641 research outputs found

    Relativistic Mean Field Calculations of Λ\Lambda and Σ\Sigma Hypernuclei

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    Single--particle spectra of Λ\Lambda and Σ\Sigma hypernuclei are calculated within a relativistic mean--field theory. The hyperon couplings used are compatible with the Λ\Lambda binding in saturated nuclear matter, neutron-star masses and experimental data on Λ\Lambda levels in hypernuclei. Special attention is devoted to the spin-orbit potential for the hyperons and the influence of the ρ\rho -meson field (isospin dependent interaction).Comment: 18 pages, including 2 figs., figs. 1 and 4-6 available as postscript-datasets on request; written in Latex, report# LBL-3303

    The power of low-resolution spectroscopy: On the spectral classification of planet candidates in the ground-based CoRoT follow-up

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    Planetary transits detected by the CoRoT mission can be mimicked by a low-mass star in orbit around a giant star. Spectral classification helps to identify the giant stars and also early-type stars which are often excluded from further follow-up. We study the potential and the limitations of low-resolution spectroscopy to improve the photometric spectral types of CoRoT candidates. In particular, we want to study the influence of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the target spectrum in a quantitative way. We built an own template library and investigate whether a template library from the literature is able to reproduce the classifications. Including previous photometric estimates, we show how the additional spectroscopic information improves the constraints on spectral type. Low-resolution spectroscopy (RR\approx1000) of 42 CoRoT targets covering a wide range in SNR (1-437) and of 149 templates was obtained in 2012-2013 with the Nasmyth spectrograph at the Tautenburg 2m telescope. Spectral types have been derived automatically by comparing with the observed template spectra. The classification has been repeated with the external CFLIB library. The spectral class obtained with the external library agrees within a few sub-classes when the target spectrum has a SNR of about 100 at least. While the photometric spectral type can deviate by an entire spectral class, the photometric luminosity classification is as close as a spectroscopic classification with the external library. A low SNR of the target spectrum limits the attainable accuracy of classification more strongly than the use of external templates or photometry. Furthermore we found that low-resolution reconnaissance spectroscopy ensures that good planet candidates are kept that would otherwise be discarded based on photometric spectral type alone.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomische Nachrichten; 12 pages, 4 figures, 7 table

    Should you restrict your cardiac patient from driving?

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    That depends, of course, on your patient's particular condition, but your decision can be guided by various cardiovascular society consensus conferences, such as the one from the Canadian Cardiovascular Society, since no evidence-based guidelines exist. It seems sensible to say, though, that impairment of consciousness associated with any heart disease needs further evaluation, with a complete restriction of driving for at least 6 months (strength of recommendation [SOR]: C, based on expert opinion and extrapolation from observational studies)

    Nuclear surface properties in relativistic effective field theory

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    We perform Hartree calculations of symmetric and asymmetric semi-infinite nuclear matter in the framework of relativistic models based on effective hadronic field theories as recently proposed in the literature. In addition to the conventional cubic and quartic scalar self-interactions, the extended models incorporate a quartic vector self-interaction, scalar-vector non-linearities and tensor couplings of the vector mesons. We investigate the implications of these terms on nuclear surface properties such as the surface energy coefficient, surface thickness, surface stiffness coefficient, neutron skin thickness and the spin-orbit force.Comment: 30 pages, 15 figures. Submitted to Nuclear Physics

    The Hercules-Lyra Association revisited New age estimation and multiplicity study

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    The Her-Lyr assoc., a nearby young MG, contains a few tens of ZAMS stars of SpT F to M. The existence and the properties of the Her-Lyr assoc. are controversial and discussed in the literature. The present work reassesses properties and the member list of Her-Lyr assoc., based on kinematics and age. Many objects form multiple systems or have low-mass companions and so we need to account for multiplicity. We use our own new imaging obs. and archival data to identify multiple systems. The colors and magnitudes of kinematic candidates are compared to isochrones. We derive further information on the age based on Li depletion, rotation, and coronal and chromospheric activity. A set of canonical members is identified to infer mean properties. Membership criteria are derived from the mean properties and used to discard non-members. The candidates selected from the literature belong to 35 stellar systems, 42.9% of which are multiple. Four multiple systems are confirmed in this work by common proper motion. An orbital solution is presented for the binary system HH Leo B and C. Indeed, a group of candidates displays signatures of youth. 7 canonical members are identified. The distribution of EWLi of canonical Her-Lyr members is spread widely and is similar to that of the Pleiades and the UMa group. Gyrochronology gives an age of 257+-46 Myr which is in between the ages of the Pleiades and the Ursa Major group. The measures of chromospheric and coronal activity support the young age. Four membership criteria are presented based on kinematics, EWLi, chromospheric activity, and gyro. age. In total, 11 stars are identified as certain members including co-moving objects plus additional 23 possible members while 14 candidates are doubtful or can be rejected. A comparison to the mass function, however, indicates the presence of a large number of additional unidentified low-mass members.Comment: 19 pages 16 figure

    What is the appropriate evaluation and treatment of children who are "toe walkers"?

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    The evaluation of toe-walking focuses on differentiating normal children from those with mild cerebral palsy. Gait analysis may be a useful diagnostic tool, but further investigation is needed to confirm its reliability (strength of recommendation [SOR]: C, based on case series). Observation alone is generally as successful as serial casting and surgery in decreasing the frequency of toe-walking at follow-up (SOR: C, based on case series)

    When should you treat scabies empirically?

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    Empirically treat patients when they have pruritus and lesions typical of scabies in at least 2 places--even if there is no known household contact diagnosed with scabies, and even if the diagnosis cannot be confirmed by light microscopy (strength of recommendation [SOR]: B, based on a single large cohort study). Also give empiric treatment to all sexual and household contacts of anyone diagnosed with scabies (SOR: C, based on expert opinion)

    Wandelingen door het kennislandschap : ervaringen met samenwerking tussen Beleidsondersteunend Onderzoek en Groen Onderwijs

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    Het is de wens van LNV dat onderzoekskennis beter benut wordt in het groene onderwijs. Om hieraan tegemoet te komen hebben een aantal clusterleiders van Wageningen UR het initiatief genomen een Taskforce BO-GO in het leven te roepen. Deze Taskforce heeft in 2007 het project ‘Versterking kenniscirculatie tussen Beleidsondersteunend Onderzoek en Groen Onderwijs – Pilots 2007’ gestart. In het afgelopen jaar zijn in alle clusters van het beleidsondersteunend onderzoek (BO), dat Wageningen UR uitvoert in opdracht van het ministerie van Landbouw Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (LNV), pilots gestart om de samenwerking met het groene onderwijs (GO) te initiëren en te versterken