123 research outputs found

    Sedentarismo, actividad física y capacidad funcional en la población española

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública y Microbiología. Fecha de lectura: 16-11-2018Este trabajo ha sido financiado por las ayudas a proyectos FIS 12/1166 y 16/609 (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación y FEDER/FSE) así como por la ayuda número 02/2014 del Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad). Durante la realización de esta tesis, Elena Andrade ha disfrutado de una Ayuda para la Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU15/02784) del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España

    Cuidados de enfermería para el abordaje del duelo perinatal según la teoría del duelo disfuncional [evidencia comentada]

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    RESUMEN Referencia del documento de práctica clínica basada en la evidencia: Tejero Vidal LL, Barea Millán, S. Plan de cuidados de enfermería para el abordaje del duelo perinatal según la teoría del duelo disfuncional. Caso clínico. Enferm Clinic. 2023; 33: 149-156 Disponible en: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enfcli.2022.12.00

    Transcranial direct current stimulation for post-stroke dysphagia: a meta-analysis

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    [EN] Background: Strokes may cause some swallowing difficulty or associated dysphagia in 25–80% of patients. This phenomenon has been linked to increased morbidity and mortality. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of transcranial direct current stimulation in patients with dysphagia in post-stroke patients. Methods: A systematic search in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and MEDLINE was conducted. The articles must have to evaluate an intervention that included transcranial direct current stimulation; the sample had to consist exclusively of patients with post-stroke dysphagia; and the experimental design consisted of randomized controlled trial. Difference in mean differences and their 95% confidence interval were calculated as the between-group difference in means divided by the pooled standard deviation. The I2 statistic was used to determine the degree of heterogeneity. Results: Of the 9 investigations analyzed, all applied transcranial direct current stimulation in combination with conventional dysphagia therapy to the experimental group. All the studies analyzed identified improvements in swallowing function and meta-analysis confirmed their strong effect on reducing the risk of penetration and aspiration (Hedges’s g = 0.55). The results showed that participants who received transcranial direct current stimulation significantly improved swallowing function. Conclusions: Transcranial direct current stimulation has positive effects in the treatment of poststroke dysphagia by improving swallowing function, oral and pharyngeal phase times and the risk of penetration and aspiration. Furthermore, its combination with conventional dysphagia therapy, balloon dilatation with catheter or training of the swallowing muscles ensures improvement of swallowing function. PROSPERO registration ID CRD42022314949.S

    Effects on language and verbal fluency of a cognitive stimulation program in older adults: randomized controlled trial

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    The efficacy of cognitive stimulation programs for the elderly is sufficiently documented. However, few studies have addressed the effectiveness of language stimulation programs by cognitive levels in this population. This randomized controlled trial was conducted on 308 participants from a primary care center and followed the CONSORT guidelines. A stratified randomization was carried out. The primary variable was the MEC-35, validated Spanish version of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). The secondary outcome variable was set-test, which evaluates verbal fluency in four categories. These tests were assessed for all outcome measures at baseline, at 10 weeks, at 6 months, and 1 year after the intervention. The intervention consisted of 10 sessions of 45 min/week for 10 weeks through mental activation notebooks that comprehensively work on the different cognitive functions. The results show that the comparisons between the control and intervention group turn out to be significant (p < 0.05) at the three time points. The comprehensive cognitive stimulation program has made it possible to improve the global aspects of cognition, language proficiency, and verbal fluency. To optimize and maintain these results, it is necessary to consider other clinical, functional, psychological, and occupational aspects, as well as related educational aspects, which prevent mild cognitive impairment

    Nursing students bringing first aid to the community

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    AimThis study aimed to evaluate the theoretical and practical skills acquired by nursing students and school students after the service-learning project.MethodsThis study promotes nursing students and school students working together to gain awareness and basic theoretical knowledge of first aid. The learning project was conducted with nursing students (n = 67) and school students (n = 131) from April to June 2022. The nursing students gave scores higher than 8 on the aspects linked to expectations, self-perception, overall assessment, and attainment of the goals, and these results are in line with the qualitative analysis.ResultsMoreover, 100% of the school students reported a satisfactory outcome about the service.ConclusionService-learning is a challenging and motivating methodology for nursing students, which results in greater engagement with theory and practice and the development of essential skills for future professionals

    Cognitive effects of a cognitive stimulation programme on trained domains in older adults with subjective memory complaints: randomised controlled trial

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    Age-related subjective memory complaints (SMC) are a common concern among older adults. However, little is known about the effects of cognitive stimulation (CS) interventions on subjective memory complaints. The aim of this study was to analyse the effectiveness of a CS programme on global cognition and cognitive functions of older adults with SMC. A randomised clinical trial was conducted on older adults with SMC, including 308 participants ≥65 years of age assessed 6 and 12 months after the intervention. The assessment instrument was the Spanish version of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MEC-35), and all domains of the instrument were assessed. For statistical analysis, the data were analysed using robust ANOVA with means truncated at 20% utilising a two-way repeated measures model, with between (groups) and within (measurements) factors. In post hoc tests, a Wilcoxon signed-rank test of exact permutations between groups and Bonferroni correction were applied. In post hoc between-group tests, significant differences were found: (1) post-treatment in MEC-35, temporal orientation, short-term memory (STM), global language and praxis, and language and praxis (p ≤ 0.005); (2) at 6 months in MEC-35, global orientation, temporal orientation, and STM (p = 0.005); (3) at 12 months in MEC-35, global orientation, temporal orientation, STM, global language and praxis, and language (p = 0.005). This study shows benefits in global cognition and orientation, temporal orientation, STM, and language in older adults with SMC

    Psychological and Situational Variables Associated with Objective Knowledge on Water-Related Issues in a Northern Spanish City

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    This study brings together the level of objective knowledge on water-related issues and other variables of psychological and situational nature. A random sample of 459 participants was employed, selected proportionally based on sex and age. In this sample, knowledge on the water-related issues tended to be low, particularly related to the direct source of water in the household, the type of services involved in the management, and consumption itself. In order to understand both the relationship with knowledge on water and the relative importance of all the other factors, a regression model was formulated. The highest standardised effect was for sex, followed by occupation, political leaning, and water-related emotions. The best level of knowledge was attained if the residents were male, if they were actively employed or unemployed, if their political leaning was towards the left, and if they demonstrated greater emotional involvement with the water use. Consequently, the design of programmes would need to consider that the information flow must be greater for citizens as a whole, particularly for certain groups such as women and students. It should contribute to the realistic perception of water as a problem and to seek emotional involvementThis research was funded by VIAQUA, Gestión Integral de Aguas de Galicia, S.A.U.S

    Assessing health science students’ gaming experience: a cross-sectional study

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    Digital gamification applied to university students enrolled in health-related degrees is considered an innovative and beneficial tool that complements traditional teaching.ObjectivesTo analyze the enjoyment experience obtained by university students in the Faculty of Health Sciences and to know the gender differences after participating in a digital game.DesignCross-sectional descriptive study.ParticipantsA total of 156 university students from the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Zaragoza.MethodsThe activity of a digital game took place in the academic year 2021–2022 and was carried out as a teaching innovation project with the final approval of the University of Zaragoza. The tools used were the Spanish version of the Gameful Experience Scale and a self-administered questionnaire on satisfaction and suitability reported by the activity.ResultsA total of 156 students participated with an age of 21.2 ± 6.2 years. The highest score is the enjoyment dimension (4 ± 0.7), and the lowest score is the negative affect dimension (1.5 ± 0.9). Cronbach’s alpha for the whole Gameful Experience Scale was 0.95. There were significant differences in three dimensions of the Gameful Experience Scale: male students had more enjoyment than female students (p = 0.05), enjoyed a greater sense of domination (p = 0.01), and had fewer negative effects (p = 0.0). In the highest corresponding positions it was used for other topics such as learning (m 4.4; SD 0.5), motivation to learn (m 4.1; SD 0.8) or helping memorize concepts (m 4.4).4; SD 0.5).ConclusionGender influences student satisfaction after carrying out a gamification activity, especially after a digital game. The dimensions in which gender differences were found were fun, absence of negative effects, and dominance


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    The main objective of this article is to present the theoretical and practical contributions made in intercultural training dynamic university, exemplifying them in the race for Basic Education, Faculty of Education Sciences, Social, Philosophical and Humanistic State of the Universidad Estatal de Bolivar, Guaranda, Ecuador.Such contributions lie in a model and a strategy to develop the intercultural training dynamic university and the same are intended to reduce a number of shortcomings that showed college students, specifically those of that race, respect for cultural variety, which went against its future performance professional in diverse cultural contexts.Both contributions were submitted to the assessment of specialists, with the favorable criteria thereof as well as students and teachers of the race Basic Education, which asserted that both the model and the strategy developed are relevant and feasible of generalizable to other university courses, which have similar to those detected in the selected career inadequacies.El principal objetivo de este artículo consiste en presentar los aportes teórico-prácticos alcanzados en la dinámica formativa intercultural universitaria, ejemplificando los mismos en la carrera de Educación Básica, de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Sociales, Filosóficas y Humanísticas de la Universidad Estatal de Bolívar, Guaranda, Ecuador. Dichos aportes consisten en un modelo y una estrategia para desarrollar la dinámica formativa intercultural universitaria y los mismos pretenden reducir un conjunto de insuficiencias que evidenciaron estudiantes universitarios, específicamente los de la referida carrera, respecto a la variedad cultural, lo cual atentaba contra su futuro desempeño profesional en contextos culturales diversos.Ambos aportes, fueron sometidos a la valoración de especialistas, contando con los criterios favorables de los mismos así como de los estudiantes y profesores de la carrera Educación Básica, los que aseveraron que tanto el modelo como la estrategia que se desarrollaron, son pertinentes y factibles de generalizarse a otras carreras universitarias que presentan insuficiencias similares a las detectadas en la carrera seleccionada

    Detección de los niveles de madurez de la gestión del conocimiento en el aprendizaje de un curso de programación de ordenadores

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    La presente investigación tiene como objeto determinar cuál es el nivel de madurez de la gestión del conocimiento de un estudiante, mismo que puede ser inicial, conciencia, definido, gestionado u optimizado, basados estos en el Modelo llamado General Knowledge Management Maturity Model (GKMMM) y que inciden en el aprendizaje de un curso introductorio de programación de ordenadores, de las carreras de Ingeniería en Computación, Ingeniería Informática, Ingeniería Biomédica, Ingeniería Electrónica e Ingeniería Civil de los ciclos escolares 2020A y 2020B, para lo cual se implementó y aplicó una encuesta a alumnos, cuyos datos se analizaron e interpretaron de forma automatizada con un sistema diseñado para este fin y que fue denominado "Sistema de Detección de Madurez para Aprender Programación".The present research aims to determine what is maturity level of astudent's knowledge management, which can be initial, repeatable, defined, managed or optimizing, based on the Model called General Knowledge Management Maturity Model (GKMMM) and that affect the learning of an introductory course in computer programming,of the careers of Computer Engineering, Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Electronic Engineering and Civil Engineering of the school cycles 2020A and 2020B, for which a survey of students, whose data were analyzed and interpreted in an automated way with a system designed for this purpose and which was called "System of Detection of Maturity to Learn Programming"