319 research outputs found


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    Mix design beton merupakan salah satu aspek penting yang akan mempengaruhi kekuatan dari sebuah bangunan. Dalam proses perancangan mix design beton normal ACI 211.1-1991 secara manual, dilakukan pembacaan grafik dan tabel referensi yang jumlahnya cukup banyak sehingga dirasakan tidak efektif dan efisien serta tidak terjamin keakuratannya. Padahal perkembang gadget pada saat ini sudah sangat maju dan canggih. Gadget pun bukan lagi barang yang mahal untuk dimiliki pada saat ini. Oleh karena itu dibutuhukan otomatisasi dengan bantuan aplikasi mobile berbasis android sehingga perancangan menjadi lebih mudah. Pembangunan aplikasi mobile berbasis android menggunakan IDE eclipse dengan bantuan bahasa pemrograman java. Dalam pembangunan aplikasi mobile dibutuhkan data-data manual sebagai acuan dan mempersiapkan tools yang dibutuhkan. Kemudian masuk ke langkah pembuatan program yang di awali dengan membuat user interface terlebih dahulu dan proses coding fungsi. Jika program sudah selesai dan berhasil di run maka akan dilakukan validasi hasil program dengan hasil perhitungan secara manual. Dari hasil design aplikasi mobile yang telah dimasukkan ke dalam gadget berbasis android, selisih terkecil yaitu 0% dan selisih terbesar yaitu 0,009936% yang didapatkan dari hasil validasi program. Selisih terjadi karena adanya beberapa pembulatan yang dilakukan pada saat perhitungan manual. Dengan adanya aplikasi mobile perancangan mix design beton normal metode ACI 211.1- 1991 berbasis android, diharapkan dapat membuat pekerjaan perancangan mix design beton lebih akurat, cepat, efisien, dan fleksibel


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    This paper talks about Zuhud. Zuhud is the noble nature of believers because it is not deceived by the world with all the delights whether the property, women, and thrones. Zuhud does not mean leaving the world. However, the believer and people who do good deeds in the world, prospering the earth, and doing for the benefit, then achieve the results in the world in the form of halal facilities and pleasures in the world. Imam Al-Ghazali said there were 3 signs of zuhud. Firstly, not happy with what was and not sad because of things that were lost. Secondly, it is the same side of the person who denounces and denounces it, both in relation to property and position. Thirdly, it should always be with God and his heart is dominated by the deliciousness of obedience. Since the heart cannot be free from love, whether it is love for God or love for the world. Zuhud in life was modeled by his companions, such as Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman bin Affan, and Abdurrahman bin Auf. They are some friends who are wealthy, but do not take all their wealth for themselves and their families

    Penerapan Metode Preference Selection Index (PSI) Dalam Pemilihan Anggota Badan Permusyawaratan Desa Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan

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    Abstract :This thesis is the result of research that describes how much influence the Village Consultative Body has on the people of Tanjung Tebat Village, golden flower District, South Bengkulu Regency. The Village Consultative Body is an institution that embodies democracy in administering village governance. The Village Consultative Council can be considered as the village parliament. As for the background, the writer's interest in writing this thesis is based on the results of observations and initial interviews that the writer conducted at the golden flower sub-district office, where the selection of members of the Village Consultative Council still uses manual assessment or it can be said that it is not efficient. Where the author offers a Preference Selection Index method to be used in selecting the best Village Consultative Body.In the Preferences Selection Index method, the results are obtained by minimal and simple calculations as they are based on statistical concepts without the need for attribute weights. From the calculations, it can be concluded that the best village consultative body members in the golden flower District fall into alternative A5, namely Design Women with a total value of 0.9084 which has been resolved using the Prefence Selection Prefence Selection Index method. Keywords: Election of BPD Members, Method Prefence Selection Inde

    Phytoplankton Biomass Dynamics in the Strait of Malacca within the Period of the SeaWiFS Full Mission: Seasonal Cycles, Interannual Variations and Decadal-Scale Trends

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    Seasonal cycles, interannual variations and decadal trends of Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS)-retrieved chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl-a) in the Strait of Malacca (SM) were investigated with reconstructed, cloud-free SeaWiFS Chl-a during the period of the SeaWiFS full mission (September 1997 to December 2010). Pixel-based non-parametric correlations of SeaWiFS Chl-a on environmental variables were used to identify the probable causes of the observed spatio-temporal variations of SeaWiFS Chl-a in northern, middle and southern regions of the SM. Chl-a was high (low) during the northeast (southwest) monsoon. The principal causes of the seasonality were wind-driven vertical mixing in the northern region and wind-driven coastal upwelling and possibly river discharges in the middle region. Among the three regions, the southern region showed the largest interannual variations of Chl-a. These variations were associated with the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and river runoff. Interannual variations of Chl-a in the middle and northern regions were more responsive to the Indian Ocean Dipole and ENSO, respectively, with atmospheric deposition being the most important driver. The most significant decadal-scale trend of increasing Chl-a was in the southern region; the trend was moderate in the middle region. This increasing trend was probably caused by environmental changes unrelated to the variables investigated in this study

    Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Ny. S Dengan Diabetes Mellitus Dan Ulkus Diabetik Bangsal Cempaka Bawah Rsud Sukoharjo

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    Latar belakang : Diabetes Mellitus sering disebut sebagai The Great Imitator karena penyakit ini dapat mengenai semua organ tubuh dan menimbulkan berbagai macam keluhan dan gejalanya bervariasi. Dari pengambilan data 10 besar penyakit di RSUD Sukoharjo pada tahun 2011 penyakit Diabetes Mellitus berada pada urutan ke 7 dengan jumlah penderita sebanyak 219 orang. Metode : penulis menggunakan metode deskripsi, adapun sampelnya adalah klien S, data ini diperoleh dengan cara yaitu : wawancara, pemeriksaan, observasi aktivitas, memperoleh catatan dan laporan diagnostik, bekerjasama dengan teman sekerja. Hasil : setelah dilakukan tindakan keperawatan selama 3 hari diagnosa yang muncul 3 yaitu : kekurangan volume cairan, resiko tinggi infeksi dan kelelahan. Dalam implementasi sebagian besar telah sesuai dengan rencana tindakan yang telah diterapkan. Kesimpulan : kerjasama antar tim kesehatan dan pasien atau keluarga sngat diperlukan untuk keberhasilan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien sehingga masalah keperawatan pasien mengenai kekurangan volume cairan, resiko tinggi infeksi dan kelelahan dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik dan sebagian masalah dapat teratasi sebagian

    Pengenalan Computational Thinking dan Aplikasinya dalam Pembelajaran IPA SMP

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    Pada era abad 21, proses pembelajaran harus disesuaikan dengan nilai-nilai yang patut untuk dikembangkan di abad 21. Salah satu cara berpikir yang penting adalah berpikir komputasional (computational thinking). Akan tetapi, hasil observasi yang dilakukan oleh tim kepada guru-guru MGMP IPA kota Magelang masih banyak guru yang kesulitan melaksanakan proses pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan prinsip pembelajaran abad 21. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah pelatihan pada guru IPA SMP dalam penggunaan aplikasi digital scratch, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan guru dalam melatihkan computational thinking peserta didik. Kegiatan Pengabdian dilakukan dalam ruang virtual zoom demi kelancaran dan kesehatan seluruh tim dan peserta. Hasil pendampingan, guru dapat membuat simulasi kinematika gerak pada materi IPA SMP dengan menggunakan aplikasi Scratch. Hasil evaluasi peserta pendampingan merasa bahwa materi tentang pembuatan simulasi menggunakan aplikasi Scratch sangat bagus untuk diterapkan di SMP dan kemampuan materi tim cukup baik. Akan tetapi rencana penerapan dalam pembelajaran masih perlu dikaji dengan melihat kemampuan peserta didik di masing-masing sekolah

    Aplikasi Reminder Pengobatan Pasien Penyakit Diabetes Berbasis SMS Gateway Di Puskesmas Kampung Bali Kota Bengkulu

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    So far, not all DM patients know the schedule of treatment at the Kampung Bali Health Center, Bengkulu City, because the information about the patient's treatment is not / lacking. In addition, the Kampung Bali Bengkulu Community Health Center does not yet have an application that can manage diabetes patient care schedules and there is also no interactive forum for the public to find out information about diabetes patient care at the Kampung Bali Bengkulu Community Health Center. so that the health center has difficulty in providing information to diabetes patients. diabetes about the next treatment schedule. Application Reminder Treatment for Diabetes Patients at Kampung Bali Health Center, Bengkulu City is an SMS Gateway-based application that can be used to process data about Medications, Patients, Medicines, Treatment Schedules, and can also send SMS to patients individually, and patients can also get information . This diabetic patient medication reminder application features SMS Gateway, SMS Reminder. Application Reminder Treatment for Diabetes Patients at the Kampung Bali Health Center, Bengkulu City, was created using the PHP programming language, MySQL Database, and Gammu. The tool used to receive and based on tests that have been carried out, the Reminder Application for Diabetes Treatment Patients at the Kampung Bali Community Health Center, Bengkulu City can do an SMS Reminder / Schedule (which sends an SMS notification / reminder about the immunization schedule 1 day before the due date

    Aplikasi Kriptografi Untuk Mengamankan File Audio Video Menggunakan Visual Basic .Net

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    In terms of file security is often diminished, because the file with the extension * and * .MP4 .MP3 is like the audio files that we secured was listening to the audio exams and video UAN English as exam for student/student in Ja Al-Haq is not given a security so that everyone can see the file. Application of cryptography to secure audio video files using visual basic Net made to secure the audio video files which are air-extension "* Mp3, Mp4 *" were built using the programming language Visual Basic Net. The encryption process is a process to convert the original video audio files into files that cannot be executed. Decryption process is a process to convert audio and video files into audio files randomly original video. Testing data security system is a test conducted to determine the safety data that has been integrated on a particular file, in this case the video audio file "* Mp3, * mp4"