44 research outputs found

    Factorial Design and Machine Learning Strategies: Impacts on Pharmaceutical Analysis

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    Pharmaceutical analysis is going through an expeditious progress as the perception of ‘multivariate data analysis’ (MVA) becomes gradually more assimilated. Pharmaceutical analysis comprises a range of processes that covers both chemical and physical assessment of drugs and their formulations employing different analytical techniques. With the revolution in instrumental analysis and the huge amount of information produced, there must be an up-to-date data processing tool. The role of chemometrics then comes up. Multivariate analysis (MVA) has the capability of effectively drawing a complete picture of the investigated process. Moreover, MVA reproduces the arithmetic influence of variables and their interactions through a smaller number of trials, keeping both efforts and capitals. Spectrophotometry is among the most extensively used techniques in pharmaceutical analysis either direct (single component) or derivative (multicomponent). In addition to these recognized benefits, using chemometrics in conjunction with spectrophotometry affects three vital characteristics: accuracy, precision and robustness. The impact of hyphenation of spectrophotometric analytical techniques to chemometrics (experimental design and support vector machines) on analytical laboratory will be revealed. A theoretical background on the different factorial designs and their relevance is provided. Readers will be able to use this chapter as a guide to select the appropriate design for a problem

    HoneyProxy Implementation in Cloud Environment with Docker HoneyFarm

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    Pilveteenustel põhinev infotehnoloogia süsteemide taristu on saamas tavapäraseks nii idufirmades, keskmise suurusega ettevõtetes kui ka suurtes korporatsioonides, toetades agiilsemat tarkvara arendust ning lihtsustades andmekeskuste haldamist, kontrollimist ja administreerimist. See kiirelt arenev tehnoloogiavaldkond tõstatas palju turvalisusega seotud küsimusi seoses pilves hoitavate teenuste ligipääsetavuse kontrollimisega ning sellega, kas pakutud lahenduste jõudlus ning viiteaeg (latentsus) jäävad aktsepteeritavatesse piiridesse. Käesolev teadustöö tutvustab honeypot peibutusmehhanismi pilves revolutsioonilisel viisil, mis rakendab HoneyProxy lahendust honeynet lüüsina pöördproksile, mis kontrollib sissetulevaid ja väljaminevaid päringuid back-end teenustesse. Vastav HoneyProxy on ühendatud HoneyFarm lahendusega, mida käitatakse samal masinal (pilveserveril). Iga honeypot jookseb eraldi Docker’i konteineris ning omab unikaalset IP-d, mistõttu on võimalik igat ründesessiooni isoleerida ühte konteinerisse võimalusega vahetada erinevate konteineritüüpide vahel, ajades ründaja segadusse honeypot’i kasutust paljastamata. See kaitsemehhanism suudab tuvastada ja logida ründaja tegevusi, mis võivad omakorda paljastada uusi ründetehnikaid ning isegi “nullpäeva” (zero-day) haavatavusi. Käesoleva töö fookus on tutvustada raamistikku HoneyProxy implementeerimiseks pilveteenustel Docker’i konteinereid kasutades.Cloud hosting services is a common trend nowadays for small startups, medium sized business and even for large big cooperations, that is helping the agility and scaling of resources and spare the overhead of controlling, managing and administrating the data-centers. The fast growing technology raised security questions of how to control the access to the services hosted on the cloud, and whether the performance and the latency of the solutions offered to address these questions are within the bearable limits. This research is introducing the honeypots to the cloud in a revolutionary way that exposes and applies what is called a HoneyProxy to work as a honeynet gateway for a reverse proxy that is controlling the incoming and outgoing flow to the back-end services. This HoneyProxy is connected to a HoneyFarm that is hosted on the same machine (cloud server) each honeypot is serviced in a docker container dedicated for every unique IP, so that each attack session can be isolated within one container with the ability to switch between different types of containers that can fool the attacker without suspecting the existence of a honeypot. This defending mechanism can detect and log attackers behavior which can reveal new attack techniques and even zero day exploits. The contribution of this work is introducing the framework to implement the HoneyProxy on the cloud services using Docker containers

    Effect of Skin Rehabilitation Massage Therapy on Burned Patient' Outcomes

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    As confirmed by over a decade of research, massage therapy's ability to support emotional and physical health offers great therapeutic benefits to burn survivors. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of skin rehabilitation massage therapy on burned patient; pruritis, pain and scar formation. The study was carried out in burn unit, Tanta Emergency Hospital affiliated to Tanta University. The sample consists of sixty partial or full thickness burn patients on arm, forearm, and hand, the study sample divided into two equal groups. Control group was treated according to the routine management of the hospital for burned patient and experimental group who is treated with skin rehabilitation massage therapy. Four tools were used for the purpose of the study. Tool one: Burned patient assessment questionnaire which consists of two parts: part one includes socio-demographic characteristics; part two includes burn assessment of the patient, Tool II Visual Analogue Pain Assessment Scale to assess the pain level of burned patient. Tool III: The 5-D Itch Assessment Scale to assess itching level of burned patient. Too lV: Manchester Scar Assessment Scale to assess the bun scar. Data were collected from end of September 2016 to the end of April 2017. The results revealed that level of pain, pruritis and scar formation has been improved significantly after application of skin massage rehabilitation therapy for the study group and there is a correlation between total burn scar level and level of pruritis of the control group in the first and third week of study period. Conclusion and recommendation explained that; skin rehabilitation massages therapy is an important component in burn recovery. In-service training programs should be conducted periodically for the nurses in burn unit to assess, improve and update their knowledge regarding skin rehabilitation massage therapy. Key words: Skin rehabilitation massage therapy, patient' outcomes

    Application of Transtheoretical Model of Change on Foot Care Management among Diabetic Patients: Prevention Better than Cure

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    Diabetic foot ulcer is one of the most common consequences of uncontrolled blood glucose level which takes place in 15% of people with diabetes, and precedes 84% of all diabetes-related lower-leg amputations that have the adverse effect on the diabetic patients causing physical, psychosocial, and financial burden as well as an economic burden on health care system. The aim of the study is to improve foot care management among diabetic patients by applying the Transtheoretical Model of Change. Design: A quasi-experimental design was conducted with a systematic random sample. Study sample: 154 patients who were selected from the registration system were divided equally into (77 study group) and (77 control group). Setting: the study was conducted at the outpatient diabetic clinic affiliated to Tanta University Hospital and Segar primary health care center affiliated to ministry of health, Tanat Governorate, Egypt. Tools: three tools were used for the purpose of data collection (I) Bio-socio-demographic characteristics questionnaire;(II)Trans-theoretical Model scale and (III) Diabetes Management Self-Efficacy Scale (DMSES). A survey was conducted by using Arabic version of self-reporting questionnaire to assess the stages of change and self efficacy among the studied groups as a baseline and during the implementation of foot care intervention program. Results revealed that, there was a statistical significant difference in the stages of change of the Transtheoretical Model for diabetic foot care management of the study group compared to the control group at 2, 4, and 6 months after implementation of intervention program. In addition, there was a statistical significant difference in Diabetes Management Self-Efficacy Levels between study group who received program intervention compared to control group 6 months after intervention. Recommendation: encouraging nurses who are dealing with diabetic patients to use the Transtheoretical Model of change or other health promotion models to enhance diabetic patient for foot care management, and adoption of healthy behavior.Keywords: Transtheoretical model of change, diabetic foot care management

    Application of the Health Belief Model -Based Educational Intervention on Hand Hygiene Performance of Intensive Care Units' Nurses

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    Background: Practicing hand hygiene is a simple yet effective way to prevent infections. Cleaning hands can prevent the spread of germs, including those resistant to antibiotics and are becoming difficult, if not impossible, to treat. On average, healthcare providers clean their hands less than half of the times they should.Aim of the study: This study aimed to apply the health belief model based educational intervention on hand hygiene performance among nurses working in adults and pediatric intensive care units.Materials and methods: A quasi experimental research design was used in this study. The study was conducted at pediatric and adult intensive care unit; at Tanta University Hospital. All available nurses 262who are working in the previously mentioned settings as the following: 118 nurses working in pediatric intensive care unit nurse and 144nurse working in adult intensive care unit. Tools of the study: Four tools were used to collect the data Tool I: Nurses' knowledge regarding Hand Hygiene Structured Questionnaire: it consisted of two parts: Part1: Socio demographic data of the nurses Part II: Nurses' Knowledge Regarding Hand Hygiene Performance. Tool II: Assessment of Nurses Barriers of Hand Hygiene Performance Questionnaire, Tool III: Hand Hygiene Perception Survey and Tool IV: Hand Hygiene Performance Observational Checklist. Result; the mean score of total hand hygiene performance using soap and water of nurses working in pediatric ICUs were 8. 85±1.02 and 10.10±1.84, while among adult ICUs nurses were 8.37±1.75and10.20±0.80 pre and post the educational intervention respectively. There was a significant difference of both groups in the; five Health Belief Model Construct in addition to nurses’ identified barriers of hand hygiene pre and post the intervention.Conclusion and recommendations: Total hand hygiene performance level and HBM construct regarding hand hygiene performance were higher among nurses working in pediatric and adult ICUs nurses post than pre application of the HBM educational intervention. Also, higher mean scores of the barriers of hand hygiene performance among all nurses in both ICUs pre compared to post intervention. Periodic and refreshment educational intervention related to hand hygiene is recommended for adult and pediatric ICUs nurses to improve their hand hygiene performance and further study for barriers in other ICUs is recommended. Keywords: Health Belief Model -Based Educational intervention, Hand Hygiene Performanc

    Synephrine as Antioxidant: Application in Quenching of Photo Induced Radical of Anthraquinone and Naphthoquinone

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    Photosensitive molecules such as quinones in drugs may become activated by exposure to UV-A light (320-400 nm) of the solar spectrum and cause damages to biological materials such as amino acids, nucleic acids, lipids, etc.. 9,10-anthraquinone (AQ) and 1,4-naphthoquinone (NQ), based drugs are commonly used as antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antitumor and antimalarial. Synephrine (SY) is used in traditional Chinese medicine, mainly for anti-hypotensive, nasal and ophthalmic decongestant. Currently it has been used in treatment of digestive disorders, in emergency treatment of asthma, and more importantly used as anti-depressant. The study of photo induced interactions of the excited quinones and drug molecules having electron donating ability is expected to have some relevance in physical pharmacy. In this in-vitro study, our aim is to understand the photo induced reaction when the quinones AQ and NQ coexisted with SY in an organic medium and exposed to UVA light. The photo induced interaction between SY and above quinones in their triplet states has been studied using nanosecond laser flash photolysis in organic medium, ethanol. The triplet excited states of the above quinones, AQT and NQT were produced by excitation with 355 nm, 5 ns laser pulse, in the presence of SY and under both deoxygenated and oxygenated conditions. In this wavelength only the quinones can be excited to triplets but not the SY, leaving it always in its ground state. Transient absorbance of the products formed was monitored in the 300-700 nm wavelength range. Both quinones, in their triplet excited state have revealed similar reactivity towards the ground state SY. Kinetics probed at the characteristic wavelengths of the triplets and ion radicals show that the formation of the quinone radical anion and the decay of the corresponding triplet are synchronous. This confirms that the photo-induced excited triplets, AQT and NQT have been quenched by SY through electron transfer process forming AQ -, SY + ion pair. The lifetime of the decay of the triplets of the quinones and the growth lifetime of the radical anion of the same quinones are about 3 ?s under deoxygenated condition. The presence of oxygen in the medium influences the decay of the triplet and anion radicals of the AQ, but does not affect the decay of the triplet or anion of NQ. In the presence of oxygen, AQ - radical anion interacts with oxygen and forms superoxide anion radicals, O2 -. The overall result from the current investigation is an evidence for the controversial role of SY in oxidative stress. The ability of SY to quench the photo excited quinones could give some insight to mitigate the drug induced photosensitivity and also could broaden the clinical usage of SY in other therapeutic areas.qscienc

    Application of Pulsed Streaming Potentials in Plastic Microfluidic Channels for Quantitative Point-of-Care Determination of Cardiac Markers

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    Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a well-recognized angiocardiopathy that can be spotted by a rise and fall of "chemical biomarkers" in a clinical context. Biomarkers are then, valuable indicators, together with ischemic symptoms, of an impaired cardiac function. Assay of Cardiac troponin T (cTnT), the biomarker of choice, is now an indispensable element in the medical practice followed to diagnose and control AMI. Though being proved sensitive and cardiospecific, the enhancement of diagnostic sensitivity attained using CTnT, have noticeably come with a reduction in specificity. Herein, we report a new sensing strategy based on pulsed streaming potential for direct determination of CTnT. The current biosensor consists of a patterned microchannel built with commodity thermoplastic cyclo olefin copolymer (COC). Specific binding of "avidin to biotin" on an "EDC-NHS" modified microchannel was used to tether biotinylated "anti-troponin T monoclonal Ab" to our target "CTnT". Furthermore, the selectivity of the created platform was tested with success in serum samples. The analytical response to this system was measured by changes in magnitude of the streaming potential and correlated with the amount of analyte bound to the sensor surface. Different from the well-established biochemical assays adopted for cTnT, the current biosensor does not require labeling (fluorescent, electrochemical or radioactive) or usage of tedious chemical procedures. In addition, a stable quick response is attained under pulsed flow not steady state conditions, which permits a real time analysis. The linear region (1.9-6.5 ?g/mL) matches with the clinically relevant concentrations of cTnT in human serum which has a cutoff value of 4 ng/mL.qscienc

    Validated Spectrophotometric Assay of Cefepime Hydrochloride and Cefuroxime Sodium Using a Tetrazolium Salt

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    A simple, rapid and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of micro amounts of cefepime hydrochloride and cefuroxime sodium is described. The method is based on reduction of 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) by the cited drugs in slightly alkaline medium leading to formation of a highly colored formazan derivative. Different variables affecting the color development were investigated and optimized. Absorbance measurements were made at 483 nm. Under the proposed conditions, this method is applicable over concentration range of 4–50 µg ml-1 with molar absorpitivities ranging from 5.208 x 103–1.217 x 104 L.mol-1.cm-1 and Sandell's sensitivities ranging from 1.007 x 10-3–2.727 x10-3 µg cm-2. The proposed method was successfully applied for analysis of the cited drugs in formulations and the recovery percentages ranged from 99.47 to 99.8%. The results obtained demonstrated that the proposed method is equally accurate, precise and reproducible as the reported methods thus it is recommended for quality control and routine analysis where time, cost effectiveness and high specificity of analytical techniques are of great importance

    Stylohyoid Syndrome and its Surgical Treatment – A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Stylohyoid syndrome or eagle’s syndrome is caused by calcification of the stylohyoid ligament or elongation of the bony styloid process. It may remain asymptomatic or it may present with facial neuralgia, foreign body sensation in pharynx, throat pain or even otalgia and cephalgia. Diagnosis is mainly based on clinical examination and confirmed by the radiological findings. The mainstay treatment is surgical excision via external approach or intraoral approach. We are reporting a case of unilateral stylohyoid syndrome along with the literature review.</p