32 research outputs found

    Efeitos da xerostomia nas estruturas bucais do rato

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    Orientador: Oslei Paes de AlmeidaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: Os efeitos da xerostomia, provocada pela retirada cirúrgica das glândulas salivares maiores, nas estruturas buscais foram estudados em ratos albinos Wistar. Houve significante aumento de cárie dental, sendo que nos dentes inferiores os índices foram bem mais elevados do que nos superiores. Não se observou alterações da mucosa bucal, ou modificações na evolução da doença periodontal provocada pela colocação de irritante gengival an cervical dos primeiros molares inferiores. Após a sialoadenectomia houve perda de grande parte da placa dental dos incisivos inferiores, o mesmo ocorrendo quando os animais xerostómicos foram alimentados com ração pulverizada ou deixados em jejum. Estes resultados sugerem que as secreções das glândulas salivares maiores não são essenciais para a integridade da mucosa oral do rato, e que o incisivoo inferior é interessante modelo para o estudo da formação e degradação da placa dentalAbstract: The effects of xerostomia, provoked by removal of the major salivary glands, were studied in Wistar albino rats. Sialodenectomy resulted in an increase in dental caries, particularly in the lower molars. No alterations in the oral mucosa were observed. The development of periodontal disease caused by the placement of gingival irritant in the cervical region of the first lower molars was unchanged. Sialodenectomy was followed by loss of dental plaque from the lower incisor, and this was not modified by fasting or feeding powdery chow. It is suggested that the major salivary gland secretions are not essential for the integrity of the oral mucosa of the rat, and that the lower incisor is an interesting model to study dental plaque formations and degradationMestradoPatologiaMestre em Ciência

    Monomeric C-reactive protein: a novel biomarker predicting neurodegenerative disease and vascular dysfunction

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    Circulating C-reactive protein (pCRP) concentrations rise dramatically during both acute (e.g., following stroke) or chronic infection and disease (e.g., autoimmune conditions such as lupus), providing complement fixation through C1q protein binding. It is now known, that on exposure to the membranes of activated immune cells (and microvesicles and platelets), or damaged/dysfunctional tissue, it undergoes lysophosphocholine (LPC)-phospholipase-C-dependent dissociation to the monomeric form (mCRP), concomitantly becoming biologically active. We review histological, immunohistochemical, and morphological/topological studies of post-mortem brain tissue from individuals with neuroinflammatory disease, showing that mCRP becomes stably distributed within the parenchyma, and resident in the arterial intima and lumen, being “released” from damaged, hemorrhagic vessels into the extracellular matrix. The possible de novo synthesis via neurons, endothelial cells, and glia is also considered. In vitro, in vivo, and human tissue co-localization analyses have linked mCRP to neurovascular dysfunction, vascular activation resulting in increased permeability, and leakage, compromise of blood brain barrier function, buildup of toxic proteins including tau and beta amyloid (Aβ), association with and capacity to “manufacture” Aβ-mCRP-hybrid plaques, and, greater susceptibility to neurodegeneration and dementia. Recently, several studies linked chronic CRP/mCRP systemic expression in autoimmune disease with increased risk of dementia and the mechanisms through which this occurs are investigated here. The neurovascular unit mediates correct intramural periarterial drainage, evidence is provided here that suggests a critical impact of mCRP on neurovascular elements that could suggest its participation in the earliest stages of dysfunction and conclude that further investigation is warranted. We discuss future therapeutic options aimed at inhibiting the pCRP-LPC mediated dissociation associated with brain pathology, for example, compound 1,6-bis-PC, injected intravenously, prevented mCRP deposition and associated damage, after temporary left anterior descending artery ligation and myocardial infarction in a rat model

    The Murray Ledger and Times, November 19-20, 2016

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    The Murray Ledger and Times, November 19-20, 2016

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    Murray Ledger and Times, November 11, 2006

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    From Soderini's Cenotaph to the Cazzuola's Spectacles: Subverting Medicean Mythopoesis with the Macabre

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    This dissertation argues that the macabre, an estranging language of death-based motifs involving somatic doubling between uncorrupt body and putrefying corpse, was polemically employed during the first three decades of the sixteenth century to oppose, to subvert, and to satirize the idealizing mythography of the Medici, which has itself long held sway over Florence’s history and historiography. Part one discusses Benedetto da Rovezzano’s marble cenotaph (1505-1512) for Piero Soderini, Florence’s premier and sole gonfaloniere a vita. I argue that the triumphal crown on the tomb’s monumental skull satirizes the heraldic device used by the Medici and by the Rucellai – Soderini’s deadliest enemies – and that the memorial’s proliferating and foliated skulls recast the Medici’s dynastic metaphors of an eternally regenerative Golden Age as the unnatural rule of revenants. I further demonstrate how Benedetto used the macabre to present Soderini’s tenure as the embodiment of a just and lawful Republican government, and thereby the antithesis of previous Medicean regimes. Part two argues that the hellish banquets produced by the Companies of the Cauldron (Paiuolo) and the Trowel (Cazzuola) during the Medici’s de facto rule of 1512 to 1527 served as macabre reflections on the Medici’s triumphal spectacles, and that their deadly re-interpretations of Medici magnificence echoed contemporary criticism of the Medici and their feste. Death was employed to characterize the experience of living under Medicean rule, and to expose the Medici’s fraudulent propaganda of peace and prosperity. The conclusion examines Michelangelo’s Medici Chapel (1519-1534) and Antonfrancesco Grazzini’s final novella of the Cene (1540s) as the respective “afterlives” of Soderini’s cenotaph and the companies’ festivities. I detail how the chapel’s frenzied masks echo Benedetto’s screaming skulls in ridiculing Medicean ambitions, and how Michelangelo similarly subverts Medicean temporal metaphors of dynastic renewal. I then evince that Grazzini’s use of the Cazzuola’s Maestro Manente for the victim of a sorcerous Lorenzo de’ Medici’s malicious beffa demonstrates the macabre’s enduring appeal for expressing dissent, and underscore the affinities between the dining sodalities and the transgressive Academia degli Umidi (1540-1541). Whether conveyed through marble or through meals, the macabre proved an ideal means to oppose Medicean supremacy

    The normalization of sexual diversity in revolutionary Cuba

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    Cuba, once understood to be a highly homophobic country, has been lauded internationally for its attention to sexual diversity rights since 2008. This Thesis examines and analyzes the development of the normalization of attitudes towards sexual diversity in revolutionary Cuba. This includes the evolution of homophobia in Cuba, the Federation of Cuban Women’s development of sexual education, the establishment of the Nation Centre for Sexual Education (CENESEX), and how these elements engage with the island’s view of health. In particular, the thesis focuses on two main questions: how did attitudes towards sexual diversity evolve in Cuba? And what does this evolutionary process tell us about the Revolution

    Manajemen Farmasi Edisi 2 Alih Bahasa Pharmacy Management: Essentials for All Practice Settings, 2nd Ed

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    Saat ini adalah waktuyangsangat menarik bagi farmasis, mahasiswa farmasi, pendidik, dan profesi lain yang berhubungan dengan farmasi. Ada banyak faktor yang dalang bersamaan untuk menyediakan peluang baru bagi farmasis, khususnya dalam perawaran pasien dan pengembangan peran professional, Tapi dengan munculnya peluang baru diikud pula kemunculan ranrangannya, termasuk bagaimana cara mengatur sumber daya manusia dan profesional yang menunjaog keberhasilan ddam menghadapi lingkungan yang terus beruba