913 research outputs found

    An Investigation of Assembly and Performance of a Resistoflex Dynatube 1/4 Inch Fitting

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    Installation of titanium (6Al-4V) threaded fittings on 1/4 in. tubing is sensitive to workmanship and to the state of repair of the installation tooling. Tooling with very slight out-of-specification imperfections produces less than optimum swaged fittings. A significant quantity of samples were fabricated and X-rays were used to determine the depth of swage. Joint performance was assessed through static and dynamic testing

    How to evaluate physical fitness without a stress test?

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    To assess cardiorespiratory fitness (CF), usually a stress test is necessary. Our aims were to assess CF in a patient population with suspected or known coronary artery disease (CAD) based on a questionnaire (quest); to compare estimated CF with achieved workloads, and to evaluate its prediction of stress modality (physical/pharmacologic). Consecutive 612 patients undergoing myocardial perfusion SPECT (MPS) completed quest. They first chose one category which best described their daily physical activities. The second part contained patient characteristics (gender, age, BMI, and resting heart rate). An activity score was calculated and metabolic equivalents (METs) were estimated. Estimated and achieved results were compared. Patients with pharmacologic test (n=208) provided a lower estimate of their performance than physically stressed patients (n=404): 7.0±2.1 and 8.2±2.3 METs, respectively (P<0.0001). The latter showed a good correlation between estimated and achieved METs (r=0.63, P<0.0001). Regarding prediction of the stress modality, area under the curve (ROC) was 0.65 (P<0.0001). The quest can easily be applied in daily practice to assess CF in a patient population with CAD and for estimating whether an adequate physical stress test can be carried ou

    Dependence oftheair consumption and thepositionofthe body on theselectedmethodofdivingkick and swimming speed

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    Název: Závislost spotřeby dýchaného média a polohy těla na vybraném způsobu potápěčského kopu a rychlosti plavání Cíle: Cílem práce je zjistit souvislosti mezi rychlostí plavání potápěče pod hladinou a spotřebou dýchaného média v případě použití dvou odlišných způsobů potápěčských kopů - kraulového a žabího kopu. Zároveň posoudit závislost polohy těla a polohy hlavy při těchto způsobech kopu na rychlosti a způsobu kopu. . Metody: Pro práci byla použita metoda sběru dat v reálných podmínkách za pomoci měřících zařízení a statistické vyhodnocení nasbíraných dat. Výsledky: Výsledky jednotlivých měření jsou prezentovány pomocí grafů, a to jak v textu práce, tak v přílohách pro jejich velký rozsah. Výsledky všech probandů jsou dále prezentovány v souhrnných grafech a pro vybrané hodnoty je v tabulkách vypočítána míra asociace pomocí Pearsonova korelačního koeficientu. Hlavním výsledkem je potvrzení zmenšování odchylky od vodorovné polohy při porovnání pomalé rychlosti a vyšších rychlostí plavání jak u kraulového, tak u žabího kopu. Jako nejefektivnější způsob pro překonání 50 m potápěčem pod vodní hladinou byl určen kraulový kop střední rychlostí (průměrně 0,37 m/s). Klíčová slova: potápění, poloha těla, poloha hlavy, spotřeba dýchaného média, rychlost plavání, kraulový kop, žabí kopTitle: Dependence of the air consumption and the position of the body on the selected method of diving kick and swimming speed Objectives: The goal of this work is to find out the relationship between the diver's swimming speed and the air consumption while using two different methods of diving kicks - flutter and frog kick. At the same time, assess the dependence of the position of the body and head on the swimming speed and method of diving kicks. Methods: In this work was used method of collecting data in real conditions by measuring devices and statistical evaluation of collected data. Results: The results are presented by graphs both in the text of this work and in attachment for its large size. The results of all probands are presented in summary graphs and for selected values the degree of association is calculated in tables using the Pearson correlation coefficient. The main result is the confirmation of the reduction of the deviation from the horizontal position when comparing the slow and higher swimming speeds of both flutter and frog kick. The most effective way for a diver to overcome 50 meters below the water surface was determined to be a flutter kick at medium speed (average 0,37 m/s). Keywords: scuba diving, body position, head position, air consumption, speed of swimming, flutter...Technické a úpolové sportyFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    Water Stories: An exploration of human-water connectedness in Ontario and the implications for water sustainability

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    Abstract Water is the great connector. Water connects people, health, wellness, culture, spirituality, nature, and the economy. Clean, safe water (potable water) and sanitation were recognized over a decade ago by the United Nations General Assembly (UN) as a basic human right, and more recently the UN has also identified water sustainability and management as one of 17 sustainable development goals for all people in all countries. Water is inextricably connected to humans. Yet, in Ontario, Canada, a place with access to some of the largest freshwater reserves in the world, robust regulatory frameworks, involvement, some investment by all levels of government, and a wealth of technical expertise, there are still thousands of people who experience disruption and contamination to this essential, life-sustaining resource, sometimes for decades. This situation, which affects First Nations disproportionately, has created a sustainability challenge in Ontario and gives rise to Ontario’s water paradox. Previous research has identified several troubling social trends regarding water which could help to explain this apparent water paradox in Ontario, including chronic underfunding of water-related infrastructure, overconsumption, a complex regulatory regime, and a general indifference about water. Given that these factors are a result of human choices and priorities, it appears that water is inextricably connected to people, but people may not perceive a deep connection to water. Since human connection to nature, including water, is a known predictive factor of social action toward sustainability, addressing the current challenges related to potable water requires that people are connected to water. The purpose of this research is therefore to understand how Ontarians were connected to water prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The following objectives guided this exploration. 1) Examine water stories from/of a diverse sample of Ontarians to identify the ways people were connected to water, specifically situating drinking water within those connections. 2) Investigate whether stories and storytelling have any impact on the way people are connected to water. 3) Utilize the findings related to water connections to develop and refine a water connectedness continuum which helps to explain how human-water connectedness could be changed over time. 4) Create strategic recommendations that reflect a future-looking Ontario water story in support of individual and social learning about drinking water in Ontario to advance water resource sustainability. This is a mixed methods research project, utilizing a convergent design to harness multiple ways of experiencing the subject matter and to gain breadth and depth of understanding. The research is based in a dialectical perspective, bringing together pragmatism and transformative worldviews. Pragmatism is a worldview focused on the primary importance of the research question while the transformative worldview is based in social justice and human rights. Together, these worldviews are a novel lens through which to identify insights related to human connections to water and water sustainability in Ontario. Three datasets were utilized in this mixed methods project, namely content analysis of a rich database of personal water stories (N=346) of Ontarians available digitally through the Watermark Project, a digital survey which utilized a snowball sampling method and reached a diverse group of Ontarians (N=136), and a virtual roundtable discussion made up of people who self-identified through the survey as having a heightened interest in the topic (N=5). Both primary and secondary data sources, and shallow and deep participation were utilized. The findings reveal that all Ontarians are connected to water in some way. Nineteen different ways of being connected to water were identified. Exploring slightly different questions about water connection (i.e., connection mediated through a waterbody, or to water as a general concept), yielded both similar and different responses. Most striking was the connection to water through recreation, which was consistently predominant across datasets. The connection to water through drinking, however, was not consistent across the datasets. The connection to water through drinking was hardly mentioned when people reflected on their connection to water through a waterbody. In contrast, when people reflected on their connection to water as a general concept, connection through drinking was a predominant response, when compared with other ways of being connected. Since connection is imperative for sustainability-related action, this finding offers a contribution towards explaining why there are existing water sustainability issues in Ontario and point to a critical opportunity for changing human–water connectedness in the post-pandemic world. The way people were connected to water was analyzed utilizing four dimensions (i.e., geographic, gender, temporal, and scale) to identify how these dimensions may influence connectedness. This analysis revealed that people in the north are more likely to be connected to water because of where they live (i.e., in proximity to a waterbody), people in rural areas are more likely connected through health and general purposes, while urban dwellers are more likely to be connected to water through their careers and spirituality. Proportionately more males were associated with connections through a water career and the environment, while females were connected in a higher proportion through spirituality. It was also possible to identify through their water stories, that more people were connected to water in the past, than in the present. When considering scale, there were some connections that were identified across three scales, individual, community and provincial, while others were mentioned predominantly at the personal scale. Water connection related to sustainability were most often identified in the domain of “others” (i.e., community and provincial scale) and not mentioned as frequently or at all at the individual scale. Beyond what could be accomplished by changing the connectedness to water status quo, this research also creates a compelling case as to how this could be accomplished through storytelling as tool for transformative learning about water. Through both the survey and the virtual roundtable, participants identified that thinking about the way that they were connected to water by considering their water story changed their connectedness to water, including in some cases, changing the ways they were connected and also strengthening existing or new connections. The adoption of storytelling as a method to support individual and community thinking, discourse and learning about water shows the potential to broaden and deepen human connectedness to water, in turn contributing to a more sustainable future for both water and the people of Ontario. This is a novel research project that advances knowledge for water sustainability by identifying how people were connected to water before the COVID-19 pandemic. The connectedness results can be utilized as a baseline for future comparative and exploratory research regarding the impact, if any, of specific initiatives aimed at changing the complicated human relationship with water to support broad, societal adoption of sustainability related action. Further, storytelling is identified as a practical method for seeding this action. This research process also provided insights which enabled the development of theoretical, methodological, and practice-based recommendations to advance water sustainability

    Freqüência de insetos-praga em alimento industrializado para cães comercializado na cidade de Recife-PE

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    V&aacute;rias esp&eacute;cies de insetos-praga s&atilde;o caracterizadas por iniciar ou agravar o processo de deteriora&ccedil;&atilde;o &nbsp;do alimento&nbsp;industrializado para c&atilde;es. Entretanto, relatos destes insetos nestes alimentos s&atilde;o raros, principalmente na Regi&atilde;o&nbsp;Nordeste. Teve-se objetivo de verificar a freq&uuml;&ecirc;ncia de insetos-praga em alimento industrializado para c&atilde;es. Foram&nbsp;coletadas 240 amostras de alimento industrializado para c&atilde;es comercializado em diferentes locais na cidade de Recife.&nbsp;O material foi analisado em duplicata quanto &agrave; presen&ccedil;a de esp&eacute;cies de insetos-praga. Os resultados mostraram que&nbsp;41,46% (199/480) das amostras apresentaram insetos-praga das esp&eacute;cies Lasioderma serricorne, Rhyzopertha&nbsp;dominica, Oryzaephilus surinamensis e Tribolium castaneum. As amostras provenientes dos produtos abertos (a granel)&nbsp;apresentaram-se mais infestadas que as oriundas dos alimentos comercializados em embalagem fechada. Foi observada&nbsp;diferen&ccedil;a estatisticamente significativa (p&lt;0,05) entre o n&uacute;mero de insetos e o tipo de embalagem. Os &nbsp;resultados&nbsp;evidenciaram que os alimentos industrializados para c&atilde;es necessitam de cuidados relativos &agrave; embalagem e rotatividade&nbsp;no ponto de venda para prevenir ou diminuir a a&ccedil;&atilde;o &nbsp;destrutiva dos insetos-praga de forma a preservar a qualidade&nbsp;nutricional destes alimentos.&nbsp

    Fundamentals of Mobile Devices Positioning

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    Import 05/08/2014Tato práce je zaměřena na základy určování polohy mobilních zařízení. Nejprve jsou popsány základní principy v závislosti na tom, kdo provádí výpočet polohy. Dále jsou uvedeny geometrické a radiové metody, využívané při určování polohy. Poté jsou zmíněny jednotlivé technologie a konkrétní implementace. Jejich jednotlivé rozdělení je provedeno dle rozsahu na: globální, národní a nadnárodní, městské a pro vnitřní použití. Vše je pro přehlednost uvedeno v tabulkách s příslušnými vlastnostmi a parametry. Větší pozornost je pak věnována satelitní navigaci, jejich doplňkovým systémům a lokalizaci mobilních zařízení. Dále jsou uvedeny některé aplikace lokalizačních technologií, které se používají. Jako je geodézie, u které jsou také popsány speciální postupy měření, kterými lze dosáhnout vyšší přesnosti při určování polohy.This work focuses on the basics of positioning mobile devices. First, there are described the fundamental principles, depending on who is doing the calculation of the position. It further describes the geometric method and radio methods that are used for positioning. Then there are the individual technologies and the concrete implementation of these technologies. Distribution of individual technologies is carried out according to the extent to: global, national and transnational, urban and indoor use. Everything is shown in the tables with the properties and characteristics. More attention is paid to satellite navigation systems and their complementary localization of mobile devices. Furthermore, there are some applications of location technologies that are used. Such as geodesy, in which are also described special measurement procedures, which brings higher accuracy in positioning.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvelmi dobř

    Når tavshed brydes af vold mod romaer

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    Numerical modelling of label-structured cell population growth using CFSE distribution data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The flow cytometry analysis of CFSE-labelled cells is currently one of the most informative experimental techniques for studying cell proliferation in immunology. The quantitative interpretation and understanding of such heterogenous cell population data requires the development of distributed parameter mathematical models and computational techniques for data assimilation.</p> <p>Methods and Results</p> <p>The mathematical modelling of label-structured cell population dynamics leads to a hyperbolic partial differential equation in one space variable. The model contains fundamental parameters of cell turnover and label dilution that need to be estimated from the flow cytometry data on the kinetics of the CFSE label distribution. To this end a maximum likelihood approach is used. The Lax-Wendroff method is used to solve the corresponding initial-boundary value problem for the model equation. By fitting two original experimental data sets with the model we show its biological consistency and potential for quantitative characterization of the cell division and death rates, treated as continuous functions of the CFSE expression level.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Once the initial distribution of the proliferating cell population with respect to the CFSE intensity is given, the distributed parameter modelling allows one to work directly with the histograms of the CFSE fluorescence without the need to specify the marker ranges. The label-structured model and the elaborated computational approach establish a quantitative basis for more informative interpretation of the flow cytometry CFSE systems.</p

    Toll-like receptor stimulation induces higher TNF-alpha secretion in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with hyper IgE syndrome

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    Hyper IgE syndromes (HIES) are primary immunodeficiency disorders of unknown pathogenesis. Patients are typically affected with `cold' abscesses of the skin, recurrent cyst-forming pneumonia, chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis and other less frequent features such as progressive skeletal abnormalities. Defective signaling in the Toll-like receptor (TLR) pathways has been suggested as a responsible pathologic mechanism, however, in previous reports, 10 patients revealed no defect in inflammatory cytokine responses to different TLR ligands. Here, we report the increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-8, following TLR2 and TLR4 stimulation in a larger cohort of 25 additional patients with HIES, and provide a meta-analysis of the TLR data in HIES. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel