16 research outputs found

    Crop Protection Compounds: A Source of Endocrine Disruptors in Uruguay?

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    The intensive use of agrochemicals in agriculture has been raised the concern about their potential effects on human health and the environment. In this way, regarding crop protection compounds a complex frameworks and restrictions had been established in several countries, particularly for compounds identified as endocrine disruptors. In Uruguay, the General Direction of Agricultural Services is the agency responsible for registry, but the authorization process does not consider the potential effects on endocrine system. Uruguay has significantly increased the use of crop protection compounds, of which several of them have been identified as endocrine disruptors and the environmental risks associated have not been studied. The aim of this study was to be bridging the gap between registry process and environmental protection policies. An eco-epidemiological analysis of the database of compounds imported in 2017, use guideline, national agricultural census as well as the public endocrine disruptor databases were carried out. Main class of crop protection compounds were ranked according to imported volumes and the top 10 of each class were contrasted with the disruptor databases. In function to recommended doses and geographical localization of the crops was identified the main hot spots associated to the use of agricultural compounds identified as endocrine disruptors

    First Approach to Screening Endocrine Disruption Activity in Sediments from the Uruguay River (Uruguay Coast)

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    The Uruguay river basin supports intensive agricultural and forest production, and receives municipal sewage discharge and industrial effluent. Therefore, the river receives xenobiotic compounds which can be distributed in sediments, biota, water and particulate matter. There is evidence of the ability of several of these compounds to interfere with the endocrine system and the sediments are an important source. The aim of this study was to determine whether exposure of immature Cyprinus carpio to Uruguay river sediments undergo physiological and endocrine alterations. A 30-day semi-static assay was performed using sediments from four sites along the Uruguay river and compared with an unexposed group in dechlorinated water as a negative control. The results showed that plasma vitellogenin levels increased along the river, and significant differences were found in exposed fish. Significant difference in hepatosomatic index was observed in fish exposed to sediment from an industrial site. In the histological analysis, only reproductive stage of males showed differences, where the number of primary spermatocyte accumulations was lower in exposed ones, and some exposed individuals from industrial sites presented with testis-ova. Our results suggest that the Uruguay river sediments are a source of endocrine-disrupting compounds available to the aquatic organisms

    Prevalence and intensity of black-spot disease in fish community from a subtropical stream (Santa Lucía river basin, Uruguay)

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    The objective of the present study was to identify fish species susceptible to black spot disease, the temporal variation in intensity prevalence and abundance of black spot, and its correlation with environmental and host parameters. In order to do so, several sampling campaigns were conducted bimonthly during one year, along the main course of an agricultural watershed. A total of twenty-seven fish species were collected, out of which only two, Astyanax aff. fasciatus ("mojarra") and Oligosarcus jenynsii ("dientudo") presented black spot disease. In A. aff. fasciatus, 63% of black spot prevalence was registered and did not show significant seasonal changes during the sampling period, nor did the abundance and intensity. Regarding possible relations between the disease and environmental and host parameters, a higher intensity of black spot infection was observed in the ventral region of the fish and allometric coefficient (WT − LS, relationship) values did not differ significantly between parasitized and non-parasitized fish groups.El objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar las especies susceptibles a la enfermedad del punto negro, la variación temporal de su intensidad, prevalencia y abundancia; así como su relación con parámetros ambientales y del hospedador. Para ello, se realizaron muestreos bimensualmente durante un año, en el curso principal de una cuenca agrícola suburbana. Fueron colectadas un total de veintisiete especies, de las cuales en solo dos, Astyanax aff. fasciatus ("mojarra") y Oligosarcus jenynsii ("dientudo"), se observó la enfermedad del punto negro. En A. aff. fasciatus se registró una prevalencia de puntos negros del 63% y la misma no presentó diferencias significativas durante el período de muestreo, al igual que su abundancia e intensidad. En cuanto a las posibles relaciones de la enfermedad con parámetros ambientales y del hospedador, se observó una mayor intensidad de la infección en la región ventral de los peces y no se encontraron diferencias significativas en los valores del coeficiente alométrico (relación WT − LS) entre los peces parasitados y no parasitados

    Evaluation of sustainability of cropping sequences on production systems: agricultural intensification indices

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    In recent decades, agriculture has undergone intensification and diversification processes to improve productivity, the economic income and to face the climate variability. However, concerns about environmental problems associated with agricultural practices are increasing. In this way, effects such as soil erosion, changes in soil carbon stock, fertility losses, eutrophication and aquatic-biotic integrity degradation have been reported. Although several methodological frameworks have been developed to assess the environmental performance of farms and to support the decision-making process, these frameworks normally rely on indicators that measure a particular characteristic of an agricultural system. The aim of this work was to propose an integrated index considering (a) sequence diversification, the area occupied by crops in winter and summer, and the participation percent-age of each crop and (b) two weighting factors to reflect the differential contributions of cropping sequences to environmental performance. The study was carried out between 2008 and 2020 in a commercial farm in northwest Uruguay with cropping sequences that included rice, soybean, corn, sorghum and pastures. Our results show that the proposed index is suitable for assessing the intensification degree and allowing the selection of agricultural sequences that present the highest environmental performance. The optimal spatial scale for applying the index is on farms no larger than 1000 hectares; this threshold includes approximately 90% of Uruguayan farms. Due to the similar physical characteristics, weather conditions and management practices in farms in southern Brazil and central-eastern Argentina, the index is suitable for applications in these regions as well


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    King George Island is in the SouthShetlands archipelago and is one of themost maritime Antarctic representativeareas. Therefore this area is suitable formonitoring cryptogams (lichens) andplant communities as indicators of globalenvironmental changes. In this study alichen patches survey was conducted infour zones around the Uruguayan AntarcticScientific Station (UASS), located at FíldesPeninsula, King George Island (62º10´ S/58º50´ W). In each zone, we determinedthe frequency and coverage of each lichenspecies. Thirteen species were identifiedby morphological characteristics andchemical constituents. Cladonia gender isrepresented by four species, while the rest ofthe genera recorded only one species. Usneaaurantiaco-atra was the most abundantspecies and the rarest was Leptogiumpuberulum, only present in one of surveyedzones. This work is the first survey of lichencommunities in this area.La isla Rey Jorge del archipiélago Shetlandsdel Sur, es una de las localidades másrepresentativas de la Antártida marítima ypor lo tanto apropiada para el monitoreode comunidades liquénicas y vegetalescomo indicadoras de cambios ambientalesglobales. En este trabajo se muestrearon losparches de líquenes representativos en cuatrozonas, del entorno de las instalaciones de laBase Científica Antártica Artigas (BCAA)localizada en la Península Fildes (isla ReyJorge) (62º10´ S/58º50´ O). En cada zonase determinó la frecuencia y cobertura delas escpecies identificadas. Se identificarontrece especies según sus característicasmorfológicas e identificación de sustanciasquímicas. Para el género Cladonia seidentificaron cuatro especies, mientras quepara el resto de los géneros sólo se identificóuna especie. Usnea aurantiaco-atra fuela especie más abundante y que presentómayor cobertura y Leptogium puberulumla más escasa, sólo presente en una de laszonas estudiadas. Este trabajo constituye laprimera revisión de los parches de líquenespresentes en esta área

    Lokalno liječenje kroničnog ulcerativnog stomatitisa pasa primjenom mezenhimnih matičnih stanica iz adipoznog tkiva - prikaz slučaja

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    Canine chronic ulcerative stomatitis (CCUS) is a condition characterized by chronic pain, associated with oral ulceration, inflammation and mucosal necrosis. We report the case of a 5-year-old female Akita Inu canine with sialorrhea, halitosis, oral ulcers, submandibular lymphadenopathy and substantial oral discomfort. After a poor response to conventional scaling and antibiotic treatment, the patient improved when prednisolone was administered at a dose of 1mg / kg daily. Aggressive immunosuppressive treatments and teeth extractions were ruled out, so cellular therapy was started. This study evaluates the effect of allogeneic thawed and expanded canine adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (AT-MSCs) therapy in a case of CCUS. Four local injections of AT-MSCs (3.5 to 8×106 cells) were administered every 3–4 weeks under general anesthesia and immediately after dental scaling. A higher dose of AT-MSCs (22×106 cells) was injected 5 months later under the same conditions. After the AT-MSCs treatment, the patient showed an improvement in oral lesions and reduction of oral pain for at least 4 weeks. We concluded that a dose of 1×106 AT-MSCs/kg body weight reduced the symptoms of CCUS for at least one month in this case. To our knowledge, this is the first description of allogeneic AT-MSC therapy on canine chronic ulcerative stomatitis.Kronični ulcerativni stomatitis u pasa (CCUS) obilježava kronični bol, povezan s oralnom ulceracijom, upalom i sluzničnom nekrozom. Ovo je prikaz slučaja petogodišnje ženke pasmine akita inu sa sijalorejom, halitozom, oralnim ulceracijama, submandibularnom limfadenopatijom i supstancijalnim oralnim smetnjama. Nakon slabog odgovora na konvencionalno čišćenje kamenca i antibiotičko liječenje, stanje se poboljšalo s primjenom prednizolona u dozi od 1mg/kg na dan. Odgođena je agresivna imunosupresija i vađenje zubi te je započeta terapija matičnim stanicama. U istraživanju je procijenjen učinak alogenskih odmrznutih i ekspandiranih mezenhimnih matičnih stanica iz adipoznog tkiva (AT-MSCs) u liječenju CCUS-a. Lokalno su primijenjene četiri injekcije AT-MSC-a (3,5 do 8 × 106 stanica) svaka 3 – 4 tjedna pod općom anestezijom i neposredno nakon čišćenja zubnog kamenca. Veća doza AT-MSC-a (22 × 106 stanica) primijenjena je pet mjeseci poslije pod jednakim uvjetima. Nakon liječenja AT-MSC-om došlo je do poboljšanja u cijeljenju oralnih lezija i smanjenju boli tijekom namanje četiri tjedna. Zaključujemo da, u ovomslučaju, doza od 1 × 106 AT-MSC-a po kilogramu tjelesne mase ublažava simptome CCUS-a tijekom najmanje jednog mjeseca. Ovo je prema našim spoznajama prvi opis alogenskog liječenja kroničnog ulcerativnog stomatitisa u pasa AT-MSC-om

    Evaluación regional de sustancias tóxicas persistentes

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    El Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente por intermedio de la División de Sustancias Químicas desarrolla un proyecto que servirá para dar las bases del estado de conocimiento de sustancias tóxicas persistentes en Sudamérica.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Poesía femenina hispanoamericana : (nómina incompleta)

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    Apparebit repentina dies ; Lluvia sobre las lomas / Alfonsa de la Torre - Alabanza de María en su embarazo / Pilar Paz Pasamar - Pájaro de tristeza ; ¿Así la muerte? / Concha Zardoya - Poema de mi sombra ; Gran ciudad / Pura Vázquez - Yo ; ¿Qué será la muerte? / Susana March - Anulación ; Vencida por el ángel / Ángela Figuera Aymerich - No es más que una pared ; He pisado la hierba / Ester de Andreis - La tormenta ; La fiera / Juana García Noreña - Angustia / Mercedes Chamorro - La posesión ; Cántico de María Sola / Josefina Romo Arregui - Trino, Ofrecimiento / Clemencia Laborda - Hombres descalzos ; ¿Acaso duerme el ángel? / Ana Inés Bonnin - Madre ; Meditando la mujer ahora / Carmen Conde - Oración de Mujer / Eugenia Serrano - ¡Ay como temo!, Caminaba yo ; No creo en tí ; Dios / Guadalupe Amor - Vida-garfio ; La hora / Juana de Ibarbourou - Hombre ; El viento de la angustia / Clara Silva - Ahora tengo la vida / Josefina de Cepeda - Tierra morena / María Elvira Piwonka - Agua escondida ; Todavía ; Abrazo / Dulce María Loynaz - Fin /Alicia Eguren - Alfonsina en el mar / María Dhialma Tiberti - El poeta va solo / Margarita Michelena -Tú bien lo sabes / Marta Sánchez Fuentes - Volverlo a ver ; Ausencia / Gabriel Mistral - Lívido arcángel / Sara de Ibáñez - Inquietud ; Nadie / Helena Muñoz - La demente en la puerta de la iglesa / Fina García Marru

    Líquenes del entorno de la base científica Antártica Artigas, Bahía Collins, Isla Rey Jorge, Antártida: Estudio preliminar

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    King George Island is in the South Shetlands archipelago and is one of the most maritime Antarctic representative areas. Therefore this area is suitable for monitoring cryptogams (lichens) and plant communities as indicators of global environmental changes. In this study a lichen patches survey was conducted in four zones around the Uruguayan Antarctic Scientific Station (UASS), located at Fildes Peninsula, King George Island (62°10' S/ 58°50' W). In each zone, we determined the frequency and coverage of each lichen species. Thirteen species were identified by morphological characteristics and chemical constituents. Cladonia gender is represented by four species, while the rest of the genera recorded only one species. Usnea aurantiaco-atra was the most abundant species and the rarest was Leptogium puberulum, only present in one of surveyed zones. This work is the first survey of lichen communities in this area.La isla Rey Jorge del archipiélago Shetlands del Sur, es una de las localidades más representativas de la Antártida marítima y por lo tanto apropiada para el monitoreo de comunidades liquénicas y vegetales como indicadoras de cambios ambientales globales. En este trabajo se muestrearon los parches de líquenes representativos en cuatro zonas, del entorno de las instalaciones de la Base Científica Antártica Artigas (BCAA) localizada en la Península Fildes (isla Rey Jorge) (62°10' S/58°50' O). En cada zona se determinó la frecuencia y cobertura de las escpecies identificadas. Se identificaron trece especies según sus características morfológicas e identificación de sustancias químicas. Para el género Cladonia se identificaron cuatro especies, mientras que para el resto de los géneros sólo se identificó una especie. Usnea aurantiaco-atra fue la especie más abundante y que presentó mayor cobertura y Leptogium puberulum la más escasa, sólo presente en una de las zonas estudiadas. Este trabajo constituye la primera revisión de los parches de líquenes presentes en esta área

    Proteínas totales y factor de bioconcentración por exposición a metales en la Gambusia punctata (Poeciliidae) Total proteins and bioconcentration factor by metal exposure in Gambusia punctata (Poeciliidae)

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar niveles de proteínas totales y el factor de bioconcentración por exposición a metales en la Gambusia punctata. La especie fue muestreada en el ecosistema Filé y luego trasladada hacia condiciones de laboratorio, donde fueron diseñados 3 tratamientos a 2 réplicas con 25 ejemplares. Se determinó la concentración letal media (CL-50) como parámetro de toxicidad durante 48 horas de bioensayo. Los metales analizados fueron plomo y cadmio, cuantificados por espectroscopia de plasma inductivamente acoplados con vista axial. Transcurrido el experimento, la CL-50 correspondió a 0,1, ensayándose las concentraciones 0,06 y 5,78 mg/L, además del control negativo. Posteriormente se cuantificó el nivel de proteínas totales y los metales en agua, tejido y su relación mediante el factor de bioconcentración. El menor valor de proteínas fue ante la exposición al cadmio, con 43,9 % de inhibición (p< 0,05) en comparación con el control; en el caso del plomo se determinó 2,5 % de estimulación. Las mayores concentraciones en agua y tejido correspondieron a este último, no así para el factor de bioconcentración. Se concluyó que los resultados mostraron sensibilidad en la respuesta del contenido de proteínas totales y alta capacidad bioacumulativa para ambos metales.<br>The aim of this study was to evaluate levels of total proteins and the bioconcentration factor by metal exposure in Gambusia punctata. The species was sampled in the ecosystem Filé and then transferred to the laboratory, where 3 treatments in 2 replications with 25 copies were designed. Mean lethal concentration (CL-50) was determined as a toxicity parameter for 48 hours of bioassay. The analyzed metals were lead and cadmium, quantified by plasma spectroscopy inductively coupled with axial view. After the experiment, the CL-50 corresponded to 0.1 and concentrations of 0.06 and 5.78 mg/L and the negative control were tested. Then the level of total proteins and metals in water, tissue and its relationship by means of the bioconcentration factor were quantified. The lower value of proteins was by exposure to cadmium with 43.9 % of inhibition (p <0.05) compared with the control; for lead 2.5 % of stimulation was determined. The highest concentrations in water and tissue corresponded to the latter, but not for the bioconcentration factor. It was concluded that the results showed sensitivity in the response of total protein content and a high bioaccumulative capacity for both metals