37 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja dan Sarana Prasarana Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Guru di SMP Swasta Se-Kecamatan Patumbak Kabupaten Deliserdang

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the work environment and infrastructure on the work motivation of teachers, either partially or simultaneously. This research is a quantitative  research with survey method and descriptive approach and has a sample of 55 respondents. Determination of the sample using probability sampling technique with simple random sampling method. Data collection techniques were carried out by interviewing, documenting and distributing questionnaires to respondents. While the data processing technique is done by testing the validity, reliability test, data analysis prerequisite test which includes normality test, linearity test, multicollinearity test, autocorrelation test, and heteroscedasticity test, while the data analysis technique is done by correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Hypothesis testing is done by t test (partial), f test (simultaneous), and the coefficient of determination test. The results showed that: 1) the results of the t-test (partial) of the work environment variable obtained the value of tcount (3.063) > ttable (1.675) and Sig 0.000 <0.05. This shows that the work environment has a positive and significant effect on teacher work motivation; 2) the results of the t-test (partial) of the infrastructure variable obtained the value of tcount (3.550) > ttable (1.675) and Sig 0.000 <0.05. This shows that infrastructure has a positive and significant effect on teacher work motivation; 3) the results of the F test (simultaneous) obtained the value of Fcount (102.659) > Ftable (3.18) and Sig 0.000 <0.05. This shows that the work environment and infrastructure together have a positive and significant effect on teacher work motivation. Through the coefficient of determination test, the coefficient of determination is 0.798. This shows that the effect of the work environment and infrastructure together on the work motivation of teachers is 79.8% and the remaining 20.2% is influenced by other factors not included in this study. keyword: infrastructure,  motivation, work environmen

    Interpolation of Low Resolution Images for Improved Accuracy in Human Face Recognition

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    In a wide range of face recognition applications, such as the surveillance camera in law enforcement, it is cannot provide enough resolution of face for recognition. The first part of this research demonstrates the impact of the image resolution on the performance of the face recognition system. The performance of several holistic face recognition algorithms is evaluated for low-resolution face images. For the classification, this research uses k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) and Extreme Learning Machine-based neural network (ELM). The recognition rate of these systems is a function in the image resolution. In the second part of this research, nearest neighbor, bilinear, and bicubic interpolation techniques are applies as a preprocessing step to increase the resolution of the input image to obtain better results. The results show that increasing the image resolution using the mentioned interpolation methods improves the performance of the recognition systems considerably

    Caractérisation du canal de propagation BAN dans un milieu minier

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    Le Body Area Network (BAN) est une technologie de réseau sans fil qui consiste à interconnecter, autour ou sur le corps humain des transmetteurs et des récepteurs afin d’établir une communication sans fil, impliquant le corps humain. À titre d’exemple, ces composants électroniques utilisant des courants de très faible puissance pourraient communiquer avec un centre de commande distant, pour alerter un service d'urgence. Les applications se trouvent principalement dans les domaines de la santé, militaire, et divertissement. Cette technologie (BAN) pourrait être appliquée davantage dans un environnement minier en raison de sa simplicité et sa capacité à fournir des informations utiles telles que la surveillance de l'environnement ou d’état de santé des employés. En effet, les mineurs sont exposés quotidiennement à un certain nombre de risques qui affecte leurs santés. Dans le cadre de ce projet, nous proposons un système BAN efficace qui sera à la fois rentable et simple à utiliser dans une mine souterraine. Ce projet de recherche consiste à déterminer, à la fréquence 2,4 GHz du standard IEEE 802.11, les performances des systèmes de communication SISO (Single Input Single Output) et MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) pour les canaux BAN, en termes de l’étalement des retards (RMS delay spread), l’affaiblissement de parcours, la bande de cohérence et la capacité du canal. Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, une campagne de mesure a été effectuée dans une galerie de la mine CANMET (niveau 40m) en ligne de vue directe (LOS) et en ligne de vue indirecte (NLOS) en utilisant les topologies SISO et MIMO. The Body Area Network (BAN) is a wireless networking technology that consists in interconnecting, on or around the human body, transmitters and receivers to establish wireless communication. For example, electronic components, mounted on the human body, using very low power could communicate with a remote control center to alert an emergency service. The BAN applications are mainly found in the areas of health, military, and entertainment. This technology (BAN) could be applied in a mining environment because of its simplicity and its ability to provide useful information such as environmental conditions and employees’ health status data. In fact, the miners are exposed daily to a number of risks that affect their health. As part of this project, we propose an efficient BAN system ,dedicated to the security of the miners, that is both cost effective and easy to use in an underground mine. This research project consists in determining, at the 2.4 GHz frequency of the IEEE 802.11 standard, the performance of the SISO and MIMO communication systems for BAN channels, in terms of the RMS delay spread, the path loss, the coherence bandwidth and the channel capacity. In order to achieve these objectives, measurement campaigns were carried out in the CANMET mine gallery (40m level) in line of sight (LOS) and no line of sight (NLOS) using SISO and MIMO topologies

    Effect of ethanol and biodiesel addition on the movement and biodegradation of volatile petroleum hydrocarbons in the subsurface

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    The microbial degradation of typical volatile petroleum hydrocarbons in an aerobic sandy soil was studied with and without the blending of 10 percent ethanol (E10) or 20 percent biodiesel (B20) in batch microcosms and minilysimeters. In the head-space of the mini-lysimeters all volatile compounds remained above the analytical detection limits over 92 days except toluene in the pure petroleum hydrocarbon mixture (PP) and ethanol in E10. The mass percentage of each petroleum hydrocarbon compound remaining at the end of the experiments was comparable for all fuel mixtures, except for m-xylene, which was significantly less reduced in E10 as compared to PP and B20. Total cell counts at the end of the experiments were highest for E10 and lowest for PP. DGGE analysis revealed a distinct microbial community structure for each fuel mixture. Batch studies confirmed these observations, in particular slower degradation of toluene in the presence of ethanol. Inorganic nutrient addition to the batch systems resulted in higher total cell counts, more rapid microbial degradation rates and more similar microbial community structures. Under aerobic conditions, competition for scare inorganic nutrients seems to be the most plausible reason for slower monoaromatic hydrocarbon biodegradation in the presence of more readily degradable biofuel.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Political Broker Giving Money and Intimidating in Regional Head Elections in Indonesia

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    The election of regional heads is actually a place to take choices directly by the people or voters in the regions. But in fact, the choice of voters is much influenced, even manipulated by political brokers. This study was conducted to reveal the models of political brokers and their operating patterns in regional head elections in Indonesia. Political brokers have hijacked direct democracy in local elections. The regional head should have a direct contract with the voters, related to the work program at the time of contestation and accountability at the time of election. But the process was hijacked midway by political brokers. Political brokers have long operated in the process in Indonesia, both general elections, presidential elections, village head elections, and regional head elections. This research used descriptive qualitative method. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with informants who were directly involved in the regional head election. From the research conducted, it is found that political brokers in regional head elections in Indonesia are village heads, and community leaders. Political brokers perform their role in two ways. First, by giving money to the head of the electorate. The money comes from regional head candidates who are given by the winning team for regional head candidates for political brokers. The money given by regional head candidates to political brokers consists of money for own political broker and operational money, as well as money to be distributed to voters. Second, political brokers also act to intimidate, threaten and frighten potential voters, if they do not vote for candidates who are supported by political brokers


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    Background: the solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) is a spindle-cell tumor that very rarely involves the orbit. We report a case that we compare to reports in the literature. Case: a 43 year old man presented a conjunctival inflammation of the left eye developing over 14 months with progressive proptosis. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a retroocular mass, which showed isointensity on T1 and hyperintensity on T2. Histological examination of the lesion confirmed the diagnosis of the SFT of the orbit. The patient was doing well without recurrence after 12 months. Discussion: The diagnosis of SFT is histological. It is a mesenchymal tumor. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells are strongly positive for CD34 and vimentin. Conclusion: The SFT of the orbit is a very rare and generally benign tumor. immunohisochemically differentiated from other spindle-cell tumors of the orbit . The treatment is a complete surgical excision, and long-term follow-up is necessary because recurrence may appear long after treatment.(TFS) est une tumeur mésenchymateuse ubiquitaire exceptionnellement retrouvée dans l’orbite. Nous rapportons un nouveau cas que nous  confrontons aux données de la littérature. Observation: Un homme âgé de 43 ans, présentait une inflammation conjonctivale de l’oeil gauche évoluant depuis 14 mois, avec apparition progressive d’une exophtalmie axile irréductible et indolore aggravée d’une ophtalmoplégie et d’une cécité gauche. L’IRM orbitaire a mis en évidence une masse tissulaire retro-oculaire iso intense en T1, hyper signal en T2. L’examen anatomopathologique de la pièce opératoire obtenue par voie fronto-orbitaire gauche a permis de poser le diagnostic de TFS orbitaire. L’évolution est favorable avec un recul d’un an. Discussion: Le diagnostic de TFS est anatomopathologique. Il s’agit d’une tumeur de nature mésenchymateuse. On note une forte expression de l’antigène CD34 et de la vimentine en immunohistochimie. Conclusion: La TFS de l’orbite est une tumeur rare habituellement bénigne. Elle doit être différenciée imunohistochimiquement des autres types mésenchymateuses de l’orbite. Sa prise en charge repose sur l’exérèse chirurgicale complète, et un suivi clinique prolongé est proposé car des récidives peuvent survenir à long terme et il existe des formes malignes