45 research outputs found

    Microstructure of Ba1−xLaxTiO3−ή ceramics sintered by spark plasma sintering

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    Nano-sized Ba1−xLaxTiO3 (0.00 ≀ x ≀ 0.14) powders were prepared by a coprecipitation method and calcined at 850 °C in air. The corresponding ceramics were obtained by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) at 1050 °C. These ceramics are oxygen deficient and are marked as Ba1−xLaxTiO3−ή. Both powders and ceramics were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The effect of lanthanum concentration on the densification behavior, on the structure and the microstructure of the oxides was investigated. Average grain sizes are comprised between 54 (3) nm and 27 (2) nm for powders, and 330 (11) nm and 36 (1) nm for ceramics according to the La-doping level. Powders crystallize in the cubic (or pseudo-cubic) perovskite phase. The structure of ceramics consists in a mixture of cubic (or pseudo-cubic) and tetragonal perovskite type phases. As the lanthanum content increases, the tetragonality of the samples decreases, as well as the grain size

    La diffĂ©renciation pĂ©dagogique au cours du regroupement d’élĂšves de trois enseignantes de sciences au secondaire

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    Cette thĂšse trace une nouvelle maniĂšre d’analyser les pratiques de la diffĂ©renciation pĂ©dagogique. Elle cerne le regroupement d’élĂšves tel qu’il se dĂ©roule dans le milieu naturel au cours d’une dĂ©marche d’investigation scientifique, une ficelle jusqu’à prĂ©sent inaperçue. En effet, plusieurs recherches indiquent que les enseignants qui diffĂ©rencient affirment avoir recours au regroupement d’élĂšves en classe, sans avoir vĂ©ritablement explorĂ© ce contexte. Ainsi, cette Ă©tude de multicas dĂ©crit le dĂ©roulement des regroupements provisoires effectuĂ©s par trois enseignantes de sciences du secondaire au QuĂ©bec qui ne prĂ©tendaient pas diffĂ©rencier l’enseignement et dĂ©gage leurs conceptions Ă  l’égard de l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des groupes-Ă©lĂšves. Avec ce nouvel Ă©clairage sur le concept de la diffĂ©renciation pĂ©dagogique, cette recherche Ă©labore une modĂ©lisation empirique de la diffĂ©renciation intuitive dans une perspective de thĂ©orisation.This thesis presents an innovative way of analyzing the concept and practice of differentiated instruction. Through a scientific inquiry, it identifies the provisional students’ grouping in an unaltered classroom setting, an aspect which until now has not been examined. Previous research has shown that teachers who use differentiation resort to in-class grouping without having truly explored the context. Using a multi-case study, we describes the process of in-class grouping done by three science teachers at the secondary education level in Quebec who do not purposely use differentiation. Furthermore, it also unveils these teachers perceptions with regard to heterogeneity of groups formation. In a theorical perspective, and guided by our findings, this reaserch develops an empirical model of intuitive differentiation

    Essaie de mesure de l’utilitĂ© de l’audit dans la gouvernance des organisations publiques

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    Auditing is an essential practice to ensure the proper control of operations, activities and functions within public organizations, and in result, contribute to the achievement of short, medium and long-term objectives. However, a few years ago, auditing was still a marginal practice in the Moroccan public sector, a practice that has gradually expanded following the law number 62-99 forming the financial jurisdictions code, the new constitution of 2011 and other recent managerial reforms. This article seeks to assess the usefulness of auditing in the governance of public organizations through a qualitative approach based on the Court of Accounts reports, as the main audit and control institution in the public sector. To do this, we chose to carry out a documentary study of the audit reports published following thematic audit missions done by the Court of Accounts in four ministerial departments. The results showed the importance of this audit in the transparency and governance of the public administrations studied, through the improvement of the internal control system, risks detection and the implementation of the necessary corrective actions. However, we were also able to observe that the audit alone does not resolve all the shortcomings excellently identified, which could be a logical reason to introduce a new practice in the public sector, which is more appropriate in terms of analyzing and resolving problems, notably the global diagnosis.   Keywords: Audit, public sector, management of public organizations, governance, performance. JEL Classification: M42 Paper type : Empirical researchL’audit est considĂ©rĂ© actuellement comme une pratique indispensable pour assurer la bonne maitrise des opĂ©rations, des activitĂ©s et des fonctions au sein de toute organisation notamment du secteur public, et contribuer par consĂ©quent Ă  la rĂ©alisation des objectifs Ă  court, moyen et long terme. Cependant, il y a quelques annĂ©es, l’audit Ă©tait encore une pratique marginale dans le secteur public marocain, pratique qui s’est progressivement Ă©tendu Ă  la suite de la loi n° 62-99 formant code des juridictions financiĂšres, de la nouvelle constitution de 2011 et des autres derniĂšres rĂ©formes managĂ©riales. Cet article cherche Ă  Ă©valuer l’utilitĂ© de l’audit dans la gouvernance des organisations publiques Ă  travers une approche qualitative sur la base des rapports de la Cour des comptes qui constitue l’organe principal de contrĂŽle et d’audit dans le secteur public. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi de procĂ©der par une Ă©tude documentaire des rapports d’audit publiĂ©s Ă  l’issue des missions d’audit thĂ©matique effectuĂ©es par la Cour des comptes auprĂšs de quatre dĂ©partements ministĂ©riels. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© l’importance de cet audit dans la transparence et la gouvernance des administrations publiques Ă©tudiĂ©es par le biais de l’amĂ©lioration du dispositif de contrĂŽle interne, l’identification des risques et la mise en place des actions correctives nĂ©cessaires. Toutefois, nous avons pu constater Ă©galement que l’audit Ă  lui seul ne permet pas la rĂ©solution de l’ensemble des insuffisances excellement identifiĂ©s, ce qui pourra ĂȘtre une raison logique pour l’introduction dans le secteur public d’une nouvelle pratique plus adĂ©quate en termes d’analyse et de rĂ©solution des problĂšmes, notamment le diagnostic global.   Mots-clĂ©s : Audit, secteur public, management des organisations publiques, gouvernance, performance. Classification JEL :  M42 Type de l’article : Article empiriqu

    Microstructure of single-phase cobalt and manganese oxide spinel Mn3−xCoxO4 ceramics

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    This paper reports microstructural studies of single-phase Mn3−xCoxO4(0.98 ≀ x ≀ 2.93) spinel ceramics using transmission electron microscopy(TEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). These ceramics were obtained by conventional sintering or by spark plasma sintering(SPS) of powders prepared by thermal decomposition of coprecipitated oxalate precursors. For x < 1.78 or x ≄ 1.78, the monophasic ceramicscorrespond respectively to quadratic (Q) or cubic (C) spinel structure. The ferroelastic character of the structural phase transition from C to Qis highlighted by specific microstructural features. The effect of chemical composition and heat treatment conditions on the microstructure andessentially on the presence and the characteristics of twins were investigated. The coherent twin interfaces are parallel to (1 1 2) planes in the Qcell. Twins can correspond to: tweeds, single lamellae (widths: 5–306 nm) arranged parallel to each other, large lamellae (widths: 69–928 nm)internally twinned and sometimes arranged in cyclic forms (triangular shapes)

    Structural characterization of dense reduced BaTiO3 and Ba0.95La0.05TiO3 nanoceramics showing colossal dielectric values

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    BaTiO3−x and Ba0.95La0.05TiO3−x nanoceramics showing colossal permittivity values have been characterized. While starting powders are of cubic symmetry, X-ray and Neutron Diffraction techniques and Raman Spectroscopy measurements show that the one-step processed ceramics obtained by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) contain cubic and tetragonal phases. Rather large oxygen deficiency determined in such ceramics by Electron Micro Probe analysis and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy analyzes is explained by the presence of Ti3+, as evidenced by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy measurements. Transmission Electron Microscopy and High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy show that these ceramics contain 50–300 nm grains, which have single-domains, while grain boundaries are of nanometer scale. Colossal permittivity values measured in our dense nanoceramics are explained by a charge hopping mechanism and an interfacial polarization of a large number of polarons generated after sample reduction in SPS apparatus

    Influence of Oxygen Substoichiometry on the Dielectric Properties of BaTiO3-ÎŽNanoceramics Obtained by Spark Plasma Sintering.

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    Oxygen-deficient BaTiO3-d nanoceramics were prepared by spark plasma sintering. Partially reduced raw nanopowders led to unusual dielectric properties. A short postsintering treatment was performed to reach a high er/tan d, which makes them attractive for industrial applications such as low-frequency capacitors. Surprisingly, our ceramics also remained black even after annealing for 5 days at 850°C in air, indicating the presence of barriers against oxygen diffusion. This exceptional behavior in pure barium titanate was consistent with a core–shell structure made of semiconductive grains and insulating grain boundaries, due to the presence of Ti3+/Ti4+ and oxygen vacancies

    L’exil intĂ©rieur ou l’identitĂ© perdue dans l’Ɠuvre de Ghassan Salhab

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    Je me souviens d'ĂȘtre entrĂ© dans la ville en 1982, en pleine invasion israĂ©lienne. J’avais dĂ©jĂ  un rapport amour-haine avec Beyrouth oĂč j’avais toujours Ă©tĂ© accueilli comme un Ă©migrant parce que je parlais mal l’arabe. Je me permets Ă  mon tour d’ĂȘtre exigeant avec ce Liban qui fut longtemps fantasmatique pour moi. Aujourd’hui, je comprends enfin que cette distance me libĂšre et me permet d’aller plus facilement que d’autres vers les questions de mĂ©moire et de lutte contre l’oubli. Il est impos..