4,192 research outputs found

    A Full Waveform Test of the Southern California Velocity Model by the Reciprocity Method

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    First L-band Interferometric Observations of a Young Stellar Object: Probing the Circumstellar Environment of MWC 419

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    We present spatially-resolved K- and L-band spectra (at spectral resolution R = 230 and R = 60, respectively) of MWC 419, a Herbig Ae/Be star. The data were obtained simultaneously with a new configuration of the 85-m baseline Keck Interferometer. Our observations are sensitive to the radial distribution of temperature in the inner region of the disk of MWC 419. We fit the visibility data with both simple geometric and more physical disk models. The geometric models (uniform disk and Gaussian) show that the apparent size increases linearly with wavelength in the 2-4 microns wavelength region, suggesting that the disk is extended with a temperature gradient. A model having a power-law temperature gradient with radius simultaneously fits our interferometric measurements and the spectral energy distribution data from the literature. The slope of the power-law is close to that expected from an optically thick disk. Our spectrally dispersed interferometric measurements include the Br gamma emission line. The measured disk size at and around Br gamma suggests that emitting hydrogen gas is located inside (or within the inner regions) of the dust disk.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    High Resolution K-band Spectroscopy of MWC 480 and V1331 Cyg

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    We present high resolution (R=25,000-35,000) K-band spectroscopy of two young stars, MWC 480 and V1331 Cyg. Earlier spectrally dispersed (R=230) interferometric observations of MWC 480 indicated the presence of an excess continuum emission interior to the dust sublimation radius, with a spectral shape that was interpreted as evidence for hot water emission from the inner disk of MWC 480. Our spectrum of V1331 Cyg reveals strong emission from CO and hot water vapor, likely arising in a circumstellar disk. In comparison, our spectrum of MWC 480 appears mostly featureless. We discuss possible ways in which strong water emission from MWC 480 might go undetected in our data. If strong water emission is in fact absent from the inner disk, as our data suggest, the continuum excess interior to the dust sublimation radius that is detected in the interferometric data must have another origin. We discuss possible physical origins for the continuum excess.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Ap

    Interferometric Observations of Explosive Variables: V838 Mon, Nova Aql 2005, and RS Oph

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    During the last two years we have used the Palomar Testbed Interferometer to observe several explosive variable stars, including V838 Monocerotis, V1663 Aquilae and recently RS Ophiuchi. We observed V838 Monocerotis approximately 34 months after its eruption, and were able to resolve the ejecta. Observations of V1663 Aql were obtained starting 9 days after peak brightness and continued for 10 days. We were able to resolve the milliarcsecond-scale emission and follow the expansion of the nova photosphere. When combined with radial-velocity information, these observations can be used to infer the distance to the nova. Finally we have resolved the recurrent nova RS Oph and can draw some preliminary conclusions regarding the emission morphology.Comment: 8 Pages, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2006, Advances in Stellar Interferometery, 6268-16

    Investigating situated cultural practices through cross-sectoral digital collaborations: policies, processes, insights

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    The (Belfast) Good Friday Agreement represents a major milestone in Northern Ireland's recent political history, with complex conditions allowing for formation of a ‘cross-community’ system of government enabling power sharing between parties representing Protestant/loyalist and Catholic/nationalist constituencies. This article examines the apparent flourishing of community-focused digital practices over the subsequent ‘post-conflict’ decade, galvanised by Northern Irish and EU policy initiatives armed with consolidating the peace process. Numerous digital heritage and storytelling projects have been catalysed within programmes aiming to foster social processes, community cohesion and cross-community exchange. The article outlines two projects—‘digital memory boxes’ and ‘interactive galleon’—developed during 2007–2008 within practice-led PhD enquiry conducted in collaboration with the Nerve Centre, a third-sector media education organisation. The article goes on to critically examine the processes involved in practically realising, and creatively and theoretically reconciling, community-engaged digital production in a particular socio-political context of academic-community collaboration

    New insights on the AU-scale circumstellar structure of FU Orionis

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    We report new near-infrared, long-baseline interferometric observations at the AU scale of the pre-main-sequence star FU Orionis with the PTI, IOTA and VLTI interferometers. This young stellar object has been observed on 42 nights over a period of 6 years from 1998 to 2003. We have obtained 287 independent measurements of the fringe visibility with 6 different baselines ranging from 20 to 110 meters in length, in the H and K bands. Our extensive (u,v)-plane coverage, coupled with the published spectral energy distribution data, allows us to test the accretion disk scenario. We find that the most probable explanation for these observations is that FU Ori hosts an active accretion disk whose temperature law is consistent with standard models. We are able to constrain the geometry of the disk, including an inclination of 55 deg and a position angle of 47 deg. In addition, a 10 percent peak-to-peak oscillation is detected in the data (at the two-sigma level) from the longest baselines, which we interpret as a possible disk hot-spot or companion. However, the oscillation in our best data set is best explained with an unresolved spot located at a projected distance of 10 AU at the 130 deg position angle and with a magnitude difference of DeltaK = 3.9 and DeltaH = 3.6 mag moving away from the center at a rate of 1.2 AU/yr. we propose to interpret this spot as the signature of a companion of the central FU Ori system on an extremely eccentric orbit. We speculate that the close encounter of this putative companion and the central star could be the explanation of the initial photometric rise of the luminosity of this object

    Coupled dynamics of voltage and calcium in paced cardiac cells

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    We investigate numerically and analytically the coupled dynamics of transmembrane voltage and intracellular calcium cycling in paced cardiac cells using a detailed physiological model and its reduction to a three-dimensional discrete map. The results provide a theoretical framework to interpret various experimentally observed modes of instability ranging from electromechanically concordant and discordant alternans to quasiperiodic oscillations of voltage and calcium

    The sound of violets: the ethnographic potency of poetry?

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    This paper takes the form of a dialogue between the two authors, and is in two halves, the first half discursive and propositional, and the second half exemplifying the rhetorical, epistemological and metaphysical affordances of poetry in critically scrutinising the rhetoric, epistemology and metaphysics of educational management discourse. Phipps and Saunders explore, through ideas and poems, how poetry can interrupt and/or illuminate dominant values in education and in educational research methods, such as: ‱ alternatives to the military metaphors – targets, strategies and the like – that dominate the soundscape of education; ‱ the kinds and qualities of the cognitive and feeling spaces that might be opened up by the shifting of methodological boundaries; ‱ the considerable work done in ethnography on the use of the poetic: anthropologists have long used poetry as a medium for expressing their sense of empathic connection to their field and their subjects, particularly in considering the creativity and meaning-making that characterise all human societies in different ways; ‱ the particular rhetorical affordances of poetry, as a discipline, as a practice, as an art, as patterned breath; its capacity to shift phonemic, and therewith methodological, authority; its offering of redress to linear and reductive attempts at scripting social life, as always already given and without alternative

    Two Late Quaternary Pollen Records from South-Central Alaska

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    Pollen records from Wonder and Ten Mile lakes, located at aititudinal treeline to the north and south of the Alaska Range respectively, document the vegetation history of a portion of the southern Alaskan boreal forest. The new pollen diagrams indicate a Betula shrub tundra, preceded at Wonder Lake by a sparse herb tundra, which characterized these two areas during latest Wisconsinan times. Populus was in the vicinity of Ten Mile Lake ca. 10,000 BP, but was apparently absent from Wonder Lake. Picea glauca grew at or near Ten Mile Lake by 9100 BP, with P. mariana becoming important ca. 7000 BP. The first forests at Wonder Lake were also dominated by P. glauca and followed by increased numbers of P. mariana. The timing of forest establishment at Wonder Lake is uncertain due to problematic radiocarbon dates. Alnus appears to be common in both regions by ca. 7000 BP. These records suggest that paleo-vegetational reconstructions are more difficult for the southern than northern boreal forests in Alaska because of greater topographic diversity, difficulties with over-representation of some pollen taxa, and problems with radiocarbon dating. Despite these concerns, available data from south-central Alaska suggest that southern and northern forests differ in their vegetational histories. Such differences, when related to temperature fluctuations that have been postulated for the Holocene, imply that the Alaskan boreal forest may not respond uniformly to future global warming.Les inventaires polliniques de Wonder Lake et de Ten Mile Lake, situĂ©s Ă  la limite altitudinale des arbres au nord et au sud de la chaĂźne de l'Alaska permettent de reconstituer l'histoire de la vĂ©gĂ©tation d'une portion de la forĂȘt borĂ©ale du sud de l'Alaska. Les nouveaux diagrammes polliniques montrent une toundra arbustive Ă  Betula, prĂ©cĂ©dĂ©e au Wonder Lake par une toundra herbacĂ©e clairsemĂ©e, Ă  la fin du Wisconsinien. Vers 10 000 BP, Populus Ă©tait dans les environs du Ten Mile Lake, mais Ă©tait apparamment absent du Wonder Lake. Picea glauca croissait autour du Ten Mile Lake Ă  9100 BP et P. mariana prenait de l'importance vers 7000 BP. Au Wonder Lake, les premiĂšres forĂȘts ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© dominĂ©es par P. glauca, puis par un nombre croissant de P. mariana. La chronologie de !'afforestation est incertaine en raison de datations au radiocarbone douteuses. Alnus semble ĂȘtre une espĂšce courante dans les deux rĂ©gions vers 7000 BP. Les inventaires indiquent que la reconstitution de la palĂ©ovĂ©gĂ©tation est plus difficile Ă  faire pour les forĂȘts mĂ©ridionales que septentrionales de l'Alaska, en raison de la plus grande diversitĂ© topographique, la sur-reprĂ©sentation de certains taxons et des problĂšmes de radio-datation. Les donnĂ©es indiquent tout de mĂȘme que l'histoire de la vĂ©gĂ©tation des forĂȘts diffĂšrent au nord et au sud. Ces diffĂ©rences, mises en relation avec les fluctuations de tempĂ©ratures prĂ©sumĂ©es de l'HolocĂšne, laissent croire que la forĂȘt de l'Alaska ne rĂ©pondra pas nĂ©cessairement de façon uniforme Ă  un rĂ©chauffement climatique Ă©ventuel.DbiJibneBbie aiiarpa.viMbi ocaaKOB 03ep Baeae n TeHMaRJi, pacnojioxeHiibix B6JIII3H Bepxiiert rpaiiMUbi Jieca Ha ceBepe H wre A/iflCKiiHCKoro xpeĂŽĂźa, OTpaacaioT ncropnio pacTHTejibHOCTH KOKIIOH lacr" Sopea/ibHoro jieca AJIBCKH. HoBbie ribiJibuebe anarpaMMbi iiOKaabiBaioT, HTO KycTapmiKOBOfi 6epr30B0fi TyHApe, xapaKTepiioft aJifl 3TMX aByx TeppiiTopufl B Teieime no3iuiero BiicKoiicmia, npemuecTBOBajia B oTaoaceiinnx 03. Banae 6emiaH TpaBHHUCTHa iyHapa. Populus iipopn3parra.n B otcpecruocnix 03. Teii.vianji 10000 /J.H., HO, JlO-BIUHMOMy, OTCyTCTBOBaa B pafione 03. BaHae. 9100 JI.H. B panoHe 03. Tenvianj] H.11I B iienocpeacrBeimoH 6/IH30CTH OT iiero npoH3pacTajia Picea glauca, KOTopan BMepTe c Picea mariana nrpaeT 3Ha'iiiTe/ibnyio pojib B codaBe pacTHTeJibHOCTM OKO/IO 7000 .i.n. B nepBbix Jiecax B paflone 03. BaHae TaKjKe aoMiiiuipoBajia Picea glauca, 110 3aTe,vi pojib Picea mariana iiaHimaeT B03pacacTaTb. Bpe.viH noflB/ieiiHfl jiecoB B panone 03. Banae uoKaiie ycraiiaBJiiiBaeTca iiaaeacHo paaiioyr-jiepoaiibiM McroaoM. Alnus o6pa3yer cooBiuecTBa B06011X pafioiiax OKOJIO 7000 JI.H. nojiyieiuibie aaiiHbie cBiiaeTejibCTByioT 0 TOM, HTO peKoiicTpyKniifl pacTiiTejibiiocTH 6yaer 6ojieecjio>KHon aJin lOĂźKHbix, ieM aJifl ceaepiibix 6opeajibiibix JiecoB AJIHCKH 1133a SHa'iinejibiioro TonorpafpimecKoro iiecxoacTBa,3aTpyaiieiii!Ji B iiHTepnpeTaumi neKOTopwx nbijibneitbix TaKCOHOB, npoGjieM c paanoyrjiepoaiibiM aaTHpBaiine.M. HeavioTpa tia 3TH npo6jieivibi, nojicpieHHbie aaHiibie noKa3biaiOT, HTO fjopeajibiibie Jieca 11a wre 11 ceBepe ioaciion iacni UetiTajibiion AJIHCKH wweioT pa3Jiiiiyio iiCTopnio. TaKiie pa3Jinmtfl, cBfl3xaiuibie c n3MeiieiijiflMii 3eMJiepaTyp B Teieiuie ro.'ioueiia, cBiiae-Te.TbCTByioT, HTO 6opeajibiibiri Jiec AJIHCKH ,vioxer ne OTBenaTb cienapnio rjio6aJibiioro noTen.ieiina u SyaymeM
