277 research outputs found

    Some comments on mapping the combined effects of slurry concentration, impact velocity and electrochemical potential on the erosion–corrosion of WC/Co–Cr coatings

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    Materials exposed to aqueous slurry environments must not only resist the impact of solid particles and the flowing environment but also the degradation caused by electrochemical corrosion. In this study, the combined effects of slurry particle concentration and velocity on the erosion-corrosion of a WC/Co-Cr coating were assessed at a range of electrochemical potentials in a synthetic sea water solution containing sand particles and compared to the performance of a mild steel exposed to similar conditions. The erosion and corrosion contributions and their interactions were evaluated for the materials. The results indicated that the erosion-corrosion mechanism of the coating and the mild steel showed significant differences when particle velocity and concentration were increased at various potentials. For both materials, degradation mechanisms were identified and superimposed on erosion-corrosion maps. Maps indicating levels of wastage, extent of synergy between the processes and the optimum material performance were also generated as part of this study. Scanning electron microscopy was used to confirm the degradation regimes and mechanisms of material removal during the erosion-corrosion process

    Descripción y análisis del Sistema de Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo en Marruecos

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    Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo describir y analizar el Sistema de Seguridad y Salud Laboral Marroquí. Marruecos, un país ubicado en el norte del continente África, lo que significa que no pertenece a la Unión Europea, por lo que no se rige por la Directiva marco sobre salud y seguridad en el trabajo 89/391 CEE, adoptada en 1989, que garantiza requisitos mínimos en materia de seguridad y salud laboral en toda Europa. Para llevar a cabo el presente trabajo, se siguió una metodología cualitativa que comprendió en dos etapas, la primera en la que se realizó una búsqueda documental de información disponible sobre el Sistema de Seguridad y Salud Laboral marroquí en las fuentes oficiales. La segunda etapa de esta investigación comprendió de una serie de entrevistas personales e individuales. Ésta tuvo como objetivo recoger datos cualitativos e información detallada desde el punto de vista de los actores sociales sobre la aplicación del sistema de seguridad y salud laboral en Marruecos. Esto nos permitió profundizar en la aplicabilidad del sistema en la realidad de las empresas marroquís. Tras la investigación profunda de la información, y la realización de las entrevistar planificadas, como resultados obtenidos, se ha podido observar que el sistema de Seguridad y Salud Laboral marroquí es un sistema en proceso de construcción. Teniendo en cuenta elementos esenciales para un funcionamiento óptimo de un sistema de prevención en un país, consideramos que éste se encuentra en una etapa inicial, y por lo tanto tiene inmensas carencias tanto a nivel legislativo, como aplicativo, así también como un ineficaz control de su correcto funcionamiento. Entre las insuficiencias más importantes se destacan la falta de transparencia y la escasez de la información proporcionada tanto por la autoridad laboral como por las empresas. Estas insuficiencias representaron barreras en el proceso de esta investigación y dificultó alcanzar el objetivo principal del trabajo. Sin embargo, este trabajo recoge la mejor información disponible del sistema de seguridad y salud laboral marroquí desde el punto de vista de los actores sociales y de la información disponible. El principal hallazgo es la incompatibilidad entre la legislación vigente para la regulación del sistema de prevención establecido y su aplicabilidad en las empresas marroquís, principalmente por la falta de cumplimiento de la legislación por parte de las empresas, y los limitados controles por parte de las autoridades debido a la falta de recursos tanto económicos, humanos como logísticos y de la baja capacidad de gestión

    An inverse source problem for the heat equation and the enclosure method

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    An inverse source problem for the heat equation is considered. Extraction formulae for information about the time and location when and where the unknown source of the equation firstly appeared are given from a single lateral boundary measurement. New roles of the plane progressive wave solutions or their complex versions for the backward heat equation are given.Comment: 23page

    Two Syriac masoretic signs : Nagoda and Metappeyana.

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    Nagoda and Metappeyana are lines inserted in Syriac biblical manuscripts, among the Easterners (or Nestorians); Nagoda appears above words and Metappeyana below or on the line between words. The confinement of these lines to biblical texts suggests that they were designed to ensure proper enunciation in public reading. Chapter 1 presents the treatment of these lines by classical Syriac authorities - Elias of Tirhan, Joseph bar Malkon, John bar Zocbi, Bar Hebraeus, and two anonymous treatises. The Syriac texts are presented with English translation and critical notes, and a comparative table follows. While some agreement exists regarding the role of Metappeyana (said to appear before words beginning with vowelled consonant, after construct nouns and certain particles), these authorities' prescriptions for Nagoda show bewildering variety. Chapter 2 summarises the findings of modern writers (notably Ewald, Martin, Duval, Merx and archibishop David). While Ewald based himself on biblical manuscripts alone, the others relied in varying degrees on biblical texts and Syriac classical works together, and all reached different results. In Chapter 3, the text of Genesis in Add. 12138 has been analysed in itself with certain references to Syrian grammarians. Metappeyana appears to join successive words, and to cancel the word stress on the former word. Nagoda appears to indicate a special intonation, showing the inter-relations of words and clauses within the verse. The common notion that Nagoya and Metappeyana are straightforward opposites and therefore incompatible is rejected. Chapter 4 surveys the use of the lines in other manuscripts. While manuscripts vary in their precise usage, partly in accordance with varying tastes, the basic functions inferred in Chapter 3 still appear applicable. While the Syrian grammarians' views on Metappeyana seem more or less accurate, their treatment of Nagoda has been largely vitiated by the illusion that it is simply the opposite of Metappeyana

    The impact of the co-production on the lived experience in a "phygital" store: a value-based approach Proposal of a model

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    The advent of new digital technologies seems to have changed people's consumption habits and decision-making processes. The marketing literature is full of discussions about the evolution of the customer experience over the last few decades, and the development of the status of the consumer. Indeed, the consumer has gone from being a rational consumer to an emotional consumer and finally to be considered a "prosumer". In addition to becoming an emotionally driven being and seeking unique and extraordinary shopping experiences, the consumer wants to participate in the production of his or her in- store experience, thus being part of the value creation process of his or her own experience, which has become easy thanks to the digital tools present in the physical sales space. This new form of commerce, called "phygital", represents a perfect combination of physical and virtual channels, and is now the most common retail strategy adopted by retailers worldwide. This new hybrid purchasing model is leading to changes both in the distribution channels used by retailers and in the way consumers behave. The objective of this article is to propose a research model aiming at linking the co-production of experience and the experience lived by the consumer in a phygital sales space

    Un taux de procalcitonine sérique déroutant!

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    La procalcitonine (PCT) est un marqueur de gravité du sepsis, dont la valeur absolue et la cinétique sont corrélées à la sévérité de l'infection. On rapporte le cas d'un patient qui présente une PCT très élevée sans relation avec un sepsis. Il s'agit d'un homme âgé de 55 ans, admis en rhumatologie pour des lombosciatalgies hyperalgiques fébriles. Le bilan biologique a montré une hyperleucocytose à 15000 élément/mm3 àprédominance neutrophile, associée à une CRP et une PCT sériques, respectivement à 305 mg/l et 2,5ng/ml. Devant ce tableau évocateur de sepsis, des hémocultures étaient réalisées et un traitement antibiotique probabiliste était instauré. L'absence d'évolution favorable du malade ainsi que la discordance entre les chiffres de la PCT demeurant très élevés et les hémocultures négatives, une IRM dorso-lombaire était réalisée. Elle a objectivé une arthrite de la hanche droite, associée à des lésions osseuses multiples secondaires du squelette axial évoquant une origine néoplasique. Une TDM thoraco-abdomino-pelvienne a montré la présence d'une masse pulmonaire gauche. La biopsie pulmonaire a révélé un adénocarcinome infiltrant

    L’effet de la Covid-19 sur les réponses comportementales du consommateur face à l’utilisation de l’achat en ligne : Cas de la grande distribution au Maroc

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    The Covid-19 sanitary crisis has had serious repercussions on all sectors of activity throughout the world, including the retail sector. Consumers are trying to adapt to the current situation in order to reduce human contact and to respect the instructions issued by the World Health Organization in order to limit the spread of the virus. In this article, we plan to study the impact of Covid-19 on the consumer's behavior towards the use of electronic commerce in the case of large-scale distribution in Morocco, through a quantitative study completed by 728 respondents and which was carried out via a questionnaire. This work is based on a review of the literature which allowed us to identify two versions of a model which has a priori the qualities required to carry out this study, the technological acceptance model (TAM) put forward by Davis in 1989 and TAM3 proposed by Venkatesh and Bala (2008), this model is mainly used to study the adoption of new technologies by the individual From a theoretical point of view, our objective is to revisit these traditional models in order to propose a theoretical model adapted to our study which defines the levels of the relations likely to exist between the antecedents of ease of use, perceived usefulness and the actual behavior of the consumer. This study highlights the direct or indirect influence of the barrier measures put in place by the WHO and the particularities of the virus on the behavior of consumers facing the digitalization of the distribution channel of large and medium-sized stores. It underlines the interest for the managers in the modern distribution sector to take into consideration changes in personal factors such as the brakes and motivations of consumers towards e-commerce.   JEL Classification: M31, O33 Paper type: Empirical researchLa crise sanitaire de la Covid-19 a engendré de lourdes répercussions sur l’ensemble des secteurs d’activités partout dans le monde, notamment celui de la grande distribution. Soucieux de réduire tout contact humain et de respecter les consignes émises par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé, de façon à limiter la propagation du virus, le consommateur essaie de s’adapter à la situation actuelle. Dans cet article, nous envisageons d'étudier l'impact de la Covid-19 sur le comportement du consommateur face à l’utilisation du commerce électronique dans le cas de la grande distribution au Maroc, par le biais d’une étude quantitative renseignée par 728 répondants et qui fut réalisée via un questionnaire. Ce travail s'appuie sur une revue de littérature qui a permis d’identifier deux versions d’un modèle ayant à priori les qualités requises pour réaliser cette étude, le modèle d’acceptation technologique (TAM) avancé par Davis en 1989 et TAM3 proposé par Venkatesh et Bala (2008), ce modèle est principalement utilisé pour étudier l’adoption des nouvelles technologies par l’individu. Notre objectif d’un point de vue théorique est de revisiter ces modèles traditionnels afin de proposer un modèle théorique adapté à notre étude qui définit les niveaux des relations susceptibles d’exister entre les antécédents de la facilité d’utilisation, de l’utilité perçue et le comportement effectif du consommateur. Cette étude met en évidence l’influence directe ou indirecte des mesures barrières mises en place par l’OMS et les particularités du virus sur le comportement des consommateurs face à la digitalisation du canal de distribution des grandes et moyennes surfaces. Elle souligne ainsi l’intérêt, pour les managers du secteur de la distribution moderne, de prendre en considération les changements au niveau des facteurs personnels tels que les freins et motivations des consommateurs vis-à-vis du e-commerce.   Classification JEL : M31, O33 Type de l’article : Étude empiriqu

    Phygital: Toward the empowerment of the customer and the competitiveness of the retail businesses

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    With the advent of technology, the retail industry has undergone a significant transformation in the few recent years. Living in the digital era means living in an era where the customers have access to digital tools and information at all times and everywhere. Customers are becoming more tech-oriented, and their expectations are changing rapidly, they also became more demanding regarding many aspects of their shopping experience. And with this free knowledge came the desire to be seen differently, not just the user and the destroyer of goods and services but also an involved stakeholder in the creation process. In response, retailers have been forced to adapt to the new reality and incorporate technology into their businesses. One such adaptation is the concept of phygital - the integration of digital in physical retail spaces, to create a seamless and personalized shopping journey that meets the evolving demands of customers. This article aims to explore, through a critical literature review how the phygital approach can empower customers and make retail businesses more competitive