770 research outputs found

    The Impact of Nutrition on the Mental and Physical Health of Young Adults

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    Upon close examination by nutritional professionals, concern has arisen regarding the typical contents of a young adult diet. In terms of the rate at which young adults choose to consume nutritionally-dense food items, the rate at which nutrition-deficient junk food items are chosen over the former is significantly higher. Among further examinations of this issue by researchers, it has become evident that the nutritional decisions made by young adults are increasingly associated with several social, commercial, mental, educational, and economic influences. As a consequence of these factors, research has uncovered a connection between the consumption of a poor diet and negative effects on the physical and mental health of young adults. The goal of this research is to review the literature composed on the connection between nutrition and young adult health, examine the solutions postulated for the improvement of young adult nutrition, and propose the positive mental and physical health outcomes for young adults that may result if the aforementioned solutions are used

    Lovers' notes in public view: Hidden messages and meetings announced in Jornal do Commercio (1870s)

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    This article draws on and analyzes a series of love notes published in the classified sections of Jornal do Commercio throughout the 1870s. Notwithstanding the existing moral rules, in particular within the richest families of Rio de Janeiro, courtship gradually gained amplitude and took advantage of the new practices of sociability established in the urban scenario after the arrival of the Portuguese Royal Family. The principal themes present in these messages are explored, with the purpose of mapping the dynamics, as well as the dilemmas and expectations, of courtship in the life of the imperial capital.O artigo recupera e analisa uma série de bilhetes de namoro publicados nas seções de anúncio do Jornal do Commercio ao longo de toda a década de 1870. Mesmo diante das estritas regras morais existentes, em particular no interior das famílias mais abastadas do Rio de Janeiro, o namoro gradualmente ganhou amplitude e tirou proveito das novas práticas de sociabilidade que se instauraram no cenário urbano após a chegada da Família Real portuguesa. Assim sendo, exploram-se as principais temáticas presentes nessas mensagens com o intuito de mapear algumas dinâmicas, bem como dilemas e expectativas do namoro no cotidiano da vida na corte imperial.Univ Fed Sao Paulo Unifesp, Dept Ciencias Sociais, Antropol, Guarulhos, SP, BrazilDepartamento de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp). Guarulhos, SP, BrasilWeb of Scienc

    Improvement of Morphology and Flow Conditions at Intakes Downstream Protruded Shorelines

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchive

    Tank Settlement Due to Highly Plastic Clays

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    Settlement during hydro-testing of two 30-m diameter oil tanks was generated mostly by a layer of highly plastic clay at about 10 m depth. Based on about 5 months of readings on one of the tanks, the total predicted settlement at the tank perimeter was about 300 mm (with little differential movement) and at the center was closer to 550 mm. The settlement of a 7-m diameter water tank located close to the oil tanks followed quite a different pattern during hydro-testing. Within about 6 days, the tank had settled about 130 mm on one side, but only about 20 mm on the other. The water tank was only about half the height of the oil tank, and the diameter was less than one quarter, resulting in loading at the depth of the plastic clay layer of less than 15% of that of the oil tank. Yet, settlement rates were much faster than those of the oil tank, and differential settlement was not anticipated based on the depth of the clay layer. This paper describes the settlement measurements and computations made for the oil tanks and describes the efforts made to determine the reasons for the unanticipated settlement of the water tank and the actions taken to remedy the situation

    Arbitral decision-making: an issue of consistency and a response to bias

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    The issues of consistency and bias in arbitral decision-making cannot be underestimated. They have given rise to criticisms regarding the legitimacy and transparency of arbitration as a dispute resolution process for resolving disputes involving public and private interests. Elucidating the arbitral decision-making process can be the much needed reply to such criticisms proving the effectiveness of arbitration as an alternative to domestic courts

    The Concept of Reason from Greek Philosophy to Arab-Islamic Philosophy

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    The journey from the Greek reason to that of the Arab- Islamic reason took approximately 15 centuries, i.e., from the start of the Greek philosophy 600 BC toward the ninth century AD (the third Hejri). The Greek Reason is foundational for the Arab-Islamic reason. Due to it, the second encountered pure reason; logical thinking; theory of knowledge; ontology; and ethical reason. The Islamic reason was loaded with religious thought that is dependent on Quran and Islamic Sharia, Islamic philosophers tried to compromise between the first given (the revelation) with the second given (reason) in an ingenious philosophical compromise. Nonetheless, theologians and religious clergy felt the danger of such incoming knowledge of free thinking (such as the Greek philosophy) on religious believe, hence they fought against it furiously until they manage to defeat it, they imprisoned reason and sharia within a narrow perspective, leading to the subordination of reason to a very law level. This statuesque continued up until the modern age and the European enlightenment, when many Muslim thinkers tried to revive philosophical reason, criticizing the Islamic theologian reason that has been incarcerated in backword frames. One of these recent thinkers is Mohammed Arkoun whom presented a detailed and radical critique of Islamic theology substituting it with the new investigative exploratory reason that is opened to the European humanities. This paper main aim is to present a critique of Mohammed Arkoun’s project: Did he really succeed in elevating the Islamic reason from its isolation and backwords frames? If he did succeed to what effect he was able to demolish the theologian old reason? What are the elements of his project? What can we say about such project

    Uma etnografia do galanteio nos terrenos da ficção: afinidades eletivas entre antropologia e literatura

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    his article’s main objective is to discuss some of the affinities between anthropology and literature. In order to do so, we bring to light the novel A Moreninha (1844), written by Joaquim Manuel de Macedo, aiming to show how certain literary works can be read beyond their fictional aspect as ethnographies of social life. This love story talks not only about the romantic ideals of a young couple. It also offers to its readers a dynamic framework in which it is possible to identify the tensions, disputes and shared values about marriage by a select group of young men and women coming from Imperial-era Brazil’s urban elite. Finally, this article also elucidates the way some anthropologists have borrowed literary narrative to recognize in the fieldwork-based monographs a subjective discourse about reality. Este artigo tem por principal objetivo discutir algumas afinidades entre antropologia e literatura. Para isso, o romance A Moreninha (1844), de Joaquim Manuel de Macedo, é recuperado com o propósito de mostrar como certas obras literárias podem ser lidas, para além de seu carácter ficcional, como etnografias da vida social. Essa história de amor não apenas discorre sobre os ideais românticos de um jovem casal. Ela também oferece aos seus leitores um quadro dinâmico no qual é possível identificar as tensões, disputas e os valores compartilhados em torno do casamento por um grupo seleto de moças e rapazes advindos da elite urbana do Brasil imperial. Por fim, esse artigo elucida, igualmente, a maneira pela qual alguns antropólogos tomaram de empréstimo a narrativa literária para reconhecer na monografia nascida do trabalho de campo um discurso subjetivo sobre realidade.

    Os romances de que o povo gosta o universo das narrativas populares de finais do século XIX

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    Esse artigo procura recuperar e analisar os chamados “romances de sensação” e “romances para homens”, no Rio de Janeiro de final do século XIX e início do XX, ressaltando, sempre que possível, a existência de uma dinâmica editorial e livreira voltada para o grande público em formação nesse cenário urbano. Pretendi, entre outras questões, mostrar que ao lado das conhecidas obras divulgadas pela história literária, uma variedade de impressões baratas, anunciadas como “livros para o povo”, tiveram ampla repercussão por dialogar com os principais conflitos, dilemas e anseios daquela época

    Population structure of the European anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Lake Manzala, Egypt

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    The present study is to identify the population and stock characteristics of Engraulis encrasicolus in the Mediterranean lagoon “Lake Manzala” of Egypt. A total of 1536 specimens were collected seasonally by a local trammel net (El-Balla), from 2019 to 2021. The length ranged from 4.2 to 12.1 cm, where the dominance was of medium sizes. Two age groups were observed with a short longevity (tmax = 3.16 y). Parameters of Von Bertalanffy, L?, and K, were estimated as 12.52 cm and 0.95 y-1, respectively. The growth performance index (Ø) was estimated as 2.17, expressing liner growth and environmental suitability. The calculated length at first maturity (Lm) = 8.1 cm, compared to 6.9 cm of length at first capture (Lc), expressing high fishing effort. Mortality indices include: total mortality (Z) = 3.71 y-1, and natural mortality (M) = 1.46 y-1. According to biological reference points, Fopt = 0.73 y-1 and Flimit = 0.97 y-1, the fishing mortality (F = 2.25 y-1) indicated overfishing of the anchovy stock in Lake Manzala. The current exploitation rate, E = 0.61 expressed the occurrence of overexploitation. Based on the results, reducing fishing efforts is vital to maintaining stock stability

    Memòria d'activitat 2010

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