12 research outputs found

    Experiencia Marketing

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    Este libro aborda la metodología utilizada por la cátedra Administración de la Comercialización I, en el desarrollo del Programa Experiencia Marketing. - El Capítulo 2 “Convocatoria y propuesta de trabajo” explica el proceso de convocatoria y selección de las organizaciones participantes del Programa. Se describen los distintos medios que se utilizan para contactarse con las organizaciones, la explicación del programa y cómo se las motiva a participar. Asimismo, se comenta la forma de recibir y clasificar las solicitudes y se detallan los criterios de evaluación para la selección de los casos. Finalmente, el capítulo explica las consideraciones que se tienen en cuenta en el armado de la propuesta de trabajo y la conformación de equipos. - El Capítulo 3 “Conocimiento del negocio y tendencias” relata la primera etapa del trabajo, que implica comprender cabalmente el negocio/ sector en el que la organización seleccionada desarrolla su actividad comercial. Esta etapa termina con un informe escrito sobre dichos aspectos. En el capítulo se detalla cuál es el objetivo de analizar esta información, cómo definir el negocio, cómo identificar las variables a incluir en el análisis, modelos para resumir la información, modelos de informes, entre otras cuestiones. - En el Capítulo 4 “Conocer a la empresa u organización: Perfil interno” se detallan los aspectos teóricos que incluye el análisis del perfil interno de una empresa u organización (historia, misión, visión, objetivos, etc.). Se describen diferentes herramientas para obtener dicha información como entrevistas, encuestas, planillas de relevamiento, entre otras. Se presentan distintos modelos de diagnóstico y la manera de elaborar hipótesis sobre el problema a trabajar. Todo acompañado con ejemplos de informes reales. A su vez, se comentan los contactos de los alumnos con el/ la dirigente, empresario/a o miembro de la organización participante designado como líder del proyecto. - El Capítulo 5 “Consumidor” parte del resultado del informe de tendencias y de perfil interno para, desde allí, definir la información a relevar sobre el consumidor actual o potencial. En dicho capítulo se explican distintos modelos teóricos y cómo se obtiene la información para desarrollarlos. Se detallan herramientas de relevamiento (encuestas y entrevistas) y de procesamiento de información (tablas dinámicas). Se plantean recomendaciones para el desarrollo del informe y sus conclusiones. Finalmente, se detallan lineamientos sobre la presentación de información gráfica. - En el Capítulo 6 “Competencia” se presentan aspectos teóricos sobre la definición de los competidores a analizar y cómo seleccionarlos. Se describen diferentes modelos de análisis y las herramientas para relevar la información requerida. Se especifican lineamientos sobre cómo organizar la información y presentar las conclusiones. - El Capítulo 7 “Cuadro de situación y recomendaciones” presenta diferentes modelos para describir la situación actual de la empresa u organización. Se describe la relación entre los tres ejes analizados y las tendencias del sector, y cómo presentar esa relación en los diferentes modelos. A su vez, se describe cómo pasar de las conclusiones de cada modelo a recomendaciones concretas. Se detallan recomendaciones sobre la presentación escrita del informe y la presentación oral con soporte visual. - El capítulo final, Capítulo 8 “Presentación al cliente” aborda cómo realizar una presentación efectiva. Detalla los aspectos del cliente a tener en cuenta y los temas más importantes a considerar en el armado de la presentación.Facultad de Ciencias Económica

    An alternative model for the early peopling of Southern South America revealed by analyses of three mitochondrial DNA haplogroups

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    After several years of research, there is now a consensus that America was populated from Asia through Beringia, probably at the end of the Pleistocene. But many details such as the timing, route(s), and origin of the first settlers remain uncertain. In the last decade genetic evidence has taken on a major role in elucidating the peopling of the Americas. To study the early peopling of South America, we sequenced the control region of mitochondrial DNA from 300 individuals belonging to indigenous populations of Chile and Argentina, and also obtained seven complete mitochondrial DNA sequences. We identified two novel mtDNA monophyletic clades, preliminarily designated B2l and C1b13, which together with the recently described D1g sub-haplogroup have locally high frequencies and are basically restricted to populations from the extreme south of South America. The estimated ages of D1g and B2l, about ∼ 15,000 years BP, together with their similar population dynamics and the high haplotype diversity shown by the networks, suggests that they probably appeared soon after the arrival of the first settlers and agrees with the dating of the earliest archaeological sites in South America (Monte Verde, Chile, 14,500 BP). One further sub-haplogroup, D4h3a5, appears to be restricted to Fuegian-Patagonian populations and reinforces our hypothesis of the continuity of the current Patagonian populations with the initial founders. Our results indicate that the extant native populations inhabiting South Chile and Argentina are a group which had a common origin, and suggest a population break between the extreme south of South America and the more northern part of the continent. Thus the early colonization process was not just an expansion from north to south, but also included movements across the Andes.Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Celula

    FSR 1716: A New Milky Way Globular Cluster Confirmed Using VVV RR Lyrae Stars

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    We use deep multi-epoch near-IR images of the VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea (VVV) Survey to search for RR Lyrae stars toward the Southern Galactic plane. Here, we report the discovery of a group of RR Lyrae stars close together in VVV tile d025. Inspection of the VVV images and PSF photometry reveals that most of these stars are likely to belong to a globular cluster that matches the position of the previously known star cluster FSR 1716. The stellar density map of the field yields a >100? detection for this candidate globular cluster that is centered at equatorial coordinates R.A. J2000 = 16:10:30.0, decl. J2000 = ?53:44:56 and galactic coordinates l = 329.77812, b = ?1.59227. The color–magnitude diagram of this object reveals a well-populated red giant branch, with a prominent red clump at K s = 13.35 ± 0.05, and J ? K s = 1.30 ± 0.05. We present the cluster RR Lyrae positions, magnitudes, colors, periods, and amplitudes. The presence of RR Lyrae indicates an old globular cluster, with an age >10 Gyr. We classify this object as an Oosterhoff type I globular cluster, based on the mean period of its RR Lyrae type ab, P=0.540\langle P\rangle =0.540 days, and argue that this is a relatively metal-poor cluster with [Fe/H] = ?1.5 ± 0.4 dex. The mean extinction and reddening for this cluster are AKs=0.38±0.02{A}_{{K}_{s}}=0.38\pm 0.02 and E(J ? K s ) = 0.72 ± 0.02 mag, respectively, as measured from the RR Lyrae colors and the near-IR color–magnitude diagram. We also measure the cluster distance using the RR Lyrae type ab stars. The cluster mean distance modulus is (m ? M)0 = 14.38 ± 0.03 mag, implying a distance D = 7.5 ± 0.2 kpc and a Galactocentric distance R G = 4.3 kpc

    The Role of Molecular Imaging in Patients with Brain Metastases: A Literature Review

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    Over the last several years, molecular imaging has gained a primary role in the evaluation of patients with brain metastases (BM). Therefore, the “Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology” (RANO) group recommends amino acid radiotracers for the assessment of BM. Our review summarizes the current use of positron emission tomography (PET) radiotracers in patients with BM, ranging from present to future perspectives with new PET radiotracers, including the role of radiomics and potential theranostics approaches. A comprehensive search of PubMed results was conducted. All studies published in English up to and including December 2022 were reviewed. Current evidence confirms the important role of amino acid PET radiotracers for the delineation of BM extension, for the assessment of response to therapy, and particularly for the differentiation between tumor progression and radionecrosis. The newer radiotracers explore non-invasively different biological tumor processes, although more consistent findings in larger clinical trials are necessary to confirm preliminary results. Our review illustrates the role of molecular imaging in patients with BM. Along with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the gold standard for diagnosis of BM, PET is a useful complementary technique for processes that otherwise cannot be obtained from anatomical MRI alone

    An Alternative Model for the Early Peopling of Southern South America Revealed by Analyses of Three Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups

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    <div><p>After several years of research, there is now a consensus that America was populated from Asia through Beringia, probably at the end of the Pleistocene. But many details such as the timing, route(s), and origin of the first settlers remain uncertain. In the last decade genetic evidence has taken on a major role in elucidating the peopling of the Americas. To study the early peopling of South America, we sequenced the control region of mitochondrial DNA from 300 individuals belonging to indigenous populations of Chile and Argentina, and also obtained seven complete mitochondrial DNA sequences. We identified two novel mtDNA monophyletic clades, preliminarily designated B2l and C1b13, which together with the recently described D1g sub-haplogroup have locally high frequencies and are basically restricted to populations from the extreme south of South America. The estimated ages of D1g and B2l, about ∼15,000 years BP, together with their similar population dynamics and the high haplotype diversity shown by the networks, suggests that they probably appeared soon after the arrival of the first settlers and agrees with the dating of the earliest archaeological sites in South America (Monte Verde, Chile, 14,500 BP). One further sub-haplogroup, D4h3a5, appears to be restricted to Fuegian-Patagonian populations and reinforces our hypothesis of the continuity of the current Patagonian populations with the initial founders. Our results indicate that the extant native populations inhabiting South Chile and Argentina are a group which had a common origin, and suggest a population break between the extreme south of South America and the more northern part of the continent. Thus the early colonization process was not just an expansion from north to south, but also included movements across the Andes.</p> </div

    Network for the C1 haplogroup.

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    <p>The arrow shows the C1b nodal, characterized by rCRS differences at 16223-16298-16325-16327-073-249d-263-290d-291d-315+C-489-493-522d-523d. We also show the C1b13 lineage, characterized by the 258 polymorphism plus C1b core.</p

    Network for the B2 haplogroup.

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    <p>The arrow shows the B2 nodal, characterized by rCRS differences at 16183C-16189-16217-073-263-315+C-499. We show also the new lineage B2l, characterized by the B2 core plus the 470 polymorphism. The northern haplotypes characterized by the 16188 polymorphism and the 455+T insertion are also noted.</p

    Haplogroup linage map for each population studied.

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    <p>Haplogroup A2 is not included, due to its low representation in these populations. Note the large differences in frequency for D1g, B2l and C1b13 between northern and southern populations.</p