532 research outputs found

    DAMASK: The Düsseldorf Advanced MAterial Simulation Kit for studying crystal plasticity using an FE based or a spectral numerical solver

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    AbstractThe solution of a continuum mechanical boundary value problem requires a constitutive response that connects deformation and stress at each material point. Such connection can be regarded as three separate hierarchical problems. At the top-most level, partitioning of the (mean) boundary values of the material point among its microstructural constituents and the associated homogenization of their response is required, provided there is more than one constituent present. Second, based on an elastoplastic decomposition of (finite strain) deformation, these responses follow from explicit or implicit time integration of the plastic deformation rate per constituent. Third, to establish the latter, a state variable-based constitutive law needs to be interrogated and its state updated.The Düsseldorf Advanced MAterial Simulation Kit (DAMASK) reflects this hierarchy as it is built in a strictly modular way. This modular structure makes it easy to add additional constitutive models as well as homogenization schemes. Moreover it interfaces with a number of FE solvers as well as a spectral solver using an FFT.We demonstrate the versatility of such a modular framework by considering three scenarios: Selective refinement of the constitutive material description within a single geometry, component-scale forming simulations comparing di_erent homogenization schemes, and comparison of representative volume element simulations based on the FEM and the spectral solver

    The AIM2 inflammasome is critical for innate immunity to Francisella tularensis.

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    Francisella tularensis, the causative agent of tularemia, infects host macrophages, which triggers production of the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin 1beta (IL-1beta) and IL-18. We elucidate here how host macrophages recognize F. tularensis and elicit this proinflammatory response. Using mice deficient in the DNA-sensing inflammasome component AIM2, we demonstrate here that AIM2 is required for sensing F. tularensis. AIM2-deficient mice were extremely susceptible to F. tularensis infection, with greater mortality and bacterial burden than that of wild-type mice. Caspase-1 activation, IL-1beta secretion and cell death were absent in Aim2(-/-) macrophages in response to F. tularensis infection or the presence of cytoplasmic DNA. Our study identifies AIM2 as a crucial sensor of F. tularensis infection and provides genetic proof of its critical role in host innate immunity to intracellular pathogens

    Caracterização dos quintais agroflorestais urbanos na cidade de Alta Floresta-MT

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    O presente estudo teve por objetivo caracterizar os quintais agroflorestais urbanos, no município de Alta Floresta-MT, Brasil. Foram entrevistados 30 mantenedores utilizando entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os quintais possuem área média de 1,28 ha. O tempo médio de ocupação dos quintais é de 15 anos. Nenhum informante soube responder o que é um quintal agroflorestal. As espécies vegetais nos quintais possuem diversas origens. A periodicidade da manutenção dos quintais é diária. As tratos culturas são poda, desbrota, adubação, controle de formigas e cupins. Utilizam-se adubos químicos e agrotóxicos para o controle de espécies espontâneas, de insetos e doenças. Há criação de animais, além da presença de animais silvestres. Observou-se heterogeneidade na caracterização dos quintais agroflorestais urbanos.This study aimed to characterize urban agroforestry gardens and the profile of the maintainers of these, in the municipality of Alta Floresta-MT, Brazil. Thirty maintainers were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. The gardens have an average area of 1.28 ha. The average time of occupancy of the yards is 15 years. No informant could answer what is an agroforestry yard. Plant species in backyards have diverse origins. The frequency of maintenance of gardens is daily. Culture treatments are pruning, thinning, fertilization, ant control and termites. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are used for the control of spontaneous species of insects and diseases. There are farm animals and the presence of wild animals. There was heterogeneity in the characterization of urban agroforestry yards.Eje A5: Sistemas de conocimientoFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Caracterização dos quintais agroflorestais urbanos na cidade de Alta Floresta-MT

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    O presente estudo teve por objetivo caracterizar os quintais agroflorestais urbanos, no município de Alta Floresta-MT, Brasil. Foram entrevistados 30 mantenedores utilizando entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os quintais possuem área média de 1,28 ha. O tempo médio de ocupação dos quintais é de 15 anos. Nenhum informante soube responder o que é um quintal agroflorestal. As espécies vegetais nos quintais possuem diversas origens. A periodicidade da manutenção dos quintais é diária. As tratos culturas são poda, desbrota, adubação, controle de formigas e cupins. Utilizam-se adubos químicos e agrotóxicos para o controle de espécies espontâneas, de insetos e doenças. Há criação de animais, além da presença de animais silvestres. Observou-se heterogeneidade na caracterização dos quintais agroflorestais urbanos.This study aimed to characterize urban agroforestry gardens and the profile of the maintainers of these, in the municipality of Alta Floresta-MT, Brazil. Thirty maintainers were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. The gardens have an average area of 1.28 ha. The average time of occupancy of the yards is 15 years. No informant could answer what is an agroforestry yard. Plant species in backyards have diverse origins. The frequency of maintenance of gardens is daily. Culture treatments are pruning, thinning, fertilization, ant control and termites. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are used for the control of spontaneous species of insects and diseases. There are farm animals and the presence of wild animals. There was heterogeneity in the characterization of urban agroforestry yards.Eje A5: Sistemas de conocimientoFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Using Twitter in an Indigenous language: An analysis of te reo Māori tweets

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    Language revitalization theory suggests that one way to improve the health of a language is to increase the number of domains where the language is used. Social network platforms provide a variety of domains where indigenous- language communities are able to communicate in their own languages. Although the capability exists, is social networking being used by indigenous- language communities? This paper reports on one particular social networking platform, Twitter, by using two separate methodologies. First, Twitter statistics collated from the Indigenous Tweets website are analysed. The data show that languages such as Basque, Haitian Creole, Welsh, Irish Gaelic, Frisian and Kapampangan do have a presence in the “Twittersphere”. Further analysis for te reo Māori (the Māori language) shows that tweets in te reo Māori are rising and peak when certain events occur. The second methodology involved gathering empirical data by tweeting in te reo Māori. This served two purposes: it allowed an ancillary check on the validity of the Indigenous Tweets data and it allowed the opportunity to determine if the number of indigenous- language tweets could be influenced by the actions of one tweeter

    Effect of strain rate on tensile mechanical properties of high-purity niobium single crystals for SRF applications

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    An investigation of the mechanical properties of high-purity niobium single crystals is presented. Specimens were cut with different crystallographic orientations from a large grain niobium disk and uniaxial tensile tests were conducted at strain rates between 10-4 and 103 s-1. The logarithmic strain rate sensitivity for crystals oriented close to the center of a tensile axis inverse pole figure (IPF) is ~0.14 for all strain rates. The strain at failure (ranging from 0.4 to 0.9) is very sensitive to crystal orientation and maximal at ~10-2 s-1 for crystals oriented close to the center of an IPF. The high anisotropy observed at quasi-static strain rates decreased with increasing strain rate. The activation of multiple slip systems in the dynamic tests could account for this reduction in anisotropy. A transition from strain hardening to softening in the plastic domain was observed at strain rates greater than approximately 6 × 10-2 s-1 for crystals oriented close to the center of a tensile axis IPF. Shear bands were observed in specimens with orientations having similarly high Schmid factors on both {110} and {112} slip families, and they are correlated with reduced ductility. Crystal rotations at fracture are compared for the different orientations using scanning electron microscopy images and EBSD orientation maps. A rotation toward the terminal stable [101] orientation was measured for the majority of specimens (with tensile axes more than ~17° from the [001] direction) at strain rates between 1.28 × 10-2 and 1000 s-1.The authors would like to acknowledge the work of CERN's Materials, Metrology and Non-Destructive Testing (EN-MME-MM) section for granting access to their equipment for specimen preparation and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses. The authors would also like to thank Mr. Larry Vladic of Elite Motion LLC for lending us the high-speed camera during the high strain rate tests performed ASU. This Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Innovative Training Network (ITN) receives funding from the European Union's H2020 Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 764879. T.R. Bieler, D. Kang, E. Pai Kulyadi, P. Eisenlohr, C. Kale, and K.N. Solanki acknowledge support from DOE/OHEP grant DE-SC0009962

    Extracellular VirB5 Enhances T-DNA Transfer from Agrobacterium to the Host Plant

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    VirB5 is a type 4 secretion system protein of Agrobacterium located on the surface of the bacterial cell. This localization pattern suggests a function for VirB5 which is beyond its known role in biogenesis and/or stabilization of the T-pilus and which may involve early interactions between Agrobacterium and the host cell. Here, we identify VirB5 as the first Agrobacterium virulence protein that can enhance infectivity extracellularly. Specifically, we show that elevating the amounts of the extracellular VirB5—by exogenous addition of the purified protein, its overexpression in the bacterium, or transgenic expression in and secretion out of the host cell—enhances the efficiency the Agrobacterium-mediated T-DNA transfer, as measured by transient expression of genes contained on the transferred T-DNA molecule. Importantly, the exogenous VirB5 enhanced transient T-DNA expression in sugar beet, a major crop recalcitrant to genetic manipulation. Increasing the pool of the extracellular VirB5 did not complement an Agrobacterium virB5 mutant, suggesting a dual function for VirB5: in the bacterium and at the bacterium-host cell interface. Consistent with this idea, VirB5 expressed in the host cell, but not secreted, had no effect on the transformation efficiency. That the increase in T-DNA expression promoted by the exogenous VirB5 was not due to its effects on bacterial growth, virulence gene induction, bacterial attachment to plant tissue, or host cell defense response suggests that VirB5 participates in the early steps of the T-DNA transfer to the plant cell