muchos casos es complicado diagnosticarla o cuando se consigue hacerlo ya se encuentra en un estadio muy avanzado y no puede instaurarse un tratamiento eficaz. Debido a la escasa presentación de esta patología se decide hacer una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica consultando los artículos disponibles en un amplio periodo de tiempo. Al mismo tiempo se ilustra el trabajo con la descripción de un caso clínico atendido en el HVUZ. En el caso se presenta una animal que es remitido al HVUZ con puntuales episodios de incontinencia urinaria, por lo que es sometido a diversas pruebas diagnósticas entre ellas ecografía transrectal, cistoscopia y toma de biopsia, las cuales no concluyen en un diagnóstico definitivo. Sin embargo, antes de obtener los resultados de todas las pruebas diagnósticas previas, el caballo evoluciona desfavorablemente en un escaso periodo de tiempo hasta el punto de volver a ser remitido de urgencias debido a una grave peritonitis provocada por una perforación vesical. La cercanía en el tiempo entre la toma de biopsia y la perforación vesical hacen sospechar de una relación causa-efecto entre ambos sucesos. Los hallazgos de necropsia confirman una vejiga gravemente deteriorada como consecuencia de la cistitis sabulosa

    Clinical effectiveness of routine first-trimester combined screening for pre-eclampsia in Spain with the addition of placental growth factor

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    Pre-eclampsia affects 2%-8% of pregnancies and is one of the leading causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. First-trimester screening using an algorithm that combines maternal characteristics, mean arterial blood pressure, uterine artery pulsatility index and biomarkers (pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A and placental growth factor) is the method that achieves a greater diagnostic accuracy. It has been shown that daily salicylic acid administration before 16 weeks in women at a high risk for pre-eclampsia can reduce the incidence of preterm pre-eclampsia. However, no previous studies have evaluated the impact of routine first-trimester combined screening for pre-eclampsia with placental growth factor after being implemented in the clinical practice. This was a multicenter cohort study conducted in eight different maternities across Spain. Participants in the reference group were prospectively recruited between October 2015 and September 2017. Participants in the study group were retrospectively recruited between March 2019 and May 2021. Pre-eclampsia risk was calculated between 11 +0 and 13 +6 weeks using the Gaussian algorithm combining maternal characteristics, mean arterial pressure, uterine arteries pulsatility index, pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A and placental growth factor. Patients with a risk greater than 1/170 were prescribed daily salicylic acid 150 mg until 36 weeks. Patients in the reference group did not receive salicylic acid during gestation. A significant reduction was observed in preterm pre-eclampsia (OR 0.47; 95% CI: 0.30-0.73), early-onset (<34 weeks) pre-eclampsia (OR 0.35; 95% CI: 0.16-0.77), preterm small for gestational age newborn (OR 0.57; 95% CI: 0.40-0.82), spontaneous preterm birth (OR 0.72; 95% CI: 0.57-0.90), and admission to intensive care unit (OR 0.55; 95% CI: 0.37-0.81). A greater treatment adherence resulted in a significant reduction in adverse outcomes. Routine first-trimester screening for pre-eclampsia with placental growth factor leads to a reduction in preterm pre-eclampsia and other pregnancy complications. Aspirin treatment compliance has a great impact on the effectiveness of this screening program. Routine first-trimester combined screening for pre-eclampsia in Spain with the addition of placental growth factor resulted in a significant reduction of pre-eclampsia and other pregnancy complications

    Leptin induces cell migration and invasion in a FAK-Src- dependent manner in breast cancer cells

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    Breast cancer is the most common invasive neoplasia, and the second leading cause of the cancer deaths in women worldwide. Mammary tumorigenesis is severely linked to obesity, one potential connection is leptin. Leptin is a hormone secreted by adipocytes, which contributes to the progression of breast cancer. Cell migration, metalloproteases secretion, and invasion are cellular processes associated with various stages of metastasis. These processes are regulated by the kinases FAK and Src. In this study, we utilized the breast cancer cell lines MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 to determine the effect of leptin on FAK and Src kinases activation, cell migration, metalloprotease secretion, and invasion. We found that leptin activates FAK and Src, and induces the localization of FAK to the focal adhesions. Interestingly, leptin promotes the activation of FAK through a Src and STAT3-dependent canonical pathway. Specific inhibitors of FAK, Src and STAT3 showed that the effect exerted by leptin in cell migration in breast cancer cells is dependent on these proteins. Moreover, we established that leptin promotes the secretion of the extracellular matrix remodelers, MMP-2 and MMP-9 and invasion in a FAK and Src dependent manner. Our findings strongly suggest that leptin promotes the development of a more aggressive invasive phenotype in mammary cancer cells

    An umbrella review of candidate predictors of response, remission, recovery, and relapse across mental disorders

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    We aimed to identify diagnosis-specific/transdiagnostic/transoutcome multivariable candidate predictors (MCPs) of key outcomes in mental disorders. We conducted&nbsp;an umbrella review (protocol&nbsp; link ), searching MEDLINE/Embase (19/07/2022), including systematic reviews of studies reporting on MCPs of response, remission, recovery, or relapse, in DSM/ICD-defined mental disorders. From published predictors, we filtered MCPs, validating MCP criteria. AMSTAR2/PROBAST measured quality/risk of bias of systematic reviews/individual studies. We included 117 systematic reviews, 403 studies, 299,888 individuals with mental disorders, testing 796 prediction models. Only 4.3%/1.2% of the systematic reviews/individual studies were at low risk of bias. The most frequently targeted outcome was remission (36.9%), the least frequent was recovery (2.5%). Studies mainly focused on depressive (39.4%), substance-use (17.9%), and schizophrenia-spectrum (11.9%) disorders. We identified numerous MCPs within disorders for response, remission and relapse, but none for recovery. Transdiagnostic MCPs of remission included lower disease-specific symptoms (disorders = 5), female sex/higher education (disorders = 3), and&nbsp;quality of life/functioning (disorders = 2). Transdiagnostic MCPs of relapse included higher disease-specific symptoms (disorders = 5), higher depressive symptoms (disorders = 3), and younger age/higher anxiety symptoms/global illness severity/ number of previous episodes/negative life events (disorders = 2). Finally, positive trans-outcome MCPs for depression included less negative life events/depressive symptoms (response, remission, less relapse), female sex (response, remission) and better functioning (response, less relapse); for schizophrenia, less positive symptoms/higher depressive symptoms (remission, less relapse); for substance use disorder, marital status/higher education (remission, less relapse). Male sex, younger age, more clinical symptoms and comorbid mental/physical symptoms/disorders were poor prognostic factors, while positive factors included social contacts and employment, absent negative life events, higher education, early access/intervention, lower disease-specific and comorbid mental and physical symptoms/conditions, across mental disorders. Current data limitations include high risk of bias of studies and extraction of single predictors from multivariable models. Identified MCPs can inform future development, validation or refinement of prediction models of key outcomes in mental disorders

    Advances in Lead-Free Piezoelectric Materials for Sensors and Actuators

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    Piezoelectrics have widespread use in today’s sensor and actuator technologies. However, most commercially available piezoelectric materials, e.g., Pb [ZrxTi1−x] O3 (PZT), are comprised of more than 60 weight percent lead (Pb). Due to its harmful effects, there is a strong impetus to identify new lead-free replacement materials with comparable properties to those of PZT. This review highlights recent developments in several lead-free piezoelectric materials including BaTiO3, Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3, K0.5Bi0.5TiO3, Na0.5K0.5NbO3, and their solid solutions. The factors that contribute to strong piezoelectric behavior are described and a summary of the properties for the various systems is provided

    A Comprehensive Biomarker Analysis of Microsatellite Unstable/Mismatch Repair Deficient Colorectal Cancer Cohort Treated with Immunotherapy

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    Biomarkers; Colorectal cancer; ImmunotherapyBiomarcadors; Càncer colorectal; ImmunoteràpiaBiomarcadores; Cáncer colorrectal; InmunoterapiaThe search for immunotherapy biomarkers in Microsatellite Instability High/Deficient Mismatch Repair system (MSI-H/dMMR) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) is an unmet need. Sixteen patients with mCRC and MSI-H/dMMR (determined by either immunohistochemistry or polymerase chain reaction) treated with PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors at our institution were included. According to whether the progression-free survival with PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors was longer than 6 months or shorter, patients were clustered into the IT-responder group (n: 9 patients) or IT-resistant group (n: 7 patients), respectively. In order to evaluate determinants of benefit with PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors, we performed multimodal analysis including genomics (through NGS panel tumour-only with 431 genes) and the immune microenvironment (using CD3, CD8, FOXP3 and PD-L1 antibodies). The following mutations were more frequent in IT-resistant compared with IT-responder groups: B2M (4/7 versus 2/9), CTNNB1 (2/7 versus 0/9), and biallelic PTEN (3/7 versus 1/9). Biallelic ARID1A mutations were found exclusively in the IT-responder group (4/9 patients). Tumour mutational burden did not correlate with immunotherapy benefit, neither the rate of indels in homopolymeric regions. Of note, biallelic ARID1A mutated tumours had the highest immune infiltration and PD-L1 scores, contrary to tumours with CTNNB1 mutation. Immune microenvironment analysis showed higher densities of different T cell subpopulations and PD-L1 expression in IT-responders. Misdiagnosis of MSI-H/dMMR inferred by discordances between immunohistochemistry and polymerase chain reaction was only found in the IT-resistant population (3/7 patients). Biallelic ARID1A mutations and Wnt signalling activation through CTNNB1 mutation were associated with high and low T cell immune infiltrates, respectively, and deserve special attention as determinants of response to PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors. The non-MSI-H phenotype in dMMR is associated with poor benefit to immunotherapy. Our results suggest that mechanisms of resistance to immunotherapy are multi-factorial.This research was funded by Merck Research Grants (Call 2018) in the Area of Colorectal Cancer Clinical Investigation